George Zimmerman Smokes Cigar, Rips Hillary, BLM, ‘Racist’ Obama in Las Vegas!

"black slime matters"
a hero is someone who runs into a burning building to save someone.....takes a bullet for someone....pulls someone out of a burning car....georgy is no where near those levels....
Yes he is. By taking this feral negro out in a defensive posture under a savage primate attack, he helped save the residents of the apartment community from getting probably thousands of dollars of their property from being stolen and pawned.

He was defending himself from a gun toting maniac. Which is what George is .
He might be the biggest douche bag in America. I sided with him on the legal aspect of his incident. But other than that...he disgusting.

Dude better realize you can only tempt karma for so long.
I couldn't agree more.
profiting from killing is pretty low.
I made no mention of his financials.
are we really in disagreement? i think it's pretty clear the guy is disgusting - most recently evidenced by his (sadly successful) attempt to profit from the killing of martin by auctioning off his gun.

i understand people believe that he was justified in shooting martin. i complete get that the state didn't make the case that he didn't act in self defense.

but given his actions since that night, can anyone really say they doubt that zimmerman got exactly what he wanted when he decided to follow martin?
He might be the biggest douche bag in America. I sided with him on the legal aspect of his incident. But other than that...he disgusting.

Dude better realize you can only tempt karma for so long.
I couldn't agree more.
profiting from killing is pretty low.
I made no mention of his financials.
are we really in disagreement? i think it's pretty clear the guy is disgusting - most recently evidenced by his (sadly successful) attempt to profit from the killing of martin by auctioning off his gun.

i understand people believe that he was justified in shooting martin. i complete get that the state didn't make the case that he didn't act in self defense.

but given his actions since that night, can anyone really say they doubt that zimmerman got exactly what he wanted when he decided to follow martin?
I think Bucs got it right & I have nothing further to add to his comment
How is it that this bigoted, murdering mouth breather enjoys celebrity status? Perhaps from the bigoted, murdering mouth breathing community.

hehheh The social justice warrior is irate bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

The above poster is a good exhibit of how so many have fallend down a wabbitt hole ya know where up is down and black is white etc. In a more sane America that existed not that long ago...anyone who took out a menace to the community like trayvon would have been admired by all.
Trayvon was unarmed.

No...he had two arms and was a expeirienced fighter...loved to get high and fight...but he did occasionally attend school when he was not under suspension....yeh such a bright future he had. LOL
How do you reckon he deserved to be shot to death?
the ultimate showman!

Why is this asshole still in the news? Why are people wasting their time commenting about Geo Fucking Zimmerman?

look you just did?
He might be the biggest douche bag in America. I sided with him on the legal aspect of his incident. But other than that...he disgusting.

Dude better realize you can only tempt karma for so long.
I couldn't agree more.
profiting from killing is pretty low.
I made no mention of his financials.
are we really in disagreement? i think it's pretty clear the guy is disgusting - most recently evidenced by his (sadly successful) attempt to profit from the killing of martin by auctioning off his gun.

i understand people believe that he was justified in shooting martin. i complete get that the state didn't make the case that he didn't act in self defense.

but given his actions since that night, can anyone really say they doubt that zimmerman got exactly what he wanted when he decided to follow martin?

George was the victim of a outrageous Federal plot to send him to jail or take his life...lawyers are expensive...George is entitled to any monies he can get....this is still a free country(at least for awhile anyhow) George is a hero to most white wid it chump.

Liberals always think they are the 'thought police' but lack even the basic skills for dat aka being illogical and living in neva-neva land.

All George wanted that night was to summon the police to investigate a suspicious guy lurking around his neighborhood on a dark and rainy night...thus he called the police...something he had done many times and had never had a problem before. Case Closed...move along now.
"black slime matters"
a hero is someone who runs into a burning building to save someone.....takes a bullet for someone....pulls someone out of a burning car....georgy is no where near those levels....
Yes he is. By taking this feral negro out in a defensive posture under a savage primate attack, he helped save the residents of the apartment community from getting probably thousands of dollars of their property from being stolen and pawned.

He was defending himself from a gun toting maniac. Which is what George is .

Did you watch the trial? Of course not. What are you basing your opinion on..........heresay at best.

Trayvon did not know George was armed or he wouldn't have jumped him. You need to study up on basic ghetto behavior.
He might be the biggest douche bag in America. I sided with him on the legal aspect of his incident. But other than that...he disgusting.

Dude better realize you can only tempt karma for so long.
I couldn't agree more.
profiting from killing is pretty low.

They used to put bounties on Indian Scalps...there is an old Yiddish saying: If someone rises up to kill you...kill him first. Or sumptin like dat.
He might be the biggest douche bag in America. I sided with him on the legal aspect of his incident. But other than that...he disgusting.

Dude better realize you can only tempt karma for so long.
I couldn't agree more.

George is rich and many on here would like to be rich and famous?
At the expense of another human life? Very few I bet. Now please stop quoting me. I have no interest in religitating this nonsense.

Let it go
He "smokes a cigar"? Bill Clinton shoved a cigar where the sun don't shine when he abused an intern barely older than his daughter. Why are Zimmerman's opinions newsworthy?

Cuz he be famous...and liberals just love to post stupid stuff about fact they are obsessed wid George...cuz George pisses in their cornflakes. LOL
How is it that this bigoted, murdering mouth breather enjoys celebrity status? Perhaps from the bigoted, murdering mouth breathing community.

Obama is the one that made him famous...if the feds had not got involved very few would ever have heard of George Zimmerman.

George Zimmerman – conservative hero, the perfect representative of the reprehensible right.

We accept the proposition and the perceptions we stand up for self defense, gun ownership, freedom in general and the absolute rejection of the fallacious politics of black victimhood. Nuff said. Case Closed. Take a hike. hehheh Go Donald! Go!!!

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