George Zimmerman Smokes Cigar, Rips Hillary, BLM, ‘Racist’ Obama in Las Vegas!

He might be the biggest douche bag in America. I sided with him on the legal aspect of his incident. But other than that...he disgusting.

Dude better realize you can only tempt karma for so long.
I couldn't agree more.
profiting from killing is pretty low.
I made no mention of his financials.
are we really in disagreement? i think it's pretty clear the guy is disgusting - most recently evidenced by his (sadly successful) attempt to profit from the killing of martin by auctioning off his gun.

i understand people believe that he was justified in shooting martin. i complete get that the state didn't make the case that he didn't act in self defense.

but given his actions since that night, can anyone really say they doubt that zimmerman got exactly what he wanted when he decided to follow martin?

George was the victim of a outrageous Federal plot to send him to jail or take his life...lawyers are expensive...George is entitled to any monies he can get....this is still a free country(at least for awhile anyhow) George is a hero to most white wid it chump.

Liberals always think they are the 'thought police' but lack even the basic skills for dat aka being illogical and living in neva-neva land.

All George wanted that night was to summon the police to investigate a suspicious guy lurking around his neighborhood on a dark and rainy night...thus he called the police...something he had done many times and had never had a problem before. Case Closed...move along now.

I volunteer for the sheriff's Auxiliary in my community, and my duties include setting up neighborhood Watch programs. One of our firmest rules is that we will remove the neighborhood watch designation for any neighborhood, if the watch person carries a firearm. NW people are supposed to avoid confrontations art all cost, and let the cops deal with suspects. They have a phone. They know how to dial 911. I, personally, have suspended and removed NW signs from a neighborhood for not following that directive.

i think that it is also worth pointing out that the HOA had to settle a lawsuit against them out of court because of GZ's actions. Although I am SURE that GZ will reimburse them for that, now that he finally has some money (which will probably be gone in 3 weeks)
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How is it that this bigoted, murdering mouth breather enjoys celebrity status? Perhaps from the bigoted, murdering mouth breathing community.

Obama is the one that made him famous...if the feds had not got involved very few would ever have heard of George Zimmerman.
Back to the original question: what makes the bigoted, murdering mouth breather Zimmerman a celebrity?
"To democrats John Wilkes Booth a democrat is their hero for killing a Republican Lincoln. That makes it fair and balanced."
Yeah, Democrats from 150 years ago.

Well, maybe I mixed up the two John's timeline. Democrats hero is John Hinkley Jr. who shot Ronald Reagan. Libs hate Reagan just as bad as Trump to this day.
"To democrats John Wilkes Booth a democrat is their hero for killing a Republican Lincoln. That makes it fair and balanced."
Yeah, Democrats from 150 years ago.

Well, maybe I mixed up the two John's timeline. Democrats hero is John Hinkley Jr. who shot Ronald Reagan. Libs hate Reagan just as bad as Trump to this day.

Sure they do. How about some names and some quotes from the alleged Hinkley's supporters?
George Zimmerman is an American hero.

To whom? The American Rent-a-Cop Wannabee Society?

Must be a liberal since you do not know George was not a security-guard aka 'rent-a-cop' not to disparage all those folks who are willing to accept such a low paying job instead of going on welfare or whatever...even knowing it can be a very dangerous job...........irregardless.....George was a 'volunteer neighborhood watchman' meaning he was not paid and just did that in his spare time due to the fact his neighborhood was under attack, burglaries, home invasions etc. ...his actual job at the time was that of being a insurance investigator....and George is a hero to most white folk .

It never ceases to amaze me how so many low information liberals want to make comments regarding George based on something they heard on msnbc or some alphabet media source...knowing or at least they should know ...the media has lied about George and the events of his case from day one.
I couldn't agree more.
profiting from killing is pretty low.
I made no mention of his financials.
are we really in disagreement? i think it's pretty clear the guy is disgusting - most recently evidenced by his (sadly successful) attempt to profit from the killing of martin by auctioning off his gun.

i understand people believe that he was justified in shooting martin. i complete get that the state didn't make the case that he didn't act in self defense.

but given his actions since that night, can anyone really say they doubt that zimmerman got exactly what he wanted when he decided to follow martin?

George was the victim of a outrageous Federal plot to send him to jail or take his life...lawyers are expensive...George is entitled to any monies he can get....this is still a free country(at least for awhile anyhow) George is a hero to most white wid it chump.

Liberals always think they are the 'thought police' but lack even the basic skills for dat aka being illogical and living in neva-neva land.

All George wanted that night was to summon the police to investigate a suspicious guy lurking around his neighborhood on a dark and rainy night...thus he called the police...something he had done many times and had never had a problem before. Case Closed...move along now.

I volunteer for the sheriff's Auxiliary in my community, and my duties include setting up neighborhood Watch programs. One of our firmest rules is that we will remove the neighborhood watch designation for any neighborhood, if the watch person carries a firearm. NW people are supposed to avoid confrontations art all cost, and let the cops deal with suspects. They have a phone. They know how to dial 911. I, personally, have suspended and removed NW signs from a neighborhood for not following that directive.

i think that it is also worth pointing out that the HOA had to settle a lawsuit against them out of court because of GZ's actions. Although I am SURE that GZ will reimburse them for that, now that he finally has some money (which will probably be gone in 3 weeks)

Another liberal wants to come on here and misstate the facts of which he is ignorant....guess he wasn't interested enough to watch the trial or perhaps has a short attention span....anyhow to correct the ignoramous.....George did not confront anyone....even when Trayvon circled his truck scoping out george in the vicinity of the clubhouse...George did not roll down his windows or say anything at all to Trayvon...all George did was stay on the phone to the 911 dispactcher and request they send the police to check out the suspicious character lurking in the area on a dark and rainy night. George had done this many, many times....see a suspicious person and call the police...he never confronted anyone.

Now in regards to his having a weapon...perfectly within his legal rights to do so. Anyhow he was not even out doing his neighborhood watchman thing when he noticed Trayvon...he was on his way to the store and happened to see a suspicious person lurking around and looking in windows on a dark and rainy night....any reasonable person would have thought that suspicious. So George put a call in for the police and the ball was set George said...if had kown what was going to happen he would have just stayed in bed that day.

The Homeowners Association was not forced to settle out of court....they like most morons believed George would be convicted thus they gambled that it would cost them more to wait for the verdict than it would to settle out of court....they made a big one to blame but themselves for that. George did nothing illegal and none of his actions constituted grounds for any sort of lawsuit.
profiting from killing is pretty low.
I made no mention of his financials.
are we really in disagreement? i think it's pretty clear the guy is disgusting - most recently evidenced by his (sadly successful) attempt to profit from the killing of martin by auctioning off his gun.

i understand people believe that he was justified in shooting martin. i complete get that the state didn't make the case that he didn't act in self defense.

but given his actions since that night, can anyone really say they doubt that zimmerman got exactly what he wanted when he decided to follow martin?

George was the victim of a outrageous Federal plot to send him to jail or take his life...lawyers are expensive...George is entitled to any monies he can get....this is still a free country(at least for awhile anyhow) George is a hero to most white wid it chump.

Liberals always think they are the 'thought police' but lack even the basic skills for dat aka being illogical and living in neva-neva land.

All George wanted that night was to summon the police to investigate a suspicious guy lurking around his neighborhood on a dark and rainy night...thus he called the police...something he had done many times and had never had a problem before. Case Closed...move along now.

I volunteer for the sheriff's Auxiliary in my community, and my duties include setting up neighborhood Watch programs. One of our firmest rules is that we will remove the neighborhood watch designation for any neighborhood, if the watch person carries a firearm. NW people are supposed to avoid confrontations art all cost, and let the cops deal with suspects. They have a phone. They know how to dial 911. I, personally, have suspended and removed NW signs from a neighborhood for not following that directive.

i think that it is also worth pointing out that the HOA had to settle a lawsuit against them out of court because of GZ's actions. Although I am SURE that GZ will reimburse them for that, now that he finally has some money (which will probably be gone in 3 weeks)

Another liberal wants to come on here and misstate the facts of which he is ignorant....guess he wasn't interested enough to watch the trial or perhaps has a short attention span....anyhow to correct the ignoramous.....George did not confront anyone....even when Trayvon circled his truck scoping out george in the vicinity of the clubhouse...George did not roll down his windows or say anything at all to Trayvon...all George did was stay on the phone to the 911 dispactcher and request they send the police to check out the suspicious character lurking in the area on a dark and rainy night. George had done this many, many times....see a suspicious person and call the police...he never confronted anyone.

Now in regards to his having a weapon...perfectly within his legal rights to do so. Anyhow he was not even out doing his neighborhood watchman thing when he noticed Trayvon...he was on his way to the store and happened to see a suspicious person lurking around and looking in windows on a dark and rainy night....any reasonable person would have thought that suspicious. So George put a call in for the police and the ball was set George said...if had kown what was going to happen he would have just stayed in bed that day.

The Homeowners Association was not forced to settle out of court....they like most morons believed George would be convicted thus they gambled that it would cost them more to wait for the verdict than it would to settle out of court....they made a big one to blame but themselves for that. George did nothing illegal and none of his actions constituted grounds for any sort of lawsuit.

Got it. Police are wrong to remove NW watch programs who ignore the rules and allow watchmen to carry firearms, even though they do that to avoid being sued themselves for putting civilians to risk. Courts are wrong to allow those suits to happen. the HOA was wrong to settle out of court, and cops are wrong not to want trigger-happy vilianties from killing people. Traven was wrong to be in Zimmerman's path.But, you, of course, are right.

And I, who actually work with the sheriff's office setting up NW programs don't know what I am talking about, either.

I think if a black person tries to rob you then you should consider the consequences of what would happen if you fought back. THe first thing is that he could actually win the fight and beat you up. The second thing is that you could win but then you might be accused of racism and have to deal with the DOJ investigating your actions. They will charge you with assault simply because you defended yourself. You would then have to spend money defending yourself in a court of law. Would it have been cheaper just to hand over the money in the first place?
If Zimmermans name had been LeShawn Lincoln Navigator Jones you libtards wouldn't have given two shits about Trayvon. The only reason Zimmerman made the news is because Zimmerman sounds like a white name.
If Zimmermans name had been LeShawn Lincoln Navigator Jones you libtards wouldn't have given two shits about Trayvon. The only reason Zimmerman made the news is because Zimmerman sounds like a white name.

When blacks kill other blacks in similar incidences nothing happens. White people are the new Jews to the American left.
George Zimmerman is an American hero.

To whom? The American Rent-a-Cop Wannabee Society?

Must be a liberal since you do not know George was not a security-guard aka 'rent-a-cop' not to disparage all those folks who are willing to accept such a low paying job instead of going on welfare or whatever...even knowing it can be a very dangerous job...........irregardless.....George was a 'volunteer neighborhood watchman' meaning he was not paid and just did that in his spare time due to the fact his neighborhood was under attack, burglaries, home invasions etc. ...his actual job at the time was that of being a insurance investigator....and George is a hero to most white folk .

It never ceases to amaze me how so many low information liberals want to make comments regarding George based on something they heard on msnbc or some alphabet media source...knowing or at least they should know ...the media has lied about George and the events of his case from day one.

You use the term liberal as if it were an insult. [C'est la vie] Do you know what a wannabee is? A neighborhood watch is just that a watch. Not attempt to follow in armed pursuit. His actions were the instigation to the tragedy. I'm not saying that Trevon's actions didn't contribute to that tragedy. I just place most of the blame on Zimmerman for following. He was not a trained police officer. He should have stayed in his car like the real police told him to do.
How is it that this bigoted, murdering mouth breather enjoys celebrity status? Perhaps from the bigoted, murdering mouth breathing community.

Obama is the one that made him famous...if the feds had not got involved very few would ever have heard of George Zimmerman.
Back to the original question: what makes the bigoted, murdering mouth breather Zimmerman a celebrity?
click the button marker +quote and the button marked reply, then write something.
George Zimmerman is an American hero.

To whom? The American Rent-a-Cop Wannabee Society?

Must be a liberal since you do not know George was not a security-guard aka 'rent-a-cop' not to disparage all those folks who are willing to accept such a low paying job instead of going on welfare or whatever...even knowing it can be a very dangerous job...........irregardless.....George was a 'volunteer neighborhood watchman' meaning he was not paid and just did that in his spare time due to the fact his neighborhood was under attack, burglaries, home invasions etc. ...his actual job at the time was that of being a insurance investigator....and George is a hero to most white folk .

It never ceases to amaze me how so many low information liberals want to make comments regarding George based on something they heard on msnbc or some alphabet media source...knowing or at least they should know ...the media has lied about George and the events of his case from day one.

You use the term liberal as if it were an insult. [C'est la vie] Do you know what a wannabee is? A neighborhood watch is just that a watch. Not attempt to follow in armed pursuit. His actions were the instigation to the tragedy. I'm not saying that Trevon's actions didn't contribute to that tragedy. I just place most of the blame on Zimmerman for following. He was not a trained police officer. He should have stayed in his car like the real police told him to do.

In order to qualify for the sheriff's auxiliary, I had to have 7 weeks of training, 4 days per week, 4 hours per day, with a test, every single day. Upon graduation, we patrol in uniform, and with radios. Even we are not allowed to carry guns, in uniform.
George Zimmerman is an American hero.

To whom? The American Rent-a-Cop Wannabee Society?

Must be a liberal since you do not know George was not a security-guard aka 'rent-a-cop' not to disparage all those folks who are willing to accept such a low paying job instead of going on welfare or whatever...even knowing it can be a very dangerous job...........irregardless.....George was a 'volunteer neighborhood watchman' meaning he was not paid and just did that in his spare time due to the fact his neighborhood was under attack, burglaries, home invasions etc. ...his actual job at the time was that of being a insurance investigator....and George is a hero to most white folk .

It never ceases to amaze me how so many low information liberals want to make comments regarding George based on something they heard on msnbc or some alphabet media source...knowing or at least they should know ...the media has lied about George and the events of his case from day one.

You use the term liberal as if it were an insult. [C'est la vie] Do you know what a wannabee is? A neighborhood watch is just that a watch. Not attempt to follow in armed pursuit. His actions were the instigation to the tragedy. I'm not saying that Trevon's actions didn't contribute to that tragedy. I just place most of the blame on Zimmerman for following. He was not a trained police officer. He should have stayed in his car like the real police told him to do.

I see we are not allowed to talk to people anymore if we think they are up to no good. Doesn't he have the right to speak to him and ask him questions? That isn't against the law and neither is following him. The kid probably got all pissed off that someone wanted to know what he was up to. Big fucking deal! Fuck that crap! He should have been given a medal for doing the kid in or something.
George Zimmerman is an American hero.

To whom? The American Rent-a-Cop Wannabee Society?

Must be a liberal since you do not know George was not a security-guard aka 'rent-a-cop' not to disparage all those folks who are willing to accept such a low paying job instead of going on welfare or whatever...even knowing it can be a very dangerous job...........irregardless.....George was a 'volunteer neighborhood watchman' meaning he was not paid and just did that in his spare time due to the fact his neighborhood was under attack, burglaries, home invasions etc. ...his actual job at the time was that of being a insurance investigator....and George is a hero to most white folk .

It never ceases to amaze me how so many low information liberals want to make comments regarding George based on something they heard on msnbc or some alphabet media source...knowing or at least they should know ...the media has lied about George and the events of his case from day one.

You use the term liberal as if it were an insult. [C'est la vie] Do you know what a wannabee is? A neighborhood watch is just that a watch. Not attempt to follow in armed pursuit. His actions were the instigation to the tragedy. I'm not saying that Trevon's actions didn't contribute to that tragedy. I just place most of the blame on Zimmerman for following. He was not a trained police officer. He should have stayed in his car like the real police told him to do.

I see we are not allowed to talk to people anymore if we think they are up to no good. Doesn't he have the right to speak to him and ask him questions? That isn't against the law and neither is following him. The kid probably got all pissed off that someone wanted to know what he was up to. Big fucking deal! Fuck that crap! He should have been given a medal for doing the kid in or something.

Tell, ya what, Super. You are so anxious to demand information from stranger that I invite you to walk down Rampart Street in New Orleans at 2 AM on Sunday morning, and just feel free to demand information from anyone who comes across your path.
George Zimmerman is an American hero.

To whom? The American Rent-a-Cop Wannabee Society?

Must be a liberal since you do not know George was not a security-guard aka 'rent-a-cop' not to disparage all those folks who are willing to accept such a low paying job instead of going on welfare or whatever...even knowing it can be a very dangerous job...........irregardless.....George was a 'volunteer neighborhood watchman' meaning he was not paid and just did that in his spare time due to the fact his neighborhood was under attack, burglaries, home invasions etc. ...his actual job at the time was that of being a insurance investigator....and George is a hero to most white folk .

It never ceases to amaze me how so many low information liberals want to make comments regarding George based on something they heard on msnbc or some alphabet media source...knowing or at least they should know ...the media has lied about George and the events of his case from day one.

You use the term liberal as if it were an insult. [C'est la vie] Do you know what a wannabee is? A neighborhood watch is just that a watch. Not attempt to follow in armed pursuit. His actions were the instigation to the tragedy. I'm not saying that Trevon's actions didn't contribute to that tragedy. I just place most of the blame on Zimmerman for following. He was not a trained police officer. He should have stayed in his car like the real police told him to do.

In order to qualify for the sheriff's auxiliary, I had to have 7 weeks of training, 4 days per week, 4 hours per day, with a test, every single day. Upon graduation, we patrol in uniform, and with radios. Even we are not allowed to carry guns, in uniform.
George Zimmerman is an American hero.

To whom? The American Rent-a-Cop Wannabee Society?

Must be a liberal since you do not know George was not a security-guard aka 'rent-a-cop' not to disparage all those folks who are willing to accept such a low paying job instead of going on welfare or whatever...even knowing it can be a very dangerous job...........irregardless.....George was a 'volunteer neighborhood watchman' meaning he was not paid and just did that in his spare time due to the fact his neighborhood was under attack, burglaries, home invasions etc. ...his actual job at the time was that of being a insurance investigator....and George is a hero to most white folk .

It never ceases to amaze me how so many low information liberals want to make comments regarding George based on something they heard on msnbc or some alphabet media source...knowing or at least they should know ...the media has lied about George and the events of his case from day one.

You use the term liberal as if it were an insult. [C'est la vie] Do you know what a wannabee is? A neighborhood watch is just that a watch. Not attempt to follow in armed pursuit. His actions were the instigation to the tragedy. I'm not saying that Trevon's actions didn't contribute to that tragedy. I just place most of the blame on Zimmerman for following. He was not a trained police officer. He should have stayed in his car like the real police told him to do.

In order to qualify for the sheriff's auxiliary, I had to have 7 weeks of training, 4 days per week, 4 hours per day, with a test, every single day. Upon graduation, we patrol in uniform, and with radios. Even we are not allowed to carry guns, in uniform.

Thank you for your service.
George Zimmerman is an American hero.

To whom? The American Rent-a-Cop Wannabee Society?

Must be a liberal since you do not know George was not a security-guard aka 'rent-a-cop' not to disparage all those folks who are willing to accept such a low paying job instead of going on welfare or whatever...even knowing it can be a very dangerous job...........irregardless.....George was a 'volunteer neighborhood watchman' meaning he was not paid and just did that in his spare time due to the fact his neighborhood was under attack, burglaries, home invasions etc. ...his actual job at the time was that of being a insurance investigator....and George is a hero to most white folk .

It never ceases to amaze me how so many low information liberals want to make comments regarding George based on something they heard on msnbc or some alphabet media source...knowing or at least they should know ...the media has lied about George and the events of his case from day one.

You use the term liberal as if it were an insult. [C'est la vie] Do you know what a wannabee is? A neighborhood watch is just that a watch. Not attempt to follow in armed pursuit. His actions were the instigation to the tragedy. I'm not saying that Trevon's actions didn't contribute to that tragedy. I just place most of the blame on Zimmerman for following. He was not a trained police officer. He should have stayed in his car like the real police told him to do.

I see we are not allowed to talk to people anymore if we think they are up to no good. Doesn't he have the right to speak to him and ask him questions? That isn't against the law and neither is following him. The kid probably got all pissed off that someone wanted to know what he was up to. Big fucking deal! Fuck that crap! He should have been given a medal for doing the kid in or something.

I'm going with "....or something".

That's okay, Karma is a bitch.

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