George Zimmerman Smokes Cigar, Rips Hillary, BLM, ‘Racist’ Obama in Las Vegas!

George Zimmerman is an American hero.

To whom? The American Rent-a-Cop Wannabee Society?

Must be a liberal since you do not know George was not a security-guard aka 'rent-a-cop' not to disparage all those folks who are willing to accept such a low paying job instead of going on welfare or whatever...even knowing it can be a very dangerous job...........irregardless.....George was a 'volunteer neighborhood watchman' meaning he was not paid and just did that in his spare time due to the fact his neighborhood was under attack, burglaries, home invasions etc. ...his actual job at the time was that of being a insurance investigator....and George is a hero to most white folk .

It never ceases to amaze me how so many low information liberals want to make comments regarding George based on something they heard on msnbc or some alphabet media source...knowing or at least they should know ...the media has lied about George and the events of his case from day one.

You use the term liberal as if it were an insult. [C'est la vie] Do you know what a wannabee is? A neighborhood watch is just that a watch. Not attempt to follow in armed pursuit. His actions were the instigation to the tragedy. I'm not saying that Trevon's actions didn't contribute to that tragedy. I just place most of the blame on Zimmerman for following. He was not a trained police officer. He should have stayed in his car like the real police told him to do.

I see we are not allowed to talk to people anymore if we think they are up to no good. Doesn't he have the right to speak to him and ask him questions? That isn't against the law and neither is following him. The kid probably got all pissed off that someone wanted to know what he was up to. Big fucking deal! Fuck that crap! He should have been given a medal for doing the kid in or something.

I'm going with "....or something".

That's okay, Karma is a bitch.

For those that believe .....there is good karma and bad. Since everything turned out so well for that eastern philosophy he must be a very good man...aka has good karma. Deal wid it chumps.
George Zimmerman is an American hero.

To whom? The American Rent-a-Cop Wannabee Society?

Must be a liberal since you do not know George was not a security-guard aka 'rent-a-cop' not to disparage all those folks who are willing to accept such a low paying job instead of going on welfare or whatever...even knowing it can be a very dangerous job...........irregardless.....George was a 'volunteer neighborhood watchman' meaning he was not paid and just did that in his spare time due to the fact his neighborhood was under attack, burglaries, home invasions etc. ...his actual job at the time was that of being a insurance investigator....and George is a hero to most white folk .

It never ceases to amaze me how so many low information liberals want to make comments regarding George based on something they heard on msnbc or some alphabet media source...knowing or at least they should know ...the media has lied about George and the events of his case from day one.

You use the term liberal as if it were an insult. [C'est la vie] Do you know what a wannabee is? A neighborhood watch is just that a watch. Not attempt to follow in armed pursuit. His actions were the instigation to the tragedy. I'm not saying that Trevon's actions didn't contribute to that tragedy. I just place most of the blame on Zimmerman for following. He was not a trained police officer. He should have stayed in his car like the real police told him to do.

In order to qualify for the sheriff's auxiliary, I had to have 7 weeks of training, 4 days per week, 4 hours per day, with a test, every single day. Upon graduation, we patrol in uniform, and with radios. Even we are not allowed to carry guns, in uniform.

Well congratualations for being civic minded....but all that has nothing to do with the George Zimmerman case. George had a legal right to be armed. Case closed on dat...but you chumps love beating a dead horse doncha?

Also...keep in mind if George had not been armed he could very well have been beaten to death or suffered grievious injury or many head slams on a concrete sidewalk can someone endure before they get brain damaged?
George Zimmerman is an American hero.

To whom? The American Rent-a-Cop Wannabee Society?

Must be a liberal since you do not know George was not a security-guard aka 'rent-a-cop' not to disparage all those folks who are willing to accept such a low paying job instead of going on welfare or whatever...even knowing it can be a very dangerous job...........irregardless.....George was a 'volunteer neighborhood watchman' meaning he was not paid and just did that in his spare time due to the fact his neighborhood was under attack, burglaries, home invasions etc. ...his actual job at the time was that of being a insurance investigator....and George is a hero to most white folk .

It never ceases to amaze me how so many low information liberals want to make comments regarding George based on something they heard on msnbc or some alphabet media source...knowing or at least they should know ...the media has lied about George and the events of his case from day one.

You use the term liberal as if it were an insult. [C'est la vie] Do you know what a wannabee is? A neighborhood watch is just that a watch. Not attempt to follow in armed pursuit. His actions were the instigation to the tragedy. I'm not saying that Trevon's actions didn't contribute to that tragedy. I just place most of the blame on Zimmerman for following. He was not a trained police officer. He should have stayed in his car like the real police told him to do.

In order to qualify for the sheriff's auxiliary, I had to have 7 weeks of training, 4 days per week, 4 hours per day, with a test, every single day. Upon graduation, we patrol in uniform, and with radios. Even we are not allowed to carry guns, in uniform.

Well congratualations for being civic minded....but all that has nothing to do with the George Zimmerman case. George had a legal right to be armed. Case closed on dat...but you chumps love beating a dead horse doncha?

Also...keep in mind if George had not been armed he could very well have been beaten to death or suffered grievious injury or many head slams on a concrete sidewalk can someone endure before they get brain damaged?

My best guess is that George has been brain damned for much longer than that. But, now that he has discovered how to make a living selling murder weapons, he may turn that into an asset, for his purposes. I'm just surprised that he has remained out of trouble long enough for the cops to return it to him.
To whom? The American Rent-a-Cop Wannabee Society?

Must be a liberal since you do not know George was not a security-guard aka 'rent-a-cop' not to disparage all those folks who are willing to accept such a low paying job instead of going on welfare or whatever...even knowing it can be a very dangerous job...........irregardless.....George was a 'volunteer neighborhood watchman' meaning he was not paid and just did that in his spare time due to the fact his neighborhood was under attack, burglaries, home invasions etc. ...his actual job at the time was that of being a insurance investigator....and George is a hero to most white folk .

It never ceases to amaze me how so many low information liberals want to make comments regarding George based on something they heard on msnbc or some alphabet media source...knowing or at least they should know ...the media has lied about George and the events of his case from day one.

You use the term liberal as if it were an insult. [C'est la vie] Do you know what a wannabee is? A neighborhood watch is just that a watch. Not attempt to follow in armed pursuit. His actions were the instigation to the tragedy. I'm not saying that Trevon's actions didn't contribute to that tragedy. I just place most of the blame on Zimmerman for following. He was not a trained police officer. He should have stayed in his car like the real police told him to do.

In order to qualify for the sheriff's auxiliary, I had to have 7 weeks of training, 4 days per week, 4 hours per day, with a test, every single day. Upon graduation, we patrol in uniform, and with radios. Even we are not allowed to carry guns, in uniform (QUOTE)

Well congratualations for being civic minded....but all that has nothing to do with the George Zimmerman case. George had a legal right to be armed. Case closed on dat...but you chumps love beating a dead horse doncha?

BTW The poeleece neva told george to stay in his truck. George did not follow trayon...again you should have watched the trial before you came on here and make a fool of yourself.

Also...keep in mind if George had not been armed he could very well have been beaten to death or suffered grievious injury or many head slams on a concrete sidewalk can someone endure before they get brain damaged?

My best guess is that George has been brain damned for much longer than that. But, now that he has discovered how to make a living selling murder weapons, he may turn that into an asset, for his purposes. I'm just surprised that he has remained out of trouble long enough for the cops to return it to him.

My best guess is that you have been in a lot more trouble than George ever was....which was zero....never convicted of anything....however the guy you and your ilk love to defend had a history of being in trouble. demonstrate the typical liberals lack of expertise when it comes to the law...the pistol George sold was not quote ...'a murder weapon'....look up the definition of murder then you may understand a lil more about da law. George used the pistol to defend himself...another point of is legal to use deadly force to defend yourself if you are in fear of your life.

Many (mostly liberals) still do not get it....that the Zimmerman case was a simple case of self defense....Obama turned it into a political show trial...they thought for sure they could get Zimmerman order to preserve the myth of black it was not all obama's fault...he was deceived as many were by the picture the media released the picture of a l2 yr. old trayvon...making people think that was how Trayvon looked when he attacked George...not bothering to tell people that it was a old picture of trayvon when he actually was just a innocent 12yr. old kid kid...unfortunately the kid grew up to be a almost adult common street thug(a few days short of being 18) and thus Obama being a stupid ass was misled into making his infamous prejudicial statement of 'if i had a kid he would look like trayvon...wonder what the moron thought when the current picture of trayvon was released?

Irregardless....he inserted himself into a situation(a criminal case) where a man's life was at stake and he did so in a very prejudicial manner...obviously trying to influence the case...the congress should have held him accountable for that.
As the head of a branch of government....Obams was clearly out of bounds trying to exert influence to get a innocent man convicted...entirely outrageous.
Must be a liberal since you do not know George was not a security-guard aka 'rent-a-cop' not to disparage all those folks who are willing to accept such a low paying job instead of going on welfare or whatever...even knowing it can be a very dangerous job...........irregardless.....George was a 'volunteer neighborhood watchman' meaning he was not paid and just did that in his spare time due to the fact his neighborhood was under attack, burglaries, home invasions etc. ...his actual job at the time was that of being a insurance investigator....and George is a hero to most white folk .

It never ceases to amaze me how so many low information liberals want to make comments regarding George based on something they heard on msnbc or some alphabet media source...knowing or at least they should know ...the media has lied about George and the events of his case from day one.

You use the term liberal as if it were an insult. [C'est la vie] Do you know what a wannabee is? A neighborhood watch is just that a watch. Not attempt to follow in armed pursuit. His actions were the instigation to the tragedy. I'm not saying that Trevon's actions didn't contribute to that tragedy. I just place most of the blame on Zimmerman for following. He was not a trained police officer. He should have stayed in his car like the real police told him to do.

In order to qualify for the sheriff's auxiliary, I had to have 7 weeks of training, 4 days per week, 4 hours per day, with a test, every single day. Upon graduation, we patrol in uniform, and with radios. Even we are not allowed to carry guns, in uniform (QUOTE)

Well congratualations for being civic minded....but all that has nothing to do with the George Zimmerman case. George had a legal right to be armed. Case closed on dat...but you chumps love beating a dead horse doncha?

BTW The poeleece neva told george to stay in his truck. George did not follow trayon...again you should have watched the trial before you came on here and make a fool of yourself.

Also...keep in mind if George had not been armed he could very well have been beaten to death or suffered grievious injury or many head slams on a concrete sidewalk can someone endure before they get brain damaged?

My best guess is that George has been brain damned for much longer than that. But, now that he has discovered how to make a living selling murder weapons, he may turn that into an asset, for his purposes. I'm just surprised that he has remained out of trouble long enough for the cops to return it to him.

My best guess is that you have been in a lot more trouble than George ever was....which was zero....never convicted of anything....however the guy you and your ilk love to defend had a history of being in trouble. demonstrate the typical liberals lack of expertise when it comes to the law...the pistol George sold was not quote ...'a murder weapon'....look up the definition of murder then you may understand a lil more about da law. George used the pistol to defend himself...another point of is legal to use deadly force to defend yourself if you are in fear of your life.

Many (mostly liberals) still do not get it....that the Zimmerman case was a simple case of self defense....Obama turned it into a political show trial...they thought for sure they could get Zimmerman order to preserve the myth of black it was not all obama's fault...he was deceived as many were by the picture the media released the picture of a l2 yr. old trayvon...making people think that was how Trayvon looked when he attacked George...not bothering to tell people that it was a old picture of trayvon when he actually was just a innocent 12yr. old kid kid...unfortunately the kid grew up to be a almost adult common street thug(a few days short of being 18) and thus Obama being a stupid ass was misled into making his infamous prejudicial statement of 'if i had a kid he would look like trayvon...wonder what the moron thought when the current picture of trayvon was released?

Irregardless....he inserted himself into a situation(a criminal case) where a man's life was at stake and he did so in a very prejudicial manner...obviously trying to influence the case...the congress should have held him accountable for that.
As the head of a branch of government....Obams was clearly out of bounds trying to exert influence to get a innocent man convicted...entirely outrageous.
Must be a liberal since you do not know George was not a security-guard aka 'rent-a-cop' not to disparage all those folks who are willing to accept such a low paying job instead of going on welfare or whatever...even knowing it can be a very dangerous job...........irregardless.....George was a 'volunteer neighborhood watchman' meaning he was not paid and just did that in his spare time due to the fact his neighborhood was under attack, burglaries, home invasions etc. ...his actual job at the time was that of being a insurance investigator....and George is a hero to most white folk .

It never ceases to amaze me how so many low information liberals want to make comments regarding George based on something they heard on msnbc or some alphabet media source...knowing or at least they should know ...the media has lied about George and the events of his case from day one.

You use the term liberal as if it were an insult. [C'est la vie] Do you know what a wannabee is? A neighborhood watch is just that a watch. Not attempt to follow in armed pursuit. His actions were the instigation to the tragedy. I'm not saying that Trevon's actions didn't contribute to that tragedy. I just place most of the blame on Zimmerman for following. He was not a trained police officer. He should have stayed in his car like the real police told him to do.

In order to qualify for the sheriff's auxiliary, I had to have 7 weeks of training, 4 days per week, 4 hours per day, with a test, every single day. Upon graduation, we patrol in uniform, and with radios. Even we are not allowed to carry guns, in uniform (QUOTE)

Well congratualations for being civic minded....but all that has nothing to do with the George Zimmerman case. George had a legal right to be armed. Case closed on dat...but you chumps love beating a dead horse doncha?

BTW The poeleece neva told george to stay in his truck. George did not follow trayon...again you should have watched the trial before you came on here and make a fool of yourself.

Also...keep in mind if George had not been armed he could very well have been beaten to death or suffered grievious injury or many head slams on a concrete sidewalk can someone endure before they get brain damaged?

My best guess is that George has been brain damned for much longer than that. But, now that he has discovered how to make a living selling murder weapons, he may turn that into an asset, for his purposes. I'm just surprised that he has remained out of trouble long enough for the cops to return it to him.

My best guess is that you have been in a lot more trouble than George ever was....which was zero....never convicted of anything....however the guy you and your ilk love to defend had a history of being in trouble. demonstrate the typical liberals lack of expertise when it comes to the law...the pistol George sold was not quote ...'a murder weapon'....look up the definition of murder then you may understand a lil more about da law. George used the pistol to defend himself...another point of is legal to use deadly force to defend yourself if you are in fear of your life.

Many (mostly liberals) still do not get it....that the Zimmerman case was a simple case of self defense....Obama turned it into a political show trial...they thought for sure they could get Zimmerman order to preserve the myth of black it was not all obama's fault...he was deceived as many were by the picture the media released the picture of a l2 yr. old trayvon...making people think that was how Trayvon looked when he attacked George...not bothering to tell people that it was a old picture of trayvon when he actually was just a innocent 12yr. old kid kid...unfortunately the kid grew up to be a almost adult common street thug(a few days short of being 18) and thus Obama being a stupid ass was misled into making his infamous prejudicial statement of 'if i had a kid he would look like trayvon...wonder what the moron thought when the current picture of trayvon was released?

Irregardless....he inserted himself into a situation(a criminal case) where a man's life was at stake and he did so in a very prejudicial manner...obviously trying to influence the case...the congress should have held him accountable for that.
As the head of a branch of government....Obams was clearly out of bounds trying to exert influence to get a innocent man convicted...entirely outrageous.
You use the term liberal as if it were an insult. [C'est la vie] Do you know what a wannabee is? A neighborhood watch is just that a watch. Not attempt to follow in armed pursuit. His actions were the instigation to the tragedy. I'm not saying that Trevon's actions didn't contribute to that tragedy. I just place most of the blame on Zimmerman for following. He was not a trained police officer. He should have stayed in his car like the real police told him to do.

In order to qualify for the sheriff's auxiliary, I had to have 7 weeks of training, 4 days per week, 4 hours per day, with a test, every single day. Upon graduation, we patrol in uniform, and with radios. Even we are not allowed to carry guns, in uniform (QUOTE)

Well congratualations for being civic minded....but all that has nothing to do with the George Zimmerman case. George had a legal right to be armed. Case closed on dat...but you chumps love beating a dead horse doncha?

BTW The poeleece neva told george to stay in his truck. George did not follow trayon...again you should have watched the trial before you came on here and make a fool of yourself.

Also...keep in mind if George had not been armed he could very well have been beaten to death or suffered grievious injury or many head slams on a concrete sidewalk can someone endure before they get brain damaged?

My best guess is that George has been brain damned for much longer than that. But, now that he has discovered how to make a living selling murder weapons, he may turn that into an asset, for his purposes. I'm just surprised that he has remained out of trouble long enough for the cops to return it to him.

My best guess is that you have been in a lot more trouble than George ever was....which was zero....never convicted of anything....however the guy you and your ilk love to defend had a history of being in trouble. demonstrate the typical liberals lack of expertise when it comes to the law...the pistol George sold was not quote ...'a murder weapon'....look up the definition of murder then you may understand a lil more about da law. George used the pistol to defend himself...another point of is legal to use deadly force to defend yourself if you are in fear of your life.

Many (mostly liberals) still do not get it....that the Zimmerman case was a simple case of self defense....Obama turned it into a political show trial...they thought for sure they could get Zimmerman order to preserve the myth of black it was not all obama's fault...he was deceived as many were by the picture the media released the picture of a l2 yr. old trayvon...making people think that was how Trayvon looked when he attacked George...not bothering to tell people that it was a old picture of trayvon when he actually was just a innocent 12yr. old kid kid...unfortunately the kid grew up to be a almost adult common street thug(a few days short of being 18) and thus Obama being a stupid ass was misled into making his infamous prejudicial statement of 'if i had a kid he would look like trayvon...wonder what the moron thought when the current picture of trayvon was released?

Irregardless....he inserted himself into a situation(a criminal case) where a man's life was at stake and he did so in a very prejudicial manner...obviously trying to influence the case...the congress should have held him accountable for that.
As the head of a branch of government....Obams was clearly out of bounds trying to exert influence to get a innocent man convicted...entirely outrageous.

seems to be a lot of glitches on here....everything seems to get mangled up and posts are missing...I am new here...this format is coinfusing. missing posts etc.
How is it that this bigoted, murdering mouth breather enjoys celebrity status? Perhaps from the bigoted, murdering mouth breathing community.

hehheh The social justice warrior is irate bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

The above poster is a good exhibit of how so many have fallend down a wabbitt hole ya know where up is down and black is white etc. In a more sane America that existed not that long ago...anyone who took out a menace to the community like trayvon would have been admired by all.
Trayvon was unarmed.

Why do you care that Trayvon (the thug) Martin was unarmed? The law certainly doesn't care nor should it. Here are the legal guidelines for the use of deadly force in Florida:

776.012 Use or threatened use of force in defense of person.—

(1) A person is justified in using or threatening to use force, except deadly force, against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against the other’s imminent use of unlawful force. A person who uses or threatens to use force in accordance with this subsection does not have a duty to retreat before using or threatening to use such force.

(2) A person is justified in using or threatening to use deadly force if he or she reasonably believes that using or threatening to use such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony.

The only question is whether George Zimmerman had a reasonable belief that he was going to suffer serious bodily injury or death if he did not use deadly force to stop Martin's attack. The jury believed he did. The fact that Martin didn't have a gun or knife didn't matter since everyone knows, or should know, that one man can seriously injure or kill another man with his hands.

The evidence showed that Martin sneaked up on Zimmerman and cold-cocked him knocking him to the ground. Martin then sat on top of Zimmerman and began to pummel him. Zimmerman was unable to defend himself against the stronger Martin and believed that Martin would seriously injure him or even kill him if not stopped. Zimmerman testified that Martin told him he was going to kill him. Zimmerman had two choices: (1) continue to take a beating knowing that he would probably suffer serious injury or death; and (2) use deadly force to stop the attack. Zimmerman elected the more rational option.

It is not illegal to use deadly force to prevent an unarmed man from beating you to death. Common sense should tell you that deadly force is proper against anyone who is trying to seriously injure or kill you regardless of the method they use. If a 225 pound male attacks a 120 pound woman and is in the process of raping her does she have the right to use deadly force to stop him? The law says she does. Would you or anyone else suggest that she allow her rapist to have his way with her, possibly even killing her to keep her from testifying, just because he did not have a gun or a knife?

It was a very good thing that Martin was not armed and Zimmerman was.
How is it that this bigoted, murdering mouth breather enjoys celebrity status? Perhaps from the bigoted, murdering mouth breathing community.

hehheh The social justice warrior is irate bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

The above poster is a good exhibit of how so many have fallend down a wabbitt hole ya know where up is down and black is white etc. In a more sane America that existed not that long ago...anyone who took out a menace to the community like trayvon would have been admired by all.
Trayvon was unarmed.

Why do you care that Trayvon (the thug) Martin was unarmed? The law certainly doesn't care nor should it. Here are the legal guidelines for the use of deadly force in Florida:

776.012 Use or threatened use of force in defense of person.—

(1) A person is justified in using or threatening to use force, except deadly force, against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against the other’s imminent use of unlawful force. A person who uses or threatens to use force in accordance with this subsection does not have a duty to retreat before using or threatening to use such force.

(2) A person is justified in using or threatening to use deadly force if he or she reasonably believes that using or threatening to use such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony.

The only question is whether George Zimmerman had a reasonable belief that he was going to suffer serious bodily injury or death if he did not use deadly force to stop Martin's attack. The jury believed he did. The fact that Martin didn't have a gun or knife didn't matter since everyone knows, or should know, that one man can seriously injure or kill another man with his hands.

The evidence showed that Martin sneaked up on Zimmerman and cold-cocked him knocking him to the ground. Martin then sat on top of Zimmerman and began to pummel him. Zimmerman was unable to defend himself against the stronger Martin and believed that Martin would seriously injure him or even kill him if not stopped. Zimmerman testified that Martin told him he was going to kill him. Zimmerman had two choices: (1) continue to take a beating knowing that he would probably suffer serious injury or death; and (2) use deadly force to stop the attack. Zimmerman elected the more rational option.

It is not illegal to use deadly force to prevent an unarmed man from beating you to death. Common sense should tell you that deadly force is proper against anyone who is trying to seriously injure or kill you regardless of the method they use. If a 225 pound male attacks a 120 pound woman and is in the process of raping her does she have the right to use deadly force to stop him? The law says she does. Would you or anyone else suggest that she allow her rapist to have his way with her, possibly even killing her to keep her from testifying, just because he did not have a gun or a knife?

It was a very good thing that Martin was not armed and Zimmerman was.

Only problem is that you actually believe that liberals listen to the truth instead of their feelz or whatever else...
How is it that this bigoted, murdering mouth breather enjoys celebrity status? Perhaps from the bigoted, murdering mouth breathing community.

hehheh The social justice warrior is irate bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

The above poster is a good exhibit of how so many have fallend down a wabbitt hole ya know where up is down and black is white etc. In a more sane America that existed not that long ago...anyone who took out a menace to the community like trayvon would have been admired by all.
Trayvon was unarmed.

Why do you care that Trayvon (the thug) Martin was unarmed? The law certainly doesn't care nor should it. Here are the legal guidelines for the use of deadly force in Florida:

776.012 Use or threatened use of force in defense of person.—

(1) A person is justified in using or threatening to use force, except deadly force, against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against the other’s imminent use of unlawful force. A person who uses or threatens to use force in accordance with this subsection does not have a duty to retreat before using or threatening to use such force.

(2) A person is justified in using or threatening to use deadly force if he or she reasonably believes that using or threatening to use such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony.

The only question is whether George Zimmerman had a reasonable belief that he was going to suffer serious bodily injury or death if he did not use deadly force to stop Martin's attack. The jury believed he did. The fact that Martin didn't have a gun or knife didn't matter since everyone knows, or should know, that one man can seriously injure or kill another man with his hands.

The evidence showed that Martin sneaked up on Zimmerman and cold-cocked him knocking him to the ground. Martin then sat on top of Zimmerman and began to pummel him. Zimmerman was unable to defend himself against the stronger Martin and believed that Martin would seriously injure him or even kill him if not stopped. Zimmerman testified that Martin told him he was going to kill him. Zimmerman had two choices: (1) continue to take a beating knowing that he would probably suffer serious injury or death; and (2) use deadly force to stop the attack. Zimmerman elected the more rational option.

It is not illegal to use deadly force to prevent an unarmed man from beating you to death. Common sense should tell you that deadly force is proper against anyone who is trying to seriously injure or kill you regardless of the method they use. If a 225 pound male attacks a 120 pound woman and is in the process of raping her does she have the right to use deadly force to stop him? The law says she does. Would you or anyone else suggest that she allow her rapist to have his way with her, possibly even killing her to keep her from testifying, just because he did not have a gun or a knife?

It was a very good thing that Martin was not armed and Zimmerman was.

Good to see someone on here get it right.
I think if a black person tries to rob you then you should consider the consequences of what would happen if you fought back. THe first thing is that he could actually win the fight and beat you up. The second thing is that you could win but then you might be accused of racism and have to deal with the DOJ investigating your actions. They will charge you with assault simply because you defended yourself. You would then have to spend money defending yourself in a court of law. Would it have been cheaper just to hand over the money in the first place?

Excellent point and a very good reason to cross the street if you see a black many reasons to stay away from them. That is the world the liberals have created.

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