George Zimmerman visits Kel-Tec gun factory

Got to go watch some angels and demons now... netflix.

Y'all carry on with your follow follow weight weight thing.
Now if we are going to talk factories....

my fave....

lets talk Smoky Mountain Knife Works baby.

Screw George. No offense there.

But you want to make a girl hot. Well kinda like me. Smoky Mountain baby.......................
Janeway is blasphemy!!

GD Hitlary wannabe.

Young JT is...

Almost as good as old Tiberius

But young.

Don't hate Unkie! Plus it's in IMAX... be IN the movie. Knock my phasers off.

Nope, I'm not gonna spend that much cash to see it in IMAX. I'm gonna do exactly what I did with the first travesty.

Wait until it is on the discount rack at the local Schnuck's supermarket.

Based on the timeline for the first one, that should be in about another 6 weeks. :thup:


The first new is my fave next to the originals. The new new one Kahn is back. Badder than ever... no ear bugs...

I watch it every two weeks, I could watch it once a day in the middle of my JT original line up.

Why you think I have no cable? LOL

And that's where they fucked it up. KHAN??? Really??? 79 original episodes, 22 animated episodes, and 6 movies, and the best they could come up with was KAHN??? :cuckoo:

Holy fucking overdone villain, Batman.
Let us look at the defense the looney tunes here would have NBC put up:
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to testify that Zimmerman was a racist.
One of the Jackson 5 to testify that Trayvon Martin really was in the 6th grade and looked like that photo that the media spread.
The girl friend to testify that crackers do not need butter.
Obama as a character witness for NBC.
Done deal, defense verdict.
I'm sorry Trayvon threatened the life of and attacked Zimmerman. The police initial report forensically supported Zimmerman's detailed questioning the night of the murder. The evidence said that he was telling the truth.

He provoked nothing. It was his turn to do neighborhood watch, and he encountered an out-of-the-ordinary and suspicious situation in which an unknown person was casing the area like a criminal does when he's looking for a house to bust into and take cash and valuables.

In fact, his cell phone had a picture of his second jewelry haul, and that was after he was kicked out of school for harboring a stash of jewelry and some drugs in his school locker.

Kicked out of school, kicked out of his house, he was forced to go stay with his natural father because his mother could not control his surly, sour attitude and propensity to get into major trouble at home and at school.

Gee Joe, are you always this dense? ;)

Ummm.. first, Zimmerman was not on Neighborhood Watch that night. He was just coming home from somewhere. Neighborhood watch guidelines SPECIFICALLY say you should not be packing heat

Second, if we started allowing the execution of teenagers for being "surly", we'd have some truly Darwinian elimination going on.

Most Teenagers are "surly". I currently have three teenage neices and nephews who could be described as "Surly". I don't want some fuckwad like Zimmerman shooting them.
Let us look at the defense the looney tunes here would have NBC put up:
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to testify that Zimmerman was a racist.
One of the Jackson 5 to testify that Trayvon Martin really was in the 6th grade and looked like that photo that the media spread.
The girl friend to testify that crackers do not need butter.
Obama as a character witness for NBC.
Done deal, defense verdict.

Or more like.

You put Zimmerman on the stand.

Then you put on the nice lady whose leg he broke at a party.

you put on the cousin who says George molested her.

You put on the ex-girlfriend who got a restraining order because your boy George used to slap her around. (Because a real man slaps around his woman, right?)

All the stuff about what a scumwad Zimmerman is... getting a day in court.
Nope, I'm not gonna spend that much cash to see it in IMAX. I'm gonna do exactly what I did with the first travesty.

Wait until it is on the discount rack at the local Schnuck's supermarket.

Based on the timeline for the first one, that should be in about another 6 weeks. :thup:


The first new is my fave next to the originals. The new new one Kahn is back. Badder than ever... no ear bugs...

I watch it every two weeks, I could watch it once a day in the middle of my JT original line up.

Why you think I have no cable? LOL

And that's where they fucked it up. KHAN??? Really??? 79 original episodes, 22 animated episodes, and 6 movies, and the best they could come up with was KAHN??? :cuckoo:

Holy fucking overdone villain, Batman.


After being informed by interviewer Mike Ryan that Into Darkness had been voted the worst Star Trek film – below even the non-canonical Galaxy Quest – Pegg spluttered with fury and set his phaser to kill.

Simon Pegg slates Star Trek Into Darkness detractors | Film |

It got voted worse that THIS?????

[ame=]Galaxy Quest - Trailer [HD] - YouTube[/ame]

:lmao: :rofl: :lmao: :rofl: :lmao:
Arizona legislature voted to make the gun that was used by the Tucson shooter the "state gun". Like Rs everywhere, they vote against jobs, education, infrastructure and economic growth, but they can always find time to congratulate murderers.

Maybe this gun maker will name one of their guns after the murderer of Trayvon Martin. I'm sure that would fit right in to gz's "PR plan".

Do you ever tell the truth?

If I was going to lie in every post, I suppose I would turn my reputation off too.

I'm trying to figure out where the lie was. Could you tell us please?

The gun the Arizona legislature named as the official firearm of the state is the 1873 Colt Single Action Army Revolver.

Luddly lies like a rug and he's dumb as a stump to boot...take your pick, dishonest or just stupid and gullible.
I'm sorry Trayvon threatened the life of and attacked Zimmerman. The police initial report forensically supported Zimmerman's detailed questioning the night of the murder. The evidence said that he was telling the truth.

He provoked nothing. It was his turn to do neighborhood watch, and he encountered an out-of-the-ordinary and suspicious situation in which an unknown person was casing the area like a criminal does when he's looking for a house to bust into and take cash and valuables.

In fact, his cell phone had a picture of his second jewelry haul, and that was after he was kicked out of school for harboring a stash of jewelry and some drugs in his school locker.

Kicked out of school, kicked out of his house, he was forced to go stay with his natural father because his mother could not control his surly, sour attitude and propensity to get into major trouble at home and at school.

Gee Joe, are you always this dense? ;)

Ummm.. first, Zimmerman was not on Neighborhood Watch that night. He was just coming home from somewhere. Neighborhood watch guidelines SPECIFICALLY say you should not be packing heat

Second, if we started allowing the execution of teenagers for being "surly", we'd have some truly Darwinian elimination going on.

Most Teenagers are "surly". I currently have three teenage neices and nephews who could be described as "Surly". I don't want some fuckwad like Zimmerman shooting them.

Being surly does not equal pounding someone's head into the pavement while on top of them. You keep leaving that part out.
I'm sorry Trayvon threatened the life of and attacked Zimmerman. The police initial report forensically supported Zimmerman's detailed questioning the night of the murder. The evidence said that he was telling the truth.

He provoked nothing. It was his turn to do neighborhood watch, and he encountered an out-of-the-ordinary and suspicious situation in which an unknown person was casing the area like a criminal does when he's looking for a house to bust into and take cash and valuables.

In fact, his cell phone had a picture of his second jewelry haul, and that was after he was kicked out of school for harboring a stash of jewelry and some drugs in his school locker.

Kicked out of school, kicked out of his house, he was forced to go stay with his natural father because his mother could not control his surly, sour attitude and propensity to get into major trouble at home and at school.

Gee Joe, are you always this dense? ;)

Ummm.. first, Zimmerman was not on Neighborhood Watch that night. He was just coming home from somewhere. Neighborhood watch guidelines SPECIFICALLY say you should not be packing heat

Second, if we started allowing the execution of teenagers for being "surly", we'd have some truly Darwinian elimination going on.

Most Teenagers are "surly". I currently have three teenage neices and nephews who could be described as "Surly". I don't want some fuckwad like Zimmerman shooting them.

You predictably focused on trivial items while glossing over the fact that Trayvon's attacked George and that he was a thug all along. PREDICTABLE.

That's right; I don't give a fuck what alleged guideline you think George broke. As a proud American, he was packing to defend himself against Trayvon's attempted murder.

Being surly does not equal pounding someone's head into the pavement while on top of them. You keep leaving that part out.

NO, I just don't consider it relevent, since all he got were two little owies...

Getting your ass kicked in a fight you provoked is not "self-defense", it's murder.

He did not provoke it, or they would have convicted him.

I guess you would have taken the beating "like a man." More than likely it would have caused brain damage if it continued, which in your case, could only improve your intellect.

You predictably focused on trivial items while glossing over the fact that Trayvon's attacked George and that he was a thug all along. PREDICTABLE.

That's right; I don't give a fuck what alleged guideline you think George broke. As a proud American, he was packing to defend himself against Trayvon's attempted murder.

Sorry, man, you don't have a right to kill people because you are losing a fight you started.

But a quick question. How did he know that Martin was going to try to murder him when he made the decision hours before to go out packing heat?

Was he like psychic or something?

Or was he just a thug looking to prove how manly he was by running around the neighborhood like fat Batman....


"I am Vengence... I am the Night... I am Zimmer-Man!"

Being surly does not equal pounding someone's head into the pavement while on top of them. You keep leaving that part out.

NO, I just don't consider it relevent, since all he got were two little owies...

Getting your ass kicked in a fight you provoked is not "self-defense", it's murder.

He did not provoke it, or they would have convicted him.

I guess you would have taken the beating "like a man." More than likely it would have caused brain damage if it continued, which in your case, could only improve your intellect.

Naw, I would have probably won the fight... especially if it was against a 17 year old child. I mean, yeah, I guess getting your ass kicked by a kid would be pretty fucking embarrassing, but killing him to hide it was a bit... harsh.

As for the Jury. All-White Jury acquits White Man of murdering black child... where have we heard that one before..


You predictably focused on trivial items while glossing over the fact that Trayvon's attacked George and that he was a thug all along. PREDICTABLE.

That's right; I don't give a fuck what alleged guideline you think George broke. As a proud American, he was packing to defend himself against Trayvon's attempted murder.

Sorry, man, you don't have a right to kill people because you are losing a fight you started.


"I am Vengence... I am the Night... I am Zimmer-Man!"

You are right.......but makey-uppey laws by hyper-progressives = gay.

The law is the law.

Frankly, I think ZMan was stupid to only pull the trigger once. Says a empty the fucking cartridge and ask questions later.
I keep hearing about "child" being ascribed to a 17 year old.:2up: This is simply more PC progressive gayness of hijacking the reality.:gay::gay:

Go on DRUDGE this teens are on a rampage across the country killing white people indiscriminately. Four more cases this am.

People need to wake up and jettison this PC mindset, be hyper-alert and hyper-armed.
OK. So a person stalks someone, without reason, and then shoots him dead after being told to stand down. And then you brand the person that was stalked as the 'attempted murderer'.

Zimmermann is a murderer. And that you wingnuts are making a hero of him just shows how far over the line your mentality has gone.
NO, I just don't consider it relevent, since all he got were two little owies...

Getting your ass kicked in a fight you provoked is not "self-defense", it's murder.

He did not provoke it, or they would have convicted him.

I guess you would have taken the beating "like a man." More than likely it would have caused brain damage if it continued, which in your case, could only improve your intellect.

Naw, I would have probably won the fight... especially if it was against a 17 year old child. I mean, yeah, I guess getting your ass kicked by a kid would be pretty fucking embarrassing, but killing him to hide it was a bit... harsh.

As for the Jury. All-White Jury acquits White Man of murdering black child... where have we heard that one before..


Considering you have to dig decades in the past, your point is as invalid as any of your others.

And again just because you can win a fight against an attacker I guess means that a 110 lb woman would just have to take it against a 230 lb rapist.

Your support for 230 lb rapists to rape without the fear of being shot is noted.
I keep hearing about "child" being ascribed to a 17 year old.:2up: This is simply more PC progressive gayness of hijacking the reality.:gay::gay:

Go on DRUDGE this teens are on a rampage across the country killing white people indiscriminately. Four more cases this am.

People need to wake up and jettison this PC mindset, be hyper-alert and hyper-armed.

And those kids will be arrested, tried and appropriately punished.

It's just kind of too bad that we don't treat the murder of a black kid the same way.

Considering you have to dig decades in the past, your point is as invalid as any of your others.

And again just because you can win a fight against an attacker I guess means that a 110 lb woman would just have to take it against a 230 lb rapist.

Your support for 230 lb rapists to rape without the fear of being shot is noted.

80% of women are raped by men they know, so a gun doesn't really do that much good.

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