George Zimmerman visits Kel-Tec gun factory

Zimmerman is getting ready to sue the state of Florida for bringing the charges when they knew the charges were groundless, and for the mural showing thug trayvon martin being shot in the back.

Mural of George Zimmerman Shooting Trayvon Martin Unveiled in Florida State Capitol | Video |

He should get MILLIONS and the mural removed.

That case will go no where, sovereign immunity.

People sue states every day, and they sue the federal government too. Politically correct fraud is still fraud.
Arizona legislature voted to make the gun that was used by the Tucson shooter the "state gun". Like Rs everywhere, they vote against jobs, education, infrastructure and economic growth, but they can always find time to congratulate murderers.

Maybe this gun maker will name one of their guns after the murderer of Trayvon Martin. I'm sure that would fit right in to gz's "PR plan".

Got a link to any of these claims you damn liar? :eusa_eh:
OMG! Snookie thinks Socrates didn't understand his own address to the forum. I guess he thinks Plato didn't understand it either since it was Plato who wrote about Socrates' Apology.

Snookie is a dumbed down version of a stupid person.

I never said a thing but you make things up and say bad things about me, you stupid ******.

I wish I could neg that stupid bitch, Snoopie again.

But, alas, I gotta remember to spread some rep around before I can get back to neg Stupie

You are a common pathetic bitch. Bragging about negging people. I have never negged anyone. I am above such childish antics.
And still they are crying about the butt hurt.

It is what it was.

Get over it and find another zero cause to jump all over.


They have:


Does this mean the Zimmerman butthurt will stop now?

The butthurt will not stop until some vigilante mounts George's head on a pike.

True story. :thup:



OK. So a person stalks someone, without reason, and then shoots him dead after being told to stand down. And then you brand the person that was stalked as the 'attempted murderer'.

Zimmermann is a murderer. And that you wingnuts are making a hero of him just shows how far over the line your mentality has gone.

Once again, a liberal twisting the facts to suit the liberal narrative. Let me take this apart, one lie at a time.

Lie #1 : "Stalked someone..." Factually incorrect, and use of a loaded word to imply malicious /criminal intent where there was none. Zimmerman did NOT "stalk" Martin, he simply followed him without any intent to apprehend or make contact, but merely to report his location to law enforcement. Proof-Zimmerman's conversation (recorded) with the police dispatcher with whom he was in contact.

Lie # 2 "Without reason..." Factually incorrect. Darkness had fallen, and Martin's attempts to get his bearings in a somewhat unfamiliar location would have looked to a casual observer like possibly "casing" the area for a possible break-in. Police stop and question subjects for similar activity every day. Most often, there is an innocent explanation, sometimes, there is not. The operative word is "reasonable suspicion"; it was there, and enough grounds for a citizen observer to "report and observe", which Zimmerman did.

Lie # 3 "Told to stand down" Factually incorrect, and another loaded use of words to imply defiance of lawful authority. Actual words, Dispatcher to Zimmerman, "We don't need you to do that..." Dispatcher was NOT, by his own testimony, giving an order, directive, or advice, but merely making a comment. The fact that this comment had NO legal force has been repeatedly explicated, here and elsewhere, including at trial. In any case, well before the fight occurred, Zimmerman told the dispatcher that Martin was no longer in sight and he was retuning to his vehicle; At no time did Zimmerman indicate any intent or attempt to apprehend or confront Martin; instead, he attempted merely to ascertain and report his location.

Lie # 3 The BIG LIE Martin's deliberate attack on Zimmerman conveniently overlooked. Lie by omission, factually incorrect. Proof: timeline, according to the 911 dispatch tapes, eyewitness testimony, and forensic evidence. The dispatch record provides a timeline with one inescapable fact: the time between Zimmerman telling the dispatcher he could not regain visual contact with Martin, and the time the fight occurred. We don't know where Martin went, but we do know that had he continued from where he was last seen to Brandy Green's apartment, he would have arrived well before the time of the altercation. The timeline, and location of the altercation ARE NOT consistent with any theory that Zimmerman somehow caught up to Martin and "cornered him"; but are TOTALLY consistent with the theory that Martin either waited in ambush, or doubled back to confront Zimmerman. The forensic evidence, including presence/absence of marks on hands or elsewhere, on both parties, along with eyewitness testimony, clearly indicate that it was Martin, not Zimmerman, who threw one or more punches. This is lent additional credence by the racial slur Martin used in talking with his girlfriend, (recalled by her at trial) moments before the fight started-indicates his state of mind. IT WAS MARTIN, NOT ZIMMERMAN, WHO WAS FIRST TO COMMIT A CRIMINAL ACT HERE, and that's what the evidence says, not mere supposition.

Lie # 4 "you brand the person who was stalked as an attempted murderer..." Factually incorrect, and irrelevant, in any case. We do not know with certainty, what Martin's intent was; we DO know what he did. He assaulted Zimmerman, and continued to assault him, after Zimmerman was down and not effectively fighting back. We know that much, from the testimony of available witnesses, and from the forensic evidence, and that fact,combined with Martin initiating use of physical force, meets the requirements for using lethal force in self defense. It does not matter if Martin intended to merely injure Zimmerman, or actually kill him.

Lie # 5 "Zimmerman is a murderer, and a child killer" Factually and legally incorrect, on two counts. First, Martin was NOT a child; he was 17, and by law, if he had killed or seriously injured Zimmerman, would have been tried, and if convicted, sentenced, as an adult. NOT a juvenile. He committed an adult crime (felonious assault or equivalent), and was shot in self-defense by his victim. Second, a jury in a duly constituted court of law, NOT a lynch mob in the streets or in the press, tried the case, and found Zimmerman "NOT GUILTY" of murder, or anything else. It is therefore a lie to call him a "murderer" when the law says otherwise. Then again your side is inordinately fond of that canard, and has been for over forty years; it's getting worn out from overuse, and you need to find a new schtick.

That makes FIVE lies, and one true statement: Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin. Your emotional reaction to that cannot overcome the obvious-neither the facts nor the law fit what you so desperately want to believe happened, or produce the outcome you desire, and all the lying, demagoguery, and hand-wrining in the world in the world won't change that.

You know, if I were as politically self-interested as you, I would have actually hoped that the mobs the media whipped up in the streets, and you liberals gleefully cheered on from the sidelines, succeeded in lynching Zimmerman; that would have done more damage to your cause in the long run than we ever could. I guess I'm a little too interested in justice and the rule of law to wish for that. However, while Zimmerman isn't a hero, you people have managed to make him a martyr of sorts and a symbol of your worst excesses and worst instincts, one more reason to despise a sensationalist media we distrust, a symbol of racist race pimps and PC run amok, and one more reason to distrust an increasingly racist administration. You've also set race relations in this country back about 40 years. I suppose congratulations are in order.

You hoped the liberals had lynched Zimmerman? You have just shown the way you think, full of hatred, hubris, and violence.
I never said a thing but you make things up and say bad things about me, you stupid ******.

I wish I could neg that stupid bitch, Snoopie again.

But, alas, I gotta remember to spread some rep around before I can get back to neg Stupie

You are a common pathetic bitch. Bragging about negging people. I have never negged anyone. I am above such childish antics.

You are the odious twat who called another person a "******."

You are a foul, diseased ****.

And I would love to neg you again, but I must spread some rep around first.

By the way, you rancid whore's pussy, I don't give a tinker's damn whether or not you have ever negged anybody. Who could possibly care what a bitch like you does or does not do?

You worthless diseased skanky rat **** bitch.

Neg ya later.
When George was at the gun factory he inquired about buying a 12 shot pump shotgun. The dude is super paranoid.
When Stupie ^ was obsessing over the acquitted George Zimmerman, Stupie spent time worrying about what kind of weapon Zimmerman might purchase.
You are so predictable. I know what you are going to say before you say it. All I have to do to know what you are going to say is think stupid.
When George was at the gun factory he inquired about buying a 12 shot pump shotgun. The dude is super paranoid.

With assholes all around wishing for his death, I would consider him an idiot if he wasnt paranoid.
I wish I could neg that stupid bitch, Snoopie again.

But, alas, I gotta remember to spread some rep around before I can get back to neg Stupie

You are a common pathetic bitch. Bragging about negging people. I have never negged anyone. I am above such childish antics.

You are the odious twat who called another person a "******."

You are a foul, diseased ****.

And I would love to neg you again, but I must spread some rep around first.

By the way, you rancid whore's pussy, I don't give a tinker's damn whether or not you have ever negged anybody. Who could possibly care what a bitch like you does or does not do?

You worthless diseased skanky rat **** bitch.

Neg ya later.

Oh, the irony of the most racist cracka at usmb taking umbrage of me using the n word.
You are a common pathetic bitch. Bragging about negging people. I have never negged anyone. I am above such childish antics.

You are the odious twat who called another person a "******."

You are a foul, diseased ****.

And I would love to neg you again, but I must spread some rep around first.

By the way, you rancid whore's pussy, I don't give a tinker's damn whether or not you have ever negged anybody. Who could possibly care what a bitch like you does or does not do?

You worthless diseased skanky rat **** bitch.

Neg ya later.

Oh, the irony of the most racist cracka at usmb taking umbrage of me using the n word.

I am not a racist at all, much less the most racist cracker at USMB.

You cannot validly substitute your petty dishonesty for reality, you dishonest twat.

And there's nothing ironic about noting your racist words, you hideous ****.
When George was at the gun factory he inquired about buying a 12 shot pump shotgun. The dude is super paranoid.

With all the death threats he gets and all the publicity death threats have he would be foolish NOT to buy guns and lots of them. The toxic climate around Zimmerman has basically given him a license to kill.
OK. So a person stalks someone, without reason, and then shoots him dead after being told to stand down. And then you brand the person that was stalked as the 'attempted murderer'.

Zimmermann is a murderer. And that you wingnuts are making a hero of him just shows how far over the line your mentality has gone.

Once again, a liberal twisting the facts to suit the liberal narrative. Let me take this apart, one lie at a time.

Lie #1 : "Stalked someone..." Factually incorrect, and use of a loaded word to imply malicious /criminal intent where there was none. Zimmerman did NOT "stalk" Martin, he simply followed him without any intent to apprehend or make contact, but merely to report his location to law enforcement. Proof-Zimmerman's conversation (recorded) with the police dispatcher with whom he was in contact.

Lie # 2 "Without reason..." Factually incorrect. Darkness had fallen, and Martin's attempts to get his bearings in a somewhat unfamiliar location would have looked to a casual observer like possibly "casing" the area for a possible break-in. Police stop and question subjects for similar activity every day. Most often, there is an innocent explanation, sometimes, there is not. The operative word is "reasonable suspicion"; it was there, and enough grounds for a citizen observer to "report and observe", which Zimmerman did.

Lie # 3 "Told to stand down" Factually incorrect, and another loaded use of words to imply defiance of lawful authority. Actual words, Dispatcher to Zimmerman, "We don't need you to do that..." Dispatcher was NOT, by his own testimony, giving an order, directive, or advice, but merely making a comment. The fact that this comment had NO legal force has been repeatedly explicated, here and elsewhere, including at trial. In any case, well before the fight occurred, Zimmerman told the dispatcher that Martin was no longer in sight and he was retuning to his vehicle; At no time did Zimmerman indicate any intent or attempt to apprehend or confront Martin; instead, he attempted merely to ascertain and report his location.

Lie # 3 The BIG LIE Martin's deliberate attack on Zimmerman conveniently overlooked. Lie by omission, factually incorrect. Proof: timeline, according to the 911 dispatch tapes, eyewitness testimony, and forensic evidence. The dispatch record provides a timeline with one inescapable fact: the time between Zimmerman telling the dispatcher he could not regain visual contact with Martin, and the time the fight occurred. We don't know where Martin went, but we do know that had he continued from where he was last seen to Brandy Green's apartment, he would have arrived well before the time of the altercation. The timeline, and location of the altercation ARE NOT consistent with any theory that Zimmerman somehow caught up to Martin and "cornered him"; but are TOTALLY consistent with the theory that Martin either waited in ambush, or doubled back to confront Zimmerman. The forensic evidence, including presence/absence of marks on hands or elsewhere, on both parties, along with eyewitness testimony, clearly indicate that it was Martin, not Zimmerman, who threw one or more punches. This is lent additional credence by the racial slur Martin used in talking with his girlfriend, (recalled by her at trial) moments before the fight started-indicates his state of mind. IT WAS MARTIN, NOT ZIMMERMAN, WHO WAS FIRST TO COMMIT A CRIMINAL ACT HERE, and that's what the evidence says, not mere supposition.

Lie # 4 "you brand the person who was stalked as an attempted murderer..." Factually incorrect, and irrelevant, in any case. We do not know with certainty, what Martin's intent was; we DO know what he did. He assaulted Zimmerman, and continued to assault him, after Zimmerman was down and not effectively fighting back. We know that much, from the testimony of available witnesses, and from the forensic evidence, and that fact,combined with Martin initiating use of physical force, meets the requirements for using lethal force in self defense. It does not matter if Martin intended to merely injure Zimmerman, or actually kill him.

Lie # 5 "Zimmerman is a murderer, and a child killer" Factually and legally incorrect, on two counts. First, Martin was NOT a child; he was 17, and by law, if he had killed or seriously injured Zimmerman, would have been tried, and if convicted, sentenced, as an adult. NOT a juvenile. He committed an adult crime (felonious assault or equivalent), and was shot in self-defense by his victim. Second, a jury in a duly constituted court of law, NOT a lynch mob in the streets or in the press, tried the case, and found Zimmerman "NOT GUILTY" of murder, or anything else. It is therefore a lie to call him a "murderer" when the law says otherwise. Then again your side is inordinately fond of that canard, and has been for over forty years; it's getting worn out from overuse, and you need to find a new schtick.

That makes FIVE lies, and one true statement: Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin. Your emotional reaction to that cannot overcome the obvious-neither the facts nor the law fit what you so desperately want to believe happened, or produce the outcome you desire, and all the lying, demagoguery, and hand-wrining in the world in the world won't change that.

You know, if I were as politically self-interested as you, I would have actually hoped that the mobs the media whipped up in the streets, and you liberals gleefully cheered on from the sidelines, succeeded in lynching Zimmerman; that would have done more damage to your cause in the long run than we ever could. I guess I'm a little too interested in justice and the rule of law to wish for that. However, while Zimmerman isn't a hero, you people have managed to make him a martyr of sorts and a symbol of your worst excesses and worst instincts, one more reason to despise a sensationalist media we distrust, a symbol of racist race pimps and PC run amok, and one more reason to distrust an increasingly racist administration. You've also set race relations in this country back about 40 years. I suppose congratulations are in order.

You hoped the liberals had lynched Zimmerman? You have just shown the way you think, full of hatred, hubris, and violence.

Reading is fundamental, Snookie. So is CONTEXT. (I've bolded the words you ignored here, just for you, and anyone else who cherry-picks one sentence out of what I said). After you digest that, you can try responding to the substance of what I posted.
Zimmerman is getting ready to sue the state of Florida for bringing the charges when they knew the charges were groundless, and for the mural showing thug trayvon martin being shot in the back.

Mural of George Zimmerman Shooting Trayvon Martin Unveiled in Florida State Capitol | Video |

He should get MILLIONS and the mural removed.

That case will go no where, sovereign immunity.

As to brining the charges, I'm sure you're correct. I'm less certain about the mural, because what it depicts is so at odds with the facts, that could be seen as legally defamatory, and a court might well order its removal, at minimum. That depiction is false on the face of it, clearly intended to inflame and defame, and it should not be displayed in a state building with state approval. I am guessing the defense will be that Zimmerman, as a result of the trial (and attendant pretrial publicity), became a "public"person; in this case the real question may be whether the exercise of the legal right to self-defense is sufficient in and of itself to make a "public person" of a private citizen. Note however, that even a "public person" may be protected against defamation, IF it can be shown that the defamation was deliberately and patently false, there was clear malicious intent was to defame, AND that the State continued to officially authorize and permit such display, AFTER it was shown to be both false and defamatory. That part of it just might constitute liability. That said, although it is patently offensive, public display of said mural on private property most likely would be constitutionally protected speech.
I keep hearing about "child" being ascribed to a 17 year old.:2up: This is simply more PC progressive gayness of hijacking the reality.:gay::gay:

Go on DRUDGE this teens are on a rampage across the country killing white people indiscriminately. Four more cases this am.

People need to wake up and jettison this PC mindset, be hyper-alert and hyper-armed.

And those kids will be arrested, tried and appropriately punished.

It's just kind of too bad that we don't treat the murder of a black kid the same way.
And those kids will be arrested, tried and appropriately punished.

Zimmerman was arrested, tried, and allowed to go free by a jury of his peers.

Your one-way ticket to nowhere is duly noted. :rolleyes:
Oh yes. Hyper alert and hyper armed. And we have a bunch of fruitloops blowing away family members in the dark because they are so afraid and fucking stupid.

And so goddamned dumb that they leave the loaded weapons, safety off, where small children can find them. We see that on an almost weekly basis.

Ray......I give you credit for still having this kind of level of idealism. Like most progressives, you seek a solution to ALL problems. The problem is......that world doesn't exist. Never will. You have to live with necessary tradeoffs no matter which direction you take on public policy. Its just the way it is.

The facts are......and are not even debatable........more guns = less crimes.. People with the ability to think on the margin ( non-progressives) understand that there are not perfect solutions to every problem.

Look at the recent data from Harvard University on gun ownership in Europe. If you live in a country with low gun ownership, you are far more likely to get your ass murdered.

Does Owning Guns Reduce Crime?

Yes it sucks, but its just the way it is in a civilized society. Buckle up your chinstrap and accept it.:2up:

Steve, you need to do some research before making such a statement.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

US 4.8
UK 1.2
Sweden 1.0
Norway 0.6
France 1.1
Germany 0.8 cant be serious using a WIKIPEDIA link!!!:2up:


Mine is a full paper from Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy ( 2013) >>>>

"There is a compound assertion that (a) guns are uniquely available in the United
States compared with other modern developed nations, which is
why (b) the United States has by far the highest murder rate.
Though these assertions have been endlessly repeated, statement
(b) is, in fact, false and statement (a) is substantially so."


Nation Murder Rate Rate of Gun Ownership

Russia 20.54 [2002] 4,000
Luxembourg 9.01 [2002] c. 0
Hungary 2.22 [2003] 2,000
Finland 1.98 [2004] 39,000
Sweden 1.87 [2001] 24,000
Poland 1.79 [2003] 1,500
France 1.65 [2003] 30,000
Denmark 1.21 [2003] 19,000
Greece 1.12 [2003] 11,000
Switzerland 0.99 [2003] 16,000
Germany 0.93 [2003] 30,000
Norway 0.81 [2001] 36,000
Austria 0.80 [2002] 17,000

more guns = less crime

The numbers a jaw dropping it is so decisive!!!:banana::2up::banana::2up::banana:

Gun control does one thing: Kills more people.
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