George Zimmerman visits Kel-Tec gun factory

OK. So a person stalks someone, without reason, and then shoots him dead after being told to stand down. And then you brand the person that was stalked as the 'attempted murderer'.

Zimmermann is a murderer. And that you wingnuts are making a hero of him just shows how far over the line your mentality has gone.

Once again, a liberal twisting the facts to suit the liberal narrative. Let me take this apart, one lie at a time.

Lie #1 : "Stalked someone..." Factually incorrect, and use of a loaded word to imply malicious /criminal intent where there was none. Zimmerman did NOT "stalk" Martin, he simply followed him without any intent to apprehend or make contact, but merely to report his location to law enforcement. Proof-Zimmerman's conversation (recorded) with the police dispatcher with whom he was in contact.

Lie # 2 "Without reason..." Factually incorrect. Darkness had fallen, and Martin's attempts to get his bearings in a somewhat unfamiliar location would have looked to a casual observer like possibly "casing" the area for a possible break-in. Police stop and question subjects for similar activity every day. Most often, there is an innocent explanation, sometimes, there is not. The operative word is "reasonable suspicion"; it was there, and enough grounds for a citizen observer to "report and observe", which Zimmerman did.

Lie # 3 "Told to stand down" Factually incorrect, and another loaded use of words to imply defiance of lawful authority. Actual words, Dispatcher to Zimmerman, "We don't need you to do that..." Dispatcher was NOT, by his own testimony, giving an order, directive, or advice, but merely making a comment. The fact that this comment had NO legal force has been repeatedly explicated, here and elsewhere, including at trial. In any case, well before the fight occurred, Zimmerman told the dispatcher that Martin was no longer in sight and he was retuning to his vehicle; At no time did Zimmerman indicate any intent or attempt to apprehend or confront Martin; instead, he attempted merely to ascertain and report his location.

Lie # 3 The BIG LIE Martin's deliberate attack on Zimmerman conveniently overlooked. Lie by omission, factually incorrect. Proof: timeline, according to the 911 dispatch tapes, eyewitness testimony, and forensic evidence. The dispatch record provides a timeline with one inescapable fact: the time between Zimmerman telling the dispatcher he could not regain visual contact with Martin, and the time the fight occurred. We don't know where Martin went, but we do know that had he continued from where he was last seen to Brandy Green's apartment, he would have arrived well before the time of the altercation. The timeline, and location of the altercation ARE NOT consistent with any theory that Zimmerman somehow caught up to Martin and "cornered him"; but are TOTALLY consistent with the theory that Martin either waited in ambush, or doubled back to confront Zimmerman. The forensic evidence, including presence/absence of marks on hands or elsewhere, on both parties, along with eyewitness testimony, clearly indicate that it was Martin, not Zimmerman, who threw one or more punches. This is lent additional credence by the racial slur Martin used in talking with his girlfriend, (recalled by her at trial) moments before the fight started-indicates his state of mind. IT WAS MARTIN, NOT ZIMMERMAN, WHO WAS FIRST TO COMMIT A CRIMINAL ACT HERE, and that's what the evidence says, not mere supposition.

Lie # 4 "you brand the person who was stalked as an attempted murderer..." Factually incorrect, and irrelevant, in any case. We do not know with certainty, what Martin's intent was; we DO know what he did. He assaulted Zimmerman, and continued to assault him, after Zimmerman was down and not effectively fighting back. We know that much, from the testimony of available witnesses, and from the forensic evidence, and that fact,combined with Martin initiating use of physical force, meets the requirements for using lethal force in self defense. It does not matter if Martin intended to merely injure Zimmerman, or actually kill him.

Lie # 5 "Zimmerman is a murderer, and a child killer" Factually and legally incorrect, on two counts. First, Martin was NOT a child; he was 17, and by law, if he had killed or seriously injured Zimmerman, would have been tried, and if convicted, sentenced, as an adult. NOT a juvenile. He committed an adult crime (felonious assault or equivalent), and was shot in self-defense by his victim. Second, a jury in a duly constituted court of law, NOT a lynch mob in the streets or in the press, tried the case, and found Zimmerman "NOT GUILTY" of murder, or anything else. It is therefore a lie to call him a "murderer" when the law says otherwise. Then again your side is inordinately fond of that canard, and has been for over forty years; it's getting worn out from overuse, and you need to find a new schtick.

That makes FIVE lies, and one true statement: Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin. Your emotional reaction to that cannot overcome the obvious-neither the facts nor the law fit what you so desperately want to believe happened, or produce the outcome you desire, and all the lying, demagoguery, and hand-wrining in the world in the world won't change that.

You know, if I were as politically self-interested as you, I would have actually hoped that the mobs the media whipped up in the streets, and you liberals gleefully cheered on from the sidelines, succeeded in lynching Zimmerman; that would have done more damage to your cause in the long run than we ever could. I guess I'm a little too interested in justice and the rule of law to wish for that. However, while Zimmerman isn't a hero, you people have managed to make him a martyr of sorts and a symbol of your worst excesses and worst instincts, one more reason to despise a sensationalist media we distrust, a symbol of racist race pimps and PC run amok, and one more reason to distrust an increasingly racist administration. You've also set race relations in this country back about 40 years. I suppose congratulations are in order.

There are only two people that know what went down that night. And Martin is dead. We have only the word of Zimmermann for what happened. Zimmermann may well have had the gun already out, and threatoned Marting with it, and the struggle was for possesion of the gun. You see, the only witnesses saw the fight at just the conclusion. They did not see Martin attack Zimmermann, or Zimmermann attack Martin.

Zimmermann was told to stand down. He did not, he had a gun, a 17 year old kid is dead, and you assholes make a hero out of a sniveling coward.

don't worry, you kooks will resurrect Martin whenever convenient
OK. So a person stalks someone, without reason, and then shoots him dead after being told to stand down. And then you brand the person that was stalked as the 'attempted murderer'.

Zimmermann is a murderer. And that you wingnuts are making a hero of him just shows how far over the line your mentality has gone.

Once again, a liberal twisting the facts to suit the liberal narrative. Let me take this apart, one lie at a time.

Lie #1 : "Stalked someone..." Factually incorrect, and use of a loaded word to imply malicious /criminal intent where there was none. Zimmerman did NOT "stalk" Martin, he simply followed him without any intent to apprehend or make contact, but merely to report his location to law enforcement. Proof-Zimmerman's conversation (recorded) with the police dispatcher with whom he was in contact.

Lie # 2 "Without reason..." Factually incorrect. Darkness had fallen, and Martin's attempts to get his bearings in a somewhat unfamiliar location would have looked to a casual observer like possibly "casing" the area for a possible break-in. Police stop and question subjects for similar activity every day. Most often, there is an innocent explanation, sometimes, there is not. The operative word is "reasonable suspicion"; it was there, and enough grounds for a citizen observer to "report and observe", which Zimmerman did.

Lie # 3 "Told to stand down" Factually incorrect, and another loaded use of words to imply defiance of lawful authority. Actual words, Dispatcher to Zimmerman, "We don't need you to do that..." Dispatcher was NOT, by his own testimony, giving an order, directive, or advice, but merely making a comment. The fact that this comment had NO legal force has been repeatedly explicated, here and elsewhere, including at trial. In any case, well before the fight occurred, Zimmerman told the dispatcher that Martin was no longer in sight and he was retuning to his vehicle; At no time did Zimmerman indicate any intent or attempt to apprehend or confront Martin; instead, he attempted merely to ascertain and report his location.

Lie # 3 The BIG LIE Martin's deliberate attack on Zimmerman conveniently overlooked. Lie by omission, factually incorrect. Proof: timeline, according to the 911 dispatch tapes, eyewitness testimony, and forensic evidence. The dispatch record provides a timeline with one inescapable fact: the time between Zimmerman telling the dispatcher he could not regain visual contact with Martin, and the time the fight occurred. We don't know where Martin went, but we do know that had he continued from where he was last seen to Brandy Green's apartment, he would have arrived well before the time of the altercation. The timeline, and location of the altercation ARE NOT consistent with any theory that Zimmerman somehow caught up to Martin and "cornered him"; but are TOTALLY consistent with the theory that Martin either waited in ambush, or doubled back to confront Zimmerman. The forensic evidence, including presence/absence of marks on hands or elsewhere, on both parties, along with eyewitness testimony, clearly indicate that it was Martin, not Zimmerman, who threw one or more punches. This is lent additional credence by the racial slur Martin used in talking with his girlfriend, (recalled by her at trial) moments before the fight started-indicates his state of mind. IT WAS MARTIN, NOT ZIMMERMAN, WHO WAS FIRST TO COMMIT A CRIMINAL ACT HERE, and that's what the evidence says, not mere supposition.

Lie # 4 "you brand the person who was stalked as an attempted murderer..." Factually incorrect, and irrelevant, in any case. We do not know with certainty, what Martin's intent was; we DO know what he did. He assaulted Zimmerman, and continued to assault him, after Zimmerman was down and not effectively fighting back. We know that much, from the testimony of available witnesses, and from the forensic evidence, and that fact,combined with Martin initiating use of physical force, meets the requirements for using lethal force in self defense. It does not matter if Martin intended to merely injure Zimmerman, or actually kill him.

Lie # 5 "Zimmerman is a murderer, and a child killer" Factually and legally incorrect, on two counts. First, Martin was NOT a child; he was 17, and by law, if he had killed or seriously injured Zimmerman, would have been tried, and if convicted, sentenced, as an adult. NOT a juvenile. He committed an adult crime (felonious assault or equivalent), and was shot in self-defense by his victim. Second, a jury in a duly constituted court of law, NOT a lynch mob in the streets or in the press, tried the case, and found Zimmerman "NOT GUILTY" of murder, or anything else. It is therefore a lie to call him a "murderer" when the law says otherwise. Then again your side is inordinately fond of that canard, and has been for over forty years; it's getting worn out from overuse, and you need to find a new schtick.

That makes FIVE lies, and one true statement: Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin. Your emotional reaction to that cannot overcome the obvious-neither the facts nor the law fit what you so desperately want to believe happened, or produce the outcome you desire, and all the lying, demagoguery, and hand-wrining in the world in the world won't change that.

You know, if I were as politically self-interested as you, I would have actually hoped that the mobs the media whipped up in the streets, and you liberals gleefully cheered on from the sidelines, succeeded in lynching Zimmerman; that would have done more damage to your cause in the long run than we ever could. I guess I'm a little too interested in justice and the rule of law to wish for that. However, while Zimmerman isn't a hero, you people have managed to make him a martyr of sorts and a symbol of your worst excesses and worst instincts, one more reason to despise a sensationalist media we distrust, a symbol of racist race pimps and PC run amok, and one more reason to distrust an increasingly racist administration. You've also set race relations in this country back about 40 years. I suppose congratulations are in order.

There are only two people that know what went down that night. And Martin is dead. We have only the word of Zimmermann for what happened. Zimmermann may well have had the gun already out, and threatoned Marting with it, and the struggle was for possesion of the gun. You see, the only witnesses saw the fight at just the conclusion. They did not see Martin attack Zimmermann, or Zimmermann attack Martin.

Zimmermann was told to stand down. He did not, he had a gun, a 17 year old kid is dead, and you assholes make a hero out of a sniveling coward.

He never was told "to stand down" by anyone.
We have gone over this a dozen times.
Your refusal to admit that fact leads to your emotional bias in this matter.
This tragedy is over. Zimmerman should have been charged with involuntary manslaughter and a plea probably would have been done.
Instead the left and the media went with lies, distortions, half truths and doctored 911 calls as their case.
And it failed miserably being exposed as the fraud as it was. Sorry you bought it hook, line and sinker.
Prayers and thoughts to the Martin family and Trayvon Martin in his death but this was never a murder case to begin with. The Sanford PD was vindicated in this matter.
No matter how hard you spin it Zimmerman was never ordered to stand down by anyone.
That is a fact as the 911 dispatcher that stated "you do not have to do that" testified that was not an order, command or statement of an order of a command in any shape or form.
Dude jumped off of a building last week in Atlanta.
We need a 3 day waiting period on buildings.
Office buildings can wait 3 days.

Woman walked into a gun store here in Portland, Oregon, and wanted to buy a gun and have the clerk load it for her. The clerk refused, she went to a couple more gun stores until she found a clerk that would do that. Took the loaded gun home and shot herself. A three day waiting period might have given her time to rethink what she was about to do.

Now I have not bought that many guns, most were barter or given to me, but when I did buy a gun, a three day waiting period would not have made a bit of differance to me.

Many a woman dead waiting on that gun as an ex or former boyfriend killed them.
Zimmerman's lawyer is begging the state for money. He claims Zimmerman has not paid him any yet. What a stiff.:lol: How can Zimmerman afford expensive shotguns?

Your ignorance knows no bounds. Zimmerman's lawyers are not charging him for their services. The money being demanded from the state that falsely prosecuted him is for the expert witnesses.

You couldn't really be this stupid.

I smell a troll.

You smell a troll? Then get your head out of your ass, moron.:lol:
Once again, a liberal twisting the facts to suit the liberal narrative. Let me take this apart, one lie at a time.

Lie #1 : "Stalked someone..." Factually incorrect, and use of a loaded word to imply malicious /criminal intent where there was none. Zimmerman did NOT "stalk" Martin, he simply followed him without any intent to apprehend or make contact, but merely to report his location to law enforcement. Proof-Zimmerman's conversation (recorded) with the police dispatcher with whom he was in contact.

Lie # 2 "Without reason..." Factually incorrect. Darkness had fallen, and Martin's attempts to get his bearings in a somewhat unfamiliar location would have looked to a casual observer like possibly "casing" the area for a possible break-in. Police stop and question subjects for similar activity every day. Most often, there is an innocent explanation, sometimes, there is not. The operative word is "reasonable suspicion"; it was there, and enough grounds for a citizen observer to "report and observe", which Zimmerman did.

Lie # 3 "Told to stand down" Factually incorrect, and another loaded use of words to imply defiance of lawful authority. Actual words, Dispatcher to Zimmerman, "We don't need you to do that..." Dispatcher was NOT, by his own testimony, giving an order, directive, or advice, but merely making a comment. The fact that this comment had NO legal force has been repeatedly explicated, here and elsewhere, including at trial. In any case, well before the fight occurred, Zimmerman told the dispatcher that Martin was no longer in sight and he was retuning to his vehicle; At no time did Zimmerman indicate any intent or attempt to apprehend or confront Martin; instead, he attempted merely to ascertain and report his location.

Lie # 3 The BIG LIE Martin's deliberate attack on Zimmerman conveniently overlooked. Lie by omission, factually incorrect. Proof: timeline, according to the 911 dispatch tapes, eyewitness testimony, and forensic evidence. The dispatch record provides a timeline with one inescapable fact: the time between Zimmerman telling the dispatcher he could not regain visual contact with Martin, and the time the fight occurred. We don't know where Martin went, but we do know that had he continued from where he was last seen to Brandy Green's apartment, he would have arrived well before the time of the altercation. The timeline, and location of the altercation ARE NOT consistent with any theory that Zimmerman somehow caught up to Martin and "cornered him"; but are TOTALLY consistent with the theory that Martin either waited in ambush, or doubled back to confront Zimmerman. The forensic evidence, including presence/absence of marks on hands or elsewhere, on both parties, along with eyewitness testimony, clearly indicate that it was Martin, not Zimmerman, who threw one or more punches. This is lent additional credence by the racial slur Martin used in talking with his girlfriend, (recalled by her at trial) moments before the fight started-indicates his state of mind. IT WAS MARTIN, NOT ZIMMERMAN, WHO WAS FIRST TO COMMIT A CRIMINAL ACT HERE, and that's what the evidence says, not mere supposition.

Lie # 4 "you brand the person who was stalked as an attempted murderer..." Factually incorrect, and irrelevant, in any case. We do not know with certainty, what Martin's intent was; we DO know what he did. He assaulted Zimmerman, and continued to assault him, after Zimmerman was down and not effectively fighting back. We know that much, from the testimony of available witnesses, and from the forensic evidence, and that fact,combined with Martin initiating use of physical force, meets the requirements for using lethal force in self defense. It does not matter if Martin intended to merely injure Zimmerman, or actually kill him.

Lie # 5 "Zimmerman is a murderer, and a child killer" Factually and legally incorrect, on two counts. First, Martin was NOT a child; he was 17, and by law, if he had killed or seriously injured Zimmerman, would have been tried, and if convicted, sentenced, as an adult. NOT a juvenile. He committed an adult crime (felonious assault or equivalent), and was shot in self-defense by his victim. Second, a jury in a duly constituted court of law, NOT a lynch mob in the streets or in the press, tried the case, and found Zimmerman "NOT GUILTY" of murder, or anything else. It is therefore a lie to call him a "murderer" when the law says otherwise. Then again your side is inordinately fond of that canard, and has been for over forty years; it's getting worn out from overuse, and you need to find a new schtick.

That makes FIVE lies, and one true statement: Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin. Your emotional reaction to that cannot overcome the obvious-neither the facts nor the law fit what you so desperately want to believe happened, or produce the outcome you desire, and all the lying, demagoguery, and hand-wrining in the world in the world won't change that.

You know, if I were as politically self-interested as you, I would have actually hoped that the mobs the media whipped up in the streets, and you liberals gleefully cheered on from the sidelines, succeeded in lynching Zimmerman; that would have done more damage to your cause in the long run than we ever could. I guess I'm a little too interested in justice and the rule of law to wish for that. However, while Zimmerman isn't a hero, you people have managed to make him a martyr of sorts and a symbol of your worst excesses and worst instincts, one more reason to despise a sensationalist media we distrust, a symbol of racist race pimps and PC run amok, and one more reason to distrust an increasingly racist administration. You've also set race relations in this country back about 40 years. I suppose congratulations are in order.

There are only two people that know what went down that night. And Martin is dead. We have only the word of Zimmermann for what happened. Zimmermann may well have had the gun already out, and threatoned Marting with it, and the struggle was for possesion of the gun. You see, the only witnesses saw the fight at just the conclusion. They did not see Martin attack Zimmermann, or Zimmermann attack Martin.

Zimmermann was told to stand down. He did not, he had a gun, a 17 year old kid is dead, and you assholes make a hero out of a sniveling coward.

He never was told "to stand down" by anyone.
We have gone over this a dozen times.
Your refusal to admit that fact leads to your emotional bias in this matter.
This tragedy is over. Zimmerman should have been charged with involuntary manslaughter and a plea probably would have been done.
Instead the left and the media went with lies, distortions, half truths and doctored 911 calls as their case.
And it failed miserably being exposed as the fraud as it was. Sorry you bought it hook, line and sinker.
Prayers and thoughts to the Martin family and Trayvon Martin in his death but this was never a murder case to begin with. The Sanford PD was vindicated in this matter.
No matter how hard you spin it Zimmerman was never ordered to stand down by anyone.
That is a fact as the 911 dispatcher that stated "you do not have to do that" testified that was not an order, command or statement of an order of a command in any shape or form.

We need to amend the ten commandents to say "Thou shall not kill, unless..."
Zimmerman's lawyer is begging the state for money. He claims Zimmerman has not paid him any yet. What a stiff.:lol: How can Zimmerman afford expensive shotguns?

Your ignorance knows no bounds. Zimmerman's lawyers are not charging him for their services. The money being demanded from the state that falsely prosecuted him is for the expert witnesses.

You couldn't really be this stupid.

I smell a troll.

You smell a troll? Then get your head out of your ass, moron.:lol:

Thanks for proving my point
Sorry bout that,

1. George was found not guilty
2. George got a new gun, and a new truck
3. No civil suits have been filed against George
4. No federal charges have been filed against George
5. Skittles sales have dropped back to 2011 levels.
6. Hoodie sales have dropped back to 2011 levels.
7. Kel-Tec sales have never been better
8. St Skittles of Sanford is still valiantly holding on in his struggle to remain dead.

Sir Rattius of Mozzarella
Sorry bout that,

1. George was found not guilty
2. George got a new gun, and a new truck
3. No civil suits have been filed against George
4. No federal charges have been filed against George
5. Skittles sales have dropped back to 2011 levels.
6. Hoodie sales have dropped back to 2011 levels.
7. Kel-Tec sales have never been better
8. St Skittles of Sanford is still valiantly holding on in his struggle to remain dead.

Sir Rattius of Mozzarella

9. Georges's karma will soon catch up to him. Bang, bang.:evil:
Sorry bout that,

1. George was found not guilty
2. George got a new gun, and a new truck
3. No civil suits have been filed against George
4. No federal charges have been filed against George
5. Skittles sales have dropped back to 2011 levels.
6. Hoodie sales have dropped back to 2011 levels.
7. Kel-Tec sales have never been better
8. St Skittles of Sanford is still valiantly holding on in his struggle to remain dead.

Sir Rattius of Mozzarella

9. Georges's karma will soon catch up to him. Bang, bang.:evil:

That's pretty much the concept that gave George Zimmerman what amounts to a license to kill.
Sorry bout that,

1. George was found not guilty
2. George got a new gun, and a new truck
3. No civil suits have been filed against George
4. No federal charges have been filed against George
5. Skittles sales have dropped back to 2011 levels.
6. Hoodie sales have dropped back to 2011 levels.
7. Kel-Tec sales have never been better
8. St Skittles of Sanford is still valiantly holding on in his struggle to remain dead.

Sir Rattius of Mozzarella

9. Georges's karma will soon catch up to him. Bang, bang.:evil:

"Thou shalt not kill, except..." Except what, Snookie? I mean, you're ok with someone killing Zimmerman, aren't you? That is what you just implied.
2 blacks shot a 2 year old between the eyes and are on trial here. The mother is accused by their defense attorney as she collected a 5K Gerber insurance policy on the child as being part of the killing.
And the media and you clowns are still focused on Zimmerman.
Sorry bout that,

1. George was found not guilty
2. George got a new gun, and a new truck
3. No civil suits have been filed against George
4. No federal charges have been filed against George
5. Skittles sales have dropped back to 2011 levels.
6. Hoodie sales have dropped back to 2011 levels.
7. Kel-Tec sales have never been better
8. St Skittles of Sanford is still valiantly holding on in his struggle to remain dead.

Sir Rattius of Mozzarella

9. Georges's karma will soon catch up to him. Bang, bang.:evil:

"Thou shalt not kill, except..." Except what, Snookie? I mean, you're ok with someone killing Zimmerman, aren't you? That is what you just implied.
you are implying that. I just said he probably will be killed. I did not say I hope he was. Thou shall not kill.
9. Georges's karma will soon catch up to him. Bang, bang.:evil:

"Thou shalt not kill, except..." Except what, Snookie? I mean, you're ok with someone killing Zimmerman, aren't you? That is what you just implied.
you are implying that. I just said he probably will be killed. I did not say I hope he was. Thou shall not kill.

Well, I took it as a threat. That is what you want. That and to be white, neither of which you have pulled off with any kind of skill.
Sorry bout that,

1. George was found not guilty
2. George got a new gun, and a new truck
3. No civil suits have been filed against George
4. No federal charges have been filed against George
5. Skittles sales have dropped back to 2011 levels.
6. Hoodie sales have dropped back to 2011 levels.
7. Kel-Tec sales have never been better
8. St Skittles of Sanford is still valiantly holding on in his struggle to remain dead.

Sir Rattius of Mozzarella

9. Georges's karma will soon catch up to him. Bang, bang.:evil:

2 blacks shot a 2 year old between the eyes and are on trial here. The mother is accused by their defense attorney as she collected a 5K Gerber insurance policy on the child as being part of the killing.
And the media and you clowns are still focused on Zimmerman.

Here's the thing.

This was investigated. Evidence was collected. People were arrested, put on trial and are having their day in court.

Was the mother in on it?

(I'm asking, because at the time, I htought it looked suspicious.)
2 blacks shot a 2 year old between the eyes and are on trial here. The mother is accused by their defense attorney as she collected a 5K Gerber insurance policy on the child as being part of the killing.
And the media and you clowns are still focused on Zimmerman.

Here's the thing.

This was investigated. Evidence was collected. People were arrested, put on trial and are having their day in court.

Was the mother in on it?

(I'm asking, because at the time, I htought it looked suspicious.)

The mother is not charged for a reason and the defense attorney is relying on dumb masses that get all their marching orders from media.
Sound familiar?
He is going with your theory: get blacks on the jury that will base their verdict on the race on the defendant and not the evidence.
To hell with justice and the truth.
There are only two people that know what went down that night. And Martin is dead. We have only the word of Zimmermann for what happened. Zimmermann may well have had the gun already out, and threatoned Marting with it, and the struggle was for possesion of the gun. You see, the only witnesses saw the fight at just the conclusion. They did not see Martin attack Zimmermann, or Zimmermann attack Martin.

Zimmermann was told to stand down. He did not, he had a gun, a 17 year old kid is dead, and you assholes make a hero out of a sniveling coward.

He never was told "to stand down" by anyone.
We have gone over this a dozen times.
Your refusal to admit that fact leads to your emotional bias in this matter.
This tragedy is over. Zimmerman should have been charged with involuntary manslaughter and a plea probably would have been done.
Instead the left and the media went with lies, distortions, half truths and doctored 911 calls as their case.
And it failed miserably being exposed as the fraud as it was. Sorry you bought it hook, line and sinker.
Prayers and thoughts to the Martin family and Trayvon Martin in his death but this was never a murder case to begin with. The Sanford PD was vindicated in this matter.
No matter how hard you spin it Zimmerman was never ordered to stand down by anyone.
That is a fact as the 911 dispatcher that stated "you do not have to do that" testified that was not an order, command or statement of an order of a command in any shape or form.

We need to amend the ten commandents to say "Thou shall not kill, unless..."

^ ignorant shit strikes again. Listen Stupie: the commandment is NOT "thou shalt not kill."

The commandment was that you shall not commit MURDER.

Not all killing is murder, you fucking ignorant stupid lowlife scumbag rat-whore rancid diseased twat-stank pussy motherfucker.
2 blacks shot a 2 year old between the eyes and are on trial here. The mother is accused by their defense attorney as she collected a 5K Gerber insurance policy on the child as being part of the killing.
And the media and you clowns are still focused on Zimmerman.

Here's the thing.

This was investigated. Evidence was collected. People were arrested, put on trial and are having their day in court.

Was the mother in on it?

(I'm asking, because at the time, I htought it looked suspicious.)

The mother is not charged for a reason and the defense attorney is relying on dumb masses that get all their marching orders from media.
Sound familiar?
He is going with your theory: get blacks on the jury that will base their verdict on the race on the defendant and not the evidence.
To hell with justice and the truth.

You mean this is the South and it's Georgia.

Hey, I remember a lady named Susan Smith who claimed "some black guy" stole her car with her two kids in it.

Until we found out that she drove them into a river herself. But unlike Zimmerman, the cops did an investigation.

So you can kind of see why black juries might be a little suspicious of "the Black Guy Did It" as a claim.

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