George Zimmerman visits Kel-Tec gun factory

But unlike Zimmerman, the cops did an investigation.

Geez, you're a fucking idiot. You don't think the police didn't want to get Zimmerman, the guy who led the charge to get a police lieutenant's son imprisoned? You don't understand the tribal nature of police departments or you're just spewing more bull shit. Definitely the latter if not the former.

The police department ran Zimmerman through the ringer. That is all well documented. They interviewed him repeatedly for hours on end. They took him to the scene of the incident. Hell, they even gave him a lie detector test, which he passed. That all would not have happened if they were looking to give Zimmerman a pass.

Fucking tool.
You mean this is the South and it's Georgia.

Hey, I remember a lady named Susan Smith who claimed "some black guy" stole her car with her two kids in it.

Until we found out that she drove them into a river herself.

So you can kind of see why black juries might be a little suspicious of "the Black Guy Did It" as a claim.

The only thing sadder than watching someone play the victim card is watching someone vicariously play the victim card.

It'e equally amusing to watch joeb pretend whites are so racist when he's white and when he has zero evidence to support his bull shit other than a bat shit crazy lady pretended a black person killed her babies.
But unlike Zimmerman, the cops did an investigation.

Geez, you're a fucking idiot. You don't think the police didn't want to get Zimmerman, the guy who led the charge to get a police lieutenant's son imprisoned? You don't understand the tribal nature of police departments or you're just spewing more bull shit. Definitely the latter if not the former.

The police department ran Zimmerman through the ringer. That is all well documented. They interviewed him repeatedly for hours on end. They took him to the scene of the incident. Hell, they even gave him a lie detector test, which he passed. That all would not have happened if they were looking to give Zimmerman a pass.

Fucking tool.

They did nothing of the sort.

They didn't preserve the evidence, they didn't drug test Zimmerman at the time. They didn't do an autopsy of Trayvon that was very thorough. (I mean, shit, it was actually pathetic to watch that medical examiner, who didn't speak English very well and had no idea which autopsy he was even talking about.)
You mean this is the South and it's Georgia.

Hey, I remember a lady named Susan Smith who claimed "some black guy" stole her car with her two kids in it.

Until we found out that she drove them into a river herself.

So you can kind of see why black juries might be a little suspicious of "the Black Guy Did It" as a claim.

The only thing sadder than watching someone play the victim card is watching someone vicariously play the victim card.

It'e equally amusing to watch joeb pretend whites are so racist when he's white and when he has zero evidence to support his bull shit other than a bat shit crazy lady pretended a black person killed her babies.

Guy, I'm white and I know that most white people are racist, including unfortunately, most of the people I grew up with.

A lady I know from the old neighborhood was completely baffled that Facebook cancelled her account after she called Obama the "N-word".

Now, frankly, I don't think it's a great thing that African Americans don't trust law enforcement or the Justice System. (Or as they like to call it, the "Just Us" system.)

But when you have shit like this going down, can you blame them? Pill-popping thug like Zimmerman shoots an unarmed child in the street, and he's given a pass?
But unlike Zimmerman, the cops did an investigation.

Geez, you're a fucking idiot. You don't think the police didn't want to get Zimmerman, the guy who led the charge to get a police lieutenant's son imprisoned? You don't understand the tribal nature of police departments or you're just spewing more bull shit. Definitely the latter if not the former.

The police department ran Zimmerman through the ringer. That is all well documented. They interviewed him repeatedly for hours on end. They took him to the scene of the incident. Hell, they even gave him a lie detector test, which he passed. That all would not have happened if they were looking to give Zimmerman a pass.

Fucking tool.

They did nothing of the sort.

They didn't preserve the evidence, they didn't drug test Zimmerman at the time. They didn't do an autopsy of Trayvon that was very thorough. (I mean, shit, it was actually pathetic to watch that medical examiner, who didn't speak English very well and had no idea which autopsy he was even talking about.)

I know you're all for ripping up the Constitution. But, the police had zero probable cause to drug test Zimmerman. That's proper police work.

The medical examiner and the police are not the same entity. But, I'll say he sucked on that. Hell, he listed Trayvon at 5'11" (probably the height on his driver's license) when he's 6'3."

Seriously though. You accused the police of softballing it for Zimmerman and that's all you got? You just want to believe whatever you want to believe, just like all your other nonsense.

I know you're all for ripping up the Constitution. But, the police had zero probable cause to drug test Zimmerman. That's proper police work.

Seriously though. You accused the police of softballing it for Zimmerman and that's all you got? You just want to believe whatever you want to believe, just like all your other nonsense.

Wait a fucking minute. There's a dead kid on the ground and Zimmerman's holding a smoking gun, and you are saying that isn't probable cause?


The prescription drugs George Zimmerman was taking when he killed Trayvon Martin - Miami healthy living |

according to the paramedic incident report, Trayvon Martin's shooter was on the prescription drug Temazepam which is known to cause insomnia and anxiety. Other side effects not mentioned in the report are “aggressiveness,” “hallucinations,” and other serious symptoms. The U.S. National Library of Medicine cautions that, after taking Temazepam, patients should not be walking around trying to watch anything or anyone and that, if they do not sleep for at least 7-8 hours after taking the drug, they may experience memory loss.

Zimmerman was also on the commonly prescribed drug Adderall, which is known to cause “worsening mental or mood problems (eg, aggression, anxiety, delusions, depression, hallucination, hostility),” according to Adderall is prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or narcolepsy. Both Temazepam and Adderall are medications that can cause problematic side effects including agitation and mood swings.
You mean this is the South and it's Georgia.

Hey, I remember a lady named Susan Smith who claimed "some black guy" stole her car with her two kids in it.

Until we found out that she drove them into a river herself.

So you can kind of see why black juries might be a little suspicious of "the Black Guy Did It" as a claim.

The only thing sadder than watching someone play the victim card is watching someone vicariously play the victim card.

It'e equally amusing to watch joeb pretend whites are so racist when he's white and when he has zero evidence to support his bull shit other than a bat shit crazy lady pretended a black person killed her babies.

Guy, I'm white and I know that most white people are racist, including unfortunately, most of the people I grew up with.

A lady I know from the old neighborhood was completely baffled that Facebook cancelled her account after she called Obama the "N-word".

Now, frankly, I don't think it's a great thing that African Americans don't trust law enforcement or the Justice System. (Or as they like to call it, the "Just Us" system.)

But when you have shit like this going down, can you blame them? Pill-popping thug like Zimmerman shoots an unarmed child in the street, and he's given a pass?

African Americans shouldn't trust the justice system. Police are nobody's friends. Most of them are primadonnas who are happy to have their power. But, my point has never been that they're pretend victims because they don't trust the police. Once again, you're just sort of moving the goal posts.

And, I'm sure you have a retarded standard for racism. I'm sure in your book, you've branded me a racist. So, you calling just about everyone racist doesn't surprise me.

LMAO - Just read your pathetic fucking pill popping GZ comment. Yet another cheap shot considering that he had prescriptions for anxiety. Contrast that with TM's violent drug history and yet hang GZ? TOOL.

I know you're all for ripping up the Constitution. But, the police had zero probable cause to drug test Zimmerman. That's proper police work.

Seriously though. You accused the police of softballing it for Zimmerman and that's all you got? You just want to believe whatever you want to believe, just like all your other nonsense.

Wait a fucking minute. There's a dead kid on the ground and Zimmerman's holding a smoking gun, and you are saying that isn't probable cause?


The prescription drugs George Zimmerman was taking when he killed Trayvon Martin - Miami healthy living |

according to the paramedic incident report, Trayvon Martin's shooter was on the prescription drug Temazepam which is known to cause insomnia and anxiety. Other side effects not mentioned in the report are “aggressiveness,” “hallucinations,” and other serious symptoms. The U.S. National Library of Medicine cautions that, after taking Temazepam, patients should not be walking around trying to watch anything or anyone and that, if they do not sleep for at least 7-8 hours after taking the drug, they may experience memory loss.

Zimmerman was also on the commonly prescribed drug Adderall, which is known to cause “worsening mental or mood problems (eg, aggression, anxiety, delusions, depression, hallucination, hostility),” according to Adderall is prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or narcolepsy. Both Temazepam and Adderall are medications that can cause problematic side effects including agitation and mood swings.

When Zimmerman talked to the police, he was not under arrest for murder. If you want to arrest him and make him take a drug screening, which probably accomplishes nothing, then you have to read him his rights and he probably lawyers up and stops talking. Any veteran policeman will tell you that that's the last thing you want.

So, you can't have it both ways. Do you want GZ's testimony or do you want a drug test that accomplishes nothing?
Zimmerman was also on the commonly prescribed drug Adderall, which is known to cause “worsening mental or mood problems (eg, aggression, anxiety, delusions, depression, hallucination, hostility),” according to Adderall is prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or narcolepsy. Both Temazepam and Adderall are medications that can cause problematic side effects including agitation and mood swings. [/COLOR][/I]

Zimmerman was not hostile towards the police or delusive. And given the situation, he had his anxiety in check. In any event, being on prescription drugs doesn't make someone guilty of murder in a self defense case. You're just going full retard as usual.
But unlike Zimmerman, the cops did an investigation.

Geez, you're a fucking idiot. You don't think the police didn't want to get Zimmerman, the guy who led the charge to get a police lieutenant's son imprisoned? You don't understand the tribal nature of police departments or you're just spewing more bull shit. Definitely the latter if not the former.

The police department ran Zimmerman through the ringer. That is all well documented. They interviewed him repeatedly for hours on end. They took him to the scene of the incident. Hell, they even gave him a lie detector test, which he passed. That all would not have happened if they were looking to give Zimmerman a pass.

Fucking tool.

They did nothing of the sort.

They didn't preserve the evidence, they didn't drug test Zimmerman at the time. They didn't do an autopsy of Trayvon that was very thorough. (I mean, shit, it was actually pathetic to watch that medical examiner, who didn't speak English very well and had no idea which autopsy he was even talking about.)

Showing your ignorance again, Joe? You already demonstrated that you don't know the law, and don't understand the judicial process. Your understanding of police procedure and autopsies is no better, and you come across like a typical liberal blowhard, making all sorts of wild accusations that have little to no basis in the facts of this instance. All because the system did not produce the result you wanted. Same with your accusation that "most white people are racist". All you know is from your own, (apparently quite limited), experience,and liberal talking points. That no more makes you an expert on racism, than watching TV shows makes you an expert on police investigative procedure, autopsies, the law, or criminal judicial process. You made up your mind on this case, before you even took a look at all the evidence. I KNOW THAT, because you have made repeated allegations here which are contradicted by that evidence.

THis case is not, and never has been, about race, except to the extent that a sensationalist media, and your political side, injected race into it, the former for ratings, and the latter out of an emotional need have its agenda validated.. The truth is, that not all interracial violence is racially motivated; some of it is; most of it in fact probably is NOT, emotionally loaded claims from both sides notwithstanding. Most such incidents result from moments of anger, adolescent immaturity, or just plain criminal intent, without any clear racial motive. Of course, that gets lost in the noise, in a society where race has become a rallying cry for political opportunism on both ends of the spectrum. Yes, some people are racists; they come in every color. but in most people of any race, there's a lot less actual racism, and a lot more suspicion of racism in others. Both ends of the political spectrum pander pretty shamelessly to those suspicions, and the rest of peoples' worst instincts, because it works. It IS a good way to whip up passions; but that doesn't make it the truth.
Geez, you're a fucking idiot. You don't think the police didn't want to get Zimmerman, the guy who led the charge to get a police lieutenant's son imprisoned? You don't understand the tribal nature of police departments or you're just spewing more bull shit. Definitely the latter if not the former.

The police department ran Zimmerman through the ringer. That is all well documented. They interviewed him repeatedly for hours on end. They took him to the scene of the incident. Hell, they even gave him a lie detector test, which he passed. That all would not have happened if they were looking to give Zimmerman a pass.

Fucking tool.

They did nothing of the sort.

They didn't preserve the evidence, they didn't drug test Zimmerman at the time. They didn't do an autopsy of Trayvon that was very thorough. (I mean, shit, it was actually pathetic to watch that medical examiner, who didn't speak English very well and had no idea which autopsy he was even talking about.)

Showing your ignorance again, Joe? You already demonstrated that you don't know the law, and don't understand the judicial process. Your understanding of police procedure and autopsies is no better, and you come across like a typical liberal blowhard, making all sorts of wild accusations that have little to no basis in the facts of this instance. All because the system did not produce the result you wanted. Same with your accusation that "most white people are racist". All you know is from your own, (apparently quite limited), experience,and liberal talking points. That no more makes you an expert on racism, than watching TV shows makes you an expert on police investigative procedure, autopsies, the law, or criminal judicial process. You made up your mind on this case, before you even took a look at all the evidence. I KNOW THAT, because you have made repeated allegations here which are contradicted by that evidence.

THis case is not, and never has been, about race, except to the extent that a sensationalist media, and your political side, injected race into it, the former for ratings, and the latter out of an emotional need have its agenda validated.. The truth is, that not all interracial violence is racially motivated; some of it is; most of it in fact probably is NOT, emotionally loaded claims from both sides notwithstanding. Most such incidents result from moments of anger, adolescent immaturity, or just plain criminal intent, without any clear racial motive. Of course, that gets lost in the noise, in a society where race has become a rallying cry for political opportunism on both ends of the spectrum. Yes, some people are racists; they come in every color. but in most people of any race, there's a lot less actual racism, and a lot more suspicion of racism in others. Both ends of the political spectrum pander pretty shamelessly to those suspicions, and the rest of peoples' worst instincts, because it works. It IS a good way to whip up passions; but that doesn't make it the truth.

Trying to explain the criminal justice system and police procedure to that dead head is about as effective as baptizing a cat. You get scratched all over, and you both end up all wet. I started scrolling past Joe the Racist's posts weeks ago.
"Thou shalt not kill, except..." Except what, Snookie? I mean, you're ok with someone killing Zimmerman, aren't you? That is what you just implied.
you are implying that. I just said he probably will be killed. I did not say I hope he was. Thou shall not kill.

Well, I took it as a threat. That is what you want. That and to be white, neither of which you have pulled off with any kind of skill.

Personal threats are not allowed. You took it as a threat because you are ignorant.
They did nothing of the sort.

They didn't preserve the evidence, they didn't drug test Zimmerman at the time. They didn't do an autopsy of Trayvon that was very thorough. (I mean, shit, it was actually pathetic to watch that medical examiner, who didn't speak English very well and had no idea which autopsy he was even talking about.)

Showing your ignorance again, Joe? You already demonstrated that you don't know the law, and don't understand the judicial process. Your understanding of police procedure and autopsies is no better, and you come across like a typical liberal blowhard, making all sorts of wild accusations that have little to no basis in the facts of this instance. All because the system did not produce the result you wanted. Same with your accusation that "most white people are racist". All you know is from your own, (apparently quite limited), experience,and liberal talking points. That no more makes you an expert on racism, than watching TV shows makes you an expert on police investigative procedure, autopsies, the law, or criminal judicial process. You made up your mind on this case, before you even took a look at all the evidence. I KNOW THAT, because you have made repeated allegations here which are contradicted by that evidence.

THis case is not, and never has been, about race, except to the extent that a sensationalist media, and your political side, injected race into it, the former for ratings, and the latter out of an emotional need have its agenda validated.. The truth is, that not all interracial violence is racially motivated; some of it is; most of it in fact probably is NOT, emotionally loaded claims from both sides notwithstanding. Most such incidents result from moments of anger, adolescent immaturity, or just plain criminal intent, without any clear racial motive. Of course, that gets lost in the noise, in a society where race has become a rallying cry for political opportunism on both ends of the spectrum. Yes, some people are racists; they come in every color. but in most people of any race, there's a lot less actual racism, and a lot more suspicion of racism in others. Both ends of the political spectrum pander pretty shamelessly to those suspicions, and the rest of peoples' worst instincts, because it works. It IS a good way to whip up passions; but that doesn't make it the truth.

Trying to explain the criminal justice system and police procedure to that dead head is about as effective as baptizing a cat. You get scratched all over, and you both end up all wet. I started scrolling past Joe the Racist's posts weeks ago.
I told you long ago that this case is never going away.

I know you're all for ripping up the Constitution. But, the police had zero probable cause to drug test Zimmerman. That's proper police work.

Seriously though. You accused the police of softballing it for Zimmerman and that's all you got? You just want to believe whatever you want to believe, just like all your other nonsense.

Wait a fucking minute. There's a dead kid on the ground and Zimmerman's holding a smoking gun, and you are saying that isn't probable cause?


The prescription drugs George Zimmerman was taking when he killed Trayvon Martin - Miami healthy living |

according to the paramedic incident report, Trayvon Martin's shooter was on the prescription drug Temazepam which is known to cause insomnia and anxiety. Other side effects not mentioned in the report are “aggressiveness,” “hallucinations,” and other serious symptoms. The U.S. National Library of Medicine cautions that, after taking Temazepam, patients should not be walking around trying to watch anything or anyone and that, if they do not sleep for at least 7-8 hours after taking the drug, they may experience memory loss.

Zimmerman was also on the commonly prescribed drug Adderall, which is known to cause “worsening mental or mood problems (eg, aggression, anxiety, delusions, depression, hallucination, hostility),” according to Adderall is prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or narcolepsy. Both Temazepam and Adderall are medications that can cause problematic side effects including agitation and mood swings.

LOL, you are an idiot Joe.
Zimmerman IMMEDIATELY stated he shot Martin.
What would be the purpose of a drug test? If he was on the prescription AND TESTIFIED that would have been asked of him then and answered.
They had the information already so how does a prosecutor get it in Joe?
Tell is oh Perry Mason how they get in drug results from a drug test if the defendant HAS NO DUTY to give one and does not testify at trial?
Stick to your hammer Joe, you do not know shit about POST and criminal procedure.
He never was told "to stand down" by anyone.
We have gone over this a dozen times.
Your refusal to admit that fact leads to your emotional bias in this matter.
This tragedy is over. Zimmerman should have been charged with involuntary manslaughter and a plea probably would have been done.
Instead the left and the media went with lies, distortions, half truths and doctored 911 calls as their case.
And it failed miserably being exposed as the fraud as it was. Sorry you bought it hook, line and sinker.
Prayers and thoughts to the Martin family and Trayvon Martin in his death but this was never a murder case to begin with. The Sanford PD was vindicated in this matter.
No matter how hard you spin it Zimmerman was never ordered to stand down by anyone.
That is a fact as the 911 dispatcher that stated "you do not have to do that" testified that was not an order, command or statement of an order of a command in any shape or form.

We need to amend the ten commandents to say "Thou shall not kill, unless..."

^ ignorant shit strikes again. Listen Stupie: the commandment is NOT "thou shalt not kill."

The commandment was that you shall not commit MURDER.

Not all killing is murder, you fucking ignorant stupid lowlife scumbag rat-whore rancid diseased twat-stank pussy motherfucker.

It was written in stone by God, the word, "kill".

I know you're all for ripping up the Constitution. But, the police had zero probable cause to drug test Zimmerman. That's proper police work.

Seriously though. You accused the police of softballing it for Zimmerman and that's all you got? You just want to believe whatever you want to believe, just like all your other nonsense.

Wait a fucking minute. There's a dead kid on the ground and Zimmerman's holding a smoking gun, and you are saying that isn't probable cause?


The prescription drugs George Zimmerman was taking when he killed Trayvon Martin - Miami healthy living |

according to the paramedic incident report, Trayvon Martin's shooter was on the prescription drug Temazepam which is known to cause insomnia and anxiety. Other side effects not mentioned in the report are “aggressiveness,” “hallucinations,” and other serious symptoms. The U.S. National Library of Medicine cautions that, after taking Temazepam, patients should not be walking around trying to watch anything or anyone and that, if they do not sleep for at least 7-8 hours after taking the drug, they may experience memory loss.

Zimmerman was also on the commonly prescribed drug Adderall, which is known to cause “worsening mental or mood problems (eg, aggression, anxiety, delusions, depression, hallucination, hostility),” according to Adderall is prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or narcolepsy. Both Temazepam and Adderall are medications that can cause problematic side effects including agitation and mood swings.

It was not probable cause to drug test Zimmerman. There was no reason to. Zimmerman readily admitted pulling the trigger. The evidence at the scene, that there had been a fight, that Zimmerman had injuries, there were the 911 calls reporting the fight. No reason to drug test or to even have a scintilla of suspicion that Zimmerman was not the shooter.
George Zimmerman visited the Kel-Tec gun factory yesterday. Kel-Tec made the 9 mm pistol that Zimmerman used to thwart the attempted murderer Trayvon Martin and save his own life in the process.

As an aside, Reuters and Yahoo both made false headlines based upon Mark O'mara's (Zimmerman's lawer) spokesman's comment, which is as follows:

“We certainly would not have advised him to go to the factory that made the gun that he used to shoot Trayvon Martin through the heart,” Shawn Vincent, a spokesman for attorney Mark O’Mara, told Yahoo News. “That was not part of our public relations plan.”

Lawyer for George Zimmerman chides him for visiting gun factory | Reuters
Lawyer: George Zimmerman should not be visiting gun factories

Nowhere in the story(s) did it talk about Zimmerman's lawyer chiding him. Nor did either story show that Zimmerman's lawyer said he should not be visiting gun factories. Yet, Reuters and Yahoo both gave false headlines.

Now Trayvon was attempting to murder Zimmerman? God, you guys are so totally fucked up.

His lawyer was chiding him with the emphasis on the phrase 'through the heart.' I am not surprised you can't see it: the right wingers on this board are totally obtuse when it comes to the subtle use of language, satire, and innuendo.

I know you're all for ripping up the Constitution. But, the police had zero probable cause to drug test Zimmerman. That's proper police work.

Seriously though. You accused the police of softballing it for Zimmerman and that's all you got? You just want to believe whatever you want to believe, just like all your other nonsense.

Wait a fucking minute. There's a dead kid on the ground and Zimmerman's holding a smoking gun, and you are saying that isn't probable cause?


The prescription drugs George Zimmerman was taking when he killed Trayvon Martin - Miami healthy living |

according to the paramedic incident report, Trayvon Martin's shooter was on the prescription drug Temazepam which is known to cause insomnia and anxiety. Other side effects not mentioned in the report are “aggressiveness,” “hallucinations,” and other serious symptoms. The U.S. National Library of Medicine cautions that, after taking Temazepam, patients should not be walking around trying to watch anything or anyone and that, if they do not sleep for at least 7-8 hours after taking the drug, they may experience memory loss.

Zimmerman was also on the commonly prescribed drug Adderall, which is known to cause “worsening mental or mood problems (eg, aggression, anxiety, delusions, depression, hallucination, hostility),” according to Adderall is prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or narcolepsy. Both Temazepam and Adderall are medications that can cause problematic side effects including agitation and mood swings.

It was not probable cause to drug test Zimmerman. There was no reason to. Zimmerman readily admitted pulling the trigger. The evidence at the scene, that there had been a fight, that Zimmerman had injuries, there were the 911 calls reporting the fight. No reason to drug test or to even have a scintilla of suspicion that Zimmerman was not the shooter.

Sanitation workers in my city get drug tested every time the have a traffic offense. But of course murderers, such as Zimmerman, are special.
OF course trayvon was trying to murder Zimmerman!

If Zimmerman had not been armed he'd end up like Delbert Belton.

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