George Zimmerman visits Kel-Tec gun factory

Funny Joe, you always claimed that was Martin screaming.
You always twist the facts to fit your biased agenda.

I still don't know who was screaming.

I do know who shot and murdered a child, though.

that's odd, why was he acquitted if he was a murderer?

Probably because he had these folks as his jury...

If anybody wants a peek into the level of k00k in the thinking of these anti-gun people, take a gander at this vid >>>>

[ame=]Debating A Gun Control Fanatic - YouTube[/ame]

Only another mental case can take these kind of people seriously.......
Oh....and then there is this from the Journal of Law and Public Policy, Harvard University ( April 2013)

The actual research paper is HERE >>>>

The summary/conclusion is profound >>>>

"Many people believe that owning guns only increases the amount of crime. However, a recent study published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy concluded that there is a negative correlation between gun ownership and violent crime in countries internationally. In other words, the more guns the less crime. The study showed that nations with strict gun control laws have substantially higher murder rates than those who do not. In fact, the 9 European nations with the lowest gun ownership rate have a combined murder rate that is three times that of the nine European nations with the highest gun ownership rate."

Funny Joe, you always claimed that was Martin screaming.
You always twist the facts to fit your biased agenda.

I still don't know who was screaming.

I do know who shot and murdered a child, though.

that's odd, why was he acquitted if he was a murderer?

The same reason Casey Anthony got acquitted, stupid florida justice system.

When Zimmerman talked to the police, he was not under arrest for murder. If you want to arrest him and make him take a drug screening, which probably accomplishes nothing, then you have to read him his rights and he probably lawyers up and stops talking. Any veteran policeman will tell you that that's the last thing you want.

So, you can't have it both ways. Do you want GZ's testimony or do you want a drug test that accomplishes nothing?

And JoeB left on that note. :lol:

Naw, I just had better things to do.

Sweet Evil Jesus, man, he was standing over a DEAD KID with a SMOKING GUN. It wasn't like you were going to cleverly have Brisco and Logan get him to incrminate himself.

It probably also would have been nice if the cops had bothered to find out that Zimmerman's wife had just walked out on him after he slapped her around the night before.

That would have required more work than saying, "Gee, Dead Negro on the Lawn, I don't know who keeps leaving them."

The police were probably thrown off as to Zimmerman's wife leaving him when Zimmerman asked the neighbor to call his wife and tell her what happened. When Zimmerman said he was on his way to Target to run an errand for his wife, that too might have confused him.

Tell a lie, then just act like its true!
And JoeB left on that note. :lol:

Naw, I just had better things to do.

Sweet Evil Jesus, man, he was standing over a DEAD KID with a SMOKING GUN. It wasn't like you were going to cleverly have Brisco and Logan get him to incrminate himself.

It probably also would have been nice if the cops had bothered to find out that Zimmerman's wife had just walked out on him after he slapped her around the night before.

That would have required more work than saying, "Gee, Dead Negro on the Lawn, I don't know who keeps leaving them."

The police were probably thrown off as to Zimmerman's wife leaving him when Zimmerman asked the neighbor to call his wife and tell her what happened. When Zimmerman said he was on his way to Target to run an errand for his wife, that too might have confused him.

Tell a lie, then just act like its true!

St. Trayvon was on his way to communion

watermelon tea and skittles are holy sacraments
Naw, I just had better things to do.

Sweet Evil Jesus, man, he was standing over a DEAD KID with a SMOKING GUN. It wasn't like you were going to cleverly have Brisco and Logan get him to incrminate himself.

It probably also would have been nice if the cops had bothered to find out that Zimmerman's wife had just walked out on him after he slapped her around the night before.

That would have required more work than saying, "Gee, Dead Negro on the Lawn, I don't know who keeps leaving them."

The police were probably thrown off as to Zimmerman's wife leaving him when Zimmerman asked the neighbor to call his wife and tell her what happened. When Zimmerman said he was on his way to Target to run an errand for his wife, that too might have confused him.

Tell a lie, then just act like its true!

St. Trayvon was on his way to communion

watermelon tea and skittles are holy sacraments

When Zimmerman talked to the police, he was not under arrest for murder. If you want to arrest him and make him take a drug screening, which probably accomplishes nothing, then you have to read him his rights and he probably lawyers up and stops talking. Any veteran policeman will tell you that that's the last thing you want.

So, you can't have it both ways. Do you want GZ's testimony or do you want a drug test that accomplishes nothing?

And JoeB left on that note. :lol:

Naw, I just had better things to do.

Sweet Evil Jesus, man, he was standing over a DEAD KID with a SMOKING GUN. It wasn't like you were going to cleverly have Brisco and Logan get him to incrminate himself.

It probably also would have been nice if the cops had bothered to find out that Zimmerman's wife had just walked out on him after he slapped her around the night before.

That would have required more work than saying, "Gee, Dead Negro on the Lawn, I don't know who keeps leaving them."

Wrong again Joe. He shot upwards at a guy who was brutally attacking him and could get his gun if he didn't shoot.

And btw. That's not an adequate response to me shutting your BS down. That's a deflection b/c that's all you got.

Trayvon charged George Zimmerman while shouting "I'm gonna kill you." He then attacked him and punched him while breaking his nose and repeatedly pounding his head against pavement. And of course we can hear GZ's horrific calls for help on the 911 tape. And of course, GZ passed the lie detector test. This isn't right wing / left wing shit; though not surprisingly it cuts through the political divide. This is accepting the truth for what it is. Trayvon Martin was an attempted murderer.

My mom used to say, "I'm going to kill you" when I misbehaved all the time. Wouldn't have justified me shooting her, really.

Yeah, we did hear Zimmerman screaming like a pussy when he got his ass kicked by a child in a fight he instigated, but that isn't cause for murder.

Trayvon was an MMA trained fighter who was 4 to 8 inches taller, depending upon what source you believe. He was not a fucking child. He was 17 years-old. When I taught in school, I could kick not every 17 year-olds ass free and clear. They're not in fucking junior high any more.

And if Trayvon was beating a man to that point that he was frantically yelling help then perhaps he should have got the fuck up. In what world is that okay? Part of me is glad GZ popped the S.O.B. Maybe, next time a dumbass kid will think twice about attacking a random citizen.
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Are folks still responding to the domestic relations problems Zimmerman has?
Like that has any relevance to this discussion.

Trayvon was an MMA trained fighter who was 4 to 8 inches taller, depending upon what source you believe. He was not a fucking child. He was 17 years-old. When I taught in school, I could kick not every 17 year-olds ass free and clear. They're not in fucking junior high any more.

And if Trayvon was beating a man to that point that he was frantically yelling help then perhaps he should have got the fuck up. In what world is that okay? Part of me is glad GZ popped the S.O.B. Maybe, next time a dumbass kid will think twice about attacking a random citizen.

Except we've had a whole rash of black kids just popping white people of late... probably because our legal system just told them their lives weren't valued.

Good going. Good job, everyone.

(I also find it scary that any school would ever employ you, but that's another issue.)
Are folks still responding to the domestic relations problems Zimmerman has?
Like that has any relevance to this discussion.

You mean that after he beat his wife and she walked out on him, he went out looking for someone else to hurt?

Yeah, no problem there.

You see, this isn't why I don't worry that much about Zimmerman. Only a matter of time before he gets in trouble again.
And JoeB left on that note. :lol:

Naw, I just had better things to do.

Sweet Evil Jesus, man, he was standing over a DEAD KID with a SMOKING GUN. It wasn't like you were going to cleverly have Brisco and Logan get him to incrminate himself.

It probably also would have been nice if the cops had bothered to find out that Zimmerman's wife had just walked out on him after he slapped her around the night before.

That would have required more work than saying, "Gee, Dead Negro on the Lawn, I don't know who keeps leaving them."

Wrong again Joe. He shot upwards at a guy who was brutally attacking him and could get his gun if he didn't shoot.

And btw. That's not an adequate response to me shutting your BS down. That's a deflection b/c that's all you got.

Guy, I only visit a limited number of thread a day. Just because I don't jump to answer whatever racist fantasy you concocted this week about why this shitball shot a child means I just didn't have the time. Period. I work three jobs, I really, really have better things to do.

The Cops fucked this up. When you need Al Sharpton to tell you to do your job, you fucked up. Seriously.
And JoeB left on that note. :lol:

Naw, I just had better things to do.

Sweet Evil Jesus, man, he was standing over a DEAD KID with a SMOKING GUN. It wasn't like you were going to cleverly have Brisco and Logan get him to incrminate himself.

It probably also would have been nice if the cops had bothered to find out that Zimmerman's wife had just walked out on him after he slapped her around the night before.

That would have required more work than saying, "Gee, Dead Negro on the Lawn, I don't know who keeps leaving them."

The police were probably thrown off as to Zimmerman's wife leaving him when Zimmerman asked the neighbor to call his wife and tell her what happened. When Zimmerman said he was on his way to Target to run an errand for his wife, that too might have confused him.

Tell a lie, then just act like its true!

Then how do you explain this...

George Zimmerman?s wife reveals she?d left him the night before he killed Trayvon Martin | The Raw Story

Shellie Zimmerman, wife of George Zimmerman, the Florida man who was found not guilty of second degree murder in the slaying of teenager Trayvon Martin, told ABC News that she does not know if she will stay married to her husband. In an interview with reporter Christi O’Connor, Shellie Zimmerman said that she will have to think carefully about whether she plans to stay married to George Zimmerman, and that she had walked out on him after a particularly nasty argument on the night before he shot Martin.

“I was staying at my father’s house,” Zimmerman said. “We had gotten into an argument the night before and I left.”

She declined to say whether or not her husband has a violent temper when O’Connor asked about the argument that caused her to walk out on him in 2012.

“Does George have a temper? How volatile did it get the evening before?” the reporter asked.

“Not going to answer that,” Zimmerman replied

So his favorite punching bag walks out on him, and he goes looking for another one.
Naw, I just had better things to do.

Sweet Evil Jesus, man, he was standing over a DEAD KID with a SMOKING GUN. It wasn't like you were going to cleverly have Brisco and Logan get him to incrminate himself.

It probably also would have been nice if the cops had bothered to find out that Zimmerman's wife had just walked out on him after he slapped her around the night before.

That would have required more work than saying, "Gee, Dead Negro on the Lawn, I don't know who keeps leaving them."

The police were probably thrown off as to Zimmerman's wife leaving him when Zimmerman asked the neighbor to call his wife and tell her what happened. When Zimmerman said he was on his way to Target to run an errand for his wife, that too might have confused him.

Tell a lie, then just act like its true!

Then how do you explain this...

George Zimmerman?s wife reveals she?d left him the night before he killed Trayvon Martin | The Raw Story

Shellie Zimmerman, wife of George Zimmerman, the Florida man who was found not guilty of second degree murder in the slaying of teenager Trayvon Martin, told ABC News that she does not know if she will stay married to her husband. In an interview with reporter Christi O’Connor, Shellie Zimmerman said that she will have to think carefully about whether she plans to stay married to George Zimmerman, and that she had walked out on him after a particularly nasty argument on the night before he shot Martin.

“I was staying at my father’s house,” Zimmerman said. “We had gotten into an argument the night before and I left.”

She declined to say whether or not her husband has a violent temper when O’Connor asked about the argument that caused her to walk out on him in 2012.

“Does George have a temper? How volatile did it get the evening before?” the reporter asked.

“Not going to answer that,” Zimmerman replied

So his favorite punching bag walks out on him, and he goes looking for another one.

Wow, this should have come out at the trial.

As far as his visiting the gun factory, it is at best very insenstive, very distasteful, and shows a great deal of callousness. IMO it shows just what type of human being Zimmerman is: the worst kind who thinks it's cool to celebrate the death of an innocent person who was doing nothing but minding his own business until vigilante Zimmerman appeared on the scene. Zimmerman is a vile, repulsive, disgusting human being.
Are folks still responding to the domestic relations problems Zimmerman has?
Like that has any relevance to this discussion.

You mean that after he beat his wife and she walked out on him, he went out looking for someone else to hurt?

Yeah, no problem there.

You see, this isn't why I don't worry that much about Zimmerman. Only a matter of time before he gets in trouble again.

Which is why he was running an errand for his wife on that night?
You dope.
Zimmerman was exonerated.
He did nothing wrong.
TM was the aggressor, no limit?
Ha ha!!
His parents should thank Zimmerman for showing their thug they (mis) raised that he had limits!!!!
No limit!!
What a dopey thug!!

Running an errand for a wife who had walked out on him, wasn't even living with him, was staying with her parents? You dope. All this does is show how much of a liar he is. He lied about everything that night, from beginning to end, including the fact he was doing an errand for a wife that wasn't even living with him at the time, a woman who had walked out on him. Who does errands for a woman who has left him?
"A Florida statute allows defendants who win their cases to file such motions, Vincent said. More than a month after Zimmerman was acquitted, his attorneys have now had the time to begin preparing their motion.

"It's a pretty standard motion for a case that the defense won," Vincent said."

Lawyer: Zimmerman to ask Fla. to cover some legal costs

Conservatives are all for taking my money for this.

The "government" is taking your money. It took your money to prosecute Zimmerman, it took your money to house, clothe, and feed him, and now your money will pay his legal fees.

Your government fucked up. And now YOU (Floridians), will pay for their mistake.

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