George Zimmerman visits Kel-Tec gun factory

People end up being progressives for one reason and one reason only: they have made fucked up decisions in their own personal life and cant take responsibility for it......end up spending their lives looking to blame successful people for it. Its always the same story with these perpetual losers.

Too......all of their solutions to societal problems NEVER take into account the "costs" of those solutions. Any solution will do as long as successful people get fucked in the process. The progressives never have time to weigh necessary tradeoffs when you make a public policy pronouncement......the thinking is fucking fascinating. They live in a perpetual state of trying to contemplate infinity = epic levels of connect the dots fAiL.

Watch this video........anybody with even marginal abilities in abstract reasoning realized the fantasy world that progressive assholes like this guy envision >>>>>

Debating A Gun Control Fanatic - YouTube

These fucking nutters want to ban utensils!!! "The ultimate solution is to teach love!!"

Take the 3 minutes to see the level of nut in the thinking of guys like JoeB and other spaceland narcissists. You can clearly see the disconnect in the thinking of the gan grabber mental cases.......but they are 100% certain of their position DESPITE getting completely decimated on the facts.

Thankfully........they are fringe in our society.

The root word of progressives is progress. Now, go stand in the corner.

progressivism = moral decay
I bet if Zimmerman was a union buddy at work ole Joe would be standing lock step behind him and supporting his right to that job if the company they worked for wanted to fire Zimmerman over this.
I bet if Zimmerman was a union buddy at work ole Joe would be standing lock step behind him and supporting his right to that job if the company they worked for wanted to fire Zimmerman over this.

Naw, I don't want to work next to a child-killer and neither does anyone else.

The Hell Zimmerman would be living, if the asshole could hold down a job to start with.

Oh, wait. He couldn't. He got fired from his bouncer job after he broke a lady's leg.

But you do make a good point. If Zimmerman Could hold down a job, it would actually be unfair of his boss to fire him over this, as it was unrelated to his job performance.

But that's the beauty of "At Will" employment and "Right to work", isn't it.

Actually, I could think of a hundred good reason why any sensible employer wouldn't want Georgie on his workplace, including his bad temper and quickness to pull guns.
I bet if Zimmerman was a union buddy at work ole Joe would be standing lock step behind him and supporting his right to that job if the company they worked for wanted to fire Zimmerman over this.

Naw, I don't want to work next to a child-killer and neither does anyone else.

The Hell Zimmerman would be living, if the asshole could hold down a job to start with.

Oh, wait. He couldn't. He got fired from his bouncer job after he broke a lady's leg.

But you do make a good point. If Zimmerman Could hold down a job, it would actually be unfair of his boss to fire him over this, as it was unrelated to his job performance.

But that's the beauty of "At Will" employment and "Right to work", isn't it.

Actually, I could think of a hundred good reason why any sensible employer wouldn't want Georgie on his workplace, including his bad temper and quickness to pull guns.

You would not have ANY SAY Joe.
You can't be a union man, you do not even know the rules.
He was found NOT GUILTY.
The union will be behind him 100%.
LOL!!! You are in no union Joe.
I bet if Zimmerman was a union buddy at work ole Joe would be standing lock step behind him and supporting his right to that job if the company they worked for wanted to fire Zimmerman over this.

Naw, I don't want to work next to a child-killer and neither does anyone else.

The Hell Zimmerman would be living, if the asshole could hold down a job to start with.

Oh, wait. He couldn't. He got fired from his bouncer job after he broke a lady's leg.

But you do make a good point. If Zimmerman Could hold down a job, it would actually be unfair of his boss to fire him over this, as it was unrelated to his job performance.

But that's the beauty of "At Will" employment and "Right to work", isn't it.

Actually, I could think of a hundred good reason why any sensible employer wouldn't want Georgie on his workplace, including his bad temper and quickness to pull guns.

You would not have ANY SAY Joe.
You can't be a union man, you do not even know the rules.
He was found NOT GUILTY.
The union will be behind him 100%.
LOL!!! You are in no union Joe.

I wouldn't know, guy, I never worked in a union shop.

I did work with union guys in the army, as Civilian Support Mechanics, and a lot of them were pretty worthless. But guess what, they really could fire these guy even without convictions. One guy was fird because he tested hot for drugs.
You don't half make some shit up.
No evidence of a bad temper.
No history of violence.
Nothing in his past.
A quiet pleasant fellow with a strong commitment to helping others.
I might hire him as a driver for my kids and I.
If he is willing to move to MA that is.

Oddly, though, the guy is still wandering around, no 2nd Amendment fetishists willing to offer him a job. Oddly enough.

I wonder why that is.
You don't half make some shit up.
No evidence of a bad temper.
No history of violence.
Nothing in his past.
A quiet pleasant fellow with a strong commitment to helping others.
I might hire him as a driver for my kids and I.
If he is willing to move to MA that is.

Oddly, though, the guy is still wandering around, no 2nd Amendment fetishists willing to offer him a job. Oddly enough.

I wonder why that is.

meanwhile Traythug is worm food
You don't half make some shit up.
No evidence of a bad temper.
No history of violence.
Nothing in his past.
A quiet pleasant fellow with a strong commitment to helping others.
I might hire him as a driver for my kids and I.
If he is willing to move to MA that is.

Oddly, though, the guy is still wandering around, no 2nd Amendment fetishists willing to offer him a job. Oddly enough.

I wonder why that is.

meanwhile Traythug is worm food

Nice to see you are getting excited over the death of a black child.
Blather = One line? :lol:
You got so little to work with, don't ya?

No, guy, you pop in once every six pages and then wonder why no one pays attention to you.

Nice revisionist history! :clap: You're the one who silently bowed out after losing the battle.

Um... no, I just lost interest in your repetitve blather about how a 17 year old kid absolutely deserved to die for not respecting the fat white man....
Nice revisionist history! :clap: You're the one who silently bowed out after losing the battle.

Um... no, I just lost interest in your repetitve blather about how a 17 year old kid absolutely deserved to die for not respecting the fat white man....

By not respecting, you mean sneaking up on and violently assaulting in a potentially deadly MMA style attack?

I always think of the two teens in Georgia wrongly imprisoned for not respecting the white baby in a stroller..........

Not sure why you are that worried about poor people offing each other except when one of them happens to be white.

But point is, if Zimmerman hadn't stalked that kid like a perv because his wife walked out on him, Tayvon wouldn't have had to defend himself.

"Man shoots child who was beating him in a fight he started... A great Right Wing Victory."
Um... no, I just lost interest in your repetitve blather about how a 17 year old kid absolutely deserved to die for not respecting the fat white man....

By not respecting, you mean sneaking up on and violently assaulting in a potentially deadly MMA style attack?

I always think of the two teens in Georgia wrongly imprisoned for not respecting the white baby in a stroller..........

Not sure why you are that worried about poor people offing each other except when one of them happens to be white.

But point is, if Zimmerman hadn't stalked that kid like a perv because his wife walked out on him, Tayvon wouldn't have had to defend himself.

"Man shoots child who was beating him in a fight he started... A great Right Wing Victory."

Please show us any evidence Zimmerman started the fight.
You do not have any and none was produced at trial.
Media told you there was and sheep like you believe everything media tells you.
Where is it?
By not respecting, you mean sneaking up on and violently assaulting in a potentially deadly MMA style attack?

I always think of the two teens in Georgia wrongly imprisoned for not respecting the white baby in a stroller..........

Not sure why you are that worried about poor people offing each other except when one of them happens to be white.

But point is, if Zimmerman hadn't stalked that kid like a perv because his wife walked out on him, Tayvon wouldn't have had to defend himself.

"Man shoots child who was beating him in a fight he started... A great Right Wing Victory."

Please show us any evidence Zimmerman started the fight.
You do not have any and none was produced at trial.
Media told you there was and sheep like you believe everything media tells you.
Where is it?

Evidence: Zimmerman fired the first shot.
Not sure why you are that worried about poor people offing each other except when one of them happens to be white.

But point is, if Zimmerman hadn't stalked that kid like a perv because his wife walked out on him, Tayvon wouldn't have had to defend himself.

"Man shoots child who was beating him in a fight he started... A great Right Wing Victory."

Please show us any evidence Zimmerman started the fight.
You do not have any and none was produced at trial.
Media told you there was and sheep like you believe everything media tells you.
Where is it?

He just invented a story about Zs wife leaving him too.
These liars are desperate to create a situation where criminals can murder and rape with impunity.

The story about Zimmerman's wife leaving him has been published in the media, fyi.
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No, guy, you pop in once every six pages and then wonder why no one pays attention to you.

Nice revisionist history! :clap: You're the one who silently bowed out after losing the battle.

Um... no, I just lost interest in your repetitve blather about how a 17 year old kid absolutely deserved to die for not respecting the fat white man....

Blather? All's you have is stale, racist innuendo. You never did answer the question of whether the police should have arrested Zimmerman for murder right away to get him that precious drug screening. You knew that you had been bested and the cops did the right thing after all. You just wanted to point and blame though.
Nice revisionist history! :clap: You're the one who silently bowed out after losing the battle.

Um... no, I just lost interest in your repetitve blather about how a 17 year old kid absolutely deserved to die for not respecting the fat white man....

Blather? All's you have is stale, racist innuendo. You never did answer the question of whether the police should have arrested Zimmerman for murder right away to get him that precious drug screening. You knew that you had been bested and the cops did the right thing after all. You just wanted to point and blame though.

Get back in your cave.

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