George Zimmerman visits Kel-Tec gun factory

The police were probably thrown off as to Zimmerman's wife leaving him when Zimmerman asked the neighbor to call his wife and tell her what happened. When Zimmerman said he was on his way to Target to run an errand for his wife, that too might have confused him.

Tell a lie, then just act like its true!

Then how do you explain this...

George Zimmerman?s wife reveals she?d left him the night before he killed Trayvon Martin | The Raw Story

Shellie Zimmerman, wife of George Zimmerman, the Florida man who was found not guilty of second degree murder in the slaying of teenager Trayvon Martin, told ABC News that she does not know if she will stay married to her husband. In an interview with reporter Christi O’Connor, Shellie Zimmerman said that she will have to think carefully about whether she plans to stay married to George Zimmerman, and that she had walked out on him after a particularly nasty argument on the night before he shot Martin.

“I was staying at my father’s house,” Zimmerman said. “We had gotten into an argument the night before and I left.”

She declined to say whether or not her husband has a violent temper when O’Connor asked about the argument that caused her to walk out on him in 2012.

“Does George have a temper? How volatile did it get the evening before?” the reporter asked.

“Not going to answer that,” Zimmerman replied

So his favorite punching bag walks out on him, and he goes looking for another one.

Wow, this should have come out at the trial.

As far as his visiting the gun factory, it is at best very insenstive, very distasteful, and shows a great deal of callousness. IMO it shows just what type of human being Zimmerman is: the worst kind who thinks it's cool to celebrate the death of an innocent person who was doing nothing but minding his own business until vigilante Zimmerman appeared on the scene. Zimmerman is a vile, repulsive, disgusting human being.

It wasn't made up before or during the trial. It was made up after the trial. During the trial, what came out was that Zimmerman was on the street because he was on his way to Target because his wife had asked him to get something. What also came out was that Zimmerman asked a neighbor to call his wife and tell her what happened.

Trayvon charged George Zimmerman while shouting "I'm gonna kill you." He then attacked him and punched him while breaking his nose and repeatedly pounding his head against pavement. And of course we can hear GZ's horrific calls for help on the 911 tape. And of course, GZ passed the lie detector test. This isn't right wing / left wing shit; though not surprisingly it cuts through the political divide. This is accepting the truth for what it is. Trayvon Martin was an attempted murderer.

My mom used to say, "I'm going to kill you" when I misbehaved all the time. Wouldn't have justified me shooting her, really.

Yeah, we did hear Zimmerman screaming like a pussy when he got his ass kicked by a child in a fight he instigated, but that isn't cause for murder.

Trayvon was an MMA trained fighter who was 4 to 8 inches taller, depending upon what source you believe. He was not a fucking child. He was 17 years-old. When I taught in school, I could kick not every 17 year-olds ass free and clear. They're not in fucking junior high any more.

And if Trayvon was beating a man to that point that he was frantically yelling help then perhaps he should have got the fuck up. In what world is that okay? Part of me is glad GZ popped the S.O.B. Maybe, next time a dumbass kid will think twice about attacking a random citizen.
The main thing that is undeniable is that Georgie is a lame ass pussy.
My mom used to say, "I'm going to kill you" when I misbehaved all the time. Wouldn't have justified me shooting her, really.

Yeah, we did hear Zimmerman screaming like a pussy when he got his ass kicked by a child in a fight he instigated, but that isn't cause for murder.

Trayvon was an MMA trained fighter who was 4 to 8 inches taller, depending upon what source you believe. He was not a fucking child. He was 17 years-old. When I taught in school, I could kick not every 17 year-olds ass free and clear. They're not in fucking junior high any more.

And if Trayvon was beating a man to that point that he was frantically yelling help then perhaps he should have got the fuck up. In what world is that okay? Part of me is glad GZ popped the S.O.B. Maybe, next time a dumbass kid will think twice about attacking a random citizen.
The main thing that is undeniable is that Georgie is a lame ass pussy.

Most Democrats are.
"A Florida statute allows defendants who win their cases to file such motions, Vincent said. More than a month after Zimmerman was acquitted, his attorneys have now had the time to begin preparing their motion.

"It's a pretty standard motion for a case that the defense won," Vincent said."

Lawyer: Zimmerman to ask Fla. to cover some legal costs

Conservatives are all for taking my money for this.

The "government" is taking your money. It took your money to prosecute Zimmerman, it took your money to house, clothe, and feed him, and now your money will pay his legal fees.

Your government fucked up. And now YOU (Floridians), will pay for their mistake.

Zimmerman spent only one day in jail. His friend bought him clothes.
Trayvon was an MMA trained fighter who was 4 to 8 inches taller, depending upon what source you believe. He was not a fucking child. He was 17 years-old. When I taught in school, I could kick not every 17 year-olds ass free and clear. They're not in fucking junior high any more.

And if Trayvon was beating a man to that point that he was frantically yelling help then perhaps he should have got the fuck up. In what world is that okay? Part of me is glad GZ popped the S.O.B. Maybe, next time a dumbass kid will think twice about attacking a random citizen.
The main thing that is undeniable is that Georgie is a lame ass pussy.

Most Democrats are.

Oh man, you are just too awesome to debate.:lol:
My mom used to say, "I'm going to kill you" when I misbehaved all the time. Wouldn't have justified me shooting her, really.

Yeah, we did hear Zimmerman screaming like a pussy when he got his ass kicked by a child in a fight he instigated, but that isn't cause for murder.

Trayvon was an MMA trained fighter who was 4 to 8 inches taller, depending upon what source you believe. He was not a fucking child. He was 17 years-old. When I taught in school, I could kick not every 17 year-olds ass free and clear. They're not in fucking junior high any more.

And if Trayvon was beating a man to that point that he was frantically yelling help then perhaps he should have got the fuck up. In what world is that okay? Part of me is glad GZ popped the S.O.B. Maybe, next time a dumbass kid will think twice about attacking a random citizen.
The main thing that is undeniable is that Georgie is a lame ass pussy.

When did you ever meet him? All you go by was what media led you to believe.
And how did that work for you last time sweet cakes?
My mom used to say, "I'm going to kill you" when I misbehaved all the time. Wouldn't have justified me shooting her, really.

Yeah, we did hear Zimmerman screaming like a pussy when he got his ass kicked by a child in a fight he instigated, but that isn't cause for murder.

Trayvon was an MMA trained fighter who was 4 to 8 inches taller, depending upon what source you believe. He was not a fucking child. He was 17 years-old. When I taught in school, I could kick not every 17 year-olds ass free and clear. They're not in fucking junior high any more.

And if Trayvon was beating a man to that point that he was frantically yelling help then perhaps he should have got the fuck up. In what world is that okay? Part of me is glad GZ popped the S.O.B. Maybe, next time a dumbass kid will think twice about attacking a random citizen.
The main thing that is undeniable is that Georgie is a lame ass pussy.

the main thing that is undeniable is that Traythug is worm food

3 jobs?
What a loser, not smart enough to find a decent job with a living wage?

Can you say LOSER?
My 23 year old autistic son has one job, 20 hours a week at the most.
He pays his way, never whines.
Oh I forgot, unlike you, he isn't a LOSER!!!!

Somehow, I doubt he's paying a mortgage on two houses, paying down medical debt, and a full boat of taxes. I would even go so far to say that the liberal benefits and tax breaks we give those with special needs has really helped him out.

Which I'm totally good with. We should have that kind of society.

3 jobs?
What a loser, not smart enough to find a decent job with a living wage?

Can you say LOSER?
My 23 year old autistic son has one job, 20 hours a week at the most.
He pays his way, never whines.
Oh I forgot, unlike you, he isn't a LOSER!!!!

Somehow, I doubt he's paying a mortgage on two houses, paying down medical debt, and a full boat of taxes. I would even go so far to say that the liberal benefits and tax breaks we give those with special needs has really helped him out.

Which I'm totally good with. We should have that kind of society.

Do refrain from such vicious and dishonest attacks against my family.
Vile liberal loser!

Living in a society that treats the disabled well is a "vile and dishonest" attack? Really?

I'm proud to live in such a society and so should you be.
Do refrain from such vicious and dishonest attacks against my family.
Vile liberal loser!

Living in a society that treats the disabled well is a "vile and dishonest" attack? Really?

I'm proud to live in such a society and so should you be.
You lies saying he has succeeded because of handouts and that he has special needs, he has an autism spectrum disorder.
Not special needs.
He refuses to hide behind his condition and expect something for nothing.
He is an independent responsible adult who pays his way.
You struggle with that simple task.
You must have special needs.

Okay, I'm not going get into your ever shifting story here, because it changes a little bit with each post to the point where it becomes whatever you need it to be to make whatever point you are trying to make here.

Speaking for myself, I have had to take on a second job I hate because during my last job, I had a medical issue that put me thousands of dollars into debt. (Because we are the only country that doesn't have universal health care.) Now, while I COULD declare bankruptcy, that's simply not what I'm about.

I'm going to pay my debt. That's how I am.

And I'm not going to give up a second house (that I am a partial owner of) that has been in my family for five generations. That'd be fucking stupid.

Point is, your side fucked up the country pretty badly, and you mopes cling to your guns and your bibles, hoping some scary negro like Trayvon doesn't take your stuff.
Ever changing story?
You liar.
Losers always lie!!
Throw out the accusation of racism everytime you are called on your retardation!!
Grown ups pay their way, retard.
Grown ups don't over extend themselves.
LOSERS blame everyone else for their own failings.
I'm an atheist you retard.
My side?
Glasgow Celtic?

NB the housing market collapse was caused by people buying homes they couldn't afford, people like YOU.

For some banks were forced to issue these loans by laws written by carter and boosted by Clinton.
Community reinvestment act ring any bells?

Ummmm.... wow. Using "retard" as an insult. Hmmm.. I let the irony of that one sit on its own.

the Housing Market did not collapse because of the CRA (which was signed back in the 1970's). It collapsed because the banks made loans to people who were looking to flip a house instead of live in it, on the theory that it would double in price whether they could keep up with the mortgage or not.

And, no, sorry, unexpected medical bills, my company going under because of the incomptence of the people who ran it, those were things that were pretty much outside my control.

So I'm doing the decent thing in the middle of a general indecency.

Some of you on the right should try it.
Then how do you explain this...

George Zimmerman?s wife reveals she?d left him the night before he killed Trayvon Martin | The Raw Story

So his favorite punching bag walks out on him, and he goes looking for another one.

Wow, this should have come out at the trial.

As far as his visiting the gun factory, it is at best very insenstive, very distasteful, and shows a great deal of callousness. IMO it shows just what type of human being Zimmerman is: the worst kind who thinks it's cool to celebrate the death of an innocent person who was doing nothing but minding his own business until vigilante Zimmerman appeared on the scene. Zimmerman is a vile, repulsive, disgusting human being.

It wasn't made up before or during the trial. It was made up after the trial. During the trial, what came out was that Zimmerman was on the street because he was on his way to Target because his wife had asked him to get something. What also came out was that Zimmerman asked a neighbor to call his wife and tell her what happened.

The fictional gz changes every day.
Trayvon was an MMA trained fighter who was 4 to 8 inches taller, depending upon what source you believe. He was not a fucking child. He was 17 years-old. When I taught in school, I could kick not every 17 year-olds ass free and clear. They're not in fucking junior high any more.

And if Trayvon was beating a man to that point that he was frantically yelling help then perhaps he should have got the fuck up. In what world is that okay? Part of me is glad GZ popped the S.O.B. Maybe, next time a dumbass kid will think twice about attacking a random citizen.
The main thing that is undeniable is that Georgie is a lame ass pussy.

When did you ever meet him? All you go by was what media led you to believe.
And how did that work for you last time sweet cakes?
I watched the trial. The defense even had a witness from the gym to testify that Georgie was a fat lame pussy.
Ever changing story?
You liar.
Losers always lie!!
Throw out the accusation of racism everytime you are called on your retardation!!
Grown ups pay their way, retard.
Grown ups don't over extend themselves.
LOSERS blame everyone else for their own failings.
I'm an atheist you retard.
My side?
Glasgow Celtic?

NB the housing market collapse was caused by people buying homes they couldn't afford, people like YOU.

For some banks were forced to issue these loans by laws written by carter and boosted by Clinton.
Community reinvestment act ring any bells?

Ummmm.... wow. Using "retard" as an insult. Hmmm.. I let the irony of that one sit on its own.

the Housing Market did not collapse because of the CRA (which was signed back in the 1970's). It collapsed because the banks made loans to people who were looking to flip a house instead of live in it, on the theory that it would double in price whether they could keep up with the mortgage or not.

And, no, sorry, unexpected medical bills, my company going under because of the incomptence of the people who ran it, those were things that were pretty much outside my control.

So I'm doing the decent thing in the middle of a general indecency.

Some of you on the right should try it.

Retard is not an insult when directed at you.
It's just a fact.
Blaming others for YOUR failure is evidence of that.
I do the right thing every day, loser.
For 10 years I gave losers like you good well paid jobs.
You wouldn't do the work I provided mind, you are too lazy.
That is a problem in our society.
People want huge incomes for sitting around doing nothing.

I got sick of trying to find people willing to work, so I sold up, retired and now live a life of ease.

Never have to work again.
My kids don't have to, but the older two choose to.
My son as an engineering officer with the RAF.
My Daughter a specialized teacher for those with severe disabilities.
The other two are still babies, but will learn the importance of serving others.

It's the responsibility of those who are able to.
It's called leadership.

Serve to Lead!
Fuerer is the german word for leader. power to the people.
People end up being progressives for one reason and one reason only: they have made fucked up decisions in their own personal life and cant take responsibility for it......end up spending their lives looking to blame successful people for it. Its always the same story with these perpetual losers.

Too......all of their solutions to societal problems NEVER take into account the "costs" of those solutions. Any solution will do as long as successful people get fucked in the process. The progressives never have time to weigh necessary tradeoffs when you make a public policy pronouncement......the thinking is fucking fascinating. They live in a perpetual state of trying to contemplate infinity = epic levels of connect the dots fAiL.

Watch this video........anybody with even marginal abilities in abstract reasoning realized the fantasy world that progressive assholes like this guy envision >>>>>

[ame=]Debating A Gun Control Fanatic - YouTube[/ame]

These fucking nutters want to ban utensils!!! "The ultimate solution is to teach love!!"

Take the 3 minutes to see the level of nut in the thinking of guys like JoeB and other spaceland narcissists. You can clearly see the disconnect in the thinking of the gan grabber mental cases.......but they are 100% certain of their position DESPITE getting completely decimated on the facts.

Thankfully........they are fringe in our society.
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And who cant love Mikey Morre looing like a complete jackass in a debate on gun control!!!! Onc e again......facts decimate emotional rants.

More classicness........

[ame=]Michael Moore Loses Gun Control Debate HARD - YouTube[/ame]
People end up being progressives for one reason and one reason only: they have made fucked up decisions in their own personal life and cant take responsibility for it......end up spending their lives looking to blame successful people for it. Its always the same story with these perpetual losers.

Too......all of their solutions to societal problems NEVER take into account the "costs" of those solutions. Any solution will do as long as successful people get fucked in the process. The progressives never have time to weigh necessary tradeoffs when you make a public policy pronouncement......the thinking is fucking fascinating. They live in a perpetual state of trying to contemplate infinity = epic levels of connect the dots fAiL.

Watch this video........anybody with even marginal abilities in abstract reasoning realized the fantasy world that progressive assholes like this guy envision >>>>>

Debating A Gun Control Fanatic - YouTube

These fucking nutters want to ban utensils!!! "The ultimate solution is to teach love!!"

Take the 3 minutes to see the level of nut in the thinking of guys like JoeB and other spaceland narcissists. You can clearly see the disconnect in the thinking of the gan grabber mental cases.......but they are 100% certain of their position DESPITE getting completely decimated on the facts.

Thankfully........they are fringe in our society.

The root word of progressives is progress. Now, go stand in the corner.

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