George Zimmerman visits Kel-Tec gun factory

Wait a fucking minute. There's a dead kid on the ground and Zimmerman's holding a smoking gun, and you are saying that isn't probable cause?


The prescription drugs George Zimmerman was taking when he killed Trayvon Martin - Miami healthy living |

according to the paramedic incident report, Trayvon Martin's shooter was on the prescription drug Temazepam which is known to cause insomnia and anxiety. Other side effects not mentioned in the report are “aggressiveness,” “hallucinations,” and other serious symptoms. The U.S. National Library of Medicine cautions that, after taking Temazepam, patients should not be walking around trying to watch anything or anyone and that, if they do not sleep for at least 7-8 hours after taking the drug, they may experience memory loss.

Zimmerman was also on the commonly prescribed drug Adderall, which is known to cause “worsening mental or mood problems (eg, aggression, anxiety, delusions, depression, hallucination, hostility),” according to Adderall is prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or narcolepsy. Both Temazepam and Adderall are medications that can cause problematic side effects including agitation and mood swings.

It was not probable cause to drug test Zimmerman. There was no reason to. Zimmerman readily admitted pulling the trigger. The evidence at the scene, that there had been a fight, that Zimmerman had injuries, there were the 911 calls reporting the fight. No reason to drug test or to even have a scintilla of suspicion that Zimmerman was not the shooter.

Sanitation workers in my city get drug tested every time the have a traffic offense. But of course murderers, such as Zimmerman, are special.

Testing whether someone is able to drive a car isn't the same thing as deliberately shooting someone and admitting that you did it immediately. That's the difference. Maybe you can't understand it. A traffic accident is an act of negligence. Murder is a deliberate act. There was no investigation to find out whether someone else killed martin either. If one of those santitation workers said "I saw my girlfriend with another guy and ran her over with the garbage truck" that worker wouldn't be drug tested ether.
9. Georges's karma will soon catch up to him. Bang, bang.:evil:

"Thou shalt not kill, except..." Except what, Snookie? I mean, you're ok with someone killing Zimmerman, aren't you? That is what you just implied.
you are implying that. I just said he probably will be killed. I did not say I hope he was. Thou shall not kill.

I've said the same thing but its ore fun to ignore what was really said and, instead, make nasty accusations like this instead.

Thing is, gz is adding fuel to the fire. He could just get back to his life but instead, he actually posed with a rifle. That's pretty outrageous for someone who most of the country believes got away with murder.

He's not smart and apparently his attorney told him not to do that but, for whatever reason, he ignored their advice.

He's dead man walking.
It was not probable cause to drug test Zimmerman. There was no reason to. Zimmerman readily admitted pulling the trigger. The evidence at the scene, that there had been a fight, that Zimmerman had injuries, there were the 911 calls reporting the fight. No reason to drug test or to even have a scintilla of suspicion that Zimmerman was not the shooter.

Sanitation workers in my city get drug tested every time the have a traffic offense. But of course murderers, such as Zimmerman, are special.

Testing whether someone is able to drive a car isn't the same thing as deliberately shooting someone and admitting that you did it immediately. That's the difference. Maybe you can't understand it. A traffic accident is an act of negligence. Murder is a deliberate act. There was no investigation to find out whether someone else killed martin either. If one of those santitation workers said "I saw my girlfriend with another guy and ran her over with the garbage truck" that worker wouldn't be drug tested ether.
Garbage in, garbage out.
We need to amend the ten commandents to say "Thou shall not kill, unless..."

^ ignorant shit strikes again. Listen Stupie: the commandment is NOT "thou shalt not kill."

The commandment was that you shall not commit MURDER.

Not all killing is murder, you fucking ignorant stupid lowlife scumbag rat-whore rancid diseased twat-stank pussy motherfucker.

It was written in stone by God, the word, "kill".

God is no where to be found in The Constitution you nit wit.
The Law is based on The Constitution.
Something you mob rule fools know nothing about.
How does it feel to see everything that I stated would happen at trial happen?
And then some.
We need to amend the ten commandents to say "Thou shall not kill, unless..."

^ ignorant shit strikes again. Listen Stupie: the commandment is NOT "thou shalt not kill."

The commandment was that you shall not commit MURDER.

Not all killing is murder, you fucking ignorant stupid lowlife scumbag rat-whore rancid diseased twat-stank pussy motherfucker.

It was written in stone by God, the word, "kill".

No it was not, you pathetic imbecile.

First of all, at the time, God was not writing in English.

Here, if you ever get your head out from way up your ass, this might help you a bit, you fucking idiot:

To begin with, what does it mean to “kill”? Taken most literally, this would forbid killing animals for food or even plants for food. That seems implausible, however, because the Hebrew scriptures contain extensive descriptions about how to properly go about killing for food and that would be strange if killing were forbidden. More significantly is the fact that there are many examples in the Old Testament of God commanding the Hebrews to kill their enemies — why would God do that if this were a violation of one of the Commandments?

Thus, many translate the original Hebrew word ratsach as “murder” instead of “kill.” This may be reasonable, but the fact that popular lists of the Ten Commandments continue to use “kill” is a problem because if everyone agrees that “murder” is more accurate, then the popular lists — including those often used for government displays — are simply wrong and misleading. In fact, many Jews regard the mistranslation of the text as “kill” to be immoral in and of itself, both because it falsifies the words of God and because there are times when one has an obligation to kill.
-- Sixth Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Kill - Analysis of the Ten Commandments
"Thou shalt not kill, except..." Except what, Snookie? I mean, you're ok with someone killing Zimmerman, aren't you? That is what you just implied.
you are implying that. I just said he probably will be killed. I did not say I hope he was. Thou shall not kill.

I've said the same thing but its ore fun to ignore what was really said and, instead, make nasty accusations like this instead.

Thing is, gz is adding fuel to the fire. He could just get back to his life but instead, he actually posed with a rifle. That's pretty outrageous for someone who most of the country believes got away with murder.

He's not smart and apparently his attorney told him not to do that but, for whatever reason, he ignored their advice.

He's dead man walking.

Why is that, Luddly? Because he refuses, after being vindicated in a court of law, to cry "Mea Culpa!" to the mindless, baseless, false accusations your side continues to throw at him? Because he refuses to grovel before the likes of you, Sharpton, and Obama? Because he refuses to crawl before those who wish him dead, in the name of intimidating their political opponents? Well, here's ONE American, who damn well congratulates him for refusing to do that! In fact, I hope that were I in that situation, and believed I had done nothing wrong, I too would stand up and defy your howling lynch mob. It's about damn time SOMEONE did!

I may be wrong, but I think these tactics of yours, if you continue them, are going to make more and more of the rest of us feel that way, to the point that one day, the result may make you wish you had never tried them. A lot of your fellow Americans don't like being bullied, whether those doing the bullying are in the streets, the newsroom, or the halls of power.
"A Florida statute allows defendants who win their cases to file such motions, Vincent said. More than a month after Zimmerman was acquitted, his attorneys have now had the time to begin preparing their motion.

"It's a pretty standard motion for a case that the defense won," Vincent said."

Lawyer: Zimmerman to ask Fla. to cover some legal costs
"A Florida statute allows defendants who win their cases to file such motions, Vincent said. More than a month after Zimmerman was acquitted, his attorneys have now had the time to begin preparing their motion.

"It's a pretty standard motion for a case that the defense won," Vincent said."

Lawyer: Zimmerman to ask Fla. to cover some legal costs

Conservatives are all for taking my money for this.
"A Florida statute allows defendants who win their cases to file such motions, Vincent said. More than a month after Zimmerman was acquitted, his attorneys have now had the time to begin preparing their motion.

"It's a pretty standard motion for a case that the defense won," Vincent said."

Lawyer: Zimmerman to ask Fla. to cover some legal costs

Conservatives are all for taking my money for this.

Lolberals want the acquitted to pay, because they have a highly refined sense of "justice."
"A Florida statute allows defendants who win their cases to file such motions, Vincent said. More than a month after Zimmerman was acquitted, his attorneys have now had the time to begin preparing their motion.

"It's a pretty standard motion for a case that the defense won," Vincent said."

Lawyer: Zimmerman to ask Fla. to cover some legal costs

Conservatives are all for taking my money for this.

Lolberals want the acquitted to pay, because they have a highly refined sense of "justice."
Iliar does not know how to spell liberal. Did you notice?
George Zimmerman visited the Kel-Tec gun factory yesterday. Kel-Tec made the 9 mm pistol that Zimmerman used to thwart the attempted murderer Trayvon Martin and save his own life in the process.

As an aside, Reuters and Yahoo both made false headlines based upon Mark O'mara's (Zimmerman's lawer) spokesman's comment, which is as follows:

“We certainly would not have advised him to go to the factory that made the gun that he used to shoot Trayvon Martin through the heart,” Shawn Vincent, a spokesman for attorney Mark O’Mara, told Yahoo News. “That was not part of our public relations plan.”

Lawyer for George Zimmerman chides him for visiting gun factory | Reuters
Lawyer: George Zimmerman should not be visiting gun factories

Nowhere in the story(s) did it talk about Zimmerman's lawyer chiding him. Nor did either story show that Zimmerman's lawyer said he should not be visiting gun factories. Yet, Reuters and Yahoo both gave false headlines.

Now Trayvon was attempting to murder Zimmerman? God, you guys are so totally fucked up.

His lawyer was chiding him with the emphasis on the phrase 'through the heart.' I am not surprised you can't see it: the right wingers on this board are totally obtuse when it comes to the subtle use of language, satire, and innuendo.

Trayvon charged George Zimmerman while shouting "I'm gonna kill you." He then attacked him and punched him while breaking his nose and repeatedly pounding his head against pavement. And of course we can hear GZ's horrific calls for help on the 911 tape. And of course, GZ passed the lie detector test. This isn't right wing / left wing shit; though not surprisingly it cuts through the political divide. This is accepting the truth for what it is. Trayvon Martin was an attempted murderer.

I know you're all for ripping up the Constitution. But, the police had zero probable cause to drug test Zimmerman. That's proper police work.

Seriously though. You accused the police of softballing it for Zimmerman and that's all you got? You just want to believe whatever you want to believe, just like all your other nonsense.

Wait a fucking minute. There's a dead kid on the ground and Zimmerman's holding a smoking gun, and you are saying that isn't probable cause?


The prescription drugs George Zimmerman was taking when he killed Trayvon Martin - Miami healthy living |

according to the paramedic incident report, Trayvon Martin's shooter was on the prescription drug Temazepam which is known to cause insomnia and anxiety. Other side effects not mentioned in the report are “aggressiveness,” “hallucinations,” and other serious symptoms. The U.S. National Library of Medicine cautions that, after taking Temazepam, patients should not be walking around trying to watch anything or anyone and that, if they do not sleep for at least 7-8 hours after taking the drug, they may experience memory loss.

Zimmerman was also on the commonly prescribed drug Adderall, which is known to cause “worsening mental or mood problems (eg, aggression, anxiety, delusions, depression, hallucination, hostility),” according to Adderall is prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or narcolepsy. Both Temazepam and Adderall are medications that can cause problematic side effects including agitation and mood swings.

When Zimmerman talked to the police, he was not under arrest for murder. If you want to arrest him and make him take a drug screening, which probably accomplishes nothing, then you have to read him his rights and he probably lawyers up and stops talking. Any veteran policeman will tell you that that's the last thing you want.

So, you can't have it both ways. Do you want GZ's testimony or do you want a drug test that accomplishes nothing?

And JoeB left on that note. :lol:
Wait a fucking minute. There's a dead kid on the ground and Zimmerman's holding a smoking gun, and you are saying that isn't probable cause?


The prescription drugs George Zimmerman was taking when he killed Trayvon Martin - Miami healthy living |

according to the paramedic incident report, Trayvon Martin's shooter was on the prescription drug Temazepam which is known to cause insomnia and anxiety. Other side effects not mentioned in the report are “aggressiveness,” “hallucinations,” and other serious symptoms. The U.S. National Library of Medicine cautions that, after taking Temazepam, patients should not be walking around trying to watch anything or anyone and that, if they do not sleep for at least 7-8 hours after taking the drug, they may experience memory loss.

Zimmerman was also on the commonly prescribed drug Adderall, which is known to cause “worsening mental or mood problems (eg, aggression, anxiety, delusions, depression, hallucination, hostility),” according to Adderall is prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or narcolepsy. Both Temazepam and Adderall are medications that can cause problematic side effects including agitation and mood swings.

When Zimmerman talked to the police, he was not under arrest for murder. If you want to arrest him and make him take a drug screening, which probably accomplishes nothing, then you have to read him his rights and he probably lawyers up and stops talking. Any veteran policeman will tell you that that's the last thing you want.

So, you can't have it both ways. Do you want GZ's testimony or do you want a drug test that accomplishes nothing?

And JoeB left on that note. :lol:

Naw, I just had better things to do.

Sweet Evil Jesus, man, he was standing over a DEAD KID with a SMOKING GUN. It wasn't like you were going to cleverly have Brisco and Logan get him to incrminate himself.

It probably also would have been nice if the cops had bothered to find out that Zimmerman's wife had just walked out on him after he slapped her around the night before.

That would have required more work than saying, "Gee, Dead Negro on the Lawn, I don't know who keeps leaving them."

Trayvon charged George Zimmerman while shouting "I'm gonna kill you." He then attacked him and punched him while breaking his nose and repeatedly pounding his head against pavement. And of course we can hear GZ's horrific calls for help on the 911 tape. And of course, GZ passed the lie detector test. This isn't right wing / left wing shit; though not surprisingly it cuts through the political divide. This is accepting the truth for what it is. Trayvon Martin was an attempted murderer.

My mom used to say, "I'm going to kill you" when I misbehaved all the time. Wouldn't have justified me shooting her, really.

Yeah, we did hear Zimmerman screaming like a pussy when he got his ass kicked by a child in a fight he instigated, but that isn't cause for murder.
Funny Joe, you always claimed that was Martin screaming.
You always twist the facts to fit your biased agenda.

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