George Zimmerman visits Kel-Tec gun factory

The more black on white attacks that happen the more Zimmerman looks justified in eliminating another black thug. Every dead person, every one that end up in the hospital, could have been Zimmerman if they had been armed.

zimmerman was justified in his actions

the jury said so
Latest right wing talking point. Calling an anti-racist a racist. Limbaugh, Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly.

we get it.

You want to exterminate white people

Another crackhead, hallucinating.^

you are the one that wants blacks to kill whites without the possibility of defending themselves

black step on my property = curtains


not 1 shot like Zimm, but empty the mag/cylinder

6 x .357 = lol
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we get it.

You want to exterminate white people

Another crackhead, hallucinating.^

you are the one that wants blacks to kill whites without the possibility of defending themselves

black step on my property = curtains


not 1 shot like Zimm, but empty the mag/cylinder

6 x .357 = lol

Once again, proving my axom, the best argument for gun control is a conversation with a gun nut.

When you hear them talk about the people they just can't wait to kill, it's the best argument to take away thei guns.
you are the one that wants blacks to kill whites without the possibility of defending themselves

black step on my property = curtains


not 1 shot like Zimm, but empty the mag/cylinder

6 x .357 = lol

Once again, proving my axom, the best argument for gun control is a conversation with a gun nut.

When you hear them talk about the people they just can't wait to kill, it's the best argument to take away thei guns.

Ahh I get it, your argument against gun control is self defense.
You would deny a person the right to defend himself, his family and his home from your beloved criminals.
What a scumbag.

No criminal will hurt my kids, it's my duty to protect them.
Why does this cause you such consternation?
Why do you want the innocent to die?

Guy, a gun in your house is far more likely to kill household members than a bad guy will.

It's like keeping a rabid pit bull to scare off criminals, and it keeps biting your kids.

The thing is, most of you don't need guns, and most of you really don't know how to use them.

And,yeah, a guy like Squeezywho fantasizes about killing black people because he feels so helpless in life is kind of scary. Because eventually people like that act on their hate.
Another crackhead, hallucinating.^

you are the one that wants blacks to kill whites without the possibility of defending themselves

black step on my property = curtains


not 1 shot like Zimm, but empty the mag/cylinder

6 x .357 = lol

Once again, proving my axom, the best argument for gun control is a conversation with a gun nut.

When you hear them talk about the people they just can't wait to kill, it's the best argument to take away thei guns.

By all means; make sure that only criminals and the fruitcakes in the government have the guns. You're still a bitter moron.

By all means; make sure that only criminals and the fruitcakes in the government have the guns. You're still a bitter moron.

Guess what, guy, the rest of the world restricts gun ownership, and the criminals don't have the guns...

You don't need a gun because most of you don't know what you are doing and you cause more mayhem than the criminals do.
Another crackhead, hallucinating.^

you are the one that wants blacks to kill whites without the possibility of defending themselves

black step on my property = curtains


not 1 shot like Zimm, but empty the mag/cylinder

6 x .357 = lol

Once again, proving my axom, the best argument for gun control is a conversation with a gun nut.

When you hear them talk about the people they just can't wait to kill, it's the best argument to take away thei guns.

you are correct. I'm nuts.

I will not willingly submit to rape, assault or murder
you are the one that wants blacks to kill whites without the possibility of defending themselves

black step on my property = curtains


not 1 shot like Zimm, but empty the mag/cylinder

6 x .357 = lol

Once again, proving my axom, the best argument for gun control is a conversation with a gun nut.

When you hear them talk about the people they just can't wait to kill, it's the best argument to take away thei guns.

you are correct. I'm nuts.

I will not willingly submit to rape, assault or murder

Guy, you said you'd shoot a black peron who stepped on your property

Maybe he was just a Jehovah's Witness who wanted to tell you about Jesus...
Once again, proving my axom, the best argument for gun control is a conversation with a gun nut.

When you hear them talk about the people they just can't wait to kill, it's the best argument to take away thei guns.

Ahh I get it, your argument against gun control is self defense.
You would deny a person the right to defend himself, his family and his home from your beloved criminals.
What a scumbag.

No criminal will hurt my kids, it's my duty to protect them.
Why does this cause you such consternation?
Why do you want the innocent to die?

Guy, a gun in your house is far more likely to kill household members than a bad guy will.

It's like keeping a rabid pit bull to scare off criminals, and it keeps biting your kids.

The thing is, most of you don't need guns, and most of you really don't know how to use them.

And,yeah, a guy like Squeezywho fantasizes about killing black people because he feels so helpless in life is kind of scary. Because eventually people like that act on their hate.

I have owned firearms of all kinds for decades, fired thousands of rounds, and there has yet to be anything close to an accidental shooting.

None of my firearms are kept loaded, but can be loaded quickly.

Do I NEED a firearm?

Probably not, but what if I want to make meat?

In addition gun ownership is a deterrent to potential crime.

Joe's motto: Kill the crackers and their babies
Once again, proving my axom, the best argument for gun control is a conversation with a gun nut.

When you hear them talk about the people they just can't wait to kill, it's the best argument to take away thei guns.

you are correct. I'm nuts.

I will not willingly submit to rape, assault or murder

Guy, you said you'd shoot a black peron who stepped on your property

Maybe he was just a Jehovah's Witness who wanted to tell you about Jesus...

that little old black lady that showed up on the front porch with the bible escaped unharmed a few months ago.

You should know what I mean, but apparently you are the one that can't tell the difference between a jehova witness and a legitimate threat .

it's a good thing you are not a gun owner

that little old black lady that showed up on the front porch with the bible escaped unharmed a few months ago.

You should know what I mean, but apparently you are the one that can't tell the difference between a jehova witness and a legitimate threat .

it's a good thing you are not a gun owner

Frankly, you are the one who ranted about shooting black people who went on your property, so I'm not sure what you'd consider a "threat".


that little old black lady that showed up on the front porch with the bible escaped unharmed a few months ago.

You should know what I mean, but apparently you are the one that can't tell the difference between a jehova witness and a legitimate threat .

it's a good thing you are not a gun owner

Frankly, you are the one who ranted about shooting black people who went on your property, so I'm not sure what you'd consider a "threat".


who has a well deserved reputation for violence?
i am surprised that the left has not

clung onto the fact that

zimmerman got a speeding ticket the other day

i am surprised that the left has not

clung onto the fact that

zimmerman got a speeding ticket the other day

I knew that. He ought to be in jail. Just wait until he runs over a couple of kids. BTW, he said he didn't have a gun with him.

The guy must spend all of his hard earned money on gas driving all over the fucking place.:lol:
We need to ban these cars Mr Speaker!!


true that being a white hispanic makes it all the worse

wonder how many lefties googled

zimmerman gets a speeding ticket

just now

We need to ban these cars Mr Speaker!!


true that being a white hispanic makes it all the worse

wonder how many lefties googled

zimmerman gets a speeding ticket

just now


Lefties don't need to google. They get their news from reliable sources instead of rush Limbaugh and google.
He started the fight when he followed this kid.

Come on, you can whitewash this all day, but at the end of the day, bully started a fight with an unarmed kid, and shot him when he was losing.

The jury did not buy into that bull shit Joe.
That is all that counts.
My work is hard ball, not for softies with what ifs, maybes and could have been.

Those jurors are hiding out now. They will have to suffer with their wrong verdict for the rest of their lives. One of these days Z's wife is going to tell the real story. Mark my works. Bookmarked.

The chorus from the Left continues. "Zimmerman didn't submit to Trayvon like a good little sheep! Can't have that! Get the guns, get the truncheons, get the rope! LYNCH HIM! Get the media to vilify him, get Holder to investigate him! Whip up the mob in the street! Get the NBPP to put a bounty on him! CRUCIFY HIM!" Then, when he's acquitted by the judicial system (curious how you turn on that, the best protection the Left ever had in this country!), "Doesn't matter! KILL HIM ANYWAY! Drive those jurors into hiding! Threaten them! Intimidate them! How dare they not rule the way WE wanted?! HOW DARE THEY?!" Your true colors are showing, liberals! I know your species; there were plenty like you, in the ranks of Hitler's S.A. There were plenty more, in the hoods and sheets of the KKK. Don't EVER complain about those again; you've revealed yourselves to be the same thing they were! "If justice, and the facts, and the truth, aren't on our side, thuggery will do nicely!"

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