George Zimmerman visits Kel-Tec gun factory

i am surprised that the left has not

clung onto the fact that

zimmerman got a speeding ticket the other day


Sorry bout that,

1. Holder will be along soon
2. to impound George's truck
3. as evidence in the federal trial
4. because... something

Sir Rattus of Provolone
You're so full of shit. I don't watch any of that stuff? You got more bull shit to pull out of your ass? I just analyze reality for what it is dick face. SO, DON'T FUCKING COME AT ME TELLING ME THAT I'M SOME ZOMBIE LIKE YOURSELF. And you are a fucking racist. That's why you want to hang an innocent "white."

Now, there, there, little baby boy. Hugs.

Blow me, you dick faced maggot.

You do know that the person being blown is just as gay as the blower, don't you, sweet lips?:lol:
We need to ban these cars Mr Speaker!!


true that being a white hispanic makes it all the worse

wonder how many lefties googled

zimmerman gets a speeding ticket

just now


Lefties don't need to google. They get their news from reliable sources instead of rush Limbaugh and google.

you get your talking points from Al Sharpton

both of you are butt hurt crybabies :eusa_boohoo:
We need to ban these cars Mr Speaker!!


true that being a white hispanic makes it all the worse

wonder how many lefties googled

zimmerman gets a speeding ticket

just now


Have you lost your mind?

Now we have to take out another butthurt thread.


i still wonder how many googled that

at break neck speed

i am surprised that the left has not

clung onto the fact that

zimmerman got a speeding ticket the other day


Sorry bout that,

1. Holder will be along soon
2. to impound George's truck
3. as evidence in the federal trial
4. because... something

Sir Rattus of Provolone

it is quite interesting the lefties promised

that holder would be along shortly with federal charges

and possible hate crime against the zimmerman

yet the feds remain silent
We need to ban these cars Mr Speaker!!


Cars do not kill people. The drivers do.:eusa_angel:

As with guns.
But you still want to ban guns!!
Cars are thousands of times more dangerous than guns.

The same way Drivers have to pass a test, and agree to follow state laws to
drive a car.

Why not require that people who use guns have to sign agreements to
use them for defense and enforcing laws, and take a Constitutional oath
as other Police and Military Officers

in keeping with the Second Amendment that stresses a well-regulated
militia; where all the responsible examples of militia with guns I know
are sworn under the Constitution or individuals with personal commitment
the same as officers to enforce Constitutional laws. So why not make
this type of oath and t raining officials?

You wouldn't authorize police to enforce laws with a gun
WITHOUT full training and passing exams and psychological screening.

Shouldn't citizens with guns be expected to follow the same laws as police defend?

[note: one nonprofit group that is training and arming citizens to
study impact on crime reduction: Welcome to The Armed Citizen Project | Armed Citizen Project
I believe that approach should be replicated through training in all cities/states]

No, they are far more likey to never be used.
Better to have and not need than to need and not have.

Like you and a work ethic/sense of responsibility.

I am fully proficient in the use of the weapons I own.
They are all hunting weapons.

I am fully proficient in the use of many other weapons systems.

For personal/home defense I put my faith in VISHNU.
VISHNU shall prevail.

Your desire to disarm people is more nefarious than you are telling us here, isn't it!!
You let the cat out of the bag on another thread.

Guy, I work harder than you do... you couldn't do my job for one day without getting fired, probably after scaring the shit out of all the gals in my office.

But here's the thing. I want to crush you guns nuts because you helped the Plutocrats destroy America.
Zimmerman's wife is kicking him to the curb...

Lawyer: George Zimmerman's wife filing for divorce | General Headlines | Comcast

George Zimmerman's wife filed for divorce Thursday, less than two months after her husband was acquitted of murdering Trayvon Martin and a week after she pleaded guilty to perjury in his case.

Shellie Zimmerman made the decision because of "disappointment," her attorney, Kelly Sims, wrote Thursday in a short email to The Associated Press. The 26-year-old Zimmerman told ABC's "Good Morning America" last week that she was having serious doubts about remaining married.

The interview came just after she pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor perjury charge for lying during a bail hearing following her husband's arrest for the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in February 2012. Her husband, who was acquitted on second-degree murder and other charges in July, wasn't in the Sanford, Fla., courtroom as she was sentenced to a year's probation and 100 hours of community service — even though she supported him and lied about their finances.
George seems to be getting around a lot for a guy who is out of work. I think he was pulled over by the cops last week in Texas, and 2 days ago got a speeding ticket in Florida. I predict that he will end up working as a bouncer in a bar, somewhere.
Zimmerman's wife is kicking him to the curb...

Lawyer: George Zimmerman's wife filing for divorce | General Headlines | Comcast

George Zimmerman's wife filed for divorce Thursday, less than two months after her husband was acquitted of murdering Trayvon Martin and a week after she pleaded guilty to perjury in his case.

Shellie Zimmerman made the decision because of "disappointment," her attorney, Kelly Sims, wrote Thursday in a short email to The Associated Press. The 26-year-old Zimmerman told ABC's "Good Morning America" last week that she was having serious doubts about remaining married.

The interview came just after she pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor perjury charge for lying during a bail hearing following her husband's arrest for the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in February 2012. Her husband, who was acquitted on second-degree murder and other charges in July, wasn't in the Sanford, Fla., courtroom as she was sentenced to a year's probation and 100 hours of community service — even though she supported him and lied about their finances.

so what?

they can move on and find other partners

but Traythug still dead :eusa_boohoo:
How long you think your boy is going to stay out of trouble.

Shelly is bailing before he wrecks her life, too.

how long before your boy is resurrected?

I'm sure he'll be a martyr to civil rights like Emmett Till.

Would have been nice if you guys hadn't picked such a shabby character to make into a hero.

what a shabby racist martyr you chose

btw, was the murder of Emmitt Till ever solved?

if not, how can he be a civil rights martyr?
Last edited:
true that being a white hispanic makes it all the worse

wonder how many lefties googled

zimmerman gets a speeding ticket

just now


Lefties don't need to google. They get their news from reliable sources instead of rush Limbaugh and google.

you get your talking points from Al Sharpton

both of you are butt hurt crybabies :eusa_boohoo:

It's the other way around.
Sharpton gets his talking points from me.

No, they are far more likey to never be used.
Better to have and not need than to need and not have.

Like you and a work ethic/sense of responsibility.

I am fully proficient in the use of the weapons I own.
They are all hunting weapons.

I am fully proficient in the use of many other weapons systems.

For personal/home defense I put my faith in VISHNU.
VISHNU shall prevail.

Your desire to disarm people is more nefarious than you are telling us here, isn't it!!
You let the cat out of the bag on another thread.

Guy, I work harder than you do... you couldn't do my job for one day without getting fired, probably after scaring the shit out of all the gals in my office.

But here's the thing. I want to crush you guns nuts because you helped the Plutocrats destroy America.

You work hard, shuffling paper in a mail room!!
You have no idea, idiot.
I'm retired, spend my days going placed with my two youngest.
You know, out and about doing fun stuff.
I would bet that I do more work taking my lads out for a day in Boston than you do in a week.
Lazy fuck.
I purchased a little wine chain 3 ishyears since.
$10 million a year in sales for the main store, the second just under 6 mill.
Sold em up a month ago, the main store increased sales by 20% in 2 years.
So much for scaring girls.
If I went to work with you for a month.
And I will do it.
I will be the guy they all want to go for drinks with after work.
You would be the sad loser they all laugh at.
They do, don't they?

You really are one sad, pathetic unfortunate creature, aren't you!!

Take some advice.
Grow a pair, get motivated, take responsibility!!
Your life will improve.
You might even get laid!!

By an actual person, without the exchange of cash!!
Seriously, any help I can give!!
I love helping the pathetic, unfortunate losers of the world!!
Oh yeah, you think you are so hot and special. Just let me tell you.

I started out with a little cabbage patch in my back yard ten years ago.

With hard work, a little perseverance, the blessings of the Lord, and some poison, I am now the largest grower of cabbage in the state.

I did not just fall off the cabbage truck, you know.

Not everybody can be as blessed as I. This I know cause Jesus told me so. We must help those who have been less fortunate at what ever the cost. We are our brother's keeper.
Sorry bout that,

1. Holder will be along soon
2. to impound George's truck
3. as evidence in the federal trial
4. because...
Sir Rattus of Provolone

it is quite interesting the lefties promised

that holder would be along shortly with federal charges

and possible hate crime against the zimmerman

yet the feds remain silent

They are checking the racial demographic of the area he sped through.
If its a minority area, Eric wil don his shining armor and his sword of justice and his lance of nonsense, I hope he remembers his shield if bullshit again.

They got nothing. But, they don't mind holding that threat over GZ's head. Government of the people, my ass....

No, they are far more likey to never be used.
Better to have and not need than to need and not have.

Like you and a work ethic/sense of responsibility.

I am fully proficient in the use of the weapons I own.
They are all hunting weapons.

I am fully proficient in the use of many other weapons systems.

For personal/home defense I put my faith in VISHNU.
VISHNU shall prevail.

Your desire to disarm people is more nefarious than you are telling us here, isn't it!!
You let the cat out of the bag on another thread.

Guy, I work harder than you do... you couldn't do my job for one day without getting fired, probably after scaring the shit out of all the gals in my office.

Knowing you as I know you; I sincerely doubt that.

Proof!! See !! His wife is filing for divorce!!!
This clearly shows he intended to murder a black child nearly 2 years ago!!
Proof that he is racist!!

Oh, actually, not, the hundreds of thousands of death threats and the vicious attacks on her may have influenced her decision.
Still she will remain a target of the fanatics until the day she dies.
A great victory for them caring sharing liberals.
I'm saying now, they will hound her.
Watch this space!!

Naw, divorcing him probably gets her off the hook.

It probably had a lot more to do with the fact that he walked on a murder, but she got stuck with a perjury conviction, and he didn't even have the common decency to show up in court for her.

But him? It's only a matter of time before he gets in trouble again.

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