George Zimmerman's wife: 'I have doubts' about his innocence

I'll never understand why people want to blame the victim in this situation. The onus to identify himself and explain his reason for being there and for following Trayvon was on the adult and supposed neighborhood watch captain, not on the teenager. It was not up to Trayvon to go up to a strange adult and calmly ask "Why are you following me? What is going on?"

Trayvon was not doing anything wrong. He had no reason to think he was being trageted as a suspect in anything because he was not doing anything illegal or planning any kind of illegal behavior: he was a teenager who went to the mini-mart and that's it. Millions of kids do that every day. He ended up dead for no good reason. Zimmerman should have stayed in his car and waited for the police: that is the bottom line.

The onus was on Trayvon not to violently attack Zimmerman.

Up until that point, neither party had broken the law.

The law was broken when Trayvon's fist impacted Zimmerman's face.

Zimmerman defended himself from that attack.

The end.
so Missourian, you truly believe that trayvon was trying to murder zimmerman by punching him? That if zimmerman had not had a gun, trayvon would have turned in to a murderer that night and would have murdered zimmerman right there and then?

I don't buy in to that.....not one itty bitty bit....

First, the law doesn't say says "fear of death OR GRIEVOUS BODILY HARM"

Do I truly believe that grievous bodily harm could occur from beating a man's head off a concrete sidewalk? Damn skippy I do!

Second, y'all make the terrible mistake of viewing this though the lens of hindsight.

Zimmerman didn't know Trayvon was 17, or that he when to the store, or that he temporarily lived in the complex.

He didn't have a doctor evaluating his condition between blows from Trayvon's assault, informing him of the severity of the damage being inflicted on him.

Or when it was going to stop.

Or when help was coming.

Or if he was going to lose consciousness.

Or what Trayvon would do to him if he did.



Trayvon CHOSE to attack Zimmerman.

Zimmerman RESPONDED to that attack.

That is the end of this story.

No amount of rationalization changes that FACT.

That is why Zimmerman was acquitted.
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My dad told me "don't start a fight with a stranger they might have a gun".
The onus was on Trayvon not to violently attack Zimmerman.

Up until that point, neither party had broken the law.

The law was broken when Trayvon's fist impacted Zimmerman's face.

Zimmerman defended himself from that attack.

The end.
so Missourian, you truly believe that trayvon was trying to murder zimmerman by punching him? That if zimmerman had not had a gun, trayvon would have turned in to a murderer that night and would have murdered zimmerman right there and then?

I don't buy in to that.....not one itty bitty bit....

First, the law doesn't say says "fear of death OR GRIEVOUS BODILY HARM"

Do I truly believe that grievous bodily harm could occur from beating a man's head off a concrete sidewalk? Damn skippy I do!

Second, y'all make the terrible mistake of viewing this though the lens of hindsight.

Zimmerman didn't know Trayvon was 17, or that he when to the store, or that he temporarily lived in the complex.

He didn't have a doctor evaluating his condition between blows from Trayvon's assault, informing him of the severity of the damage being inflicted on him.

Or when it was going to stop.

Or when help was coming.

Or if he was going to lose consciousness.

Or what Trayvon would do to him if he did.



Trayvon CHOSE to attack Zimmerman.

Zimmerman RESPONDED to that attack.

That is the end of this story.

No amount of rationalization changes that FACT.

That is why Zimmerman was acquitted.
okay, I'll buy that zimmerman didn't know that trayvon was 17, and that trayvon was not a robber or a thief, because zimmerman ALREADY pegged him as one, without cause...and zimmerman's mindset was stuck on trayvon as being a bad guy, though there is absolutely no evidence of this being the case, it's just the mindset of zimmerman...thus he is more afraid of this kid than he should be...

but why oh why haven't you tried to get in to the mindset of trayvon, a 17 year high school, being followed by a strange white man for no reason at all....I'm certain trayvon was scared, wondering why the hell is this dude following me? wondering, Is this big and heavy white dude out to attack me? Is he a racist of some sort that wants to do me harm for no reason at all? What should I do? I don't want to bring this white dude following me to my father is not home, he's at the movies..... there is no one at home to help me....Should I let this big white dude who is following me for no reason at all see where I live? could he break in to my house and hurt me some how if he sees where I live? Why the heck is this dude following me? What should I do? What should I do?

So he confronts the strange dude that has been following him the whole way home, before reaching his empty home of his dad's and girlfriend of dad's, by punching him in the nose....then the fight proceeds....between the 158 lb trayvon and zimmerman....

Trayvon didn't know why zimmerman was following him, other than it must be some dude doing this for no good....because taryvon KNEW he was doing nothing wrong, so what else but for malice, could this strange dude be stalking him?

It goes both ways...neither zimmerman or trayvon had the other pegged correctly....

The whole thing is a tragedy... :(
Who threw the first punch?
When I wa 10 years old I punched a big tall black girl right smack in the nose at the playground, who was following me, and bullying me...Bonita Carter....I will never forget her name.... sooooooooo, should Bonita have been allowed to kill me because I took the first punch?
so Missourian, you truly believe that trayvon was trying to murder zimmerman by punching him? That if zimmerman had not had a gun, trayvon would have turned in to a murderer that night and would have murdered zimmerman right there and then?

I don't buy in to that.....not one itty bitty bit....

First, the law doesn't say says "fear of death OR GRIEVOUS BODILY HARM"

Do I truly believe that grievous bodily harm could occur from beating a man's head off a concrete sidewalk? Damn skippy I do!

Second, y'all make the terrible mistake of viewing this though the lens of hindsight.

Zimmerman didn't know Trayvon was 17, or that he when to the store, or that he temporarily lived in the complex.

He didn't have a doctor evaluating his condition between blows from Trayvon's assault, informing him of the severity of the damage being inflicted on him.

Or when it was going to stop.

Or when help was coming.

Or if he was going to lose consciousness.

Or what Trayvon would do to him if he did.



Trayvon CHOSE to attack Zimmerman.

Zimmerman RESPONDED to that attack.

That is the end of this story.

No amount of rationalization changes that FACT.

That is why Zimmerman was acquitted.
okay, I'll buy that zimmerman didn't know that trayvon was 17, and that trayvon was not a robber or a thief, because zimmerman ALREADY pegged him as one, without cause...and zimmerman's mindset was stuck on trayvon as being a bad guy, though there is absolutely no evidence of this being the case, it's just the mindset of zimmerman...thus he is more afraid of this kid than he should be...

but why oh why haven't you tried to get in to the mindset of trayvon, a 17 year high school, being followed by a strange white man for no reason at all....I'm certain trayvon was scared, wondering why the hell is this dude following me? wondering, Is this big and heavy white dude out to attack me? Is he a racist of some sort that wants to do me harm for no reason at all? What should I do? I don't want to bring this white dude following me to my father is not home, he's at the movies..... there is no one at home to help me....Should I let this big white dude who is following me for no reason at all see where I live? could he break in to my house and hurt me some how if he sees where I live? Why the heck is this dude following me? What should I do? What should I do?

So he confronts the strange dude that has been following him the whole way home, before reaching his empty home of his dad's and girlfriend of dad's, by punching him in the nose....then the fight proceeds....between the 158 lb trayvon and zimmerman....

Trayvon didn't know why zimmerman was following him, other than it must be some dude doing this for no good....because taryvon KNEW he was doing nothing wrong, so what else but for malice, could this strange dude be stalking him?

It goes both ways...neither zimmerman or trayvon had the other pegged correctly....

The whole thing is a tragedy... :(

Zimmerman called the police.

Trayvon did not.

I put myself in Trayvon's mindset.

Zimmerman was completely legal.

Would you have beat the crap out of someone without ever calling the police...even though you had a phone in your hand?

And Zimmerman stops following Trayvon...on the 911 tape Zimmerman clearly states he has STOPPED following Trayvon, and doesn't want to give his (Zimmerman's) address, because he doesn't know where Martin is.

So Martin had no fear at that point of going home without being followed...he had ran and got away cleanly.

IMO he was out to teach Zimmerman a lesson to mind his own business.

If he was afraid...he would have called home...or called his dad, or called the police.

He did none of those things.

And he didn't do home, or to a friend or neighbors, or just knock on a random door and say "a strange man is following me".

If he was afraid...why didn't he do any of these things...not one.

Instead he attacks Zimmerman.

That is the LAST thing I would have done...the last thing any reasonable law abiding citizen would have done.
Who threw the first punch?
When I wa 10 years old I punched a big tall black girl right smack in the nose at the playground, who was following me, and bullying me...Bonita Carter....I will never forget her name.... sooooooooo, should Bonita have been allowed to kill me because I took the first punch?
Two ten year olds is alot different then the Trayon story, but after you threw the first punch what did "Bonita" do?
Who threw the first punch?
When I wa 10 years old I punched a big tall black girl right smack in the nose at the playground, who was following me, and bullying me...Bonita Carter....I will never forget her name.... sooooooooo, should Bonita have been allowed to kill me because I took the first punch?

did you straddle her and pound her head into a cement sidewalk
Who threw the first punch?
When I wa 10 years old I punched a big tall black girl right smack in the nose at the playground, who was following me, and bullying me...Bonita Carter....I will never forget her name.... sooooooooo, should Bonita have been allowed to kill me because I took the first punch?

did you straddle her and pound her head into a cement sidewalk
there isn't evidence that zimmerman's head was repeatedly pummeled in to the's simply not evident with zimmerman's injuries... the evidence proving such just isn't there....zimmerman certainly could have fought back....

but as Missourian pointed out, zimmerman had trayvon pegged as some bad guy getting ready to rob a house or something illegal, though zimmerman was 100% WRONG in his assumptions, his mindset was falsely thinking this kid was a ''bad guy''....i'm sure that could have made him more afraid for his life than what was actually present in the brawl itself...
Bullshit to the both of you. She's right, and you know she's right. The only way Trayvon would be alive right now is if he'd been born white.
You may be right, as a white teenager a white teenager he would likely have been less violent.

LOL Oh my: that's not racist or anything! :doubt:
I don't give a rat's ass if it's racist, it is true. If you are not able to discern fact from political correctness or think that facts must be politically correct: that entirely your prerogative, but don't whine when people label you a ditz.
You may be right, as a white teenager a white teenager he would likely have been less violent.

LOL Oh my: that's not racist or anything! :doubt:
I don't give a rat's ass if it's racist, it is true. If you are not able to discern fact from political correctness or think that facts must be politically correct: that entirely your prerogative, but don't whine when people label you a ditz.

Anyone who doesn't think a white teenager is as violent as a black teenager, based upon nothing but race, is a ditz? You're sick. The racism in you goes as deep as it can go and stinks like putrifying flesh on a shit pile. Racists are the lowest form of humanity.
LOL Oh my: that's not racist or anything! :doubt:
I don't give a rat's ass if it's racist, it is true. If you are not able to discern fact from political correctness or think that facts must be politically correct: that entirely your prerogative, but don't whine when people label you a ditz.

Anyone who doesn't think a white teenager is as violent as a black teenager, based upon nothing but race, is a ditz? You're sick. The racism in you goes as deep as it can go and stinks like putrifying flesh on a shit pile. Racists are the lowest form of humanity.
I know that black teens are more violent than white. The boob ditz asserted that Trayvon would still be alive had he been white. I agreed and thought it was possible because white teens, though often violent, pale in comparison to blacks. Not politically correct, but fact

Boobditz's assumption on the other hand, was not based on anything besides her own ignorance. There is nothing in Zimmerman's past to suggest racism. Her assumption was racist itself. With this in mind, you can see why I might not care if some frustrated, self-righteous middle-aged ditz calls me a racist. It means nothing.
I don't give a rat's ass if it's racist, it is true. If you are not able to discern fact from political correctness or think that facts must be politically correct: that entirely your prerogative, but don't whine when people label you a ditz.

Anyone who doesn't think a white teenager is as violent as a black teenager, based upon nothing but race, is a ditz? You're sick. The racism in you goes as deep as it can go and stinks like putrifying flesh on a shit pile. Racists are the lowest form of humanity.
I know that black teens are more violent than white. The boob ditz asserted that Trayvon would still be alive had he been white. I agreed and thought it was possible because white teens, though often violent, pale in comparison to blacks. Not politically correct, but fact

Boobditz's assumption on the other hand, was not based on anything besides her own ignorance. There is nothing in Zimmerman's past to suggest racism. Her assumption was racist itself. With this in mind, you can see why I might not care if some frustrated, self-righteous middle-aged ditz calls me a racist. It means nothing.

You keep calling her 'frustrated.' It seems to be your belief that all middle age women are frustrated. What a stereotype. So, you are not only a racist, but also a sexist, and very possibly projecting on to them what you are going through yourself, some kind of sexual frustration, otherwise you wouldn't feel the need to put down your middle age counter parts as you do. Probably you've been rejected by them a lot, so you just put them down. Sad. Anyway, if it isn't true, you ought to cool it on the insults to middle age women, because it sure appears to be resentment and frustration on your part to go on and on about what frustrated, ditzy, nags they are. Psychologically speaking, you dislike them because they reject you.
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Anyone who doesn't think a white teenager is as violent as a black teenager, based upon nothing but race, is a ditz? You're sick. The racism in you goes as deep as it can go and stinks like putrifying flesh on a shit pile. Racists are the lowest form of humanity.
I know that black teens are more violent than white. The boob ditz asserted that Trayvon would still be alive had he been white. I agreed and thought it was possible because white teens, though often violent, pale in comparison to blacks. Not politically correct, but fact

Boobditz's assumption on the other hand, was not based on anything besides her own ignorance. There is nothing in Zimmerman's past to suggest racism. Her assumption was racist itself. With this in mind, you can see why I might not care if some frustrated, self-righteous middle-aged ditz calls me a racist. It means nothing.

You keep calling her 'frustrated.' It seems to be your belief that all middle age women are frustrated. What a stereotype. So, you are not only a racist, but also a sexist, and very possibly projecting on to them what you are going through yourself, some kind of sexual frustration, otherwise you wouldn't feel the need to put down your middle age counter parts as you do. Probably you've been rejected by them a lot, so you just put them down. Sad. Anyway, if it isn't true, you ought to cool it on the insults to middle age women, because it sure appears to be resentment and frustration on your part to go on and on about what frustrated, ditzy, nags they are. Psychologically speaking, you dislike them because they reject you.
I was talking about you in fact. I have never been rejected by a middle-aged woman because as a rule I don't do frustrated, self righteous middle-aged ditzes. Kinda brings us full circle, eh?
I know that black teens are more violent than white. The boob ditz asserted that Trayvon would still be alive had he been white. I agreed and thought it was possible because white teens, though often violent, pale in comparison to blacks. Not politically correct, but fact

Boobditz's assumption on the other hand, was not based on anything besides her own ignorance. There is nothing in Zimmerman's past to suggest racism. Her assumption was racist itself. With this in mind, you can see why I might not care if some frustrated, self-righteous middle-aged ditz calls me a racist. It means nothing.

You keep calling her 'frustrated.' It seems to be your belief that all middle age women are frustrated. What a stereotype. So, you are not only a racist, but also a sexist, and very possibly projecting on to them what you are going through yourself, some kind of sexual frustration, otherwise you wouldn't feel the need to put down your middle age counter parts as you do. Probably you've been rejected by them a lot, so you just put them down. Sad. Anyway, if it isn't true, you ought to cool it on the insults to middle age women, because it sure appears to be resentment and frustration on your part to go on and on about what frustrated, ditzy, nags they are. Psychologically speaking, you dislike them because they reject you.
I was talking about you in fact. I have never been rejected by a middle-aged woman because as a rule I don't do frustrated, self righteous middle-aged ditzes. Kinda brings us full circle, eh?

My impression was that you were referring, in different posts, to both of us. But it is too tiresome to go back and review your posts. Either way, you are projecting your problems onto others, and being very sexist about it, as your 'name' calling refers to age and gender, and assumes that we must be, because we disagree with you, frustrated nags. When in fact that's a sterotype people use because they are ignorant and narrow minded. I stand by my assertion: psychologists would say your obvious dislike of women your age stems from rejection. And it's pretty clear why they would reject you. And now you are back on ignore, which I am sure you are used to.
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When I wa 10 years old I punched a big tall black girl right smack in the nose at the playground, who was following me, and bullying me...Bonita Carter....I will never forget her name.... sooooooooo, should Bonita have been allowed to kill me because I took the first punch?

did you straddle her and pound her head into a cement sidewalk
there isn't evidence that zimmerman's head was repeatedly pummeled in to the's simply not evident with zimmerman's injuries... the evidence proving such just isn't there....zimmerman certainly could have fought back....

but as Missourian pointed out, zimmerman had trayvon pegged as some bad guy getting ready to rob a house or something illegal, though zimmerman was 100% WRONG in his assumptions, his mindset was falsely thinking this kid was a ''bad guy''....i'm sure that could have made him more afraid for his life than what was actually present in the brawl itself...

there was an eye witness to the event

however in self defense there is not a number of times

ones head has to hit on the cement

the question asked of the jury

did zimmerman fear for his life
Anyone who doesn't think a white teenager is as violent as a black teenager, based upon nothing but race, is a ditz? You're sick. The racism in you goes as deep as it can go and stinks like putrifying flesh on a shit pile. Racists are the lowest form of humanity.
what has any of that to do with the subject of debate???? If all you have is hate to share please go back to your basement beating off to the Democrat KKK

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