George Zimmerman's wife: 'I have doubts' about his innocence

GZ is no more a real man than you are.

And I'm a mom. So it's not attraction. It's gratitude that an asshole like GZ is about as far away from my loved ones as he can possibly be, and still be on American soil.

Every man here can recognize what a frustrated nag you are. We quickly get as far away from your kind as possible. (Looks at his watch) "Well, got to go now. Nice to have met you. Have a nice day."

You speak for every man on here do you? Not likely. You speak for every buffoon on here born with male genitalia. Any woman with half a brain wouldn't have you on a silver plater with a million dollars as a bonus. You're nothing but a joke, just like the sick joke you worship, George Zimmerman: child killer.

Typical hysteria from "A Punk Is a Hunk" nymphomaniac.
Every man here can recognize what a frustrated nag you are. We quickly get as far away from your kind as possible. (Looks at his watch) "Well, got to go now. Nice to have met you. Have a nice day."

You speak for every man on here do you? Not likely. You speak for every buffoon on here born with male genitalia. Any woman with half a brain wouldn't have you on a silver plater with a million dollars as a bonus. You're nothing but a joke, just like the sick joke you worship, George Zimmerman: child killer.

Typical hysteria from "A Punk Is a Hunk" nymphomaniac.



What orifice did you pull that lame-ass insult out of?
Are we still talking about this?

Zimmerman was found not guilty by reason of self defense.

I understand how badly this sucks for those of you emotionally invested in his guilt, but it is a fact none the less.

You have been duped by racebaiters and a media that revels in conflict.

Learn from your mistakes and don't repeat them, that's the best advice you are ever going to get on this subject.

A certain wannabe cop from Florida drove to a park in Chicago, got out of his car, even though he didn't have to do that, and stalked and shot 13 innocent Black children.

Lonely? Have no friends? Join TRAYVON TRUTH and you'll finally feel like you belong!
Trayvon didn't kill anyone.

The Skittles Kid didn't live long enough to kill, thanks to a real man who did what men have to do. You mixed-up femininnies have an unnatural sado-masochistic preference for either predatory punks or pussy-whipped wimps. No wonder the dykes think of you as easy marks.

Stop assuming Trayvon would have become a killer because he was black, you racist piece of shit.

I'm just an innocent child who looks like Joe Biden's grandson. My friends in the media have posted pictures of me showing how angelic and sweet I am. If you don't quit stalking me, you pedophile, I'll sucker punch you and use MMA to pound your head into the pavement until you are dead dead dead. Because I am the NO LIMIT ANGEL--of Death!
You speak for every man on here do you? Not likely. You speak for every buffoon on here born with male genitalia. Any woman with half a brain wouldn't have you on a silver plater with a million dollars as a bonus. You're nothing but a joke, just like the sick joke you worship, George Zimmerman: child killer.

Partial Birth Abortion

Brenda Pratt Shafer, a registered nurse from Dayton, Ohio, assisted Dr. Haskell in a Partial Birth Abortion on a 26-1/2 week (over 6 months) pre-born baby boy. She testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee (on 11/17/95) about what she witnessed.

According to nurse Shafer, the baby was alive and moving as the abortionist “delivered the baby’s body and arms - everything but the head. The doctor kept the baby’s head just inside the uterus. The baby’s little fingers were clasping and unclasping, his feet were kicking. Then the doctor stuck the scissors through the back of his head, and the baby’s arms jerked out in a flinch, a startle reaction, like a baby does when he thinks he might fall. The doctor opened up the scissors, stuck a high-powered suction tube into the opening and sucked the baby’s brains out. Now the baby was completely limp.”

That's a child killer

Shafer is a liar. And she also has nothing to do with the murder of a teenager.

Neither did Zimmerman, so you are on the wrong thread. Try the one about Trayvon's clones in Chicago.
Zimmerman's wife can have all the doubts she wants. Of course, this appears to be her hedging to protect her own public image going forward. She doesn't want to be too supportive of a polarizing figure. Still, she stated she believed in the evidence that led to the acquittal. And why wouldn't she? It was patently clear to any non moron that TM was beating the hell out of GZ and that he acted in self defense. Those screams were clearly the screams of a man fearful for his life. And of course, that's just the tip top of a mountain of evidence that supported his claims.

USMB's A Punk Is a Hunk coven hates Z-Man because they're jealous of him. They wish they could have had Tray Honey on top of them.
George's mother in law is know called cops on him for stealing furniture and t.v.'s from the couples home and damaging it.
Do you have some new or undiscovered evidence that the court was not privy too upon which you are basing your opinion?

If GZ had had a head cold that night and stayed home, Trayvon would still be alive.

Don't even need the media or anybody else's input. My child goes out for a snack and doesn't make it home alive, me knowing his life was cut short by an ignorant asshole is going to be a fact.

And if Trayvon had had both hands amputated, he would still be alive today.

If Trayvon had said something to Zimmerman when he was in his car instead of grittin' on him, he would be alive today.

We call that by a very technical legalese term..."not evidence".

If if if if if if if ifififififif....

But didn't.

My original statement stands.

If GZ had had a head cold that night and stayed home, Trayvon would still be alive.

Don't even need the media or anybody else's input. My child goes out for a snack and doesn't make it home alive, me knowing his life was cut short by an ignorant asshole is going to be a fact.

I'll never understand why people want to blame the victim in this situation. The onus to identify himself and explain his reason for being there and for following Trayvon was on the adult and supposed neighborhood watch captain, not on the teenager. It was not up to Trayvon to go up to a strange adult and calmly ask "Why are you following me? What is going on?"

Trayvon was not doing anything wrong. He had no reason to think he was being trageted as a suspect in anything because he was not doing anything illegal or planning any kind of illegal behavior: he was a teenager who went to the mini-mart and that's it. Millions of kids do that every day. He ended up dead for no good reason. Zimmerman should have stayed in his car and waited for the police: that is the bottom line.
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It was not up to Trayvon to go up to a strange adult and calmly ask "Why are you following me? What is going on?"
That would have been much better then going up to a strange adult and attacking him
If GZ had had a head cold that night and stayed home, Trayvon would still be alive.

Don't even need the media or anybody else's input. My child goes out for a snack and doesn't make it home alive, me knowing his life was cut short by an ignorant asshole is going to be a fact.

And if Trayvon had had both hands amputated, he would still be alive today.

If Trayvon had said something to Zimmerman when he was in his car instead of grittin' on him, he would be alive today.

We call that by a very technical legalese term..."not evidence".

If if if if if if if ifififififif....

But didn't.

My original statement stands.

If GZ had had a head cold that night and stayed home, Trayvon would still be alive.

Don't even need the media or anybody else's input. My child goes out for a snack and doesn't make it home alive, me knowing his life was cut short by an ignorant asshole is going to be a fact.

I'll never understand why people want to blame the victim in this situation. The onus to identify himself and explain his reason for being there and for following Trayvon was on the adult and supposed neighborhood watch captain, not on the teenager. It was not up to Trayvon to go up to a strange adult and calmly ask "Why are you following me? What is going on?"

Trayvon was not doing anything wrong. He had no reason to think he was being trageted as a suspect in anything because he was not doing anything illegal or planning any kind of illegal behavior: he was a teenager who went to the mini-mart and that's it. Millions of kids do that every day. He ended up dead for no good reason. Zimmerman should have stayed in his car and waited for the police: that is the bottom line.

The onus was on Trayvon not to violently attack Zimmerman.

Up until that point, neither party had broken the law.

The law was broken when Trayvon's fist impacted Zimmerman's face.

Zimmerman defended himself from that attack.

The end.
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Bullshit to the both of you. She's right, and you know she's right. The only way Trayvon would be alive right now is if he'd been born white.
You may be right, as a white teenager a white teenager he would likely have been less violent.

LOL Oh my: that's not racist or anything! :doubt:

Yeah, I negged him and slapped his ass on ignore. I'm done trying to deal with the white supremacists.
If Trayvon was white and Zimmerman was black you two wouldn't care at all, and neither would the rest of the world

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And if Trayvon had had both hands amputated, he would still be alive today.

If Trayvon had said something to Zimmerman when he was in his car instead of grittin' on him, he would be alive today.

We call that by a very technical legalese term..."not evidence".

If if if if if if if ifififififif....

But didn't.

My original statement stands.

If GZ had had a head cold that night and stayed home, Trayvon would still be alive.

Don't even need the media or anybody else's input. My child goes out for a snack and doesn't make it home alive, me knowing his life was cut short by an ignorant asshole is going to be a fact.

I'll never understand why people want to blame the victim in this situation. The onus to identify himself and explain his reason for being there and for following Trayvon was on the adult and supposed neighborhood watch captain, not on the teenager. It was not up to Trayvon to go up to a strange adult and calmly ask "Why are you following me? What is going on?"

Trayvon was not doing anything wrong. He had no reason to think he was being trageted as a suspect in anything because he was not doing anything illegal or planning any kind of illegal behavior: he was a teenager who went to the mini-mart and that's it. Millions of kids do that every day. He ended up dead for no good reason. Zimmerman should have stayed in his car and waited for the police: that is the bottom line.

The onus was on Trayvon not to violently attack Zimmerman.

Up until that point, neither party had broken the law.

The law was broken when Trayvon's fist impacted Zimmerman's face.

Zimmerman defended himself from that attack.

The end.
so Missourian, you truly believe that trayvon was trying to murder zimmerman by punching him? That if zimmerman had not had a gun, trayvon would have turned in to a murderer that night and would have murdered zimmerman right there and then?

I don't buy in to that.....not one itty bitty bit....
Bullshit to the both of you. She's right, and you know she's right. The only way Trayvon would be alive right now is if he'd been born white.

there is a good likelihood that Martin would dead or in serious trouble by now

had he not run into zimmerman

Trayvon was assuredly headed down the wrong path

two years before he encountered zimmerman
I'll never understand why people want to blame the victim in this situation. The onus to identify himself and explain his reason for being there and for following Trayvon was on the adult and supposed neighborhood watch captain, not on the teenager. It was not up to Trayvon to go up to a strange adult and calmly ask "Why are you following me? What is going on?"

Trayvon was not doing anything wrong. He had no reason to think he was being trageted as a suspect in anything because he was not doing anything illegal or planning any kind of illegal behavior: he was a teenager who went to the mini-mart and that's it. Millions of kids do that every day. He ended up dead for no good reason. Zimmerman should have stayed in his car and waited for the police: that is the bottom line.

The onus was on Trayvon not to violently attack Zimmerman.

Up until that point, neither party had broken the law.

The law was broken when Trayvon's fist impacted Zimmerman's face.

Zimmerman defended himself from that attack.

The end.
so Missourian, you truly believe that trayvon was trying to murder zimmerman by punching him? That if zimmerman had not had a gun, trayvon would have turned in to a murderer that night and would have murdered zimmerman right there and then?

I don't buy in to that.....not one itty bitty bit....

if zimmerman had not had a gun, trayvon would have turned in to a murderer that night and would have murdered zimmerman right there and then?

yes that is quite possible

there was much more then just a "punch to the face"

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