George Zimmerman's wife: 'I have doubts' about his innocence

That wasn't a sentence.

Your point is invalid.
That my dear ditz, that is called a negative tag question, not a sentence. I suppose one expects this from the Rachel Jeantels and telemarketers of the world.

Nope. You forgot a few letters, and didn't even notice. Really, you're the ditz here.

So, calling people a ditz qualifies as an argument? I'll have to write that one down...
That my dear ditz, that is called a negative tag question, not a sentence. I suppose one expects this from the Rachel Jeantels and telemarketers of the world.

Nope. You forgot a few letters, and didn't even notice. Really, you're the ditz here.

So, calling people a ditz qualifies as an argument? I'll have to write that one down...

I assume you are speaking to the 'man' who called me a ditz.
I assume you are speaking to the 'man' who called me a ditz.

I'm speaking to both of you, who insist on call each other a ditz. So much for civil discourse.


You think nobody reads your posts? You, sir, are nobody to be attempting to arbitrate civil discourse.

In almost all of my posts, I address the poster as they address me. But the difference is, I have an argument. I'm the one with a point to make. But don't get mad at me BD. You were the one who deigned to that poster's level. And to be frank, I've come to the realization that sheer name calling is no substitute for a concrete argument.

As for this guy who called you a ditz:

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” ― Mark Twain
I'm speaking to both of you, who insist on call each other a ditz. So much for civil discourse.


You think nobody reads your posts? You, sir, are nobody to be attempting to arbitrate civil discourse.

In almost all of my posts, I address the poster as they address me. But the difference is, I have an argument. I'm the one with a point to make. But don't get mad at me BD. You were the one who deigned to that poster's level. And to be frank, I've come to the realization that sheer name calling is no substitute for a concrete argument.

As for this guy who called you a ditz:

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” ― Mark Twain

Okay, since you won't butt out, I will.
Don't know what the problem is. "Ditz", defined as a scatter-brained silly person, seems spot on to much of the Zimmerman dingbat brigade.

Now, what possible effect would you calling someone a ditz have on their argument? I find that if you run their argument into the ground you can justify the name you called them. Otherwise, it makes you and the other person look like an idiot.

But let's kindly veer away from this topic, since CK did tell us to get back on the OP.
You think nobody reads your posts? You, sir, are nobody to be attempting to arbitrate civil discourse.

In almost all of my posts, I address the poster as they address me. But the difference is, I have an argument. I'm the one with a point to make. But don't get mad at me BD. You were the one who deigned to that poster's level. And to be frank, I've come to the realization that sheer name calling is no substitute for a concrete argument.

As for this guy who called you a ditz:

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” ― Mark Twain

Okay, since you won't butt out, I will.

Bye! Don't let the door hit ya. You don't get to tell me what threads I can render my opinion in. I will "butt out" when I get good and ready to. What you post here is fair game for ridicule.

Take care of yourself, BD.
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That my dear ditz, that is called a negative tag question, not a sentence. I suppose one expects this from the Rachel Jeantels and telemarketers of the world.

You're hilarious. Meatball is calling others ditzes and frustrated nags Funny. What does come out of the mouths of frustrated dirty old men these days! Men, btw, who can't stand women with brains, not to mention senses of humor more complex than the 3 Stooges. Meatball the moron. Go back to your 3 morons movie.
And posts like this are the product of women with brains and a sense of humor?


Apparently ditzyness is not an absolute. I suppose there are more levels to that state than I had imagined. Possibly ditzyness coupled with serious issues of frustration compounds things

Meatball, I normally have you on ignore and don't read your posts unless someone has quoted you. You started with the name calling. When I see you doing that, which is pretty much EVERY TIME I see one of your posts because someone else has quoted you, I respond to your name calling by reminding you that you are not in position to call other people names, to say they are frustrated, to say they are nags, to say they are ditzes, to say they don't have intellect. Period. You lack all of the above. Your moniker is spot on: you are, indeed, a meat head, and extremely mean spirited with it.
Real man? Zimmerman????


I wonder if PB's voice has dropped yet.

Or his balls.

I mean - who else would view GZ as "a real man."

Good point. Even his wife has realized he isn't one. What kind of 'real man' lets his wife commit perjury for him, then, when he is set free, ignores her so he can run around being man of the hour in the limelight of his acquital? Seriously, he's a man without character, and a man without character is no real man in my book. Now she is left to face the charges on her own, she should get every cent out of him and his escapades in order to pay her legal fees and compensate for the disagreeable and frightening legal situation she is in because of him.

And you lecture others on intelligence? Just what kind of argument is this? It sounds like a Neo-Feminist wrote it. I'm not kidding either, all this hatred of Zimmerman's manhood. The statement is woefully mendacious and spiteful. You don't like being called names but yet you attack the very character of another person.

We all get it, you think Zimmerman is evil. This does not however cover for your lack of information on this subject, your lack of an argument or the lack of manners for which you want others to have.
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You're hilarious. Meatball is calling others ditzes and frustrated nags Funny. What does come out of the mouths of frustrated dirty old men these days! Men, btw, who can't stand women with brains, not to mention senses of humor more complex than the 3 Stooges. Meatball the moron. Go back to your 3 morons movie.
And posts like this are the product of women with brains and a sense of humor?


Apparently ditzyness is not an absolute. I suppose there are more levels to that state than I had imagined. Possibly ditzyness coupled with serious issues of frustration compounds things

Meatball, I normally have you on ignore and don't read your posts unless someone has quoted you. You started with the name calling. When I see you doing that, which is pretty much EVERY TIME I see one of your posts because someone else has quoted you, I respond to your name calling by reminding you that you are not in position to call other people names, to say they are frustrated, to say they are nags, to say they are ditzes, to say they don't have intellect. Period. You lack all of the above. Your moniker is spot on: you are, indeed, a meat head, and extremely mean spirited with it.

Zimmerman's wife can have all the doubts she wants. Of course, this appears to be her hedging to protect her own public image going forward. She doesn't want to be too supportive of a polarizing figure. Still, she stated she believed in the evidence that led to the acquittal. And why wouldn't she? It was patently clear to any non moron that TM was beating the hell out of GZ and that he acted in self defense. Those screams were clearly the screams of a man fearful for his life. And of course, that's just the tip top of a mountain of evidence that supported his claims.
And posts like this are the product of women with brains and a sense of humor?


Apparently ditzyness is not an absolute. I suppose there are more levels to that state than I had imagined. Possibly ditzyness coupled with serious issues of frustration compounds things

Meatball, I normally have you on ignore and don't read your posts unless someone has quoted you. You started with the name calling. When I see you doing that, which is pretty much EVERY TIME I see one of your posts because someone else has quoted you, I respond to your name calling by reminding you that you are not in position to call other people names, to say they are frustrated, to say they are nags, to say they are ditzes, to say they don't have intellect. Period. You lack all of the above. Your moniker is spot on: you are, indeed, a meat head, and extremely mean spirited with it.


Man. I didn't know you knew the art of double standards BD. You have the gall to call me a liar on another thread and you get angry about being called a ditz? Really? Seriously, it takes one to know one.
Zimmerman's wife can have all the doubts she wants. Of course, this appears to be her hedging to protect her own public image going forward. She doesn't want to be too supportive of a polarizing figure. Still, she stated she believed in the evidence that led to the acquittal. And why wouldn't she? It was patently clear to any non moron that TM was beating the hell out of GZ and that he acted in self defense. Those screams were clearly the screams of a man fearful for his life. And of course, that's just the tip top of a mountain of evidence that supported his claims.

Who shoots an unarmed teenager? A racist fool who started the fight! Which Zimmerman did!
Meatball, I normally have you on ignore and don't read your posts unless someone has quoted you. You started with the name calling. When I see you doing that, which is pretty much EVERY TIME I see one of your posts because someone else has quoted you, I respond to your name calling by reminding you that you are not in position to call other people names, to say they are frustrated, to say they are nags, to say they are ditzes, to say they don't have intellect. Period. You lack all of the above. Your moniker is spot on: you are, indeed, a meat head, and extremely mean spirited with it.


Man. I didn't know you knew the art of double standards BD. You have the gall to call me a liar on another thread and you get angry about being called a ditz? Really? Seriously, it takes one to know one.

Okay, your buh-byes apparently mean nothing, yet again marking you as a liar.

I'll do it.

Zimmerman's wife can have all the doubts she wants. Of course, this appears to be her hedging to protect her own public image going forward. She doesn't want to be too supportive of a polarizing figure. Still, she stated she believed in the evidence that led to the acquittal. And why wouldn't she? It was patently clear to any non moron that TM was beating the hell out of GZ and that he acted in self defense. Those screams were clearly the screams of a man fearful for his life. And of course, that's just the tip top of a mountain of evidence that supported his claims.

Who shoots an unarmed teenager? A racist fool who started the fight! Which Zimmerman did!

Except for the fact that he fought against racism and that's well documented in the media and by the FBI. He shot in self defense against a teenager who was ravenously attacking him. Grow up and stop ignoring reality to suit your sad whims.
Zimmerman's wife can have all the doubts she wants. Of course, this appears to be her hedging to protect her own public image going forward. She doesn't want to be too supportive of a polarizing figure. Still, she stated she believed in the evidence that led to the acquittal. And why wouldn't she? It was patently clear to any non moron that TM was beating the hell out of GZ and that he acted in self defense. Those screams were clearly the screams of a man fearful for his life. And of course, that's just the tip top of a mountain of evidence that supported his claims.

Who shoots an unarmed teenager? A racist fool who started the fight! Which Zimmerman did!

One, you cannot prove he's racist. Two, you are unable to say he killed Martin out of malice, nor prove he didn't do it in self defense. Three, Martin was armed with the concrete sidewalk he used to run Zimmerman's head into. Four, you cannot prove Zimmerman started the fight.
And despite these 'inconvenient truths' she makes her reckless accusations. The left need not be armed with truth when lies will do the trick.
Zimmerman's wife can have all the doubts she wants. Of course, this appears to be her hedging to protect her own public image going forward. She doesn't want to be too supportive of a polarizing figure. Still, she stated she believed in the evidence that led to the acquittal. And why wouldn't she? It was patently clear to any non moron that TM was beating the hell out of GZ and that he acted in self defense. Those screams were clearly the screams of a man fearful for his life. And of course, that's just the tip top of a mountain of evidence that supported his claims.

Who shoots an unarmed teenager? A racist fool who started the fight! Which Zimmerman did!

And yet the evidence doesn't support your hypothesis

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