Georgia Election Workers Suing Conspiracy Website Over ‘Campaign Of Lies’

Good for them. The only thing that will stop conspiracy theorists and the lies they spout is to hit them in the pocket book, especially when they name names or disparage the reputation of companies.

Let them justify their lies to a jury, and if they can’t, let them pay the piper.
The pocket book is being hit now. You lying scumbags.
A couple of election workers in Georgia are standing up for themselves.

They are suing the gateway pundit.

From the article:

At the height of the harassment, Freeman said strangers twice attempted to push into her home to “make a citizens’ arrest,” the lawsuit alleges. Freeman was eventually forced to shutter her business and flee her home for two months at the recommendation of the FBI, the suit says.

“People have said the most vile and violent and racist things about me and my family—on the phone, on my social media accounts, on email, and in person. Things you wouldn’t believe,” Freeman, who is Black, said in a statement.

“The toll of all this on your life, day in and day out, it wears on you. I go to church and I know that God is my keeper, so I’m keeping my head up. But the impact is still there. For example, when I’m out in public and I hear someone call my name, I jump. Just hearing my name scares me.”

She was identified from video of counting the votes. So of course the far right found her identity, then published it. Resulting in the nightmare of terrorism she and the other workers endured.

Normal Americans are appalled at this.

I'm sure the trump people laugh at it, applaud it, cheer it on and are proud of it.

That opens the entire election process up to discovery.
Yes we do laugh at your whining. Yet you were fine with threats against Rittenhouse jurors and doxxing of Manafort jurors. Normal Americans are appalled that you’re so gullible.
Shedding tears because your pals have to face the music due to their lies, clown?

Destroying election worker's lives just for doing their jobs because your idiot cult leader got his ass beat. Nice job.

Now go cry some more.
The only goal here, OB, is the same as always-- -- to keep trying to railroad Trump because they know he represents a grave threat to the continued operation of the Washington Cabal.
Trump does pose a grave threat- to this Country.

Anyone with a brain can see it. Which leaves you out.
It's the plaintiffs who don't want anywhere near discovery, fuckwit....They're the ones who'd have to survive discovery and an avalanche of FOIA demands.

You're not even 1/10th as clever as you seem to think you are.

The plaintiffs might win more than Rittenhouse. The GWP has no leg to stand on, he will settle before this ever comes close to a courthouse.
They destroyed their own lives, when they decided to take part in felonious election rigging.
Yea, sure. In a year you Bozo's haven't produce one shred of evidence that anyone with half a brain would believe.

All you have is pissing & moaning, tears & lies & dreams of giving Trump the old reach around.
Yea, sure. In a year you Bozo's haven't produce one shred of evidence that anyone with half a brain would believe.

All you have is pissing & moaning, tears & lies & dreams of giving Trump the old reach around.
You don't have a brain beyond the paleocortex, so what would you know?
I'm used to libertarians being smarter than mosst....This is what tips you off as a poseur...You're dumber than a bag of fucking hammers.

All your name calling does is prove I am correct.

But please keep it up, it is somewhat entertaining

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