Georgia Election Workers Suing Conspiracy Website Over ‘Campaign Of Lies’

Good for them. The only thing that will stop conspiracy theorists and the lies they spout is to hit them in the pocket book. This is especially true when these purveyors of lies name private individuals or disparage the reputation of companies.

Let them justify their lies to a jury, and if they can’t, let them pay the piper.

These people destroyed that woman's business.

They forced the woman to have to leave her home and close her business just to say alive.

This shouldn't be happening in the United States of America.
These people destroyed that woman's business.

They forced the woman to have to leave her home and close her business just to say alive.

Perhaps she should have thought of the likely consequences before she fucked with the ballots in front of running security cameras.

I have not one bit of sympathy for this corrupt piece of shit.
Shedding tears because your pals have to face the music due to their lies, clown?

Destroying election worker's lives just for doing their jobs because your idiot cult leader got his ass beat. Nice job.

Now go cry some more.
Crying? That’s what you’re doing gay boy. Noting your ignorance of YOUR side doing much worse than that cultist. Keep trying. Slapping morons like you and Dana is mildly entertaining.
I agree, there is no way the GWP wants this near any courthouse. They would be bankrupt in less than an hour. There is not a more dishonest site on the entire web that I know of

Yep. The GWP appears to want to supplant Alex Jones from this throne.
You're damn Skippy the Pundit cannot withstand discovery. The left is going to make all these lying assholes pay. I'm in shock that FOX still has a broadcast license given all of the lawsuits they've lost, all of the retractions they've issued.

There have to be consequences for the lies. Alex Jones lost the lawsuit filed by the Sandy Hook families. Richard Spencer and the members of the Unite the Right coalition lost the law suit filed by the people of Charlottesville.
And you idiots lost the lawsuit from Sandmann. You’re going to lose the lawsuits from Rittenhouse. Enjoy your losses. Including this one.
Just wait til the families of those Rittenhouse murdered are done with him and his mother in civil court....:heehee:
Yeah. We’ll be rolling on the floor laughing at you morons. Jury ruled self defense. Stock up on tissues.
A couple of election workers in Georgia are standing up for themselves.

They are suing the gateway pundit.

From the article:

At the height of the harassment, Freeman said strangers twice attempted to push into her home to “make a citizens’ arrest,” the lawsuit alleges. Freeman was eventually forced to shutter her business and flee her home for two months at the recommendation of the FBI, the suit says.

“People have said the most vile and violent and racist things about me and my family—on the phone, on my social media accounts, on email, and in person. Things you wouldn’t believe,” Freeman, who is Black, said in a statement.

“The toll of all this on your life, day in and day out, it wears on you. I go to church and I know that God is my keeper, so I’m keeping my head up. But the impact is still there. For example, when I’m out in public and I hear someone call my name, I jump. Just hearing my name scares me.”

She was identified from video of counting the votes. So of course the far right found her identity, then published it. Resulting in the nightmare of terrorism she and the other workers endured.

Normal Americans are appalled at this.

I'm sure the trump people laugh at it, applaud it, cheer it on and are proud of it.

Great.. Good for them.
These people destroyed that woman's business.

They forced the woman to have to leave her home and close her business just to say alive.

This shouldn't be happening in the United States of America.
Boo boo. You assholes destroyed the life of an innocent cop in Ferguson. Tried to destroy the life of an innocent Rittenhouse. Take your hypocrisy and shove it.
Crying? That’s what you’re doing gay boy. Noting your ignorance of YOUR side doing much worse than that cultist. Keep trying. Slapping morons like you and Dana is mildly entertaining.
You get slapped every morning as you wake up & realize your orange knuckle dragger is no longer in power thanks to Joe Biden who beat his sorry, traiterous ass last November. Yea, you saw it. Trump is a traiterous lowlife.

Now cry & piss & moan about voter fraud, fucktwit.
I agree, there is no way the GWP wants this near any courthouse. They would be bankrupt in less than an hour. There is not a more dishonest site on the entire web that I know of
SO where is your law degree from that you can state someone would be bankrupt in an hour
in the instance of a law suit?

You must be very certain and learned. Or very foolish and ready to make a fool of yourself making such absurd comments.
You get slapped every morning as you wake up & realize your orange knuckle dragger is no longer in power thanks to Joe Biden who beat his sorry, traiterous ass last November. Yea, you saw it. Trump is a traiterous lowlife.

Now cry & piss & moan about voter fraud, fucktwit.
You and your boyfriend surada better take an elementary reading course retard. Show where I ever mentioned the election fucktard. Now. Your pathetic deflections are all you have. Your life is so sad that you have to obsess over Trump 24/7. Now fuck off retard.
Yes I sure do hope so too.
They slandered those workers for their own political and financial gain.

I'm a bit of naïf on law suits for defamation or slander, and such. And even more so when suits are filed that have a significant political vibe to 'em.

And we all know how 'politics' has recently become more of a blood sport than it traditionally has been.

All of that is to say ----- I wonder if some left-leaning (or even just anti-Jim Hoft) financial angel would surreptitiously signal...."Go ahead sue those characters. My team will underwrite the costs"??

Such a scenario seems plausible to me. The Pundit has made a lot of, umm, 'advesaries' with their prolific record of publishing conspiracies, falsehoods, and mis-information.

I hope this thread has legs and we all can stay informed on the progression of the case.

BTW......these folks in Georgia ain't the only election workers who have been subject to some awful hostility from anonymous callers. And it seems to have it's roots in those who believe in a 'stolen' election.

America's democratic fabric and our election infrastructure would be immeasurably damaged if we lost the many many volunteers who know the nuances and protocols of implementing big elections.....the worker bees who keep the engine running.
If that became a significant reality......I think we could see more and more of a movement towards mail-in voting. Or some tactic that minimizes the potential for harm or threats by the unhinged.....and protects those people.

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