Georgia official takes oath of office on Malcom X autobiography instead of bible


First of all, whatever she wants to put her hand on when she is sworn in is her choice. I think Hoss's reply was brilliant. But that is just me.

And for those demanding that the Bible be used, remember all the crooks and corrupt assholes who screwed everybody over? All (or almost all) of them put their hand on the Bible when they were sworn in. It didn't help them, now did it?
Shes free to choose whatever she wants, but if she picks a book about a radical racist, people have the right to complain.

Have you read his autobiography?
You might want will surprise you.
Ive heard people say the same thing about Mein Kampf. No thanks, im good.

Really? Have people told you that Mein Kampf talks about wanting to see all people, of all races, united? Hmmm, I don't recall that. I read a translation of Mein Kampf many, many years ago, so my memory may not be precise.
While taking the oath of office by placing your hand on an autobiography seems ludicrous, I have no real problem with it as long as the person honors the responsibilities of that office.
But what is the point in doing so? The Bible comes with a meaning behind it. In a different culture and time "we" understood that we were binding ourselves before our God to perform our duties to the best of our abilities before our Creator.

What meaning is behind taking an oath before this dead man?
Actually people who say what's the point here are those who actually realize this is not a theocracy. Ain't no more complex than that.
That's why I like Hossfly 's post 21. Tear that pretentious shit down.

Oh, it's not that I am distressed she did not use the Bible. No. It is a bit pretentious though, I will say that. My point was about the lay of the land. This nation has turned its back on God and is immersed in self. What matters is money, lust, security for family, temporal pleasures and total thoughtlessness about the "divine." This woman putting her hand on Malcom X is just an example of someone who has no clue. .

------ so her counterpart feeling up a religion book from two, three thousand years ago while swearing is 'having a clue"?

How exactly does any book -- Holey Babble, Malcolm Bio, Hustler Magazine --- empower an oath anyway? Some kind of magic flooby dust in there? Say, what if a page was ripped out of the book before the oath? Does the public servant get a day off?

Perhaps they should actually use the local phone book. At least it would actually represent the people they're supposed to be representing.
While taking the oath of office by placing your hand on an autobiography seems ludicrous, I have no real problem with it as long as the person honors the responsibilities of that office.
But what is the point in doing so? The Bible comes with a meaning behind it. In a different culture and time "we" understood that we were binding ourselves before our God to perform our duties to the best of our abilities before our Creator.

What meaning is behind taking an oath before this dead man?

There should be alternatives for non believers.

Plus, Jesus said do not swear by Heaven or Earth, but let your yes be yes and your no be no
There should be alternatives for non believers.

Plus, Jesus said do not swear by Heaven or Earth, but let your yes be yes and your no be no
I understand and agree with Jesus words on this. I'm talking about the cultural shift that has happened. What she is doing is meaningless since she is not affirming before God. She's just making a political statement of her contempt for the culture.
There should be alternatives for non believers.

Plus, Jesus said do not swear by Heaven or Earth, but let your yes be yes and your no be no
I understand and agree with Jesus words on this. I'm talking about the cultural shift that has happened. What she is doing is meaningless since she is not affirming before God. She's just making a political statement of her contempt for the culture.

I agree with you about what she’s doing.

Some times, you just have to let people do what they do.
There should be alternatives for non believers.

Plus, Jesus said do not swear by Heaven or Earth, but let your yes be yes and your no be no
I understand and agree with Jesus words on this. I'm talking about the cultural shift that has happened. What she is doing is meaningless since she is not affirming before God. She's just making a political statement of her contempt for the culture.

Have you read the book she used to swear in?
Actually people who say what's the point here are those who actually realize this is not a theocracy. Ain't no more complex than that.
That's why I like Hossfly 's post 21. Tear that pretentious shit down.

Oh, it's not that I am distressed she did not use the Bible. No. It is a bit pretentious though, I will say that. My point was about the lay of the land. This nation has turned its back on God and is immersed in self. What matters is money, lust, security for family, temporal pleasures and total thoughtlessness about the "divine." This woman putting her hand on Malcom X is just an example of someone who has no clue. She represents probably 80% of the left and 40% of the right in America. Those are my guesses, but not without reason.

Does your skin burn from all of that hand wringing?
I do not think you and I have one thing in common. Do not let my words surprise you or concern you.

No surprise nor concern here.
There should be alternatives for non believers.

Plus, Jesus said do not swear by Heaven or Earth, but let your yes be yes and your no be no
I understand and agree with Jesus words on this. I'm talking about the cultural shift that has happened. What she is doing is meaningless since she is not affirming before God. She's just making a political statement of her contempt for the culture.

Perhaps she's not a Christian.
A Georgia county official has taken her oath of office by placing her hand on The Autobiography of Malcolm X instead of on the bible, as is most common during American swearing-in ceremonies. Mariah Parker, a 26-year-old doctorate student who was elected to the Athens-Clarke County commission, said that she turned down two other options presented by officials at the swearing in before she picked the autobiography.

Georgia official takes oath of office on Malcolm X autobiography instead of bible


The picture says it all from left to right. Georgia will look like NY, CA soon it too will be like little Europe lmao..

A Georgia county official has taken her oath of office by placing her hand on The Autobiography of Malcolm X instead of on the bible, as is most common during American swearing-in ceremonies. Mariah Parker, a 26-year-old doctorate student who was elected to the Athens-Clarke County commission, said that she turned down two other options presented by officials at the swearing in before she picked the autobiography.

Georgia official takes oath of office on Malcolm X autobiography instead of bible


The picture says it all from left to right. Georgia will look like NY, CA soon it too will be like little Europe lmao..

View attachment 232953

somedays you are such a jackass LOL .


Malcolm X received many death threats from Nation of Islam members. His home in New York, in Queens, was set on fire on Feb. 14, 1965, a week before his death. The Feb. 22 New York Timespresented quotations from an interview he gave on Feb. 18: “I’m a marked man. It doesn’t frighten me for myself as long as I felt they would not hurt my family. … No one can get out with out trouble, and this thing with me will be resolved by death and violence.”
Feb. 21, 1965 | Malcolm X Is Assassinated by Black Muslims

why do you think the Muslims took him out..................... oh the Humanity..
I'm not angry, and you're not sorry. If you have something of substance to offer, please do. If not, I won't miss any sleep.
I already have. Commenting that this Angela Davis throw back is somehow admirable for being true to herself
is absolutely asinine if her true self is a worthless fringe political figure who seems to be an admirer of the worst
and most excessive radical aspects of the sixties.

First of all, whatever she wants to put her hand on when she is sworn in is her choice. I think Hoss's reply was brilliant. But that is just me.

And for those demanding that the Bible be used, remember all the crooks and corrupt assholes who screwed everybody over? All (or almost all) of them put their hand on the Bible when they were sworn in. It didn't help them, now did it?
Shes free to choose whatever she wants, but if she picks a book about a radical racist, people have the right to complain.

Have you read his autobiography?

Your assumptions would be right about him in the beginning. But later he changed his views dramatically.
How did that work out for Paula Dean?

First of all, whatever she wants to put her hand on when she is sworn in is her choice. I think Hoss's reply was brilliant. But that is just me.

And for those demanding that the Bible be used, remember all the crooks and corrupt assholes who screwed everybody over? All (or almost all) of them put their hand on the Bible when they were sworn in. It didn't help them, now did it?
Shes free to choose whatever she wants, but if she picks a book about a radical racist, people have the right to complain.

Have you read his autobiography?

Your assumptions would be right about him in the beginning. But later he changed his views dramatically.
How did that work out for Paula Dean?

Completely irrelevant. It didn't work out very well for Malcolm X either. But his views at the end were worthwhile.
I don't care if Mariah Parker takes her oath on an old Playboy as long as she serves the people of her county well and with honor.
Based on her holy book of choice and her retro hairdo I expect she will champion all causes framed by and addressing blackness only.
another idiot who never read his autobiography.
I’m not an idiot but I read it back in 9th grade for a book report. 1971. All I remember is how he gets involved with street crime at 13.
The elected sista who vowed on that book likely hasn’t read the Bible.
(BTW, my spellchecker capitalizes Koran but not bible — this is the Marxist culture that gives us black bigot elected officials like Sista girl)

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