Georgia passes bill allowing police to arrest anyone suspected of being in country illegally…Will more states follow?

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One more time…
Cops can’t arrest people for being illegal…I suspect you already knew this.
We core Americans hope this new law allows them to do so….you do to…right?
So you can't read or refuse the read the link. It's okay, I understand. This is good. American police currently have the ability to stop and arrest illegals with due cause. Have a good evening.
Something for Amie2345 ...

---How activists fought Joe Arpaio’s immigration roundups---

--- Joe Arpaio guilty of contempt over patrols targeting immigrants---

Have you read the Bill?
I suspect the law grants additional powers to law enforcement.
I’m hoping it allows for full nazi-like empowerment.
Imagine this….A cop is having donuts hears two parasites speaking in spanish…that’s probable cause to ask for papers. Wouldn’t that be cool?
will it be the same way for any language being spoken?....
I believe now days they are considered immigrants. And, that comes with its own playbook. To hear our government talk, there is no such thing as an illegal trespasser in this country anymore.

I don't see how, the people who seemingly defend and support illegal trespassing in this country, can sit back quietly while American citizens are arrested for much less crimes than illegally entering a country.
will it be the same way for any language being spoken?....
It shouldn’t be…we need to be efficient in our efforts.
We have 50 million Mexicans and 17 illegals from other nations. Lets get the 50 million first.
I believe now days they are considered immigrants. And, that comes with its own playbook. To hear our government talk, there is no such thing as an illegal trespasser in this country anymore.

I don't see how, the people who seemingly defend and support illegal trespassing in this country, can sit back quietly while American citizens are arrested for much less crimes than illegally entering a country.
It’s sad….we’ve become such a backwards nation. This is the Twilight Zone.
I would add to the below…
“We live in a society where foreigners with illegal lineage and globalists lecture us on immigration.”
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