Georgia Prosecutor Signals August Timetable for Charges in Trump Inquiry

Do you ever post anything of substance?
Rambling text bricks with numerous loosely associated point in them...The he bitches at you if you don't want to sift through his incontinence of excess verbosity.

For what that's worth..
He governed conservatively.
BULLSHIT!!! He increased the national debt more than any one term President.
He advocated pushing the US towarrd a closed economy. That is not conservatism. It is closer to socialism.
He represented the opposite of conservative family values, 5 kids, 3 wives, open affairs, brags about grabbing women by the pussy.
Trump is no conservartive nor are you. Trump is a con many who has fooled very desperate, stupid people like you.
What makes you think you can when you just repeat lies?

Question has a false premise.

The correct sequence is as follows:

1. Clear the premise, then
2. Ask the question.

In the event you are stupid, by 'clear', I mean 'achieve a meeting of mind with the person to whom you put the question'.

And, if you do not know what that means, well, you are stupid.
OK, I won't embarrass you by asking if you know what a false premise is. Because you don't.
Of course I know what a false premise is, you just made one.
P.S. Do you consider this post to be substantive?

it wasn't an argument as no real claim was being made. It was essentially a 'show and tell' kind of post.

Arguments must be substantive, or at least they should be if you want to engage in a debate.

Apparently you are not brightly lit as you think you are.
What votes were there? You still harping on that election was stolen caper?
Never jumped on the bandwagon, dumbfuck.
IDK, im just going by what was actually said in the phone call. Can you do that without knee jerking all over the place?

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