Georgia purges 300,000 voters

Republicans are rubes and suckers. Only a sucker keeps playing by the rules once the other side no longer does. Do you know why? Unlike the Democrats whose ranks are packed with spics, *******, white cucks and Jews, who are ALL corrupted and crooked as Lombard Street...Republicans are two tiered.
The lower tier is comprised of normal, hardworking citizens who are honest, high trust members of their communities.
The upper tier...their elected 'leaders' however, are beholden to business interests, and play a different, but equally active a role in what is the shit impacted colon of the US...D.C. politics.
They just play their game on the sly...of course they get walked on and get fuck all done...very intentionally...of course...but they don't do something MOST important...they don't upset their wealthy, corporate leaders.

That is why you are all a bunch of fucking actually think these cocksuckers (Republican Party) have your interest at heart.
They don't...they don't care...they never will...and by estimation...probably haven't...really ever.
I am the Republican Party, and you are barking up the wrong tree, fella. And while we're on the subject of dogs, stay under the porch, pooch, because you're not ready to run with the big dogs.
Keep bendin over and playin the chump Repubs are suckers.

Suckers as we may be for not giving the Dems back what they deserve, what do you propose we do? Obviously voting Democratic is the worst of two evils. Voting third party only serves to usurp votes from the lesser of two evils, namely the GOP.

So then what?
You have a party who does NOTHING for you. What did the GOP led congress and Repub POTUS get done for you?
Fuck all. Yet you continue to play this game of false dichotomy.
I come on this site on a daily and see you people going at it like these is some grande difference...what? Where? Results?

Our TWO party system is for third party candidates...what difference could it hurt? You're fucked anyway...push the red button.
I do...every God Damned election...I go third party...if there are candidates....why not?

As far as the Dems are concerned...I don't know who it is...but after 75 years of the same thing I do know this.

I just have to ask this because it's something I don't understand with you people: If everybody is no good in politics, and you don't support either party, why do you come here to discuss politics? You have nothing to discuss. You are just here to try and convince people to join your anti-government movement. Or am I wrong?

Just a note, if you don't vote for candidates in either party, and vote third party, you might as well put your ballot in the urinal and piss on it. You'll get the same results.
If you examine my postings you will see that I do NOT engage in the dichotomous circle jerk. I address social issues and comment on ROOT CAUSES.
Doubt me? Look up my posts... I don't debate the political charade. Even in this posting I have said nothing in favor of either side. Nothing.
Republicans are rubes and suckers. Only a sucker keeps playing by the rules once the other side no longer does. Do you know why? Unlike the Democrats whose ranks are packed with spics, *******, white cucks and Jews, who are ALL corrupted and crooked as Lombard Street...Republicans are two tiered.
The lower tier is comprised of normal, hardworking citizens who are honest, high trust members of their communities.
The upper tier...their elected 'leaders' however, are beholden to business interests, and play a different, but equally active a role in what is the shit impacted colon of the US...D.C. politics.
They just play their game on the sly...of course they get walked on and get fuck all done...very intentionally...of course...but they don't do something MOST important...they don't upset their wealthy, corporate leaders.

That is why you are all a bunch of fucking actually think these cocksuckers (Republican Party) have your interest at heart.
They don't...they don't care...they never will...and by estimation...probably haven't...really ever.
I am the Republican Party, and you are barking up the wrong tree, fella. And while we're on the subject of dogs, stay under the porch, pooch, because you're not ready to run with the big dogs.
Keep bendin over and playin the chump Repubs are suckers.

Suckers as we may be for not giving the Dems back what they deserve, what do you propose we do? Obviously voting Democratic is the worst of two evils. Voting third party only serves to usurp votes from the lesser of two evils, namely the GOP.

So then what?
You have a party who does NOTHING for you. What did the GOP led congress and Repub POTUS get done for you?
Fuck all. Yet you continue to play this game of false dichotomy.
I come on this site on a daily and see you people going at it like these is some grande difference...what? Where? Results?

Our TWO party system is for third party candidates...what difference could it hurt? You're fucked anyway...push the red button.
I do...every God Damned election...I go third party...if there are candidates....why not?

As far as the Dems are concerned...I don't know who it is...but after 75 years of the same thing I do know this.
Project much, little buddy? :rolleyes:
You're simply not ready for discussion with other adults, junior.
Engaging in political debate over our current political system is like arguing over who the toughest pro wrestler is.
The only thing worse than a White a Boomer White Democrat.
Republicans do not cheat and are horrified that Democrats brag about voting 30 or more times online. I saw them bragging. The next day, their little bragfest was missing from the Forum in which they used to communicate their fantastic "wins."

Edit: overlooked clerical error.
Republicans are rubes and suckers. Only a sucker keeps playing by the rules once the other side no longer does. Do you know why? Unlike the Democrats whose ranks are packed with spics, *******, white cucks and Jews, who are ALL corrupted and crooked as Lombard Street...Republicans are two tiered.
The lower tier is comprised of normal, hardworking citizens who are honest, high trust members of their communities.
The upper tier...their elected 'leaders' however, are beholden to business interests, and play a different, but equally active a role in what is the shit impacted colon of the US...D.C. politics.
They just play their game on the sly...of course they get walked on and get fuck all done...very intentionally...of course...but they don't do something MOST important...they don't upset their wealthy, corporate leaders.

That is why you are all a bunch of fucking actually think these cocksuckers (Republican Party) have your interest at heart.
They don't...they don't care...they never will...and by estimation...probably haven't...really ever.
I am the Republican Party, and you are barking up the wrong tree, fella. And while we're on the subject of dogs, stay under the porch, pooch, because you're not ready to run with the big dogs.
Keep bendin over and playin the chump Repubs are suckers.

Suckers as we may be for not giving the Dems back what they deserve, what do you propose we do? Obviously voting Democratic is the worst of two evils. Voting third party only serves to usurp votes from the lesser of two evils, namely the GOP.

So then what?
I'm not certain, JGalt. Our system of government has been compromised by the not-so-hidden agendas of people who lie for wealth expansion, and become discontent when people who do not accept lies in the stead of truth are their debate partners. I've seen them engage in projection as a tool, which results in a dead-end debate that is neither helpful nor beneficial to mankind. I just saw a Democrat speaker abuse his high office with a spate of prevarications delivered in a manner that would convince someone who is very naive to the ways of the world. The lies were used against a prominent opponent of his, and in spite of his convincing delivery, it didn't alleviate the issue of the false scenario he recreated out of thin air rather than the down-to-earth facts that are irrefutable by comparison. Younger people see this and if it suits their feelings, they sign on to it, no matter if innocent people are hurt, disenfranchised, or mistreated by the future of the false scenario. The liar was an influential representative once, but has fallen from grace in his own district, who received considerable boos from the home town people who do not like liars directing the course of either their precinct nor the United States. He walked away from the speech thinking himself a hero when people who actually live in the truth every day saw a coward trying to pull down a national leader who did not do what the lies indicated. Calumny to some of us is so wrong that it should be aired in court to disperse its negativity out of the Capitol of our nation. The speaker was the propaganda specialist of the DNC, Adam Schiff, and it's hard to hold the chairman of an impeachment committee in the House to account for why he specifically is trying to place the United States in the position of taking down a man who has brought a peace of sorts with an enemy of 65 years of war, reversed the fiscal damage of our largest competitor who had never before been called to account for making America pay while they wouldn't even consider purchasing the smallest American item. They brought tariffs on themselves, and when the year is done, perhaps the nation will choose to be a little more relaxed in mutuality of trade rather than domination of it.

I'm only one person with one vote, but I can try to help the blind see a little more clearly what they are getting into if they go with liars. The world will not be a prettier place, and we will not achieve our ends of lasting peace and accomplishments if we devolve to the kind of corruption displayed by Schiff the liar, who's been caught in one lie after another. He is aware that it takes his opposition longer to unravel those lies and considers himself advantaged to create more false scenarios as time passes him by. My prediction is that by this time next year, his influence will end when the people who booed him in his own home town for his damage to the nation will see to it he is no longer a representative in the next election, or he will get a dose of his own medicine from those who decide he's done enough damage and seek redress through the court system. One way or another, he has lied his way out of respectability and the pendulum will catch him on the back swing. He thinks Peter's Principle does not apply to him, and he is about to find out how wrong that thesis is.
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I am the Republican Party, and you are barking up the wrong tree, fella. And while we're on the subject of dogs, stay under the porch, pooch, because you're not ready to run with the big dogs.
Keep bendin over and playin the chump Repubs are suckers.

Suckers as we may be for not giving the Dems back what they deserve, what do you propose we do? Obviously voting Democratic is the worst of two evils. Voting third party only serves to usurp votes from the lesser of two evils, namely the GOP.

So then what?
You have a party who does NOTHING for you. What did the GOP led congress and Repub POTUS get done for you?
Fuck all. Yet you continue to play this game of false dichotomy.
I come on this site on a daily and see you people going at it like these is some grande difference...what? Where? Results?

Our TWO party system is for third party candidates...what difference could it hurt? You're fucked anyway...push the red button.
I do...every God Damned election...I go third party...if there are candidates....why not?

As far as the Dems are concerned...I don't know who it is...but after 75 years of the same thing I do know this.

I just have to ask this because it's something I don't understand with you people: If everybody is no good in politics, and you don't support either party, why do you come here to discuss politics? You have nothing to discuss. You are just here to try and convince people to join your anti-government movement. Or am I wrong?

Just a note, if you don't vote for candidates in either party, and vote third party, you might as well put your ballot in the urinal and piss on it. You'll get the same results.
If you examine my postings you will see that I do NOT engage in the dichotomous circle jerk. I address social issues and comment on ROOT CAUSES.
Doubt me? Look up my posts... I don't debate the political charade. Even in this posting I have said nothing in favor of either side. Nothing.
I actually once thought your posts showed a slight amount of promise when you first arrived at USMB. However, somehow whether through watching the drivelous lies of the leftist press who determined to side with the profitable-to-themselves democrats was their ticket to ride. And have you determined that this particular charade is created by pure lies arranged by a faux patriot and definite traitor who has lied her way through the past four decades of her miserable life of deceit and hidden by omerta of the deep state? Get back to me when you get off your hate Republicans kick and hate what you mistakenly think all Republicans stand for according to you. I have been the supportive friend of one of the most positive and truthful Republican senators who ever graced the Senate floor, supports America's fighting men and women in the service of this country and the United Nations, generously gave of his time as a busy physician to support Jerry Lewis' children's healing efforts every Labor Day weekend for three solid days in the town we lived in. He was pals with my husband serving as best he could in our church's session while he was was one of the most successful surgeons ever to grace our local hospital with his skill and attention, ran successfully for state representative and senate offices in our small population, equality state, win or lose, he was always the best of good sports and finally wound up as a Senator and still serves in that Washington body, still the same truthful, energetic man he always was known to be in that lucky state he adopted when he arrived, bringing his young family to services at our church to bring up responsible children into their delightful later adulthood lives of worth and caring. We knew him as Dr. John the Jerry's kids guy who raised people's awareness to the importance of caring for the sickest child's health as well as regular kids. People just don't get better than Senator Barasso, and I see him frequently standing behind another Senator or the President giving them the support they need to be right persons in the Republican Party that you take apart as if none of them mattered to you, and probably never will because you are slightly paranoid where we conservatives are it seems to me in your flip comments of late. I know I was harsh on you earlier, but you weren't listening with much knowledge of the facts of this phony baloney impeachment that is self-serving to a criminal behind-the-scenes shot caller who lost the election for President to a far better human being he is , and she's there encouraging her minions like Schiff to scratch his eyes out by any means they have. Schiff uses his fast talking, but unfortunately, he is not grounded in integrity, and prefers instant popularity with his base by pretenses his tales deserve the airing they do not deserve, being basicly total fabrications begun as an insurance policy to destroy a President Trump if he beat Hillary, and he certainly did due to his reputation as a good businessman who expected top performance from those around him to build safe and beautiful Hotels that are comfort centers to those willing to pay the price for a room.
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It's pretty cool watching all the rubes prove my point about confirmation bias.

The only voter fraud in the last election was by Republicans.

I can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud.

But if you are to bleev these tards, only Democrats commit voter fraud.

Since depotoo ran off when I challenged him, I wonder if anyone else can tell me how Voter ID would have stopped the Republican voter fraud in North Carolina.

You can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud, but you don't? Am I just supposed to take you one your word here, or what?

Note: Redistricting and voter ID laws aren't forms of "voter fraud."
North Carolina Republican operative charged in election fraud scheme

Two Republicans charged in Ohio election fraud, win anyway

Oregon elections worker fired after allegations of ballot tampering

Now get busy explaining how those could have been stopped by Voter ID.

Good luck with that.

Voter ID will not catch criminals within the system, but it will help prevent fraudulent voting outside of the system. Nobody said voter ID will stop all voter fraud, just people who want to, or try to vote using a false identity. But in the first North Carolina story, if the real voter casts a vote where they indeed have an ID, then the conflict would have been settled by the absentee ballots this guy was trying to cast. And who knows, maybe that's how he got busted.
Voter ID needs to be updated to both a fingerprint and iris identity, both of which are unique to only one person on earth. The Democrats do not seem to want accurate voter identification because it doesn't enrich them when people have to tell the truth.
You listed some people elected where laws need to be created to insure that only honest people become public servants in a capacity as vital nation as promises kept. The crooks and criminals of the world chose their way and have no place making important decisions due to their spineless adherence to the easy way out of lying. When you put crooks close to Social Security, we do not need a House Speaker who diverts the people's health and welfare money to her private piggy bank for her own pet rock projects and not the people who put that money there for their own social security. Nancy Pelosi is a villian who gets rich stealing from the average American, even though she is experiencing something very akin to Alzheimer's and speech confusion when she speaks lately. If she doesn't voluntarily leave her desk to a person who is a capable leader in the near future, she needs to be assessed and a decision for her to stay or go by fair men and women of the House of Representatives. Maybe one of her rivals is messing with her meds to keep her confused or maybe nature is taking its toll. But one way or another, we need a person who is a leader and is a fair leader to make decisions in the House due to liars who think they're pulling a fast one by being Hillary's minions of getting even with the guy who beat her in the electoral college.
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Republicans are rubes and suckers. Only a sucker keeps playing by the rules once the other side no longer does. Do you know why? Unlike the Democrats whose ranks are packed with spics, *******, white cucks and Jews, who are ALL corrupted and crooked as Lombard Street...Republicans are two tiered.
The lower tier is comprised of normal, hardworking citizens who are honest, high trust members of their communities.
The upper tier...their elected 'leaders' however, are beholden to business interests, and play a different, but equally active a role in what is the shit impacted colon of the US...D.C. politics.
They just play their game on the sly...of course they get walked on and get fuck all done...very intentionally...of course...but they don't do something MOST important...they don't upset their wealthy, corporate leaders.

That is why you are all a bunch of fucking actually think these cocksuckers (Republican Party) have your interest at heart.
They don't...they don't care...they never will...and by estimation...probably haven't...really ever.
I am the Republican Party, and you are barking up the wrong tree, fella. And while we're on the subject of dogs, stay under the porch, pooch, because you're not ready to run with the big dogs.
Keep bendin over and playin the chump Repubs are suckers.

Suckers as we may be for not giving the Dems back what they deserve, what do you propose we do? Obviously voting Democratic is the worst of two evils. Voting third party only serves to usurp votes from the lesser of two evils, namely the GOP.

So then what?
You have a party who does NOTHING for you. What did the GOP led congress and Repub POTUS get done for you?
Fuck all. Yet you continue to play this game of false dichotomy.
I come on this site on a daily and see you people going at it like these is some grande difference...what? Where? Results?

Our TWO party system is for third party candidates...what difference could it hurt? You're fucked anyway...push the red button.
I do...every God Damned election...I go third party...if there are candidates....why not?

As far as the Dems are concerned...I don't know who it is...but after 75 years of the same thing I do know this.

I just have to ask this because it's something I don't understand with you people: If everybody is no good in politics, and you don't support either party, why do you come here to discuss politics? You have nothing to discuss. You are just here to try and convince people to join your anti-government movement. Or am I wrong?

Just a note, if you don't vote for candidates in either party, and vote third party, you might as well put your ballot in the urinal and piss on it. You'll get the same results.
Well said in the wisdom of brevity and sincerity, so hear, hear! :thup:
It's pretty cool watching all the rubes prove my point about confirmation bias.

The only voter fraud in the last election was by Republicans.

I can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud.

But if you are to bleev these tards, only Democrats commit voter fraud.

Since depotoo ran off when I challenged him, I wonder if anyone else can tell me how Voter ID would have stopped the Republican voter fraud in North Carolina.

You can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud, but you don't? Am I just supposed to take you one your word here, or what?

Note: Redistricting and voter ID laws aren't forms of "voter fraud."
North Carolina Republican operative charged in election fraud scheme

Two Republicans charged in Ohio election fraud, win anyway

Oregon elections worker fired after allegations of ballot tampering

Now get busy explaining how those could have been stopped by Voter ID.

Good luck with that.

Voter ID will not catch criminals within the system, but it will help prevent fraudulent voting outside of the system. Nobody said voter ID will stop all voter fraud, just people who want to, or try to vote using a false identity. But in the first North Carolina story, if the real voter casts a vote where they indeed have an ID, then the conflict would have been settled by the absentee ballots this guy was trying to cast. And who knows, maybe that's how he got busted.
Voter ID needs to be updated to both a fingerprint and iris identity, both of which are unique to only one person on earth. The Democrats do not seem to want accurate voter identification because it doesn't enrich them when people have to tell the truth.
You listed some people elected where laws need to be created to insure that only honest people become public servants in a capacity as vital nation as promises kept. The crooks and criminals of the world chose their way and have no place making important decisions due to their spineless adherence to the easy way out of lying.

Trust me, if the regulations to vote were left up to me, there would be no fraudulent voting.

First off, I would have a federal law against states that use Motor Voter. If you use motor voter, your citizens can only vote on local and state issues, not federal. Secondly, there would be no mail-in ballots like we have in my state. If you are out of the country, or suffering illness, you must request one, and it will be delivered to you in registered mail where you have to sign for it and provide ID. Also your idea is grand with electronic finger printing scanners.

If you are committing voter fraud from within the system, it's a 15 year minimum prison sentence.
I am the Republican Party, and you are barking up the wrong tree, fella. And while we're on the subject of dogs, stay under the porch, pooch, because you're not ready to run with the big dogs.
Keep bendin over and playin the chump Repubs are suckers.

Suckers as we may be for not giving the Dems back what they deserve, what do you propose we do? Obviously voting Democratic is the worst of two evils. Voting third party only serves to usurp votes from the lesser of two evils, namely the GOP.

So then what?
You have a party who does NOTHING for you. What did the GOP led congress and Repub POTUS get done for you?
Fuck all. Yet you continue to play this game of false dichotomy.
I come on this site on a daily and see you people going at it like these is some grande difference...what? Where? Results?

Our TWO party system is for third party candidates...what difference could it hurt? You're fucked anyway...push the red button.
I do...every God Damned election...I go third party...if there are candidates....why not?

As far as the Dems are concerned...I don't know who it is...but after 75 years of the same thing I do know this.

I just have to ask this because it's something I don't understand with you people: If everybody is no good in politics, and you don't support either party, why do you come here to discuss politics? You have nothing to discuss. You are just here to try and convince people to join your anti-government movement. Or am I wrong?

Just a note, if you don't vote for candidates in either party, and vote third party, you might as well put your ballot in the urinal and piss on it. You'll get the same results.
If you examine my postings you will see that I do NOT engage in the dichotomous circle jerk. I address social issues and comment on ROOT CAUSES.
Doubt me? Look up my posts... I don't debate the political charade. Even in this posting I have said nothing in favor of either side. Nothing.

Understood. I just don't know why people like you come to a political debate forum when you don't have a side to debate for. I'm not being disrespectful or critical, just curious. I mean.....if all politicians and all government is bad, what's to debate?
It's pretty cool watching all the rubes prove my point about confirmation bias.

The only voter fraud in the last election was by Republicans.

I can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud.

But if you are to bleev these tards, only Democrats commit voter fraud.

Since depotoo ran off when I challenged him, I wonder if anyone else can tell me how Voter ID would have stopped the Republican voter fraud in North Carolina.

You can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud, but you don't? Am I just supposed to take you one your word here, or what?

Note: Redistricting and voter ID laws aren't forms of "voter fraud."
North Carolina Republican operative charged in election fraud scheme

Two Republicans charged in Ohio election fraud, win anyway

Oregon elections worker fired after allegations of ballot tampering

Now get busy explaining how those could have been stopped by Voter ID.

Good luck with that.

Voter ID will not catch criminals within the system, but it will help prevent fraudulent voting outside of the system. Nobody said voter ID will stop all voter fraud, just people who want to, or try to vote using a false identity. But in the first North Carolina story, if the real voter casts a vote where they indeed have an ID, then the conflict would have been settled by the absentee ballots this guy was trying to cast. And who knows, maybe that's how he got busted.
Voter ID needs to be updated to both a fingerprint and iris identity, both of which are unique to only one person on earth. The Democrats do not seem to want accurate voter identification because it doesn't enrich them when people have to tell the truth.
You listed some people elected where laws need to be created to insure that only honest people become public servants in a capacity as vital nation as promises kept. The crooks and criminals of the world chose their way and have no place making important decisions due to their spineless adherence to the easy way out of lying.

Trust me, if the regulations to vote were left up to me, there would be no fraudulent voting.

First off, I would have a federal law against states that use Motor Voter. If you use motor voter, your citizens can only vote on local and state issues, not federal. Secondly, there would be no mail-in ballots like we have in my state. If you are out of the country, or suffering illness, you must request one, and it will be delivered to you in registered mail where you have to sign for it and provide ID. Also your idea is grand with electronic finger printing scanners.

If you are committing voter fraud from within the system, it's a 15 year minimum prison sentence.
I agree with all that with the provision that if a precinct chairman is rearranging votes to suit their own candidate that that sentence becomes a life sentence with no possibility of parole. That's the worst case scenario in voter fraud is compromised precinct chairmen/women. In a state, those people get to know each other, and if one of them is taken to jail for life, they can't disenfranchise the state's voters any more, and their end is fodder for others experiencing temptation to end even the thoughts of doing such a thing.
Keep bendin over and playin the chump Repubs are suckers.

Suckers as we may be for not giving the Dems back what they deserve, what do you propose we do? Obviously voting Democratic is the worst of two evils. Voting third party only serves to usurp votes from the lesser of two evils, namely the GOP.

So then what?
You have a party who does NOTHING for you. What did the GOP led congress and Repub POTUS get done for you?
Fuck all. Yet you continue to play this game of false dichotomy.
I come on this site on a daily and see you people going at it like these is some grande difference...what? Where? Results?

Our TWO party system is for third party candidates...what difference could it hurt? You're fucked anyway...push the red button.
I do...every God Damned election...I go third party...if there are candidates....why not?

As far as the Dems are concerned...I don't know who it is...but after 75 years of the same thing I do know this.

I just have to ask this because it's something I don't understand with you people: If everybody is no good in politics, and you don't support either party, why do you come here to discuss politics? You have nothing to discuss. You are just here to try and convince people to join your anti-government movement. Or am I wrong?

Just a note, if you don't vote for candidates in either party, and vote third party, you might as well put your ballot in the urinal and piss on it. You'll get the same results.
If you examine my postings you will see that I do NOT engage in the dichotomous circle jerk. I address social issues and comment on ROOT CAUSES.
Doubt me? Look up my posts... I don't debate the political charade. Even in this posting I have said nothing in favor of either side. Nothing.
I actually once thought your posts showed a slight amount of promise when you first arrived at USMB. However, somehow whether through watching the drivelous lies of the leftist press who determined to side with the profitable-to-themselves democrats was their ticket to ride. And have you determined that this particular charade is created by pure lies arranged by a faux patriot and definite traitor who has lied her way through the past four decades of her miserable life of deceit and hidden by omerta of the deep state? Get back to me when you get off your hate Republicans kick and hate what you mistakenly think all Republicans stand for according to you. I have been the supportive friend of one of the most positive and truthful Republican senators who ever graced the Senate floor, supports America's fighting men and women in the service of this country and the United Nations, generously gave of his time as a busy physician to support Jerry Lewis' children's healing efforts every Labor Day weekend for three solid days in the town we lived in. He was pals with my husband serving as best he could in our church's session while he was was one of the most successful surgeons ever to grace our local hospital with his skill and attention, ran successfully for state representative and senate offices in our small population, equality state, win or lose, he was always the best of good sports and finally wound up as a Senator and still serves in that Washington body, still the same truthful, energetic man he always was known to be in that lucky state he adopted when he arrived, bringing his young family to services at our church to bring up responsible children into their delightful later adulthood lives of worth and caring. We knew him as Dr. John the Jerry's kids guy who raised people's awareness to the importance of caring for the sickest child's health as well as regular kids. People just don't get better than Senator Barasso, and I see him frequently standing behind another Senator or the President giving them the support they need to be right persons in the Republican Party that you take apart as if none of them mattered to you, and probably never will because you are slightly paranoid where we conservatives are it seems to me in your flip comments of late. I know I was harsh on you earlier, but you weren't listening with much knowledge of the facts of this phony baloney impeachment that is self-serving to a criminal behind-the-scenes shot caller who lost the election for President to a far better human being he is , and she's there encouraging her minions like Schiff to scratch his eyes out by any means they have. Schiff uses his fast talking, but unfortunately, he is not grounded in integrity, and prefers instant popularity with his base by pretenses his tales deserve the airing they do not deserve, being basicly total fabrications begun as an insurance policy to destroy a President Trump if he beat Hillary, and he certainly did due to his reputation as a good businessman who expected top performance from those around him to build safe and beautiful Hotels that are comfort centers to those willing to pay the price for a room.
My exit from government service permits me the lee way to be as honest as I prefer. Further, I cannot explain to you cult members (D & R) the depths of your brainwashing. You have to arrive there yourself. Most of you never will. You cognitive dissonance is so strong you can't see outside of it.
Keep bendin over and playin the chump Repubs are suckers.

Suckers as we may be for not giving the Dems back what they deserve, what do you propose we do? Obviously voting Democratic is the worst of two evils. Voting third party only serves to usurp votes from the lesser of two evils, namely the GOP.

So then what?
You have a party who does NOTHING for you. What did the GOP led congress and Repub POTUS get done for you?
Fuck all. Yet you continue to play this game of false dichotomy.
I come on this site on a daily and see you people going at it like these is some grande difference...what? Where? Results?

Our TWO party system is for third party candidates...what difference could it hurt? You're fucked anyway...push the red button.
I do...every God Damned election...I go third party...if there are candidates....why not?

As far as the Dems are concerned...I don't know who it is...but after 75 years of the same thing I do know this.

I just have to ask this because it's something I don't understand with you people: If everybody is no good in politics, and you don't support either party, why do you come here to discuss politics? You have nothing to discuss. You are just here to try and convince people to join your anti-government movement. Or am I wrong?

Just a note, if you don't vote for candidates in either party, and vote third party, you might as well put your ballot in the urinal and piss on it. You'll get the same results.
If you examine my postings you will see that I do NOT engage in the dichotomous circle jerk. I address social issues and comment on ROOT CAUSES.
Doubt me? Look up my posts... I don't debate the political charade. Even in this posting I have said nothing in favor of either side. Nothing.

Understood. I just don't know why people like you come to a political debate forum when you don't have a side to debate for. I'm not being disrespectful or critical, just curious. I mean.....if all politicians and all government is bad, what's to debate?
I am the Republican Party, and you are barking up the wrong tree, fella. And while we're on the subject of dogs, stay under the porch, pooch, because you're not ready to run with the big dogs.
Keep bendin over and playin the chump Repubs are suckers.

Suckers as we may be for not giving the Dems back what they deserve, what do you propose we do? Obviously voting Democratic is the worst of two evils. Voting third party only serves to usurp votes from the lesser of two evils, namely the GOP.

So then what?
You have a party who does NOTHING for you. What did the GOP led congress and Repub POTUS get done for you?
Fuck all. Yet you continue to play this game of false dichotomy.
I come on this site on a daily and see you people going at it like these is some grande difference...what? Where? Results?

Our TWO party system is for third party candidates...what difference could it hurt? You're fucked anyway...push the red button.
I do...every God Damned election...I go third party...if there are candidates....why not?

As far as the Dems are concerned...I don't know who it is...but after 75 years of the same thing I do know this.
Project much, little buddy? :rolleyes:
You're simply not ready for discussion with other adults, junior.
Engaging in political debate over our current political system is like arguing over who the toughest pro wrestler is.
curious, you even vote?
It's pretty cool watching all the rubes prove my point about confirmation bias.

The only voter fraud in the last election was by Republicans.

I can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud.

But if you are to bleev these tards, only Democrats commit voter fraud.

Since depotoo ran off when I challenged him, I wonder if anyone else can tell me how Voter ID would have stopped the Republican voter fraud in North Carolina.

You can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud, but you don't? Am I just supposed to take you one your word here, or what?

Note: Redistricting and voter ID laws aren't forms of "voter fraud."
North Carolina Republican operative charged in election fraud scheme

Two Republicans charged in Ohio election fraud, win anyway

Oregon elections worker fired after allegations of ballot tampering

Now get busy explaining how those could have been stopped by Voter ID.

Good luck with that.

Voter ID will not catch criminals within the system, but it will help prevent fraudulent voting outside of the system. Nobody said voter ID will stop all voter fraud, just people who want to, or try to vote using a false identity. But in the first North Carolina story, if the real voter casts a vote where they indeed have an ID, then the conflict would have been settled by the absentee ballots this guy was trying to cast. And who knows, maybe that's how he got busted.
That's not how he got busted.

The only kind of fraud Voter ID would ever prevent is in-person voter fraud. Now I want you to think real hard about why in-person voter fraud is so extremely rare.

Hint: It has nothing to do with Voter ID.
It's pretty cool watching all the rubes prove my point about confirmation bias.

The only voter fraud in the last election was by Republicans.

I can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud.

But if you are to bleev these tards, only Democrats commit voter fraud.

Since depotoo ran off when I challenged him, I wonder if anyone else can tell me how Voter ID would have stopped the Republican voter fraud in North Carolina.

You can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud, but you don't? Am I just supposed to take you one your word here, or what?

Note: Redistricting and voter ID laws aren't forms of "voter fraud."
Your post indicates two things to me.

1) You are actually stupid enough to believe only Democrats commit voter fraud.

2) Your propagandists have deliberately kept the fact that Republicans have committed voter fraud from you.

Based on the invariably consistent behavior of your fellow piss drinking pseudocon rubes, I can confidently predict:

3) You will continue to rely on your lying propagandists and will obediently and submissively parrot their horseshit.
It's pretty cool watching all the rubes prove my point about confirmation bias.

The only voter fraud in the last election was by Republicans.

I can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud.

But if you are to bleev these tards, only Democrats commit voter fraud.

Since depotoo ran off when I challenged him, I wonder if anyone else can tell me how Voter ID would have stopped the Republican voter fraud in North Carolina.

You can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud, but you don't? Am I just supposed to take you one your word here, or what?

Note: Redistricting and voter ID laws aren't forms of "voter fraud."
North Carolina Republican operative charged in election fraud scheme

Two Republicans charged in Ohio election fraud, win anyway

Oregon elections worker fired after allegations of ballot tampering

Now get busy explaining how those could have been stopped by Voter ID.

Good luck with that.

Voter ID will not catch criminals within the system, but it will help prevent fraudulent voting outside of the system. Nobody said voter ID will stop all voter fraud, just people who want to, or try to vote using a false identity. But in the first North Carolina story, if the real voter casts a vote where they indeed have an ID, then the conflict would have been settled by the absentee ballots this guy was trying to cast. And who knows, maybe that's how he got busted.
That's not how he got busted.

The only kind of fraud Voter ID would ever prevent is in-person voter fraud. Now I want you to think real hard about why in-person voter fraud is so extremely rare.

Hint: It has nothing to do with Voter ID.

The problem with real person voter fraud is that it's almost undetectable. A couple of years ago I might have witnessed it. The guy in front of me presented an ID, and the elderly poll worker examined it and denied him a ballot. The guy just turned around and left the building without giving any kind of argument.

Nobody called the police, it was never reported in the paper, nobody knew except the guy that tried to vote and the worker who said his ID was unacceptable. So I'm sure it goes on all the time. Some get denied voting and others get away with it. After the ballot is cast, nobody knows.
It's pretty cool watching all the rubes prove my point about confirmation bias.

The only voter fraud in the last election was by Republicans.

I can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud.

But if you are to bleev these tards, only Democrats commit voter fraud.

Since depotoo ran off when I challenged him, I wonder if anyone else can tell me how Voter ID would have stopped the Republican voter fraud in North Carolina.

You can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud, but you don't? Am I just supposed to take you one your word here, or what?

Note: Redistricting and voter ID laws aren't forms of "voter fraud."
North Carolina Republican operative charged in election fraud scheme

Two Republicans charged in Ohio election fraud, win anyway

Oregon elections worker fired after allegations of ballot tampering

Now get busy explaining how those could have been stopped by Voter ID.

Good luck with that.

Voter ID will not catch criminals within the system, but it will help prevent fraudulent voting outside of the system. Nobody said voter ID will stop all voter fraud, just people who want to, or try to vote using a false identity. But in the first North Carolina story, if the real voter casts a vote where they indeed have an ID, then the conflict would have been settled by the absentee ballots this guy was trying to cast. And who knows, maybe that's how he got busted.
That's not how he got busted.

The only kind of fraud Voter ID would ever prevent is in-person voter fraud. Now I want you to think real hard about why in-person voter fraud is so extremely rare.

Hint: It has nothing to do with Voter ID.

The problem with real person voter fraud is that it's almost undetectable. A couple of years ago I might have witnessed it. The guy in front of me presented an ID, and the elderly poll worker examined it and denied him a ballot. The guy just turned around and left the building without giving any kind of argument.

Nobody called the police, it was never reported in the paper, nobody knew except the guy that tried to vote and the worker who said his ID was unacceptable. So I'm sure it goes on all the time. Some get denied voting and others get away with it. After the ballot is cast, nobody knows.
Again, think real hard. See if you can figure out why in-person voter fraud is so extremely rare.

"Might have" anecdotes don't mean shit.
Once you understand why in-person voter fraud is so rare, then you understand why Trump's claims of five million illegal Mexicans voting is so goddam laughable.

Hmmmm...not one of them were caught! Those Mexicans are GENIUSES!

Occam's Razor: Five million illegal Mexicans voted without a single one getting caught. Or. Trump is a lying fucking asshole.

What does it tell you what Trump thinks about you tards when he lies to your faces so baldly and badly?

You confirm his low opinion of you when you swallow his bullshit.
Georgia removes more than 300,000 inactive voters from rolls - CNNPolitics

Georgia is purging 300,000 voters including what they call inactive voters.

I say lets look at the number of Republicans & Democrats.

Lets analyze the areas of the State these originated.

If either in this purge does not approximate the State's normal distribution, haul all the fuckers off to jail.

I am sick & tired of Republicans cheating.
It does not match the normal distribution, that's the point. It is necessary to clean up the voter rolls but some states get over-zealous knowing that poor people are going to get shafted.

Most poor people don't vote! They get free shit they could care less who gives it to them!
Once you understand why in-person voter fraud is so rare, then you understand why Trump's claims of five million illegal Mexicans voting is so goddam laughable.

Hmmmm...not one of them were caught! Those Mexicans are GENIUSES!

Occam's Razor: Five million illegal Mexicans voted without a single one getting caught. Or. Trump is a lying fucking asshole.

What does it tell you what Trump thinks about you tards when he lies to your faces so baldly and badly?

You confirm his low opinion of you when you swallow his bullshit.

Thanks troll ! :anj_stfu:
It's pretty cool watching all the rubes prove my point about confirmation bias.

The only voter fraud in the last election was by Republicans.

I can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud.

But if you are to bleev these tards, only Democrats commit voter fraud.

Since depotoo ran off when I challenged him, I wonder if anyone else can tell me how Voter ID would have stopped the Republican voter fraud in North Carolina.

You can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud, but you don't? Am I just supposed to take you one your word here, or what?

Note: Redistricting and voter ID laws aren't forms of "voter fraud."
North Carolina Republican operative charged in election fraud scheme

Two Republicans charged in Ohio election fraud, win anyway

Oregon elections worker fired after allegations of ballot tampering

Now get busy explaining how those could have been stopped by Voter ID.

Good luck with that.

Voter ID will not catch criminals within the system, but it will help prevent fraudulent voting outside of the system. Nobody said voter ID will stop all voter fraud, just people who want to, or try to vote using a false identity. But in the first North Carolina story, if the real voter casts a vote where they indeed have an ID, then the conflict would have been settled by the absentee ballots this guy was trying to cast. And who knows, maybe that's how he got busted.
That's not how he got busted.

The only kind of fraud Voter ID would ever prevent is in-person voter fraud. Now I want you to think real hard about why in-person voter fraud is so extremely rare.

Hint: It has nothing to do with Voter ID.

The problem with real person voter fraud is that it's almost undetectable. A couple of years ago I might have witnessed it. The guy in front of me presented an ID, and the elderly poll worker examined it and denied him a ballot. The guy just turned around and left the building without giving any kind of argument.

Nobody called the police, it was never reported in the paper, nobody knew except the guy that tried to vote and the worker who said his ID was unacceptable. So I'm sure it goes on all the time. Some get denied voting and others get away with it. After the ballot is cast, nobody knows.

You don't know he was trying to commit voter fraud or that the election board didn't follow up if he was. Here in St. Louis every ID is scanned, photographed & saved to database when presented by voter. I work as a election judge supervisor & we deny far more voters over mistakes & technical issues, but hardly any trying to illegally vote. In St. Louis, MO for 2 presidential elections in a row everyone who changed address in the prior 4 years were denied their vote because the old voter rolls were loaded, so their ID's didn't match address. That defiantly cost Obama over 10,000 votes in St. Louis and his victory in Missouri in 2008 he missed by only 3,903 votes. But that didn't make the news at all!

I was a hard core Republican until I saw this play out. First we thought all these people were trying to vote again at their old address so we denied them their votes. Then after it was to late we discovered the wrong voter roll was loaded, the election was over. Then it happened again on the next presidential election. I now loathe the Republican party.
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