Georgia purges 300,000 voters

You can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud, but you don't? Am I just supposed to take you one your word here, or what?

Note: Redistricting and voter ID laws aren't forms of "voter fraud."
North Carolina Republican operative charged in election fraud scheme

Two Republicans charged in Ohio election fraud, win anyway

Oregon elections worker fired after allegations of ballot tampering

Now get busy explaining how those could have been stopped by Voter ID.

Good luck with that.

Voter ID will not catch criminals within the system, but it will help prevent fraudulent voting outside of the system. Nobody said voter ID will stop all voter fraud, just people who want to, or try to vote using a false identity. But in the first North Carolina story, if the real voter casts a vote where they indeed have an ID, then the conflict would have been settled by the absentee ballots this guy was trying to cast. And who knows, maybe that's how he got busted.
That's not how he got busted.

The only kind of fraud Voter ID would ever prevent is in-person voter fraud. Now I want you to think real hard about why in-person voter fraud is so extremely rare.

Hint: It has nothing to do with Voter ID.

The problem with real person voter fraud is that it's almost undetectable. A couple of years ago I might have witnessed it. The guy in front of me presented an ID, and the elderly poll worker examined it and denied him a ballot. The guy just turned around and left the building without giving any kind of argument.

Nobody called the police, it was never reported in the paper, nobody knew except the guy that tried to vote and the worker who said his ID was unacceptable. So I'm sure it goes on all the time. Some get denied voting and others get away with it. After the ballot is cast, nobody knows.
Again, think real hard. See if you can figure out why in-person voter fraud is so extremely rare.

"Might have" anecdotes don't mean shit.

The only reason it's considered rare is because very few get caught at it for the reasons I already explained. It's rare that somebody speeds on the highway when there are no cops around to do laser to catch them. If the city or state doesn't do traffic enforcement, then nobody is really speeding, are they?

Voter-ID doesn't hurt anybody. After all, look at all the other reasons you need an ID. You need one to get a passport, buy tobacco or alcohol products, to get a home loan from a bank, to cash a check at a store, to get a CCW permit in most states, to get a CDL. But it's wrong to ask people to get an ID to verify they have the right to vote?
When someone on the voter roll misses a vote or is suspected of moving, Republicans have all the Democrats that missed labeled as inactive. Then they have mega donors bombard them with many certified letters to all those inactive democrat voters address and any they think may have moved by data mining vast archives of companies who track everything. Then if a voter missed signing for any of those certified letters, they are removed from the voter roll & not allowed to vote.

In my 20 years at the election board, I have never seen Republicans removed from voter roll in mass.
Last edited:
You can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud, but you don't? Am I just supposed to take you one your word here, or what?

Note: Redistricting and voter ID laws aren't forms of "voter fraud."
North Carolina Republican operative charged in election fraud scheme

Two Republicans charged in Ohio election fraud, win anyway

Oregon elections worker fired after allegations of ballot tampering

Now get busy explaining how those could have been stopped by Voter ID.

Good luck with that.

Voter ID will not catch criminals within the system, but it will help prevent fraudulent voting outside of the system. Nobody said voter ID will stop all voter fraud, just people who want to, or try to vote using a false identity. But in the first North Carolina story, if the real voter casts a vote where they indeed have an ID, then the conflict would have been settled by the absentee ballots this guy was trying to cast. And who knows, maybe that's how he got busted.
That's not how he got busted.

The only kind of fraud Voter ID would ever prevent is in-person voter fraud. Now I want you to think real hard about why in-person voter fraud is so extremely rare.

Hint: It has nothing to do with Voter ID.

The problem with real person voter fraud is that it's almost undetectable. A couple of years ago I might have witnessed it. The guy in front of me presented an ID, and the elderly poll worker examined it and denied him a ballot. The guy just turned around and left the building without giving any kind of argument.

Nobody called the police, it was never reported in the paper, nobody knew except the guy that tried to vote and the worker who said his ID was unacceptable. So I'm sure it goes on all the time. Some get denied voting and others get away with it. After the ballot is cast, nobody knows.

You don't know he was trying to commit voter fraud or that the election board didn't follow up if he was. I work as a election judge supervisor & we deny far more voters over mistakes & technical issues, but hardly any trying to illegally vote. In St. Louis, MO for 2 presidential elections in a row everyone who changed address in the prior 4 years were denied their vote because the old voter rolls were loaded, so their ID's didn't match address. That defiantly cost Obama over 10,000 votes in St. Louis and his victory in Missouri in 2008 he missed by only 3,903 votes. But that didn't make the news at all!

I was a hard core Republican until I saw this play out. First we thought all these people were trying to vote again at their old address so we denied them their votes. Then after it was to late we discovered the wrong voter roll was loaded, the election was over. Then it happened again on the next presidential election. I now loathe the Republican party.
yeah, yeah, yrah, and I'm president of the US
It's pretty cool watching all the rubes prove my point about confirmation bias.

The only voter fraud in the last election was by Republicans.

I can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud.

But if you are to bleev these tards, only Democrats commit voter fraud.

Since depotoo ran off when I challenged him, I wonder if anyone else can tell me how Voter ID would have stopped the Republican voter fraud in North Carolina.

You can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud, but you don't? Am I just supposed to take you one your word here, or what?

Note: Redistricting and voter ID laws aren't forms of "voter fraud."
Your post indicates two things to me.

1) You are actually stupid enough to believe only Democrats commit voter fraud.

2) Your propagandists have deliberately kept the fact that Republicans have committed voter fraud from you.

Based on the invariably consistent behavior of your fellow piss drinking pseudocon rubes, I can confidently predict:

3) You will continue to rely on your lying propagandists and will obediently and submissively parrot their horseshit.

Three responses to you idiotic post:

1. Democrats have always committed election fraud. Cheating is the only way they can win elections.

2. I have no "propagandists" unless you include yourself, whom I rarely pay attention to and don't take seriously. I get my news from a variety of sources, so it's pretty easy to tell how much of a liar you are.

3. You will continue to bitch and moan for the next five years, as Trump serves out this and his second term. Your hatred for Trump, Republicans, and conservatives will continue to eat you alive from the inside out., but there will be very little you can do about it but suffer.

It's pretty cool watching all the rubes prove my point about confirmation bias.

The only voter fraud in the last election was by Republicans.

I can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud.

But if you are to bleev these tards, only Democrats commit voter fraud.

Since depotoo ran off when I challenged him, I wonder if anyone else can tell me how Voter ID would have stopped the Republican voter fraud in North Carolina.

You can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud, but you don't? Am I just supposed to take you one your word here, or what?

Note: Redistricting and voter ID laws aren't forms of "voter fraud."
Your post indicates two things to me.

1) You are actually stupid enough to believe only Democrats commit voter fraud.

2) Your propagandists have deliberately kept the fact that Republicans have committed voter fraud from you.

Based on the invariably consistent behavior of your fellow piss drinking pseudocon rubes, I can confidently predict:

3) You will continue to rely on your lying propagandists and will obediently and submissively parrot their horseshit.

Three responses to you idiotic post:

1. Democrats have always committed election fraud. Cheating is the only way they can win elections.

2. I have no "propagandists" unless you include yourself, whom I rarely pay attention to and don't take seriously. I get my news from a variety of sources, so it's pretty easy to tell how much of a liar you are.

3. You will continue to bitch and moan for the next five years, as Trump serves out this and his second term. Your hatred for Trump, Republicans, and conservatives will continue to eat you alive from the inside out., but there will be very little you can do about it but suffer.

No one denies Democrats have committed voter fraud.

However, the tards like you in this topic live in total denial of Republican fraud.

Sorry your ass hurts just because I slammed reality in your face.

Judging by your response, my prediction is 100 correct. You will continue to rely on your lying propagandists and will obediently and submissively parrot their horseshit.
It's pretty cool watching all the rubes prove my point about confirmation bias.

The only voter fraud in the last election was by Republicans.

I can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud.

But if you are to bleev these tards, only Democrats commit voter fraud.

Since depotoo ran off when I challenged him, I wonder if anyone else can tell me how Voter ID would have stopped the Republican voter fraud in North Carolina.

You can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud, but you don't? Am I just supposed to take you one your word here, or what?

Note: Redistricting and voter ID laws aren't forms of "voter fraud."
Your post indicates two things to me.

1) You are actually stupid enough to believe only Democrats commit voter fraud.

2) Your propagandists have deliberately kept the fact that Republicans have committed voter fraud from you.

Based on the invariably consistent behavior of your fellow piss drinking pseudocon rubes, I can confidently predict:

3) You will continue to rely on your lying propagandists and will obediently and submissively parrot their horseshit.

Three responses to you idiotic post:

1. Democrats have always committed election fraud. Cheating is the only way they can win elections.

2. I have no "propagandists" unless you include yourself, whom I rarely pay attention to and don't take seriously. I get my news from a variety of sources, so it's pretty easy to tell how much of a liar you are.

3. You will continue to bitch and moan for the next five years, as Trump serves out this and his second term. Your hatred for Trump, Republicans, and conservatives will continue to eat you alive from the inside out., but there will be very little you can do about it but suffer.

No one denies Democrats have committed voter fraud.

However, the tards like you in this topic live in total denial of Republican fraud.

Sorry your ass hurts just because I slammed reality in your face.

Judging by your response, my prediction is 100 correct. You will continue to rely on your lying propagandists and will obediently and submissively parrot their horseshit.

From my experience, the dems really get people to the polls, but pretty much insure they will vote "the right way." Calif seems to be doing that on steroids.

I don't see a problem with purging voters who skipped two general elections, but the problem with Ga is Kemp who casts a pretty large shadow of illegal vote suppression.
It's pretty cool watching all the rubes prove my point about confirmation bias.

The only voter fraud in the last election was by Republicans.

I can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud.

But if you are to bleev these tards, only Democrats commit voter fraud.

Since depotoo ran off when I challenged him, I wonder if anyone else can tell me how Voter ID would have stopped the Republican voter fraud in North Carolina.

You can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud, but you don't? Am I just supposed to take you one your word here, or what?

Note: Redistricting and voter ID laws aren't forms of "voter fraud."
Your post indicates two things to me.

1) You are actually stupid enough to believe only Democrats commit voter fraud.

2) Your propagandists have deliberately kept the fact that Republicans have committed voter fraud from you.

Based on the invariably consistent behavior of your fellow piss drinking pseudocon rubes, I can confidently predict:

3) You will continue to rely on your lying propagandists and will obediently and submissively parrot their horseshit.

Three responses to you idiotic post:

1. Democrats have always committed election fraud. Cheating is the only way they can win elections.

2. I have no "propagandists" unless you include yourself, whom I rarely pay attention to and don't take seriously. I get my news from a variety of sources, so it's pretty easy to tell how much of a liar you are.

3. You will continue to bitch and moan for the next five years, as Trump serves out this and his second term. Your hatred for Trump, Republicans, and conservatives will continue to eat you alive from the inside out., but there will be very little you can do about it but suffer.

No one denies Democrats have committed voter fraud.

However, the tards like you in this topic live in total denial of Republican fraud.

Sorry your ass hurts just because I slammed reality in your face.

Judging by your response, my prediction is 100 correct. You will continue to rely on your lying propagandists and will obediently and submissively parrot their horseshit.

My ass is just fine, hillbilly. You "slammed" nothing, because you're not in complete control of your facilities and are out of touch with reality.

You have no idea how little I take you seriously. You're a joke. :21:
It's pretty cool watching all the rubes prove my point about confirmation bias.

The only voter fraud in the last election was by Republicans.

I can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud.

But if you are to bleev these tards, only Democrats commit voter fraud.

Since depotoo ran off when I challenged him, I wonder if anyone else can tell me how Voter ID would have stopped the Republican voter fraud in North Carolina.

You can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud, but you don't? Am I just supposed to take you one your word here, or what?

Note: Redistricting and voter ID laws aren't forms of "voter fraud."
Your post indicates two things to me.

1) You are actually stupid enough to believe only Democrats commit voter fraud.

2) Your propagandists have deliberately kept the fact that Republicans have committed voter fraud from you.

Based on the invariably consistent behavior of your fellow piss drinking pseudocon rubes, I can confidently predict:

3) You will continue to rely on your lying propagandists and will obediently and submissively parrot their horseshit.

Three responses to you idiotic post:

1. Democrats have always committed election fraud. Cheating is the only way they can win elections.

2. I have no "propagandists" unless you include yourself, whom I rarely pay attention to and don't take seriously. I get my news from a variety of sources, so it's pretty easy to tell how much of a liar you are.

3. You will continue to bitch and moan for the next five years, as Trump serves out this and his second term. Your hatred for Trump, Republicans, and conservatives will continue to eat you alive from the inside out., but there will be very little you can do about it but suffer.

No one denies Democrats have committed voter fraud.

However, the tards like you in this topic live in total denial of Republican fraud.

Sorry your ass hurts just because I slammed reality in your face.

Judging by your response, my prediction is 100 correct. You will continue to rely on your lying propagandists and will obediently and submissively parrot their horseshit.

If you're convinced that Republicans cheat elections too, then you should support any Voter-ID movement. You should support anything that decreases potential fraud. But why is it when the subject comes up, only Democrats cry about it and Republicans support it?
It's pretty cool watching all the rubes prove my point about confirmation bias.

The only voter fraud in the last election was by Republicans.

I can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud.

But if you are to bleev these tards, only Democrats commit voter fraud.

Since depotoo ran off when I challenged him, I wonder if anyone else can tell me how Voter ID would have stopped the Republican voter fraud in North Carolina.

You can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud, but you don't? Am I just supposed to take you one your word here, or what?

Note: Redistricting and voter ID laws aren't forms of "voter fraud."
Your post indicates two things to me.

1) You are actually stupid enough to believe only Democrats commit voter fraud.

2) Your propagandists have deliberately kept the fact that Republicans have committed voter fraud from you.

Based on the invariably consistent behavior of your fellow piss drinking pseudocon rubes, I can confidently predict:

3) You will continue to rely on your lying propagandists and will obediently and submissively parrot their horseshit.

Three responses to you idiotic post:

1. Democrats have always committed election fraud. Cheating is the only way they can win elections.

2. I have no "propagandists" unless you include yourself, whom I rarely pay attention to and don't take seriously. I get my news from a variety of sources, so it's pretty easy to tell how much of a liar you are.

3. You will continue to bitch and moan for the next five years, as Trump serves out this and his second term. Your hatred for Trump, Republicans, and conservatives will continue to eat you alive from the inside out., but there will be very little you can do about it but suffer.

No one denies Democrats have committed voter fraud.

However, the tards like you in this topic live in total denial of Republican fraud.

Sorry your ass hurts just because I slammed reality in your face.

Judging by your response, my prediction is 100 correct. You will continue to rely on your lying propagandists and will obediently and submissively parrot their horseshit.

If you're convinced that Republicans cheat elections too, then you should support any Voter-ID movement. You should support anything that decreases potential fraud. But why is it when the subject comes up, only Democrats cry about it and Republicans support it?

I hammered home the point that Voter ID does not stop the types of fraud which occur!

Go ahead. Go back to all the links of voter fraud I provided, and tell me how Voter ID would have stopped them.

You've been punked, dude. Hoaxed. Voter ID does fuck-all to stop fraud. So it obviously has a different purpose. Your masters don't want you to catch on, and you are willfully playing along. I said way back in this topic, I am all for purging voter rolls as long as it is done correctly and honestly. It's just common sense since people move around a lot.
You can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud, but you don't? Am I just supposed to take you one your word here, or what?

Note: Redistricting and voter ID laws aren't forms of "voter fraud."
Your post indicates two things to me.

1) You are actually stupid enough to believe only Democrats commit voter fraud.

2) Your propagandists have deliberately kept the fact that Republicans have committed voter fraud from you.

Based on the invariably consistent behavior of your fellow piss drinking pseudocon rubes, I can confidently predict:

3) You will continue to rely on your lying propagandists and will obediently and submissively parrot their horseshit.

Three responses to you idiotic post:

1. Democrats have always committed election fraud. Cheating is the only way they can win elections.

2. I have no "propagandists" unless you include yourself, whom I rarely pay attention to and don't take seriously. I get my news from a variety of sources, so it's pretty easy to tell how much of a liar you are.

3. You will continue to bitch and moan for the next five years, as Trump serves out this and his second term. Your hatred for Trump, Republicans, and conservatives will continue to eat you alive from the inside out., but there will be very little you can do about it but suffer.

No one denies Democrats have committed voter fraud.

However, the tards like you in this topic live in total denial of Republican fraud.

Sorry your ass hurts just because I slammed reality in your face.

Judging by your response, my prediction is 100 correct. You will continue to rely on your lying propagandists and will obediently and submissively parrot their horseshit.

If you're convinced that Republicans cheat elections too, then you should support any Voter-ID movement. You should support anything that decreases potential fraud. But why is it when the subject comes up, only Democrats cry about it and Republicans support it?

I hammered home the point that Voter ID does not stop the types of fraud which occur!

Go ahead. Go back to all the links of voter fraud I provided, and tell me how Voter ID would have stopped them.

You've been punked, dude. Hoaxed. Voter ID does fuck-all to stop fraud. So it obviously has a different purpose. Your masters don't want you to catch on, and you are willfully playing along. I said way back in this topic, I am all for purging voter rolls as long as it is done correctly and honestly. It's just common sense since people move around a lot.

No, what you gave me were cases where Voter-Id would not have helped. You have no evidence that it doesn't help, because again, it's something that can't be proven in most cases. And again, since it's the most simplest thing to do, I don't see why we shouldn't have Voter-ID. Voter-ID doesn't discriminate. It works the same way for Democrats that it does for Republicans. If it's cheating Democrats out of voting, why doesn't it cheat Republicans out of voting as well?
When someone on the voter roll misses a vote or is suspected of moving, Republicans have all the Democrats that missed labeled as inactive. Then they have mega donors bombard them with many certified letters to all those inactive democrat voters address and any they think may have moved by data mining vast archives of companies who track everything. Then if a voter missed signing for any of those certified letters, they are removed from the voter roll & not allowed to vote.

In my 20 years at the election board, I have never seen Republicans removed from voter roll in mass.
There may be Repub voter fraud. But many of those blue cities have a lot of votes that come from their worst areas with no questions asked due to accusations of racism.
When someone on the voter roll misses a vote or is suspected of moving, Republicans have all the Democrats that missed labeled as inactive. Then they have mega donors bombard them with many certified letters to all those inactive democrat voters address and any they think may have moved by data mining vast archives of companies who track everything. Then if a voter missed signing for any of those certified letters, they are removed from the voter roll & not allowed to vote.

In my 20 years at the election board, I have never seen Republicans removed from voter roll in mass.
There may be Repub voter fraud. But many of those blue cities have a lot of votes that come from their worst areas with no questions asked due to accusations of racism.

Bullshit fake news. Every polling place has equal number of Republican & Democrat poll workers & Judges. Every ballot must be signed by a Republican!

Two elections I had to tell almost 100 Blacks to their face that they can't vote. Some get agitated & a couple flipped out & got arrested. I even worked poll near Ferguson shortly after Michael Brown was killed & I told his father he could not vote.

Bottom line is the 2 times I had to turn down nearly 100 voters, it was because my fellow Republicans illegally removed their names from the voter roll.
Last edited:
It's pretty cool watching all the rubes prove my point about confirmation bias.

The only voter fraud in the last election was by Republicans.

I can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud.

But if you are to bleev these tards, only Democrats commit voter fraud.

Since depotoo ran off when I challenged him, I wonder if anyone else can tell me how Voter ID would have stopped the Republican voter fraud in North Carolina.

You can provide a long list of Republicans committing voter fraud, but you don't? Am I just supposed to take you one your word here, or what?

Note: Redistricting and voter ID laws aren't forms of "voter fraud."
Your post indicates two things to me.

1) You are actually stupid enough to believe only Democrats commit voter fraud.

2) Your propagandists have deliberately kept the fact that Republicans have committed voter fraud from you.

Based on the invariably consistent behavior of your fellow piss drinking pseudocon rubes, I can confidently predict:

3) You will continue to rely on your lying propagandists and will obediently and submissively parrot their horseshit.

Three responses to you idiotic post:

1. Democrats have always committed election fraud. Cheating is the only way they can win elections.

2. I have no "propagandists" unless you include yourself, whom I rarely pay attention to and don't take seriously. I get my news from a variety of sources, so it's pretty easy to tell how much of a liar you are.

3. You will continue to bitch and moan for the next five years, as Trump serves out this and his second term. Your hatred for Trump, Republicans, and conservatives will continue to eat you alive from the inside out., but there will be very little you can do about it but suffer.

Correct , the demofks need the dead and illegals. It’s what they are
Georgia removes more than 300,000 inactive voters from rolls - CNNPolitics

Georgia is purging 300,000 voters including what they call inactive voters.

I say lets look at the number of Republicans & Democrats.

Lets analyze the areas of the State these originated.

If either in this purge does not approximate the State's normal distribution, haul all the fuckers off to jail.

I am sick & tired of Republicans cheating.
Democrats sure do get angry when Republicans stop them from voting illegally.
Yup. You can predict their every position in advance simply by determining which position will maximized cheating opportunities.

PJ Media reported,

"A federal judge ruled on Friday that the state of Georgia acted within the law by purging 98,000 voters from registration rolls who hadn't voted in 8 years or responded to a mailed notification letter.​

"All told, Georgia purged nearly 300,000 people who were either inactive or did not respond to the mailer. Liberal groups fought the purge claiming it was unconstitutional."​

Why don't those 300,000 purged people simply re-register?

I mean besides the fact that they either moved or died.
Georgia removes more than 300,000 inactive voters from rolls - CNNPolitics

Georgia is purging 300,000 voters including what they call inactive voters.

I say lets look at the number of Republicans & Democrats.

Lets analyze the areas of the State these originated.

If either in this purge does not approximate the State's normal distribution, haul all the fuckers off to jail.

I am sick & tired of Republicans cheating.

It's not cheating when it's the fucking law, dumb ass.

Federal District Dismisses Challenge to Georgia’s Voter Roll Maintenance Law
By Rob 2016 Elections, Law, Secretary of State

On Friday, a federal district court dismissed a lawsuit claiming that Georgia’s voter roll maintenance law is illegal and unconstitutional. Judge Timothy Batten, who was appointed by President George W. Bush in 2006, ruled that the law is legally permissible and does not run afoul of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) nor the First Amendment

Federal District Dismisses Challenge to Georgia's Voter Roll Maintenance Law - GeorgiaPol

Georgia removes more than 300,000 inactive voters from rolls - CNNPolitics

Georgia is purging 300,000 voters including what they call inactive voters.

I say lets look at the number of Republicans & Democrats.

Lets analyze the areas of the State these originated.

If either in this purge does not approximate the State's normal distribution, haul all the fuckers off to jail.

I am sick & tired of Republicans cheating.

Sounds like you're having trouble with the word "inactive". You may want to look it up.

How you define inactive and is it applied across the State.

Read and learn child.

On its face, the law does remove people from the rolls for not voting. If registered voters have not “made contact” with election officials in three years, they are put on inactive status, albeit after receiving a notice in the mail. If they are inactive for two or more federal election cycles (a minimum of four years) and fail to respond to the notices, then they are removed from the rolls and must reregister if they want to vote. Georgia successfully argued that this practice is in accordance with the NVRA’s directive that a registration list maintenance program be used to remove ineligible voters from the rolls on a regular basis.

Federal District Dismisses Challenge to Georgia's Voter Roll Maintenance Law - GeorgiaPol


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