Georgia republicans just made water an illegal substance

They can certainly have a little water. Just bring a bottle.
Was there some crisis in Georgia with people being given water in line to vote? How was this going to address voter fraud?

It is NOT going to address voter fraud. We ALL know what is going on here and it CANNOT stand.
Exactly. NOTHING about this deals with voter fraud in any way.

It's simply a method of limiting voter turnout. Limit polling places. and times...create long lines...make it as difficult to vote as possible.
It prevents all kinds of voter fraud. Only the terminally gullible are fooled by your obviously false claim.
They can certainly have a little water. Just bring a bottle.
Was there some crisis in Georgia with people being given water in line to vote? How was this going to address voter fraud?

It is NOT going to address voter fraud. We ALL know what is going on here and it CANNOT stand.
Exactly. NOTHING about this deals with voter fraud in any way.

It's simply a method of limiting voter turnout. Limit polling places. and times...create long lines...make it as difficult to vote as possible.
It prevents all kinds of voter fraud. Only the terminally gullible are fooled by your obviously false claim.
Giving water to people doesn’t cause voter fraud.
They are ALREADY in line to vote. Offering them some water and a snack while they wait is not offering something in exchange.
It's called "influencing" and if they say or display anything promoting a candidate or party, they're guilty of it. No one can police every interaction, so none will be allowed. This didn't happen in a vacuum, someone got caught. Stop playing dumb.
So have your god **** side go pass out water bottles and fruit snacks too? The **** do any of us care if people are "influencing" elections by passing out ****ing water?
STFU, moron. If no one cared, you wouldn't be whining like a pansy bitch about a law preventing it.
Kudos on being a self-censoring douchebag, btw. Your virtue is truly glorious to behold.
So, the Georgia legislature passed an unwarranted law to prevent people from giving other people water and snacks while waiting in a long line to vote.

They are trying to stop electioneering. I dont see what the big deal is.
Water and snacks are not electioneering.
They could be, and you don’t need additional laws to make that illegal.

It’s illegal to give something to anyone to vote at all. Doesn’t matter if you do it within 150 feet of the polling place.
So you know for a fact they werent wearing political shirts? Putting political labels on the food and water?
Link please.
So, the Georgia legislature passed an unwarranted law to prevent people from giving other people water and snacks while waiting in a long line to vote.

They are trying to stop electioneering. I dont see what the big deal is.
Water and snacks are not electioneering.
They could be, and you don’t need additional laws to make that illegal.

It’s illegal to give something to anyone to vote at all. Doesn’t matter if you do it within 150 feet of the polling place.
YOu should move to Georgia, run for Governor, and change the law.

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