Georgia State Senator Colton Moore suggests he'll take up arms if the prosecution of Trump doesnt go away

Ahhhhhhhhhhh, now I understand better. You're saying that the left can fight like hell for their rights but the right can't fight like hell for their rights.

No I'm saying that the left "fights" at the ballot box. They spent 2 years organizing and turning out the vote in 2018 after the Women's March vowing to "fight Donald Trump" the day after he was inaugurated.

Women are literally dying because of abortion bans, and nobody's started an insurrection over their deaths. But they are fighting like hell in every state where abortion has been banned. Law suits, demonstrations in the State Houses as bans are passed, and they are voting against this barbarity.

The left can "fight like hell" for their rights, without starting an insurrection. There are far more left leaning voters than white supremacists in the USA. You're resorting to violence, because you can't win at the ballot box.
No, he is expressing what a majority of Americans are feeling today. If something does not change we are very likely to see a revolution, secession, or take over of this country by a foreign power. The liberal democrats have almost destroyed everything this country stand for. They must be stopped.
Lol none of that is going to happen, psycho. And most Americans don't feel like this state senator.
Dumbass you lied
He said these indictments would start a civil war and he didn't want a civil war to start he didn't want to have to draw his rifle.
Your leftist agenda actions will cause it to happen. He doesn't want a war but will fight if pushed
A state senator admits he will fight in an armed insurrection against the government because he doesn't legally get his way and you have no problem with this.

You're sick in the head and have no business being a police officer (if you are even telling the truth about that). You're a disgrace.
Yet he, nor anyone else for that matter, is able to explain how she is not upholding her oath to the Constitution. Colton is simply using threatening language as reason enough to defund a county prosecutor.

So I'll put you down as one vote for conservatives to lose our rights peacefully. Got it, thanks
Seven page thread and this FLAME THREAD is still in POLITICS?

Why am I not surprised
This is an important discussion. A sitting state senator is saying he will take up arms against the government if trumps indictment doesn't go away through legal means (which he already knows won't work). Instead of letting the justice system run it's course, he wants to start shooting people. Imo actions should be taken to remove this clown from office.
This is an important discussion. A sitting state senator is saying he will take up arms against the government if trumps indictment doesn't go away through legal means (which he already knows won't work). Instead of letting the justice system run it's course, he wants to start shooting people. Imo actions should be taken to remove this clown from office.
Stop lying dude! Holy shit
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What rights have YOU lost, fool?

I live in Florida. Our governor was just on TV warning looters that residents can be armed and in Florida looters are fair game. You have a corrupt government that deletes the bank accounts of peaceful protesters. I'm good, thanks for asking
A state senator admits he will fight in an armed insurrection against the government because he doesn't legally get his way and you have no problem with this.

You're sick in the head and have no business being a police officer (if you are even telling the truth about that). You're a disgrace.
And he fights standing up against tyranny is his job dumbass. I can tell you this a majority of police officers have the same view
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I live in Florida, I'm good, thanks for asking

OK, then you have a real argument. You can be run down in the streets by those driving in cars, for protesting. Your wife can bleed to death while having a miscarriage. And your children will be taught that slavery was a job training program. If any members of your family are gay, they can be attacked and threatened with impunity.

And you had one of the highest death risks in the nation for covid, dying in a nursing home from covid, #3 in the nation in school shootings. Shooting death and gun crime rates are high.

DeSantis thinks "woke" is the problem. Republicans are the problem.
And he fights standing up against tyranny is his job dumbass. I can tell you this a majority of police officers have the same view

He's not "fighting against tyranny". "Tyranny" is trying to overthrow a legal election to thwart the will of the people. In other words, his refusal to accept the will of the people or the judgement of the courts, is the very definition of the "tyranny" you claim he opposes.

Is Colton Moore being a responsible state rep when he says he "doesnt want to have to draw my rifle" if he "can't make this problem (Trump indictment) go away"? Should he be on a FBI watch list as a potential domestic terrorist? Should he be removed from serving in the state senate?
If he wasn't on a watch list before, he probably is now and should be.

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