Georgia TA: 'Some white people may have to die...'

Well, he is married to a white woman. Maybe he should kill her first.

Just to get his little "revolution" started, I mean.

Disgusting race mixer good riddance.
That's why I do not understand why the majority of blacks continue to vote Democrat.
They sure as shit are not going to vote for the Republican party which so clearly HATES them.
A teacher's assistant. That's what, a 19 year old kid?

And this was your daily outrage ration? Really?
Apparently it is news enough to warrent a thread on this board.
Well, if some idiot kid in Georgia somewhere is threadworthy, we've reached a new low.
We are talking about conservative republicans so frightened....of black people that they STILL talk in fear of two black men outside a polling place in 2008.
A teacher's assistant. That's what, a 19 year old kid?

And this was your daily outrage ration? Really?
Apparently it is news enough to warrent a thread on this board.
Well, if some idiot kid in Georgia somewhere is threadworthy, we've reached a new low.
We are talking about conservative republicans so frightened....of black people that they STILL talk in fear of two black men outside a polling place in 2008.
Yep. And not a week can go by without yet another Blacks Behaving Badly topic.
That's why I do not understand why the majority of blacks continue to vote Democrat.
They sure as shit are not going to vote for the Republican party which so clearly HATES them.

Yeah, that's why black unemployment is at a historic low under the Repubs.
And your ilk wants to reverse that with an 'open border' policy.
Go fuck yourself!
Every once in a while I encounter a stunningly willfully blind tard like yourself. So I then make a point of tagging future bigoted posts by pseudocons with their name.

I will pry your eyes open with a crowbar, retard.

The GOP is infested with racists. And they are crawling all over this forum, and spewing their racist bullshit every day. And you fuckwits turn a willfully blind eye to them.

So stand by.
That's why I do not understand why the majority of blacks continue to vote Democrat.
They sure as shit are not going to vote for the Republican party which so clearly HATES them.

I'm pretty sure that the majority of black people in this country don't need an assclown like you as their spokesman. 6.8% percent unemployment rate for African Americans is lowest on record, and President Trump did that.

Black unemployment falls to lowest level on record
A teacher's assistant. That's what, a 19 year old kid?

And this was your daily outrage ration? Really?
Apparently it is news enough to warrent a thread on this board.
Well, if some idiot kid in Georgia somewhere is threadworthy, we've reached a new low.
We are talking about conservative republicans so frightened....of black people that they STILL talk in fear of two black men outside a polling place in 2008.

That was 10 years ago in ONE isolated polling station in Philadelphia.
Democraps like you falsely paint with a broad brush to keep your inner-city plantations intact!
That's why I do not understand why the majority of blacks continue to vote Democrat.
They sure as shit are not going to vote for the Republican party which so clearly HATES them.

I'm pretty sure that the majority of black people in this country don't need an assclown like you as their spokesman. 6.8% percent unemployment rate for African Americans is lowest on record, and President Trump did that.

Black unemployment falls to lowest level on record
Black unemployment has been dropping for eight years, dipshit.

Trump was elected on third base and you tards think he hit a triple.

We are talking about conservative republicans so frightened....of black people that they STILL talk in fear of two black men outside a polling place in 2008.
So, we won't hear a motherfucking word out of you when some toothless klan fuckers with baseball bats stand outside the polls in Atlanta?


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B. Kidd

White males build almost everything in the country. It's easy to demonize tax cattle.

For example, the education is paid by the white males mostly. And as a consequence of this sort of talk, we should refuse to pay.
B. Kidd

This is probably an oxymoron but do the last few rational old school Democrats wonder how/why the new age wacks are so supportive of the “Brown Effect” considering that ALL statistics PROVE how terribly bad it is for America?

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