Georgia Voter Fraud

They didn’t need video when they have cell phone data.


Moron, if they didn't need video, they wouldn't have paid to obtain 4 million minutes of video.


Moron, if they didn't need video, they wouldn't have paid to obtain 4 million minutes of video.

well they didn't need it. cell phone data told us what happened.
Did you just post that? Hahaha haha hahaha hahaha hahaha no, no, stay with that national popular vote count and come back and tell me again how it works!

Who said the national popular vote elects the president??
So you admit it.


Your English is broken. I admit they can't show a single person dropping off ballots more than once. Pretty remarkable given they claim to have 4 million minutes of video and 54,000 "mules."
But, but, but……All the witnesses are Republican
Republicans were invited to participate but declined

Negates their claim that the hearing isn’t valid because they are not included
N Korea style hearings with witnesses forced to testify and threatened with jail by a group of morons who all voted to impeach Trump, do not allow any opposing testimony or questioning? Not to mention they’re all liars and traitors who lied to the country for four years about a “collusion” they themselves were guilty of, and got caught using our intelligence agencies to frame a duly elected president? These hearings are are no different that what happens in Putin‘s Russia.
No, Seriously…You Goofy

N Korea style hearings
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Correct. Has beens and known liars and traitors sitting in judgement of others. Jan. 6 are an embarrassment to this country. Only people watching them are Leftist lunatics.
The New Georgia groups’ lawyers say the money raised was spent on operating expenses, and that the canvassing was done as a sub-contractor to a political committee working for Abrams, which disclosed it on its own filings with the state. They say that as subcontractors, the organizations didn’t have to disclose the spending themselves.

Nice little dodge they tried to concoct. Money launderers call tbem "cutouts".
So why do you keep posting all popular vote count?

I personally do not care for any elected officers to be put in office when they didn't get the majority of the votes. But the system is flawed and will not be changed. It worked for tRump once and he loved it, even after bemoaning the EC process long before he ran in 2016. When it didn't work for HIM at all he cried fraud. It just figures.
I personally do not care for any elected officers to be put in office when they didn't get the majority of the votes. But the system is flawed and will not be changed. It worked for tRump once and he loved it, even after bemoaning the EC process long before he ran in 2016. When it didn't work for HIM at all he cried fraud. It just figures.
71 electoral votes were stolen from Trump. Massive and organized fraud happened.
Better get this irrefutable evidence to Rudy, the Kraken Lady, Mike Pillow and the rightwing nutters nuz pronto. They are in immediate need of it.
The fraud was obvious when it happened and it is still obvious now. Rudy et al not withstanding, putz.

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