Georgia why isn't Stacey Abrams in prison?

inmate #P01135809's position of power in this situation speaks to his intent to bully and pressure Brad Raffensperger to find votes that weren't there. If the intent was just to urge Brad Raffensperger to triple check the ballots for accuracy then the call could have easily been made by an underling.
Hell, inmate #P01135809's mutant first son could have made the call.
The fact that "the big guy" made the call personally is a strong tell.
And then the part of his statement where he admits that "I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have" is quite damning as well.
He admits that he knows he only has 11,779 votes and is on recording telling Raffensperger to "find" more votes," even though inmate #P01135809 had already been told earlier in the conversation that the vote count up to that point was accurate and that previous claims of stolen election and dead people voting had already been debunked.
It will be clear to the jury that Trump was trying to pressure Rafensperger to produce some fraudulent votes.
Are you suggesting that these are FACTS outlined in the INDICTMENT?
And trump mental state of mind he did win. It's not normal for a republican governor to win in a landslide and not the Republican president
I’m sorry, but are you under the impression that elections are decided by Trump’s mind?

It’s irrelevant if he thought he won.
Keep running that goal post around half-wit.
What are you gonna do when the SCOTUS, your last hope, declines the case?
Numbnuts the supreme court will view these indictments as politically motivated Jack smith has a history of getting his pussy smacked by the supreme court
"Pressure is opinionated."
It will be the "opinion" of his 12 jurors that he is GUILTY AS HELL of racketeering and trying to steal an election!
Yes pressure is opinionated some weak ass bitches such as yourself think anything is pressure if you don't like something. Me only pressure is when someone forced you to do something you don't want to do and you do it
Numbnuts the supreme court will view these indictments as politically motivated Jack smith has a history of getting his pussy smacked by the supreme court
Sure they will cosplayer. When do you supposed they'll be handing this ruling down? 😄

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