Geothermal Killing Iceland


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
Geothermal is responsible for deaths in Iceland. People believe just because they label or call it Green and Clean, it is.

The Leftist Democrats have come up with the perfect names for what they sell the public. Consider it all fake news.

It is no different when they use Iceland as their example of what "clean" energy can do. Yet, there is hardly anything more polluting than Geothermal. From the millions of tons of equipment and materials it takes to maintain to the toxic brines they use for energy.

Saving Iceland » Geothermal Energy
A recent research by Ragnhildur Finnbjörnsdóttir, shows a correlation between increased numbers of death in Reykjavík and increased levels of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) from geothermal plants. The research was conducted between 2003 and 2009, and shows a 2-5% increase in deaths shortly after elevated levels of hydrogen sulphur. According to Finnbjörnsdóttir, hydrogen sulphur does not necessarily lead to any specific disease, but increases the seriousness of diseases people already suffer from.

Highest Hydrogen Sulfide Levels in Long Time
The level of hydrogen sulfide from Hellisheiði geothermal plant has measured above health limits in Reykjavík today and yesterday, according to RÚV. The Reykjavík Public Health Authority has not seen the level this high in the capital area for a long time.

A warning was issued by the Health Authority yesterday after the level of hydrogen sulfide measured above 50 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3) . It reached a half hour peak of almost 150 µg/m3 on Grensásvegur road at 8:30 am yesterday. The main source of the hydrogen sulfide is the Hellisheiði geothermal plant, just east of the city.
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It kind of looks like geothermal raises the temperature of the Earth as well as increasing the CO2.
Saving Iceland » Geothermal Energy
Geothermal fluids contain high concentrations of heavy metals and other toxic elements, including radon, arsenic, mercury, ammonia and boron, which are damaging to the freshwater systems into which they are released as waste water. Arsenic concentrations of 0.5 to 4.6 ppm are found in waste water released from geothermal power plants; the WHO recommends a maximum 0.01 ppm in drinking water.2
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Hydrogen sulfide emission close to Reykjavik City has
increased the least few years with growing geothermal
power production. Preliminary analysis of measurements,
both at fixed locations as well as at variable point locations,
indicates strong influence of weather conditions on
magnitude and frequency of raised hydrogen sulfide
concentrations. Comparing even
ts it seems that low wind
speed, with cold air and little or no precipitation are
conducive to high hydrogen sulfide concentrations in
Reykjavik. Further analysis and measurements are
underway to investigate which parameters exert most
influence on the concentration. Preliminary results from
measurements outside the capital area indicate that the
hydrogen sulfide is more widely distributed at lower wind
Geothermal is responsible for deaths in Iceland. People believe just because they label or call it Green and Clean, it is.

The Leftist Democrats have come up with the perfect names for what they sell the public. Consider it all fake news.

It is no different when they use Iceland as their example of what "clean" energy can do. Yet, there is hardly anything more polluting than Geothermal. From the millions of tons of equipment and materials it takes to maintain to the toxic brines they use for energy.

Saving Iceland » Geothermal Energy
A recent research by Ragnhildur Finnbjörnsdóttir, shows a correlation between increased numbers of death in Reykjavík and increased levels of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) from geothermal plants. The research was conducted between 2003 and 2009, and shows a 2-5% increase in deaths shortly after elevated levels of hydrogen sulphur. According to Finnbjörnsdóttir, hydrogen sulphur does not necessarily lead to any specific disease, but increases the seriousness of diseases people already suffer from.

You really do hate any form of energy that does not have to do with carbon don't you?

How would this compare to the deaths associated with coal fired power plants?
Do you even accept the studies showing the increased deaths of people from exposure to pollutants from coal fired plants?

Meanwhile- what is the conclusion of the study?

Therefore, the results have to be interpreted with caution. Further studies and improved methodology are warranted to confirm or refute whether H2S exposure induces premature deaths

Just another thread demonstrating your bizarre hatred of anything other than carbon based electricity generation.
Hydrogen sulfide emission close to Reykjavik City has
increased the least few years with growing geothermal
power production. Preliminary analysis of measurements,
both at fixed locations as well as at variable point locations,
indicates strong influence of weather conditions on
magnitude and frequency of raised hydrogen sulfide
concentrations. Comparing even
ts it seems that low wind
speed, with cold air and little or no precipitation are
conducive to high hydrogen sulfide concentrations in
Reykjavik. Further analysis and measurements are
underway to investigate which parameters exert most
influence on the concentration. Preliminary results from
measurements outside the capital area indicate that the
hydrogen sulfide is more widely distributed at lower wind

For exposure to H2S in settings other than volcanic environment, the potential health effects among sewer, oil and gas workers, general population located near a pulp mill, industrial wastewater plants, geothermal energy production and industrial swine operations27–29 have been studied. These studies have reported on respiratory symptoms, decreased performance on pulmonary functions tests and increased respiratory diseases.
You really do hate any form of energy that does not have to do with carbon don't you?.......
.......Just another thread demonstrating your bizarre hatred of anything other than carbon based electricity generation.
You are really dense, Geothermal energy emits Carbon! The premise you begin your response upon is false. Further, Geothermal has everything to do with Carbon, Geothermal increases the use of Carbon. Nothing eats through materials faster than Geothermal brines, all those tons of pipes are only manufactured by using carbon.

Why don't you take a minute to educate yourself before you put your foot in your mouth.

Call it Green or Renewable and the idiots literally do not see any CARBON!
Link between Deaths and Hydrogen Sulfide Pollution
Link between Deaths and Hydrogen Sulfide Pollution
By Eygló Svala Arnarsdóttir
April 17, 2015 17:29Updated: April 17, 2015 17:30

Archive photo. Photo: Páll Stefánsson.

There are indications that there may be links between hydrogen sulfide coming from geothermal power plants Hellisheiðarvirkjun and Nesjavallavirkjun and the number of deaths among older people living in the vicinity of Reykjavík, according to a PhD project by Ragnhildur Finnbogadóttir at the University of Iceland.

Ragnhildur concluded that with increasing hydrogen sulfide pollution, the number of deaths increased, reports.

“There’s a statistically significant connection [between air pollution] during the summer months and [deaths of] people 80 years and older. The increase in deaths ranged from just below two percent among older people up to five percent over the summer months,” she explained.
A portion of global H2S emissions are due to human activity. By far the largest industrial source of H2S is petroleum refineries: The hydrodesulfurization process liberates sulfur from petroleum by the action of hydrogen. The resulting H2S is converted to elemental sulfur by partial combustion via the Claus process, which is a major source of elemental sulfur. Other anthropogenic sources of hydrogen sulfide include coke ovens, paper mills (using the Kraft process), tanneries and sewerage. H2S arises from virtually anywhere where elemental sulfur comes in contact with organic material, especially at high temperatures. Depending on environmental conditions, it is responsible for deterioration of material through the action of some sulfur oxidizing microorganisms. It is called biogenic sulfide corrosion.

In 2011 it was reported that increased concentration of H2S, possibly due to oil field practices, was observed in the Bakken formation crude and presented challenges such as "health and environmental risks, corrosion of wellbore, added expense with regard to materials handling and pipeline equipment, and additional refinement requirements".[19]

Besides living near a gas and oil drilling operations, ordinary citizens can be exposed to hydrogen sulfide by being near waste water treatment facilities, landfills and farms with manure storage. Exposure occurs through breathing contaminated air or drinking contaminated water.[20]

Hydrogen sulfide - Wikipedia

And what are your plans for these sources.
You really do hate any form of energy that does not have to do with carbon don't you?.......
.......Just another thread demonstrating your bizarre hatred of anything other than carbon based electricity generation.
You are really dense, Geothermal energy emits Carbon! !

Geothermal energy is not carbon based energy- and yes you really are dense.
Link between Deaths and Hydrogen Sulfide Pollution
Link between Deaths and Hydrogen Sulfide Pollution
By Eygló Svala Arnarsdóttir
April 17, 2015 17:29Updated: April 17, 2015 17:30

Archive photo. Photo: Páll Stefánsson.

There are indications that there may be links between hydrogen sulfide coming from geothermal power plants Hellisheiðarvirkjun and Nesjavallavirkjun and the number of deaths among older people living in the vicinity of Reykjavík, according to a PhD project by Ragnhildur Finnbogadóttir at the University of Iceland.

Ragnhildur concluded that with increasing hydrogen sulfide pollution, the number of deaths increased, reports.

“There’s a statistically significant connection [between air pollution] during the summer months and [deaths of] people 80 years and older. The increase in deaths ranged from just below two percent among older people up to five percent over the summer months,” she explained.

Meanwhile- what is the conclusion of the study?

Therefore, the results have to be interpreted with caution. Further studies and improved methodology are warranted to confirm or refute whether H2S exposure induces premature deaths

Just another thread demonstrating your bizarre hatred of anything other than carbon based electricity generation.
Study Links 700 Deaths Yearly to Md. Plants

Study Links 700 Deaths Yearly to Md. Plants


By Elizabeth Williamson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, February 16, 2006

Pollution from Maryland's six largest coal-burning power plants contribute to 700 deaths each year, including 100 deaths in Maryland, according to a Harvard University study released yesterday.

The study was sponsored by the Maryland Nurses Association, which supports a bill in the legislature that would require such plants to sharply reduce pollution over the next decade.
Why Coal Plants Are So Sickening

Today, acute pollution crises are rare in the developed world, but coal-burning still exerts an insidious effect on health. The worst impact is on children. Burning coal releases mercury, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and fine particulate matter, among other nasty emissions. Mercury from power plants settles in water, where bacteria transform it to an organic form called methylmercury. It contaminates fish and bioaccumulates through the food chain, so larger predators are especially contaminated. That’s bad news for lovers of swordfish and spicy tuna, especially for women who plan to have children. During pregnancy, methylmercury crosses the placenta and gets into the developing brains of fetuses. Research shows that this exposure can cause neurological and developmental deficits down the road. One pivotal study, conducted in the Faroe Islands, looked at methylmercury levels in mothers’ hair samples and babies’ umbilical-cord blood at birth. Seven years later, the children who had had higher levels tended to show deficits related to language, attention, and memory on a battery of neuropsychological tests. Other large studies of methylmercury exposure during gestation, conducted in New Zealand and the Seychelles, have come to similarly worrisome conclusions. Coal is not kind to children’s brains.

What about children’s lungs? Nitrogen oxides, which are emitted from smokestacks, are known to irritate the respiratory tract. They also react with other pollutants to produce ozone, which is a key component of smog. And hazy, smoggy, ozone-filled air is just terrible for kids with asthma. In one key study, researchers looked at emergency visits by low-income children in Atlanta during the summer of 1990. They correlated the dates of these visits, which were for asthma or reactive airway disease, with data on local ozone levels. Following the six highest ozone days, the average number of emergency visits spiked 37 percent compared to other days. Lots of other research confirms that ozone can make asthma worse. (Some evidence links it to the development of asthma, too, though that is not as well-established.) Then there is particulate matter, especially the tiny particles with a diameter of less than 2.5 micrometers, which studies show can trigger asthma attacks. Children are especially vulnerable because they tend to breathe through their mouths, which means less filtering of pollutants by nose hair; they tend to hang out more outside, where levels of these pollutants are usually higher; and they run around a lot, which means they take in more nasty stuff and inhale it deep into their lungs.

But it isn’t just children who are vulnerable. In adults, higher levels of small particulates are associated with an increase in heart attacks, exacerbations of congestive heart failure, and the triggering of cardiac arrhythmias. An excellent rundown of the research appears in Alan Lockwood’s The Silent Epidemic: Coal and the Hidden Threat to Health. Lockwood cites, for example, a finding from the Women’s Health Initiative looking at more than 60,000 older women. That work found that each increase of 10 micrograms in the concentration of very fine particles per meter cubed of air upped women’s chances of a “cardiovascular event” by 24 percent. And it increased the chances of death from such an event by 76 percent. Lockwood’s book paints a similarly bleak picture of air pollution and lung cancer.
And I am prepared to post two articles noting the vast number of deaths attributable to coal fired power plants- for every one article you post about geo thermal power.

Is Geo Thermal power impact free? Absolutely not- I have been around a geo thermal plant.

Are they as bad as coal?

Not by a long shot.
And I am prepared to post two articles noting the vast number of deaths attributable to coal fired power plants- for every one article you post about geo thermal power.

Is Geo Thermal power impact free? Absolutely not- I have been around a geo thermal plant.

Are they as bad as coal?

Not by a long shot.
ah, you are mad? So sad, and yes, everything in a Geothermal Power Plant is or has carbon in it. The entire plant can be said, to be made of Carbon. All those millions of tons of steel pipes that geothermal eats through in Iceland, you make those coal. Without coal you can not make all that steel. How many tons of steel do they replace every year? You have no idea nor have you even considered it. And yes, we do understand that deaths occur with everything, but Green Clean Renewable energy are deaths you are specifically liable for. These are deaths you create because of your ideology. And remember, when you have to build a lot more stuff to replace one thing, you create a lot more deaths. Sad, call it Renewables or Clean or Green, and the Liberal Democrat Drones mindlessly can not see all that carbon or co2.
The bottom line is, Geothermal is not Green or Clean nor should it be advocated to be tried everywhere.
Geothermal should be dead as a source of energy, it has failed. It has failed to be clean, it has failed to not produce c02, it has failed to save us from using more fossil fuels and coal. Technically, it will always use coal, as coke, to replace miles of pipes every year.
And I am prepared to post two articles noting the vast number of deaths attributable to coal fired power plants- for every one article you post about geo thermal power.

Is Geo Thermal power impact free? Absolutely not- I have been around a geo thermal plant.

Are they as bad as coal?

Not by a long shot.
ah, you are mad? So sad, and yes, everything in a Geothermal Power Plant is or has carbon in it. The entire plant can be said, to be made of Carbon. All those millions of tons of steel pipes that geothermal eats through in Iceland, you make those coal. Without coal you can not make all that steel. How many tons of steel do they replace every year? You have no idea nor have you even considered it. And yes, we do understand that deaths occur with everything, but Green Clean Renewable energy are deaths you are specifically liable for. These are deaths you create because of your ideology. And remember, when you have to build a lot more stuff to replace one thing, you create a lot more deaths. Sad, call it Renewables or Clean or Green, and the Liberal Democrat Drones mindlessly can not see all that carbon or co2.
I was a steelworker from 1972 to 2006 and we never used coal. You had no idea.

Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking
Geothermal is probably also causing the undersea volcanism in Antarctica. It's probably no less likely than blaming the Antarctic melt on "global climate warming change"
I was a steelworker from 1972 to 2006 and we never used coal. You had no idea.
Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking
Your link mentions, carbon, which is coke, which is coal, 17 times. You have zero idea of how steel is made. How about telling us where you worked and then we will see exactly how they made steel where you work.ed
I worked at the ATI (formerly Allegheny Ludlum) plant in Brackenridge Pa. and they haven`t used coal for the last 6 or 7 decades at least. Human beings are 18% carbon. Do you think we`re made from coal? :)

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