Geraldo Rivera Battles Protesters Who Want Fox News To Leave Baltimore

I wonder if Geraldo was wearing a hoodie. That's probably the cause of his troubles in Charm City.
Fox News' Geraldo Rivera wanted to report on the unrest in Baltimore on Tuesday night. But protesters only wanted one thing: Rivera and Fox News to leave.

The media personality reportedly arrived just moments before the citywide curfew to interview Maryland state Sen. Catherine Pugh (D). He quickly found himself in the middle of a group of protesters who were angry about Fox News' recent coverage.

Geraldo Rivera Battles Protesters Who Want Fox News To Leave Baltimore

Good for them.

Yes, good for them. In a free society, the proper way to respond to people who say things you disagree with is to demand their silence and departure. The State be praised that we've finally managed to bring up a generation of mainstream youth instilled with the moral virtue and the tolerance to be intolerant of dissenters.

I see you're one of those champions of free speech, intellectual debate and the free exchange of ideas that makes "liberals" proud to be the mantle bearers of "objective", "scientifically-minded" "reason".

I just don't like liars and instigators like Fox News. All they want to do is further inflame the situation.

Maybe Dan Rather or Brian Williams who are proven liars can come on the scene. That would make you happy because they are paid and directed to make lies that you want to hear. Thet are proven liars vs. Your claims about Fox are just specious.
Fox News' Geraldo Rivera wanted to report on the unrest in Baltimore on Tuesday night. But protesters only wanted one thing: Rivera and Fox News to leave.

The media personality reportedly arrived just moments before the citywide curfew to interview Maryland state Sen. Catherine Pugh (D). He quickly found himself in the middle of a group of protesters who were angry about Fox News' recent coverage.

Geraldo Rivera Battles Protesters Who Want Fox News To Leave Baltimore

Good for them.

Yes, good for them. In a free society, the proper way to respond to people who say things you disagree with is to demand their silence and departure.

I see you're one of those champions of free speech, intellectual debate and the free exchange of ideas that makes "liberals" proud to be the mantle bearers of "objective", "scientifically-minded" "reason".
I agree that personalities on Fox News should be allowed to say what they want, and broadcast what they want...basically freedom of speech.

But don't kid yourself into thinking their right to hate is covered under freedom of the press.

They're pseudo intellectual hate mongers who's product provides advertising to resentful old farts and electioneering, on behalf of the GOP

Sorry, but what you're doing here with this statement is only marginally better than what Lakhota's ignorantly praising in their dogmatic need to "win" the discussion by being the only voice given a microphone.

In stead, you condemn their manner of shutting down the conversation, subsequently employing your own -slightly- more subtle manner of marginalizing the dissenters without actually having to analyze or even acknowledge their argument: The popular and more academically acceptable, "Dismiss everything they said as destructive hate speech" technique.

I might actually have more respect for the protesters' technique. At least they were up front about their unwillingness to consider differing opinions. You, on the other hand, disguise your intellectual laziness/cowardice as a morally virtuous and, worse, intellectually conscientious decision to refrain from patronizing evil. No, in fact, I'm certain I have more respect for the overt method.
Fox News' Geraldo Rivera wanted to report on the unrest in Baltimore on Tuesday night. But protesters only wanted one thing: Rivera and Fox News to leave.

The media personality reportedly arrived just moments before the citywide curfew to interview Maryland state Sen. Catherine Pugh (D). He quickly found himself in the middle of a group of protesters who were angry about Fox News' recent coverage.

Geraldo Rivera Battles Protesters Who Want Fox News To Leave Baltimore

Good for them.
That's right.....Shoot the messenger. Typical lib/progressive idiocy.
Let me guess....The Other alphabets would report the facts in such a way so as to placate the anarchists?
Fox News' Geraldo Rivera wanted to report on the unrest in Baltimore on Tuesday night. But protesters only wanted one thing: Rivera and Fox News to leave.

The media personality reportedly arrived just moments before the citywide curfew to interview Maryland state Sen. Catherine Pugh (D). He quickly found himself in the middle of a group of protesters who were angry about Fox News' recent coverage.

Geraldo Rivera Battles Protesters Who Want Fox News To Leave Baltimore

Good for them.

Yes, good for them. In a free society, the proper way to respond to people who say things you disagree with is to demand their silence and departure. The State be praised that we've finally managed to bring up a generation of mainstream youth instilled with the moral virtue and the tolerance to be intolerant of dissenters.

I see you're one of those champions of free speech, intellectual debate and the free exchange of ideas that makes "liberals" proud to be the mantle bearers of "objective", "scientifically-minded" "reason".

I just don't like liars and instigators like Fox News. All they want to do is further inflame the situation.
Give examples of how Fox lied and instigated anything regarding these riots.
Fox News' Geraldo Rivera wanted to report on the unrest in Baltimore on Tuesday night. But protesters only wanted one thing: Rivera and Fox News to leave.

The media personality reportedly arrived just moments before the citywide curfew to interview Maryland state Sen. Catherine Pugh (D). He quickly found himself in the middle of a group of protesters who were angry about Fox News' recent coverage.

Geraldo Rivera Battles Protesters Who Want Fox News To Leave Baltimore

Good for them.

Yes, good for them. In a free society, the proper way to respond to people who say things you disagree with is to demand their silence and departure.

I see you're one of those champions of free speech, intellectual debate and the free exchange of ideas that makes "liberals" proud to be the mantle bearers of "objective", "scientifically-minded" "reason".
I agree that personalities on Fox News should be allowed to say what they want, and broadcast what they want...basically freedom of speech.

But don't kid yourself into thinking their right to hate is covered under freedom of the press.

They're pseudo intellectual hate mongers who's product provides advertising to resentful old farts and electioneering, on behalf of the GOP
Present examples of FNC reporters offering statements of hate.
Fox News has done more damage to America than all the so-called communists and socialists put together. Fox News is evil.

Actually, Lakhota, society consenting to the angry mob silencing dissenters has done more damage to mankind than the combined effect of every piece of pro republican propaganda that's ever come down the pipe, many times over.

YOU are evil.
Fox News' Geraldo Rivera wanted to report on the unrest in Baltimore on Tuesday night. But protesters only wanted one thing: Rivera and Fox News to leave.

The media personality reportedly arrived just moments before the citywide curfew to interview Maryland state Sen. Catherine Pugh (D). He quickly found himself in the middle of a group of protesters who were angry about Fox News' recent coverage.

Geraldo Rivera Battles Protesters Who Want Fox News To Leave Baltimore

Good for them.
Sound like you want Freedom of the Press removed from the 1st amendment too. Cool. Welcome to the club.
Fox News' Geraldo Rivera wanted to report on the unrest in Baltimore on Tuesday night. But protesters only wanted one thing: Rivera and Fox News to leave.

The media personality reportedly arrived just moments before the citywide curfew to interview Maryland state Sen. Catherine Pugh (D). He quickly found himself in the middle of a group of protesters who were angry about Fox News' recent coverage.

Geraldo Rivera Battles Protesters Who Want Fox News To Leave Baltimore

Good for them.

Yes, good for them. In a free society, the proper way to respond to people who say things you disagree with is to demand their silence and departure. The State be praised that we've finally managed to bring up a generation of mainstream youth instilled with the moral virtue and the tolerance to be intolerant of dissenters.

I see you're one of those champions of free speech, intellectual debate and the free exchange of ideas that makes "liberals" proud to be the mantle bearers of "objective", "scientifically-minded" "reason".

I just don't like liars and instigators like Fox News. All they want to do is further inflame the situation.
Fox has bent over backward to let protesters have their say. There is no requirement for a thug to take over a news shot like that asshole did.
Funny? Did my post make you laugh, Lakhota? I'm glad you were "entertained", though it's a well known fact in martial arts and fighting sports that a guy only tries to smile through a hit that actually hurt more than he wants to let on, just like its well known amongst debaters that you only respond with baseless ridicule to that which you cannot logically dispute.

In terms more suited to someone rockin your double digit IQ and incurious mindset, laugh it up, you know I'm right, dummy.
I can agree with you there, I just think you're a dangerous zealot for aspousing that he be forcibly silenced. It's not illegal to be a narcissist, nor do I believe that people deemed to have psychological disorders, even by professionals as opposed to pontificating political junkies like me, should have their first amendment rights removed. The potential for people in power to misuse that specifically to silence dissent (you know, those of your ilk who achieve the influence to do so rather than cheer from the sidelines) far outweighs the potential benefits.
Fox News' Geraldo Rivera wanted to report on the unrest in Baltimore on Tuesday night. But protesters only wanted one thing: Rivera and Fox News to leave.

The media personality reportedly arrived just moments before the citywide curfew to interview Maryland state Sen. Catherine Pugh (D). He quickly found himself in the middle of a group of protesters who were angry about Fox News' recent coverage.

Geraldo Rivera Battles Protesters Who Want Fox News To Leave Baltimore

Good for them.
the dufass who messed with Heraldo was just upset because there wasn't any KFC"s around for him to rob. He was hungry.
Fox News' Geraldo Rivera wanted to report on the unrest in Baltimore on Tuesday night. But protesters only wanted one thing: Rivera and Fox News to leave.

The media personality reportedly arrived just moments before the citywide curfew to interview Maryland state Sen. Catherine Pugh (D). He quickly found himself in the middle of a group of protesters who were angry about Fox News' recent coverage.

Geraldo Rivera Battles Protesters Who Want Fox News To Leave Baltimore

Good for them.

That guy was remarkable. Wow! He cleaned Rivera's clock and mopped the sidewalk with him. Totally unimpressed with redneck assholes from Fox News!
Fox News' Geraldo Rivera wanted to report on the unrest in Baltimore on Tuesday night. But protesters only wanted one thing: Rivera and Fox News to leave.

The media personality reportedly arrived just moments before the citywide curfew to interview Maryland state Sen. Catherine Pugh (D). He quickly found himself in the middle of a group of protesters who were angry about Fox News' recent coverage.

Geraldo Rivera Battles Protesters Who Want Fox News To Leave Baltimore

Good for them.
the dufass who messed with Heraldo was just upset because there wasn't any KFC"s around for him to rob. He was hungry.

I suspect if you were approached by Geraldo Rivera with a mic your junk would shrink before you hit your knees, homeboy.
I just don't like liars and instigators like Fox News. All they want to do is further inflame the situation.

I don't think you realize the irony in that statement.

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