Geraldo Rivera Battles Protesters Who Want Fox News To Leave Baltimore

The GOP can never pass up an opportunity to make themselves look like complete buffoons, and a protest following the funeral for Freddy Gray, who died from a severe spinal cord injury while in police custody, is no exception. Why display compassion, understanding, and leadership when you can jump on the opportunity to display disdain, contempt, and bigotry?

GOP and FOX Get It Wrong Again in Baltimore

Same old NaziCon shit.
I flipped on Fox Noise earlier today and Geraldo had another black guy in front of the camera who tried to make a statement. Geraldo just cut him off and said he had to go because it was starting to rain. So I flipped it over to MSNBC and Joy Reid didn't seem to care that it was raining. Funny.
I flipped on Fox Noise earlier today and Geraldo had another black guy in front of the camera who tried to make a statement. Geraldo just cut him off and said he had to go because it was starting to rain. So I flipped it over to MSNBC and Joy Reid didn't seem to care that it was raining. Funny.

Geraldo is a major douche. Our military even kicked his stupid ass out of Iraq for disclosing troop movements on live TV.
Fox News' Geraldo Rivera wanted to report on the unrest in Baltimore on Tuesday night. But protesters only wanted one thing: Rivera and Fox News to leave.

The media personality reportedly arrived just moments before the citywide curfew to interview Maryland state Sen. Catherine Pugh (D). He quickly found himself in the middle of a group of protesters who were angry about Fox News' recent coverage.

Geraldo Rivera Battles Protesters Who Want Fox News To Leave Baltimore

Good for them.

Yes, good for them. In a free society, the proper way to respond to people who say things you disagree with is to demand their silence and departure. The State be praised that we've finally managed to bring up a generation of mainstream youth instilled with the moral virtue and the tolerance to be intolerant of dissenters.

I see you're one of those champions of free speech, intellectual debate and the free exchange of ideas that makes "liberals" proud to be the mantle bearers of "objective", "scientifically-minded" "reason".

I just don't like liars and instigators like Fox News. All they want to do is further inflame the situation.
Fox has bent over backward to let protesters have their say. There is no requirement for a thug to take over a news shot like that asshole did.

But in the meantime I bet you hang on every word of a police department television press conference.
Fox News' Geraldo Rivera wanted to report on the unrest in Baltimore on Tuesday night. But protesters only wanted one thing: Rivera and Fox News to leave.

The media personality reportedly arrived just moments before the citywide curfew to interview Maryland state Sen. Catherine Pugh (D). He quickly found himself in the middle of a group of protesters who were angry about Fox News' recent coverage.

Geraldo Rivera Battles Protesters Who Want Fox News To Leave Baltimore

Good for them.

Yes, good for them. In a free society, the proper way to respond to people who say things you disagree with is to demand their silence and departure. The State be praised that we've finally managed to bring up a generation of mainstream youth instilled with the moral virtue and the tolerance to be intolerant of dissenters.

I see you're one of those champions of free speech, intellectual debate and the free exchange of ideas that makes "liberals" proud to be the mantle bearers of "objective", "scientifically-minded" "reason".

I just don't like liars and instigators like Fox News. All they want to do is further inflame the situation.
Fox has bent over backward to let protesters have their say. There is no requirement for a thug to take over a news shot like that asshole did.

But in the meantime I bet you hang on every word of a police department television press conference.

You'd lose that bet. I'm skeptical of -everyone- and I don't claim to have enough knowledge of what went down with Freddy Gray to have an opinion on the matter. If the police brutalized him, those responsible should be punished accordingly. If they didn't, too bad so sad. Personally, I wasn't there, I haven't seen the GPS records on the police van that apparently give an accounting of the speeds the vehicle travelled at, its route, etc., I don't know what happened during the apprehension or the walk/drag back to the police vehicle. . . essentially, like you, I have to rely on second hand accounts and third hand pontification, none of which amounts to factual knowledge.

Everybody who -does- have a strong opinion on what happened is simply projecting what they -hope- happened based on what series of events supports their world-view. Personally, I find this mindset cowardly and anti-intellectual. It's infinitely more useful to hunt for information that -disproves- one's own world view.
Even an idiot left wing prog has to realize that Geraldo is not some wild eyed right wing fanatic. Geraldo Rivera is a left wing relatively independent Fox news analyst. The fact that idiots in Baltimore wanted to kick him out of the area is indicative of a couple of things. #1 the left is at war with information and #2 the idiots on the left wouldn't know a legitimate political concept from a fun day of looting and burning businesses that used to employ them.
Fox News' Geraldo Rivera wanted to report on the unrest in Baltimore on Tuesday night. But protesters only wanted one thing: Rivera and Fox News to leave.

The media personality reportedly arrived just moments before the citywide curfew to interview Maryland state Sen. Catherine Pugh (D). He quickly found himself in the middle of a group of protesters who were angry about Fox News' recent coverage.

Geraldo Rivera Battles Protesters Who Want Fox News To Leave Baltimore

Good for them.

Yes, good for them. In a free society, the proper way to respond to people who say things you disagree with is to demand their silence and departure. The State be praised that we've finally managed to bring up a generation of mainstream youth instilled with the moral virtue and the tolerance to be intolerant of dissenters.

I see you're one of those champions of free speech, intellectual debate and the free exchange of ideas that makes "liberals" proud to be the mantle bearers of "objective", "scientifically-minded" "reason".

I just don't like liars and instigators like Fox News. All they want to do is further inflame the situation.
Yet you say nothing about the liars and instigators at CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNBC, NY Times, et. al.
Even an idiot left wing prog has to realize that Geraldo is not some wild eyed right wing fanatic. Geraldo Rivera is a left wing relatively independent Fox news analyst. The fact that idiots in Baltimore wanted to kick him out of the area is indicative of a couple of things. #1 the left is at war with information and #2 the idiots on the left wouldn't know a legitimate political concept from a fun day of looting and burning businesses that used to employ them.

That's the funny thing about it. Geraldo is mostly progressive. Before 9/11, he was all-out Democrat. I remember when the Iraq and Afghanistan wars started up, I used to laugh with my pops watching his war coverage and make comments like, "That hippy was born again hard!" Ironically, of course. . . I didn't get the impression that he was actually a tough guy, just a repressed pussy fetishizing the tough guys on our side in response to his fear and anger at the perceived enemy after the WTC attack.

That said, listen to the conversations when various political commentary shows host him as a pundit. The guy's views line up more often with Democrat ideals than Republican ones, even now that he's been working for Fox for eons.

Another example of the silliness of broad-brushing Fox News as a bunch of hateful right wing biggots. Different individuals in any group are going to have different specific sets of values and opinions, even in politically charged news outfits. You can't tell me John Stossel and Sean Hannity are pushing identical philosophies any more than I can tell you that Joy Reid and Joe Scarborough are sharing a brain. Both statements would be silly as shit.
Fox News' Geraldo Rivera wanted to report on the unrest in Baltimore on Tuesday night. But protesters only wanted one thing: Rivera and Fox News to leave.

The media personality reportedly arrived just moments before the citywide curfew to interview Maryland state Sen. Catherine Pugh (D). He quickly found himself in the middle of a group of protesters who were angry about Fox News' recent coverage.

Geraldo Rivera Battles Protesters Who Want Fox News To Leave Baltimore

Good for them.

not surprised you hate the constitution
Fox News' Geraldo Rivera wanted to report on the unrest in Baltimore on Tuesday night. But protesters only wanted one thing: Rivera and Fox News to leave.

The media personality reportedly arrived just moments before the citywide curfew to interview Maryland state Sen. Catherine Pugh (D). He quickly found himself in the middle of a group of protesters who were angry about Fox News' recent coverage.

Geraldo Rivera Battles Protesters Who Want Fox News To Leave Baltimore

Good for them.
You tell 'em, Two Nazis Fucking.

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