German girl raped for 2.5 hours

"Name names? Every asshole in Congress and the White House that pushed open borders...."

No disrespect intended, good poster Hawk, but......but it seems to me, and I could be misinterpreting the signals, but it seems to me that you too often assert stuff on this venue that you know little about; have done zero due diligence about; and just, frankly, use this venue as a place to vent your befuddlement about whatever aspect of life you feel you don't understand well enough to offer a perceptive opinion about.

Hey, it happens. We all lead busy lives.
Still, we wish you good luck.
My daughter in law is German, and my son and her live there. They say the same thing. They're fortunate enough to live where there aren't a lot of immigrants so far.

Do you like to say her man is one of the evil foreigners who lives in the middle of us Germans? :lol:

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Poor, poor nice traditional Germany....:(

But it's Germany's fault.... if they want to live a normal life again, they should send all immigrants back from where they came from.

Otherwise it's the end for them. It's sad.
No disrespect intended, good poster Hawk, but......but it seems to me, and I could be misinterpreting the signals, but it seems to me that you too often assert stuff on this venue that you know little about; have done zero due diligence about; and just, frankly, use this venue as a place to vent your befuddlement about whatever aspect of life you feel you don't understand well enough to offer a perceptive opinion about.

Hey, it happens. We all lead busy lives.
Still, we wish you good luck.
I could care less what you interpret, you’re a dolt. I named names and you’ve got nothing.
Poor, poor nice traditional Germany....:(

But it's Germany's fault.... if they want to live a normal life again, they should send all immigrants back from where they came from.

Otherwise it's the end for them. It's sad.

The girl had been drunk - left or lost her friends in a park where they celebrated - she met another teenager, followed him. He raped her - and then he/they called friends with their smartphone. And this situation escalated more. It's said they also made a film - but no one found it up to now.

Young men - modern times - lost in disorientation. Migrants or not migrants is only a little part of this problem.
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Umm, have no desire to appear impatient with those who say it is only Muslims who move to punish or diminish non-believers.

Christianity is rife with massacres and slaughters of people who resisted their 'Christianizing'......the Crusades, the American Natives, the Jewish pogroms, the Holocaust, the American KKK. Hell, even the Christians kill other Christians for their 'Christian beliefs', witness the Catholics vs Hugenot with reports of 70,000 massacred on St. Bartholomew's Day.

And the Christians ain't alone in bloody work....witness the Hindu pogroms against Muslims in India.

So spare me, the self-righteous caterwauling that Muslims = Bad; while us non-Muslims = Good.
^^ LOL. When you can’t refute what animals Muslims are, start blathering about “the Crusades!”

There is nothing “self-righteous” about pointing out how ass backwards Muslims are. It’s merely pointing out the facts. If you think Muslims are so great, go move to an Islamic country. Wear a rainbow yamaka while you’re at it. You’ll get to experience the civility of Muslims real quick.
"....send all immigrants back from where they came from."

Funny you mention that good poster Skye.
I have a good an helpful neighbor near the farm who states ...hell, he can prove.....he has significant and close Anishinaabe heritage.

He says exactly the same thing Sky states: 'send all immigrants back from where they came from'.

He makes me laugh when he says it.
Fortunately, he says it with a laugh too.
Otherwise........I'm afraid it'd turn into the sour dynamic that Skye desires.
I don't want that. I like it here.
The girl had been drunk - left or lost her friends in a park where they celebrated - she met another teenager, followed him. He raped her - and then he/they called friends with their smartphone. And this situation escalated more. It's said they also made a film - but no one found it up to now.

Young men - modern times - lost in disorientation. Migrants or not migrants is only a little part of this problem.
Well, that's one enthusiastic vote in support of rape, anyway.
Aren't these immigrants proud of their countries?

or of their women over there?

that they have to come to our Western countries and rape women over here?

What scum.
Send them all back.

They don't belong in western Europe.

Who belongs to us or not is our decision - and not the decision of an imperialistic foreigner from America, isn't it? To live in Germany is a more safe than to live in the USA. Nevertheless a harbor like Hamburg has also always dangerous sides someone should know who lives there. One problem is for example alcohol. In this context is the USA often a more safe place.
Aren't these immigrants proud of their countries?

Who cares?

or of their women over there?

A standard prejudice of Muslims is for example German women (=Christian women) are whores. This "education" reduces psychological barriers for example.

that they have to come to our Western countries and rape women over here?

Says a member of a military alliance who raped millions of German women so hundredthousands did do suicides?

What scum.

Exactly: What scum. US-American soldiers for example raped even masses of French women when they liberated France.
Umm, have no desire to appear impatient with those who say it is only Muslims who move to punish or diminish non-believers.

Christianity is rife with massacres and slaughters of people who resisted their 'Christianizing'......the Crusades, the American Natives, the Jewish pogroms, the Holocaust, the American KKK. Hell, even the Christians kill other Christians for their 'Christian beliefs', witness the Catholics vs Hugenot with reports of 70,000 massacred on St. Bartholomew's Day.

And the Christians ain't alone in bloody work....witness the Hindu pogroms against Muslims in India.

So spare me, the self-righteous caterwauling that Muslims = Bad; while us non-Muslims = Good.
Christianity (Jesus) NOWHERE commands followers to conquer the world by the sword.

Islam (Muhammad) commands his followers to conquer the world thru war.

The Crusades were a DEFENSIVE response to Islam's Crusade against Europe
"They don't belong in western Europe.
Aren't these immigrants proud of their countries?"

I would anticipate my Anishinaabe neighbor echoing poster Skye. To wit: "Whites don't belong in America. Aren't you immigrants proud of your origin country, proud of your women?"

He would grin and winks when he says such.
Of course, he's a confident and happy guy.....not sour, tentative, unconfident around folks who aren't Odawa, or of his 'kind'.

And those are just some of the reasons I like him. Versus some of my more white neighbors with their relatively recent immigrant histories.
Do you like to say her man is one of the evil foreigners who lives in the middle of us Germans? :lol:

He's not evil, and he isn't Muslim, so no sense of entitlement and superiority over infidels, so sorry, no sale. He pays his own way, even for my 2 grandkids schooling, which is private and in France and Switzerland, both doing well. My daughter in law is also employed full time. Neither are stupid enough to support flooding Germany with Islamists, which makes them welcome in many of the locals' homes.

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