German girl raped for 2.5 hours

I lived in Germany during the Hussein Regime, his ME policy created millions of Muslim refugees, which the progressive EU idiots welcomed with open arms. That’s when crime skyrocketed in Germany.

It was all planned to start the great replacement in Europe. All the Western European countries bought into it. Central and Eastern not so much. They were much nicer to visit, almost no Muslims.

My daughter in law is German, and my son and her live there. They say the same thing. They're fortunate enough to live where there aren't a lot of immigrants so far.
Every man that raped the young girl should be raped and then have their throats slit while being raped!
Yes, an eye for an eye is the fairest form of punishment.

Personally, I would like to see a victim of sucker punching be able to sucker punch his assailant .

Personally, I would like to see a victim of looting go into the looter's home and take whatever s/he wants.

Human beings understand only one thing: an iron fist.

The wokers (in this country & Germany) have an idealist vision of certain groups.


Because they or their loved ones have not (SO FAR) been the victim of violent crime.
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Germany has brought in millions and has destroyed their cities
Germany used to be very safe
This girl will never recover
This is where Islam has it right. A public execution done by an extremely painful method eliciting screams and howls of agony from each and every one of them done over the course of 6 to 8 hours. Personally I favor slowly lowering them into a tank full of piranha fish an inch at a time.
Seems like Europeans are allowing their countries to be ruined by immigration from Africa and the Middle east.

All they had to do was look at the U.S. to see the incredible damage uncontrolled immigration and thoughtless, unbridled, 'diversity' can cause.
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Well, this oughta be fun.

Ummm, good poster Hawk.....just what do you mean by "the-great-replacement"?

And, poster Hawk......if whatever it is --is planned.....well, who planned it?

And how do you know?
Can you give us a credible explanation?
Replacing whites with brown skin trash.

Marxists and globalists are doing it, and have been doing it for decades in America.

Are you that much of a dolt to not notice?
Let's do a twofer.
Double the fun.

First, this from good poster 'Tipsy':

"Two afghans raped a female service person at Ft. Bliss. They said it was cultural and got away with it."
Perhaps Tipsy can give us some sourcing on her assertion.

A nano-Google seems to indicate that, yes.....a female service member stated she was assaulted shortly after she exited her car, but the assault was non-sexual. She was treated and promptly released.

I saw zero reportage that mentioned "it was cultural"; or that the assaulters "got away with it" (it just happened in late September).

So, whatcha got Tipsy?
You said it.
Now you gotta show it.
Batter up.


Replacing whites with brown skin trash.
Marxists and globalists are doing it, and have been doing it for decades in America.
Ah yes, those nefarious, insidious, anonymous, "Marxists" and "Globalists".
Always a pair of villains to watch out for.
And, poster Hawk, who among that evil duo is doing the 'planning'?

Lastly, Hawk, just who are these ubiquitous Marxists and Globalists (ps...are they two distinct groups or one? Can one be one one day, and the other another day?)
Name names.
And most importantly, tell us how you know.

Batter up, Hawk.
Show us what you got.
Show us you got game.
Well, this oughta be fun.

Ummm, good poster Hawk.....just what do you mean by "the-great-replacement"?

And, poster Hawk......if whatever it is --is planned.....well, who planned it?

And how do you know?
Can you give us a credible explanation?
Islamism "founder", the 'Great Prophet' Muhammad is recorded (in the Hadith) as saying he was commanded by Allah to fight all humankind until all humans have embraced Islam and become Muslims. Hence the religion of Islam has a mandate from it's origins to covert the whole planet (humanity), by violence if necessary ~ a.k.a. Jihad= Holy War.

Furthermore, if one looks into the tenants of Islam, it's concept of Paradise/Heaven is one of many levels/layers where the higher ones are attained only by those whom are Holy Warriors(mujaheddin) and have engaged in Holy War (Jihad) against the Infidels (non-believers/followers of Islam).

We have in Islam a Plan for perpetual warfare until all humanity has converted to Islam, so blame Allah and Muhammad for starting this mess of a "forever war" humanity has been engaged in for the past 1400 years. And likely will for several more years~decades~centuries until something fundamental is done to change the agenda of Islam.
" blame Allah and Muhammad for starting this mess of a "forever war" humanity has been engaged in for the past 1400 years."

Umm, have no desire to appear impatient with those who say it is only Muslims who move to punish or diminish non-believers.

Christianity is rife with massacres and slaughters of people who resisted their 'Christianizing'......the Crusades, the American Natives, the Jewish pogroms, the Holocaust, the American KKK. Hell, even the Christians kill other Christians for their 'Christian beliefs', witness the Catholics vs Hugenot with reports of 70,000 massacred on St. Bartholomew's Day.

And the Christians ain't alone in bloody work....witness the Hindu pogroms against Muslims in India.

So spare me, the self-righteous caterwauling that Muslims = Bad; while us non-Muslims = Good.
Let's do a twofer.
Double the fun.

First, this from good poster 'Tipsy':

Perhaps Tipsy can give us some sourcing on her assertion.

A nano-Google seems to indicate that, yes.....a female service member stated she was assaulted shortly after she exited her car, but the assault was non-sexual. She was treated and promptly released.

I saw zero reportage that mentioned "it was cultural"; or that the assaulters "got away with it" (it just happened in late September).

So, whatcha got Tipsy?
You said it.
Now you gotta show it.
Batter up.


Ah yes, those nefarious, insidious, anonymous, "Marxists" and "Globalists".
Always a pair of villains to watch out for.
And, poster Hawk, who among that evil duo is doing the 'planning'?

Lastly, Hawk, just who are these ubiquitous Marxists and Globalists (ps...are they two distinct groups or one? Can one be one one day, and the other another day?)
Name names.
And most importantly, tell us how you know.

Batter up, Hawk.
Show us what you got.
Show us you got game.
Name names? Every asshole in Congress and the White House that pushed open borders. The Bushes, Clintons, Biden, the Hussein, too many to list.
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