German Green Energy Fail

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
Green energy is a total failure. It even fails at what it proclaims it is for. Why can't we learn from others' failures rather than duplicate them ourselves?
Germany?s Energiewende: A Path to Economic Self-Destruction - The American Interest
More bad news for Germany’s green dreamers: Two reports published this week highlight some fundamental flaws underlying the Energiewende, Germany’s radical set of energy policies.

The first, by the Commission for Research and Innovation (EFI), states that the subsidies by which green power producers in Germany are paid guaranteed, above-market prices to put electricity on the grid aren’t a cost-effective instrument for climate protection. Nor are they producing a measurable effect on innovation. “For both these reasons, there is no justification for a continuation of the EEG [the Renewable Energy Law],” the report concludes.

Those are devastating blows against the Energiewende’s legislative cornerstone, which has been in force since 2000. The special path on energy cost taxpayers €22 billion last year alone—and that figure doesn’t include residual costs to the economy.

German industry, as Reuters writes, seized on the report to support its opposition to incentives for renewable energy:

Export-oriented companies have warned that a sharp rise in the price they pay for power, buoyed by the cost of green incentives, are making them uncompetitive and some have threatened to shift investments and production abroad.

With industry accounting for around a quarter of Germany’s economy, its voice matters in Berlin. The BDI has said the government’s plans put about 900,000 jobs in Germany at risk.

The second report, by Information Handling Services (IHS), calculates that Germany lost €15 billion in exports last year from having to pay a premium for electricity compared with international competitors, and a total of €52 billion in the six-year period from 2008–13. As the Financial Times points out, smaller companies were disproportionately affected, because, “unlike heavy energy users such as BASF and ThyssenKrupp, small companies are not eligible for exemptions from the energy bill surcharges that cover the costs of the move to clean energy.”
More at the source.
Green energy is a total failure. It even fails at what it proclaims it is for. Why can't we learn from others' failures rather than duplicate them ourselves?
Germany?s Energiewende: A Path to Economic Self-Destruction - The American Interest
More bad news for Germany’s green dreamers: Two reports published this week highlight some fundamental flaws underlying the Energiewende, Germany’s radical set of energy policies.

The first, by the Commission for Research and Innovation (EFI), states that the subsidies by which green power producers in Germany are paid guaranteed, above-market prices to put electricity on the grid aren’t a cost-effective instrument for climate protection. Nor are they producing a measurable effect on innovation. “For both these reasons, there is no justification for a continuation of the EEG [the Renewable Energy Law],” the report concludes.

Those are devastating blows against the Energiewende’s legislative cornerstone, which has been in force since 2000. The special path on energy cost taxpayers €22 billion last year alone—and that figure doesn’t include residual costs to the economy.

German industry, as Reuters writes, seized on the report to support its opposition to incentives for renewable energy:

Export-oriented companies have warned that a sharp rise in the price they pay for power, buoyed by the cost of green incentives, are making them uncompetitive and some have threatened to shift investments and production abroad.

With industry accounting for around a quarter of Germany’s economy, its voice matters in Berlin. The BDI has said the government’s plans put about 900,000 jobs in Germany at risk.

The second report, by Information Handling Services (IHS), calculates that Germany lost €15 billion in exports last year from having to pay a premium for electricity compared with international competitors, and a total of €52 billion in the six-year period from 2008–13. As the Financial Times points out, smaller companies were disproportionately affected, because, “unlike heavy energy users such as BASF and ThyssenKrupp, small companies are not eligible for exemptions from the energy bill surcharges that cover the costs of the move to clean energy.”
More at the source.

Great report. Thanks for posting it.
The whole Green Energy thing is a farce perpetrated by rich leftists designed to hurt small business and consumers.
Or short term pain for long term gain. Something America should become more acquainted with. Instant gratification is for spoiled children.

From Wikipedia;

"Germany's renewable energy sector is among the most innovative and successful worldwide. The share of electricity produced from renewable energy in Germany has increased from 6.3 percent of the national total in 2000 to about 25 percent in the first half of 2012.[1][2] In 2011 20.5% (123.5 TWh) of Germany's electricity supply (603 TWh) was produced from renewable energy sources, more than the 2010 contribution of gas-fired power plants.]

In 2010, investments totaling 26 billion euros were made in Germany’s renewable energies sector. Germany has been called "the world's first major renewable energy economy".

Siemens chief executive, Peter Löscher believes that Germany’s target of generating 35 per cent of its electricity from renewables by 2020 is achievable – and, most probably, profitable for Europe’s largest engineering company"

The Germans have shut down 27 Nuclear power plants since 1998. The Merlel government originally halted the shutdowns but the Fukushima disaster turned the public against Nuclear power and the shutdowns were speeded up.

As Peter Altmaier, the federal minister for the environment said “We are changing profoundly and completely a structure that has developed over 150 years.” LINK

Such a profound change in an entrenched industrial model is going to take time, and yes it is going to be expensive. How long do you think the World can go on with fossil fuels and non-renewable resources?
Or short term pain for long term gain. Something America should become more acquainted with. Instant gratification is for spoiled children.

From Wikipedia;

"Germany's renewable energy sector is among the most innovative and successful worldwide. The share of electricity produced from renewable energy in Germany has increased from 6.3 percent of the national total in 2000 to about 25 percent in the first half of 2012.[1][2] In 2011 20.5% (123.5 TWh) of Germany's electricity supply (603 TWh) was produced from renewable energy sources, more than the 2010 contribution of gas-fired power plants.]

In 2010, investments totaling 26 billion euros were made in Germany’s renewable energies sector. Germany has been called "the world's first major renewable energy economy".

Siemens chief executive, Peter Löscher believes that Germany’s target of generating 35 per cent of its electricity from renewables by 2020 is achievable – and, most probably, profitable for Europe’s largest engineering company"

The Germans have shut down 27 Nuclear power plants since 1998. The Merlel government originally halted the shutdowns but the Fukushima disaster turned the public against Nuclear power and the shutdowns were speeded up.

As Peter Altmaier, the federal minister for the environment said “We are changing profoundly and completely a structure that has developed over 150 years.” LINK

Such a profound change in an entrenched industrial model is going to take time, and yes it is going to be expensive. How long do you think the World can go on with fossil fuels and non-renewable resources?

No you dont get it. Their program is a failure. It produced high costs but little benefit. That was the article, which is more reliable than Wiki, which was doubtless written by green activists.
meanwhile, we go head long into skyrocketing energy prices for no reason other moroni leftism.
Many of these so called "Green Energy" projects have fail in Europe as they are run by the government. When these governments need money to fund their over bloated social engineering projects, the "green energy" projects are some of the first to get their funding cut.
If granddaddy didn't do it, and it doesn't belch poisons and GHGs, it cannot possibly work. The 'Conservative' mantra.

Wind capacity, worldwide, has more than doubled in the last five years. And is set to boom in 2014;

2013 Wind Energy Installations Stall In U.S., Surge In China

Since 2010, top Chinese firms dropped multicrystalline solar module costs by 54 percent. And according to GTM Research Senior Analyst Shyam Mehta, leading Chinese manufacturers are on a path to producing solar modules for $0.36 per watt by 2017. But rather than rely on price crashes for materials as they did in the past, Chinese firms will increasingly need to focus on refining technologies and automating plants to reduce labor costs.

59 percent

Twice this year, Germany's wind and solar installations provided 59 percent of power in the middle of the day, while also providing more than a third of generation throughout the entire day. On one occasion in October, solar peaked at 20.5 gigawatts of capacity and wind reached 16.6 gigawatts, with both providing more than 436 gigawatt-hours of electricity. That forced 23 gigawatts of conventional power plants to ramp down. And as GTM Editor Eric Wesoff pointed out, the grid did not explode.


That's how much Germany's second-biggest utility, RWE, has lost in value over the last three years, according to The Economist. With renewables taking center stage in Germany, they are creating steep drops in wholesale prices and forcing large fossil fuel plants to sit idle. Rather than sit on its hands, RWE has finally embraced this new reality, announcing this fall that it would become "a project enabler and operator, and a system integrator of renewables" based on a "prosumer" business model.

Solar Energy Changes in 2013 | The Energy Collective
Then again a lot of the social engineering programs implemented by the far left in Europe are funded by the huge taxes on fossil fuels. So if you do away with all fossil fuels, how Europe fund its over bloated social programs?
If granddaddy didn't do it, and it doesn't belch poisons and GHGs, it cannot possibly work. The 'Conservative' mantra.

Wind capacity, worldwide, has more than doubled in the last five years. And is set to boom in 2014;

2013 Wind Energy Installations Stall In U.S., Surge In China

Since 2010, top Chinese firms dropped multicrystalline solar module costs by 54 percent. And according to GTM Research Senior Analyst Shyam Mehta, leading Chinese manufacturers are on a path to producing solar modules for $0.36 per watt by 2017. But rather than rely on price crashes for materials as they did in the past, Chinese firms will increasingly need to focus on refining technologies and automating plants to reduce labor costs.

59 percent

Twice this year, Germany's wind and solar installations provided 59 percent of power in the middle of the day, while also providing more than a third of generation throughout the entire day. On one occasion in October, solar peaked at 20.5 gigawatts of capacity and wind reached 16.6 gigawatts, with both providing more than 436 gigawatt-hours of electricity. That forced 23 gigawatts of conventional power plants to ramp down. And as GTM Editor Eric Wesoff pointed out, the grid did not explode.


That's how much Germany's second-biggest utility, RWE, has lost in value over the last three years, according to The Economist. With renewables taking center stage in Germany, they are creating steep drops in wholesale prices and forcing large fossil fuel plants to sit idle. Rather than sit on its hands, RWE has finally embraced this new reality, announcing this fall that it would become "a project enabler and operator, and a system integrator of renewables" based on a "prosumer" business model.

Solar Energy Changes in 2013 | The Energy Collective

Thank you capt irrelevant.
How many endangered birds did those things kill? Today?
"No you dont get it. Their program is a failure. It produced high costs but little benefit. That was the article, which is more reliable than Wiki, which was doubtless written by green activists."

You read the part where he said Germany could be profitably at 35% renewable by 2020.

Do you understand the concept of "long term" projects and goals? Calling Germany's program a failure is like calling the space program a failure because we don't have a colony on Mars yet. What do yo suggest, we can rely on fossil fuels and non-renewables forever and ever amen?
"Just think of how many little birdies are going to die when they start cuttin' down trees to feed this insidious invention"!

Fuck me Rabbi, have you ever actually listened to yourself?

Rabbi: "Thank you capt irrelevant.
How many endangered birds did those things kill? Today?"
"No you dont get it. Their program is a failure. It produced high costs but little benefit. That was the article, which is more reliable than Wiki, which was doubtless written by green activists."

You read the part where he said Germany could be profitably at 35% renewable by 2020.

Do you understand the concept of "long term" projects and goals? Calling Germany's program a failure is like calling the space program a failure because we don't have a colony on Mars yet. What do yo suggest, we can rely on fossil fuels and non-renewables forever and ever amen?

Germany's Green Energy Disaster: A Cautionary Tale For World Leaders - Forbes

Merkel’s energy plan called for the addition of 25,000 megawatts of sea-based wind turbine power by 2030. However through the first six months of 2012 only 45 megawatts had been added to Germany’s existing 200-megawatt supply, according to an industry analyst quoted by Reuters. And despite massive subsidies funded by a household energy surcharge (which currently comprises 14 percent of German power bills), major wind projects in the North Sea are being delayed or canceled due to skittish investors.

The basic problem? Wind farms are notoriously unreliable as a power source. Not only that, they take up vast amounts of space and kill tens of thousands of birds annually.

“Generating energy with wind involves extreme fluctuations because it depends on the weather and includes periods without any recognizable capacity for days, or suddenly occurring supply peaks that push the grid to its limits,” a 2012 report from Germany energy expert Dr. Guenter Keil notes. “There is a threat of power outages over large areas, mainly in wintertime when the demand is high and less (power) gets delivered from abroad.”

Because renewable power sources have been so unreliable, Germany has been forced to construct numerous new coal plants in an effort to replace the nuclear energy it has taken offline. In fact the country will build more coal-fired facilities this year than at any time in the past two decades – bringing an estimated 5,300 megawatts of new capacity online. Most of these facilities will burn lignite, too, which is strip-mined and emits nearly 30 percent more carbon dioxide than hard coal.

In other words Germany is dirtying the planet in the name of clean energy – and sticking its citizens with an ever-escalating tab so it can subsidize an energy source which will never generate sufficient power.

What you're not getting here is that there ARE NO ALTERNATIVES to fossil, hydro, and nuclear.. There are only flaky SUPPLEMENTS and PEAKERS. And every wind farm and every major solar operation in the world is a DUPLICATE of a RELIABLE and DEPENDABLE plant that is forced to sit idle whilst the wind blows..

This 35% canard is a toy to be played with.. These jerks are counting "biomass conversion" whereby you shove trees or garbage into a coal plant and call it green.. Or you pump water up a mountain by day powered by solar or wind and DOUBLE COUNT the production when it comes back down as hydro.. It's all phoney terminology and accounting..
"No you dont get it. Their program is a failure. It produced high costs but little benefit. That was the article, which is more reliable than Wiki, which was doubtless written by green activists."

You read the part where he said Germany could be profitably at 35% renewable by 2020.

Do you understand the concept of "long term" projects and goals? Calling Germany's program a failure is like calling the space program a failure because we don't have a colony on Mars yet. What do yo suggest, we can rely on fossil fuels and non-renewables forever and ever amen?

Not forever but they will be round for a long time. The reality is that renewables are not a bad thing to invest in BUT we are not just concentrating on renewable energies. We are ALSO trying to kill off fossil fuels by artificially increasing the price. That is unacceptable.

Sure, bring on the green but don't do so by forcing a market that is not ready for prime time to take over. by the time that fossil fuels need to be removed there will be something to replace it. The policies that the government is talking about getting into are not going down that road though. Instead they want to put up those replacements BEFORE they are able to actually do the job.

We need to stop demonizing coal and putting green energies on a pedestal and use BOTH to their potential until the green energies are capable of taking coal out entirely.
Green energy is a total failure. It even fails at what it proclaims it is for. Why can't we learn from others' failures rather than duplicate them ourselves?
Germany?s Energiewende: A Path to Economic Self-Destruction - The American Interest
More bad news for Germany’s green dreamers: Two reports published this week highlight some fundamental flaws underlying the Energiewende, Germany’s radical set of energy policies.

The first, by the Commission for Research and Innovation (EFI), states that the subsidies by which green power producers in Germany are paid guaranteed, above-market prices to put electricity on the grid aren’t a cost-effective instrument for climate protection. Nor are they producing a measurable effect on innovation. “For both these reasons, there is no justification for a continuation of the EEG [the Renewable Energy Law],” the report concludes.

Those are devastating blows against the Energiewende’s legislative cornerstone, which has been in force since 2000. The special path on energy cost taxpayers €22 billion last year alone—and that figure doesn’t include residual costs to the economy.

German industry, as Reuters writes, seized on the report to support its opposition to incentives for renewable energy:

Export-oriented companies have warned that a sharp rise in the price they pay for power, buoyed by the cost of green incentives, are making them uncompetitive and some have threatened to shift investments and production abroad.

With industry accounting for around a quarter of Germany’s economy, its voice matters in Berlin. The BDI has said the government’s plans put about 900,000 jobs in Germany at risk.

The second report, by Information Handling Services (IHS), calculates that Germany lost €15 billion in exports last year from having to pay a premium for electricity compared with international competitors, and a total of €52 billion in the six-year period from 2008–13. As the Financial Times points out, smaller companies were disproportionately affected, because, “unlike heavy energy users such as BASF and ThyssenKrupp, small companies are not eligible for exemptions from the energy bill surcharges that cover the costs of the move to clean energy.”
More at the source.

Spain's Green Disaster a Lesson for America
(December, 2011)

BARCELONA, Spain -- It was just last year that President Obama was touring Solyndra headquarters and telling us green technology was the future:

"The future is here. We are poised to transform the ways we power our homes and our cars and our businesses," Obama said.
The president said America had better get on board or else fall behind the rest of the world in the growth of renewable or "green" technology.

Spain's Colossal Failure
One the nations he held up as an example for America's green technology effort was Spain.

However, President Obama may like Spain's green technology program, but the Spanish -- not so much. One study has declared it a colossal failure.
The Spanish recently threw out their socialist government over their terrible economy and a 22 percent unemployment rate.

Green technology was supposed to be Spain's path to more jobs and a cleaner more prosperous future. It wasn't.

"Politicians told us some years ago that they found a new way of investing or doing public investing in a new sector, in the renewable energies, that would create a sort of new economy with new jobs, green jobs, so called green jobs," Dr. Gabriel Calzada Álvarez, with King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, said.

But what the Spanish got was a big helping of a Solyndra style business debacle: a lot of taxpayer money down the drain and jobs that cost a fortune to create.
More at the link.
The whole Green Energy thing is a farce perpetrated by rich leftists designed to hurt small business and consumers.

it's one path to a world tax with their goal to control the world...

Soon we will be seeing BMW's, Audies, Volkswagens and Porsche's out of Germany, with windmills and solar panels on their roofs, as testimony of German success of developing green energy.
"No you dont get it. Their program is a failure. It produced high costs but little benefit. That was the article, which is more reliable than Wiki, which was doubtless written by green activists."

You read the part where he said Germany could be profitably at 35% renewable by 2020.

Do you understand the concept of "long term" projects and goals? Calling Germany's program a failure is like calling the space program a failure because we don't have a colony on Mars yet. What do yo suggest, we can rely on fossil fuels and non-renewables forever and ever amen?

Do you understand that Siemens' business in part consists of building those projects? THat they have a financial stake in seeing the continuations of those policies?
Calling Germany's program a failure is like calling Solyndra a failure. Because it failed.
"Just think of how many little birdies are going to die when they start cuttin' down trees to feed this insidious invention"!

Fuck me Rabbi, have you ever actually listened to yourself?

Rabbi: "Thank you capt irrelevant.
How many endangered birds did those things kill? Today?"

I'd rather not fuck you, thanks. I am sure there are others here who might.
How many birds die every year because of these turbines? Many.
How many die every year because trees might be cut down in the future? None.
See the difference?

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