Germany brings in nationwide ‘3G’ rules on public transport.

Used cheap drugs. Health packs. Their own vaccine is vector based and has the WHOLE VIRUS in it and not the 1 spike protein.

Early treatment and simple drugs make a MASSIVE DIFFERENCE THERE.

Look at their stats compared to others.

They have good stats compared to the US but it is possible, considering the vast population, that many cases go unregistered. I don´t think their meds are better.
Well zee Germans have a history of such shenanigans.

What shows this picture? And why are you an hate spreading idiot?
They know the vaccine is insufficient.

It's exactly in the opposite: Much too many people are not vaccinated - this is the main reason for the current disaster. And it needs also more booster vaccinations.

Screw their 3G shit, I am fed up with that shit.

One of our leading politcians made a joke by replacing the third "g" for "tested" with a "g" for "soon dead". A bad joke - but sometimes I love bad jokes.

I fear we will have to make compulsory vaccinations to end all this anti-vaccination ideological brainwash, which is supported also from many Nazis like you. This political anti-vaccination nonsense is stupid, expensive and dangerous.
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It's exactly in the opposite: Much too many people are not vaccinated - this is the main reason for the current disaster. And it needs also more booster vaccinations.
You can't vax your way out of a plannedemic. It just mutates around these BS jabs. Only decent one is a WHOLE VIRUS JAB from India.
I fear we will have to make compulsory vaccinations to end all this anti-vaccinations ideological brainwash. The anti-vaccination nonsense in Germany is stupid, expensive and dangerous.
You are right to fear having to do that. They are trying it here and this WILL NOT END WELL.
68 % are vaccinated here, yet our incidence is above 400 now, that is the number of new infections per 100.000 people and week. They must now tell the people, the vaccine is insufficient, a new one has to be developed.

They cannot continue to assume that vaccinated people are really save, our official numbers clearly say that one third of the new infections hits completely vaccinated people. It is on page 23:

Learn something about natural science and medicine and health care before to speak nonsense about self thought nonsense, lazybone, fascistic one.
Nope. Was the best HEIL march I could find quick. You know what it means.

No. I have absolutelly not any idea what you like to say with it. The German word "heil" means by the way in English "heal". And "Heil Hitler" or "Sieg Heil" were used from 1933-1945 from the Nazis. My mother for example had to run under the government of Hitler when she answered the pseudo-question "Wie heißt unser Gruß?" with the real answer "Grüß Gott!".

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I thought it was “hail”.

Also this - in sense of the word "ave" but not in sense of the word "Hagel". We use today by the way often also the English word "high" in sense for greetings.
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When Liberal Talking Head Joe Goebbels was promoting his Kolberg film in 1945, he predicted that his patented form of liberalism would make a comeback in 75 years. The doc hit the bullseye on that prediction.

Joseph Goebbels made a film about Corona in Kolberg in the 21st century? Good to know - otherwise the antidemocratic Polish government could make a judical Polexit and lose the Western identity of an independent judical system.
Yeah, the Russians are good in making propaganda videos and photos. That is maybe the only thing they are good in.

The Russians are excellent in many things. For example in making "simple" machines which work under extreme conditions. They have excellent artists, excellent mathematicians and very good scientists. And they have a wide beautiful soul - a sad soul sometimes. ... And some problems - specially with politics. The tyrannies there never seem to end. In the moment it seems not to be so bad in Russia herselve - compared with many former times of history - but I'm not sure about the future.

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