Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

We are doing things RIGHT. YES. Fuck those commies!!!
Germany is not a communist nation, they turn out to vote better than we do.
If Germany wasn’t Communist Merkel would not have direct control of German Facebook pages.

Most people don't realize that Merkel grew up in Communist East Germany.

"Most people don't realize that Merkel grew up in Communist East Germany."

99.9% of Europeans know this and we have known from the start, it's just 99.9% of Americans don't know she did then again 99.9% of Americans don't know a great deal about anything that happens in the world outside of America, America's Unofficial 51st State of Israel, Canada and Mexico.

Most Americans don't know much of what goes on inside America either.

But you must understand that we never needed to. We were lucky enough to be born into a nation with no hostile neighbors (exempting Mexico for a little while) and all the resources you could ever need. We never really needed to learn other languages for the same reason.

Now, most Americans would like to travel, but can't, because they don't have enough money.

I know but that is very ignorant, it also illustrates why most Americans have no right to make comments then about other nations considering you admit that most Americans are uneducated by CHOICE about the rest of the world.

EG. I don't know anything about Neurosurgery so I wouldn't make comments about whats happening in the world of Neurosurgery.

Most Americans I have read do not even have a passport.
The Polski is fucking PISSED.

So, who is the German dude fucking your wife?

My Polish American Great Uncle died in Normandy fighting GERM-Mans for the U.S.A.

If you favor GERM-Man enemies of America over Polish allies of America.

Please do relocate to Merkel's Multicultural GERM-I-Stan.

The Polish people are good and honorable. I can understand how you feel fucked by the great powers. My hometown of Chicago has the largest Polish speaking population outside of Kracow. Solidarity and John Paul the II was a great thing for humanity. BUT...this is not Nazi Germany and your adversary lies east in Russia.
Germany is not a communist nation, they turn out to vote better than we do.
If Germany wasn’t Communist Merkel would not have direct control of German Facebook pages.

Most people don't realize that Merkel grew up in Communist East Germany.

"Most people don't realize that Merkel grew up in Communist East Germany."

99.9% of Europeans know this and we have known from the start, it's just 99.9% of Americans don't know she did then again 99.9% of Americans don't know a great deal about anything that happens in the world outside of America, America's Unofficial 51st State of Israel, Canada and Mexico.

Most Americans don't know much of what goes on inside America either.

But you must understand that we never needed to. We were lucky enough to be born into a nation with no hostile neighbors (exempting Mexico for a little while) and all the resources you could ever need. We never really needed to learn other languages for the same reason.

Now, most Americans would like to travel, but can't, because they don't have enough money.

I know but that is very ignorant, it also illustrates why most Americans have no right to make comments then about other nations considering you admit that most Americans are uneducated by CHOICE about the rest of the world.

EG. I don't know anything about Neurosurgery so I wouldn't make comments about whats happening in the world of Neurosurgery.

Most Americans I have read do not even have a passport.

True but foreigners are often butting into our business here at home and telling us what to do / condescending to us. It gets quite annoying, so ...

I don't really have a problem with Europeans, but sometimes, they can be rather arrogant in a special sort of way.

And I would not say they're uneducated by choice. Yeah, you can read books about Europe and other nations/continents, but you don't really know what you're talking about unless you go and see for yourself. And most of us can't afford to do that.
The Polski is fucking PISSED.

So, who is the German dude fucking your wife?

My Polish American Great Uncle died in Normandy fighting GERM-Mans for the U.S.A.

If you favor GERM-Man enemies of America over Polish allies of America.

Please do relocate to Merkel's Multicultural GERM-I-Stan.

The Polish people are good and honorable. I can understand how you feel fucked by the great powers. My hometown of Chicago has the largest Polish speaking population outside of Kracow. Solidarity and John Paul the II was a great thing for humanity. BUT...this is not Nazi Germany and your adversary lies east in Russia.

"My hometown of Chicago has the largest Polish"

I'm shocked that Chicago hasn't got the Cultural Enrichment of having tons of hostile Muslims imported into it. I'm sure the Leftists are working though on replacing Chicago's Polish with Somalians or Afghans or whatever.

Regarding Sobieski, we have been in threads before and I have told him I have no problem with Poland and that I have many Polish friends, the problem with Sobieski is that he has an irrational and organic hatred of Germanic people so it's impossible to have a sensible discussion with him because his hate prevents him from doing so, so he's a lost cause. I myself know that most Polish people in Poland do not have the same hate toward us as he does and it's good that they don't.
Lenin killed Russians mostly... His ethnicity was mostly German, and Jewish, but contained other things but not Russian, apparently.
its a BS, T Snyder wrote repressions in 19 20th most targeted Belarusian elites- intellectuals , who Muscovite occupants killed at least 10 times more than own one. Koba almost destroyed 5 nations (Chechens, C-Tatars are the most famous cases) in 19 50th Koba targeted most the Jews and western Ukrainians . these are the facts , you can find them in 2 sec.

So, the Volga Famine + Russian Civil War.... Mostly killed non-Russians?
I call BS?

The Volga Famine was similar to the Holodomor... It was in the Volga Region... What Belarussians are there?

Furthermore majority of deaths in the Russian Civil War were obviously Russian..
" Civil War"
yes i think so too. and you point is that the Jews did it?

"Volga Region" you know that Koba deported all Germans from "Volga Region"? much like he did with Chechens

Why were there Germans in the Volga region, anyways?

Catherine the Great the German born in Germany who Partitioned Poland....Opened the flood gates for German parasites to flood into Poland, but also Russia as Volga Germans.

The Russian issue is very much a German one.

Tsar causes problems he was German.

So Germany comes in sends the Bolsheviks in 1917 with Lenin another partial German.

End result many Slavic people killed.
Volga Germans gave food/new technologies /taxes to the Muscovites , you know that Muscovy has always been starving. and how Mongols Juchi repaid them? right, by ethnic cleansing of the entire Volga Germans community

On August 28, 1941, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR approved and published a decree, which was the only official decree ever published by the Soviet Union concerning the deportation and exile of the German Russian community. The Soviet regime stated that the evacuation was a preventive measure—so that the German population would not be misled into collaborating with the German Army—rather than a punitive measure. Stalin allegedly gave the following "secret" order to the NKVD, produced in Nazi controlled Latvia on September 20, 1941:

"After the house search, tell everyone who is scheduled to be deported that, according to the government’s decision, they are being sent to other regions of the USSR. Transport the entire family in one car until the train station, but at the station, heads of families [read: men] must be loaded into a separate train car prepared especially for them....Their families are deported for special settlements in the far away regions of the Union. [Family members] must not know about the forthcoming separation from the head of the family."[7]

This above document may be a fabrication, as Latvia was under German occupation at that time. Nevertheless, the instructions were followed by the NKVD troops who directed the deportation.[8]

The reason for separating the men is that they were all destined for the forced labor camps, Trudarmii (labor army). The German exiles coined this phrase, whereas Soviet documents only referred to "labor obligations" or "labor regulations." Men between the ages of 15 and 55 and, later, women between the ages of 16 and 45 were forced to do labor in the forests and mines of Siberia and Central Asia under conditions similar to that prevalent in the Gulag slave labor camps.[8] The expulsion of the Volga Germans finished on schedule at the end of September 1941. The number sent to Siberia and Kazakhstan totaled approximately 438,000. Together with 27,000 expelled in the same ethnic cleansing action from the Stalingrad Oblast and 47,000 from the Saratov Oblast, the total number sent to forced internal exile was about 512,000. It should be noted that the source of these figures is from the Soviet Union. It took 151 train convoys to accomplish the transfer of the Volga German population, an astounding figure when one considers that the Soviet Union was heavily engaged fighting the advancing German army, and all railway stock was required to bring soldiers to the front. This operation also involved 1,550 NKVD and 3,250 police agents assisted by 12,150 soldiers of the Red Army.[9]

In 1941 after the Nazi invasion, the NKVD (via Prikaz №35105) banned ethnic Germans from serving in the Soviet military. They sent tens of thousands of these soldiers to the Trudarmii.[10]

In 1942, nearly all the able-bodied German population was conscripted to the NKVD labor columns. About one-third did not survive the camps.[11]"

Haha, in your World Germans are victims, but Russians always the predator.

You have a very warped view of reality.
If Germany wasn’t Communist Merkel would not have direct control of German Facebook pages.

Most people don't realize that Merkel grew up in Communist East Germany.

"Most people don't realize that Merkel grew up in Communist East Germany."

99.9% of Europeans know this and we have known from the start, it's just 99.9% of Americans don't know she did then again 99.9% of Americans don't know a great deal about anything that happens in the world outside of America, America's Unofficial 51st State of Israel, Canada and Mexico.

Most Americans don't know much of what goes on inside America either.

But you must understand that we never needed to. We were lucky enough to be born into a nation with no hostile neighbors (exempting Mexico for a little while) and all the resources you could ever need. We never really needed to learn other languages for the same reason.

Now, most Americans would like to travel, but can't, because they don't have enough money.

I know but that is very ignorant, it also illustrates why most Americans have no right to make comments then about other nations considering you admit that most Americans are uneducated by CHOICE about the rest of the world.

EG. I don't know anything about Neurosurgery so I wouldn't make comments about whats happening in the world of Neurosurgery.

Most Americans I have read do not even have a passport.

"True but foreigners are often butting into our business here at home and telling us what to do / condescending to us. It gets quite annoying, so ..."

I don't really have a problem with Europeans, but sometimes, they can be rather arrogant in a special sort of way.

And I would not say they're uneducated by choice. Yeah, you can read books about Europe and other nations/continents, but you don't really know what you're talking about unless you go and see for yourself. And most of us can't afford to do that.

"True but foreigners are often butting into our business here at home and telling us what to do / condescending to us. It gets quite annoying, so ..."

The difference is that when American Governments make decisions it often affects the rest of the world, most often it affects the European Continent in some way, so thats why we make comments and I think we have a right to do so, if an American Government makes a decision and its affecting us that makes it OUR business.

Our nations make decisions that rarely affect the American people, our nations make decisions that either just affect our own nations or in the case of the EU Dictatorship make fucked up decisions that affect our nations, none of these things affect the American nation or the American people, which is why America needs to STFU commenting about nations that have nothing to do with them and as you say most Americans by CHOICE are ignorant and uneducated about most of the rest of the world so WTF do Americans know not a great deal. America needs to concentrate on America and America's Unofficial 51st State of Israel because aside from America Israel is ALL you give a shit about anyhow. As long as America and Israel are okay it's fuck everyone else.

"I don't really have a problem with Europeans, but sometimes, they can be rather arrogant in a special sort of way."

I am arrogant in a special way but I'm also sophisticated and decadent in a European way and all Americans I've met tell me that is endearing, which is good to know.
We are doing things RIGHT. YES. Fuck those commies!!!
Germany is not a communist nation, they turn out to vote better than we do.
If Germany wasn’t Communist Merkel would not have direct control of German Facebook pages.

Most people don't realize that Merkel grew up in Communist East Germany.

"Most people don't realize that Merkel grew up in Communist East Germany."

99.9% of Europeans know this and we have known from the start, it's just 99.9% of Americans don't know she did then again 99.9% of Americans don't know a great deal about anything that happens in the world outside of America, America's Unofficial 51st State of Israel, Canada and Mexico.

Americans are most ignorant about Germans..... They don't know in 1897 the German Kaiser wanted to invade the U.S.A... That in some regions Germans tried to change the language to German.... That Germans blew up the Statue of Liberty the biggest U.S terrorist attack before 9/11....
its a BS, T Snyder wrote repressions in 19 20th most targeted Belarusian elites- intellectuals , who Muscovite occupants killed at least 10 times more than own one. Koba almost destroyed 5 nations (Chechens, C-Tatars are the most famous cases) in 19 50th Koba targeted most the Jews and western Ukrainians . these are the facts , you can find them in 2 sec.

So, the Volga Famine + Russian Civil War.... Mostly killed non-Russians?
I call BS?

The Volga Famine was similar to the Holodomor... It was in the Volga Region... What Belarussians are there?

Furthermore majority of deaths in the Russian Civil War were obviously Russian..
" Civil War"
yes i think so too. and you point is that the Jews did it?

"Volga Region" you know that Koba deported all Germans from "Volga Region"? much like he did with Chechens

Why were there Germans in the Volga region, anyways?

Catherine the Great the German born in Germany who Partitioned Poland....Opened the flood gates for German parasites to flood into Poland, but also Russia as Volga Germans.

The Russian issue is very much a German one.

Tsar causes problems he was German.

So Germany comes in sends the Bolsheviks in 1917 with Lenin another partial German.

End result many Slavic people killed.
Volga Germans gave food/new technologies /taxes to the Muscovites , you know that Muscovy has always been starving. and how Mongols Juchi repaid them? right, by ethnic cleansing of the entire Volga Germans community

On August 28, 1941, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR approved and published a decree, which was the only official decree ever published by the Soviet Union concerning the deportation and exile of the German Russian community. The Soviet regime stated that the evacuation was a preventive measure—so that the German population would not be misled into collaborating with the German Army—rather than a punitive measure. Stalin allegedly gave the following "secret" order to the NKVD, produced in Nazi controlled Latvia on September 20, 1941:

"After the house search, tell everyone who is scheduled to be deported that, according to the government’s decision, they are being sent to other regions of the USSR. Transport the entire family in one car until the train station, but at the station, heads of families [read: men] must be loaded into a separate train car prepared especially for them....Their families are deported for special settlements in the far away regions of the Union. [Family members] must not know about the forthcoming separation from the head of the family."[7]

This above document may be a fabrication, as Latvia was under German occupation at that time. Nevertheless, the instructions were followed by the NKVD troops who directed the deportation.[8]

The reason for separating the men is that they were all destined for the forced labor camps, Trudarmii (labor army). The German exiles coined this phrase, whereas Soviet documents only referred to "labor obligations" or "labor regulations." Men between the ages of 15 and 55 and, later, women between the ages of 16 and 45 were forced to do labor in the forests and mines of Siberia and Central Asia under conditions similar to that prevalent in the Gulag slave labor camps.[8] The expulsion of the Volga Germans finished on schedule at the end of September 1941. The number sent to Siberia and Kazakhstan totaled approximately 438,000. Together with 27,000 expelled in the same ethnic cleansing action from the Stalingrad Oblast and 47,000 from the Saratov Oblast, the total number sent to forced internal exile was about 512,000. It should be noted that the source of these figures is from the Soviet Union. It took 151 train convoys to accomplish the transfer of the Volga German population, an astounding figure when one considers that the Soviet Union was heavily engaged fighting the advancing German army, and all railway stock was required to bring soldiers to the front. This operation also involved 1,550 NKVD and 3,250 police agents assisted by 12,150 soldiers of the Red Army.[9]

In 1941 after the Nazi invasion, the NKVD (via Prikaz №35105) banned ethnic Germans from serving in the Soviet military. They sent tens of thousands of these soldiers to the Trudarmii.[10]

In 1942, nearly all the able-bodied German population was conscripted to the NKVD labor columns. About one-third did not survive the camps.[11]"

Haha, in your World Germans are victims, but Russians always the predator.

You have a very warped view of reality.

"You have a very warped view of reality."

^^^^ Showing that irony is not dead :rolleyes-41:
The Polski is fucking PISSED.

So, who is the German dude fucking your wife?

My Polish American Great Uncle died in Normandy fighting GERM-Mans for the U.S.A.

If you favor GERM-Man enemies of America over Polish allies of America.

Please do relocate to Merkel's Multicultural GERM-I-Stan.

BUT...this is not Nazi Germany and your adversary lies east in Russia.

That's NATO propaganda.... Germans killed way more Poles than Russians.... In fact never in history did a Russian leader rule Poland... The same can't be said about Germans.
So, the Volga Famine + Russian Civil War.... Mostly killed non-Russians?
I call BS?

The Volga Famine was similar to the Holodomor... It was in the Volga Region... What Belarussians are there?

Furthermore majority of deaths in the Russian Civil War were obviously Russian..
" Civil War"
yes i think so too. and you point is that the Jews did it?

"Volga Region" you know that Koba deported all Germans from "Volga Region"? much like he did with Chechens

Why were there Germans in the Volga region, anyways?

Catherine the Great the German born in Germany who Partitioned Poland....Opened the flood gates for German parasites to flood into Poland, but also Russia as Volga Germans.

The Russian issue is very much a German one.

Tsar causes problems he was German.

So Germany comes in sends the Bolsheviks in 1917 with Lenin another partial German.

End result many Slavic people killed.
Volga Germans gave food/new technologies /taxes to the Muscovites , you know that Muscovy has always been starving. and how Mongols Juchi repaid them? right, by ethnic cleansing of the entire Volga Germans community

On August 28, 1941, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR approved and published a decree, which was the only official decree ever published by the Soviet Union concerning the deportation and exile of the German Russian community. The Soviet regime stated that the evacuation was a preventive measure—so that the German population would not be misled into collaborating with the German Army—rather than a punitive measure. Stalin allegedly gave the following "secret" order to the NKVD, produced in Nazi controlled Latvia on September 20, 1941:

"After the house search, tell everyone who is scheduled to be deported that, according to the government’s decision, they are being sent to other regions of the USSR. Transport the entire family in one car until the train station, but at the station, heads of families [read: men] must be loaded into a separate train car prepared especially for them....Their families are deported for special settlements in the far away regions of the Union. [Family members] must not know about the forthcoming separation from the head of the family."[7]

This above document may be a fabrication, as Latvia was under German occupation at that time. Nevertheless, the instructions were followed by the NKVD troops who directed the deportation.[8]

The reason for separating the men is that they were all destined for the forced labor camps, Trudarmii (labor army). The German exiles coined this phrase, whereas Soviet documents only referred to "labor obligations" or "labor regulations." Men between the ages of 15 and 55 and, later, women between the ages of 16 and 45 were forced to do labor in the forests and mines of Siberia and Central Asia under conditions similar to that prevalent in the Gulag slave labor camps.[8] The expulsion of the Volga Germans finished on schedule at the end of September 1941. The number sent to Siberia and Kazakhstan totaled approximately 438,000. Together with 27,000 expelled in the same ethnic cleansing action from the Stalingrad Oblast and 47,000 from the Saratov Oblast, the total number sent to forced internal exile was about 512,000. It should be noted that the source of these figures is from the Soviet Union. It took 151 train convoys to accomplish the transfer of the Volga German population, an astounding figure when one considers that the Soviet Union was heavily engaged fighting the advancing German army, and all railway stock was required to bring soldiers to the front. This operation also involved 1,550 NKVD and 3,250 police agents assisted by 12,150 soldiers of the Red Army.[9]

In 1941 after the Nazi invasion, the NKVD (via Prikaz №35105) banned ethnic Germans from serving in the Soviet military. They sent tens of thousands of these soldiers to the Trudarmii.[10]

In 1942, nearly all the able-bodied German population was conscripted to the NKVD labor columns. About one-third did not survive the camps.[11]"

Haha, in your World Germans are victims, but Russians always the predator.

You have a very warped view of reality.

"You have a very warped view of reality."

^^^^ Showing that irony is not dead :rolleyes-41:

Germans are a menace it's simply reality.
We are doing things RIGHT. YES. Fuck those commies!!!
Germany is not a communist nation, they turn out to vote better than we do.
If Germany wasn’t Communist Merkel would not have direct control of German Facebook pages.

Most people don't realize that Merkel grew up in Communist East Germany.

"Most people don't realize that Merkel grew up in Communist East Germany."

99.9% of Europeans know this and we have known from the start, it's just 99.9% of Americans don't know she did then again 99.9% of Americans don't know a great deal about anything that happens in the world outside of America, America's Unofficial 51st State of Israel, Canada and Mexico.

Americans are most ignorant about Germans..... They don't know in 1897 the German Kaiser wanted to invade the U.S.A... That in some regions Germans tried to change the language to German.... That Germans blew up the Statue of Liberty the biggest U.S terrorist attack before 9/11....
You freaking bonehead. HAHAHA!
" Civil War"
yes i think so too. and you point is that the Jews did it?

"Volga Region" you know that Koba deported all Germans from "Volga Region"? much like he did with Chechens

Why were there Germans in the Volga region, anyways?

Catherine the Great the German born in Germany who Partitioned Poland....Opened the flood gates for German parasites to flood into Poland, but also Russia as Volga Germans.

The Russian issue is very much a German one.

Tsar causes problems he was German.

So Germany comes in sends the Bolsheviks in 1917 with Lenin another partial German.

End result many Slavic people killed.
Volga Germans gave food/new technologies /taxes to the Muscovites , you know that Muscovy has always been starving. and how Mongols Juchi repaid them? right, by ethnic cleansing of the entire Volga Germans community

On August 28, 1941, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR approved and published a decree, which was the only official decree ever published by the Soviet Union concerning the deportation and exile of the German Russian community. The Soviet regime stated that the evacuation was a preventive measure—so that the German population would not be misled into collaborating with the German Army—rather than a punitive measure. Stalin allegedly gave the following "secret" order to the NKVD, produced in Nazi controlled Latvia on September 20, 1941:

"After the house search, tell everyone who is scheduled to be deported that, according to the government’s decision, they are being sent to other regions of the USSR. Transport the entire family in one car until the train station, but at the station, heads of families [read: men] must be loaded into a separate train car prepared especially for them....Their families are deported for special settlements in the far away regions of the Union. [Family members] must not know about the forthcoming separation from the head of the family."[7]

This above document may be a fabrication, as Latvia was under German occupation at that time. Nevertheless, the instructions were followed by the NKVD troops who directed the deportation.[8]

The reason for separating the men is that they were all destined for the forced labor camps, Trudarmii (labor army). The German exiles coined this phrase, whereas Soviet documents only referred to "labor obligations" or "labor regulations." Men between the ages of 15 and 55 and, later, women between the ages of 16 and 45 were forced to do labor in the forests and mines of Siberia and Central Asia under conditions similar to that prevalent in the Gulag slave labor camps.[8] The expulsion of the Volga Germans finished on schedule at the end of September 1941. The number sent to Siberia and Kazakhstan totaled approximately 438,000. Together with 27,000 expelled in the same ethnic cleansing action from the Stalingrad Oblast and 47,000 from the Saratov Oblast, the total number sent to forced internal exile was about 512,000. It should be noted that the source of these figures is from the Soviet Union. It took 151 train convoys to accomplish the transfer of the Volga German population, an astounding figure when one considers that the Soviet Union was heavily engaged fighting the advancing German army, and all railway stock was required to bring soldiers to the front. This operation also involved 1,550 NKVD and 3,250 police agents assisted by 12,150 soldiers of the Red Army.[9]

In 1941 after the Nazi invasion, the NKVD (via Prikaz №35105) banned ethnic Germans from serving in the Soviet military. They sent tens of thousands of these soldiers to the Trudarmii.[10]

In 1942, nearly all the able-bodied German population was conscripted to the NKVD labor columns. About one-third did not survive the camps.[11]"

Haha, in your World Germans are victims, but Russians always the predator.

You have a very warped view of reality.

"You have a very warped view of reality."

^^^^ Showing that irony is not dead :rolleyes-41:

Germans are a menace it's simply reality.
Rather you are. A menace to USMB. HAHAHA!
Most people don't realize that Merkel grew up in Communist East Germany.

"Most people don't realize that Merkel grew up in Communist East Germany."

99.9% of Europeans know this and we have known from the start, it's just 99.9% of Americans don't know she did then again 99.9% of Americans don't know a great deal about anything that happens in the world outside of America, America's Unofficial 51st State of Israel, Canada and Mexico.

Most Americans don't know much of what goes on inside America either.

But you must understand that we never needed to. We were lucky enough to be born into a nation with no hostile neighbors (exempting Mexico for a little while) and all the resources you could ever need. We never really needed to learn other languages for the same reason.

Now, most Americans would like to travel, but can't, because they don't have enough money.

I know but that is very ignorant, it also illustrates why most Americans have no right to make comments then about other nations considering you admit that most Americans are uneducated by CHOICE about the rest of the world.

EG. I don't know anything about Neurosurgery so I wouldn't make comments about whats happening in the world of Neurosurgery.

Most Americans I have read do not even have a passport.

"True but foreigners are often butting into our business here at home and telling us what to do / condescending to us. It gets quite annoying, so ..."

I don't really have a problem with Europeans, but sometimes, they can be rather arrogant in a special sort of way.

And I would not say they're uneducated by choice. Yeah, you can read books about Europe and other nations/continents, but you don't really know what you're talking about unless you go and see for yourself. And most of us can't afford to do that.

"True but foreigners are often butting into our business here at home and telling us what to do / condescending to us. It gets quite annoying, so ..."

The difference is that when American Governments make decisions it often affects the rest of the world, most often it affects the European Continent in some way, so thats why we make comments and I think we have a right to do so, if an American Government makes a decision and its affecting us that makes it OUR business.

Our nations make decisions that rarely affect the American people, our nations make decisions that either just affect our own nations or in the case of the EU Dictatorship make fucked up decisions that affect our nations, none of these things affect the American nation or the American people, which is why America needs to STFU commenting about nations that have nothing to do with them and as you say most Americans by CHOICE are ignorant and uneducated about most of the rest of the world so WTF do Americans know not a great deal. America needs to concentrate on America and America's Unofficial 51st State of Israel because aside from America Israel is ALL you give a shit about anyhow. As long as America and Israel are okay it's fuck everyone else.

"I don't really have a problem with Europeans, but sometimes, they can be rather arrogant in a special sort of way."

I am arrogant in a special way but I'm also sophisticated and decadent in a European way and all Americans I've met tell me that is endearing, which is good to know.

Even if that's so, it doesn't make it any less annoying when you have people from England, Germany, or France acting like they know more about your country than the people who actually live there do.

"-needs to STFU commenting about nations that have nothing to do with them."

I thought you said decisions made by the U.S. government affect these nations, so how do they have nothing to do with us?

I actually said Americans aren't really ignorant of other countries by choice, but by circumstance. It's hard to give a shit about a place you know you'll probably never get to visit, because you're working 8 - 10 + hours 5 days every week and still barely have enough to get by.

What do Americans know? They know about work. That's for damn sure.

The problem is, the U.S. government is all fucked up, and throughout the decades power has been stripped from the American people. Now we have a narcissistic idiot in the White House, morons, idealogues, and corporate stooges in congress, and a sensationalist media that can't stop pushing agendas, one way or the other ... and there's nothing we can do about it. The game is totally rigged.

So it doesn't really matter what the American people think anymore. We don't actually have any power. Just the billionaires pulling strings and the freaks on Capitol Hill.

Why were there Germans in the Volga region, anyways?

Catherine the Great the German born in Germany who Partitioned Poland....Opened the flood gates for German parasites to flood into Poland, but also Russia as Volga Germans.

The Russian issue is very much a German one.

Tsar causes problems he was German.

So Germany comes in sends the Bolsheviks in 1917 with Lenin another partial German.

End result many Slavic people killed.
Volga Germans gave food/new technologies /taxes to the Muscovites , you know that Muscovy has always been starving. and how Mongols Juchi repaid them? right, by ethnic cleansing of the entire Volga Germans community

On August 28, 1941, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR approved and published a decree, which was the only official decree ever published by the Soviet Union concerning the deportation and exile of the German Russian community. The Soviet regime stated that the evacuation was a preventive measure—so that the German population would not be misled into collaborating with the German Army—rather than a punitive measure. Stalin allegedly gave the following "secret" order to the NKVD, produced in Nazi controlled Latvia on September 20, 1941:

"After the house search, tell everyone who is scheduled to be deported that, according to the government’s decision, they are being sent to other regions of the USSR. Transport the entire family in one car until the train station, but at the station, heads of families [read: men] must be loaded into a separate train car prepared especially for them....Their families are deported for special settlements in the far away regions of the Union. [Family members] must not know about the forthcoming separation from the head of the family."[7]

This above document may be a fabrication, as Latvia was under German occupation at that time. Nevertheless, the instructions were followed by the NKVD troops who directed the deportation.[8]

The reason for separating the men is that they were all destined for the forced labor camps, Trudarmii (labor army). The German exiles coined this phrase, whereas Soviet documents only referred to "labor obligations" or "labor regulations." Men between the ages of 15 and 55 and, later, women between the ages of 16 and 45 were forced to do labor in the forests and mines of Siberia and Central Asia under conditions similar to that prevalent in the Gulag slave labor camps.[8] The expulsion of the Volga Germans finished on schedule at the end of September 1941. The number sent to Siberia and Kazakhstan totaled approximately 438,000. Together with 27,000 expelled in the same ethnic cleansing action from the Stalingrad Oblast and 47,000 from the Saratov Oblast, the total number sent to forced internal exile was about 512,000. It should be noted that the source of these figures is from the Soviet Union. It took 151 train convoys to accomplish the transfer of the Volga German population, an astounding figure when one considers that the Soviet Union was heavily engaged fighting the advancing German army, and all railway stock was required to bring soldiers to the front. This operation also involved 1,550 NKVD and 3,250 police agents assisted by 12,150 soldiers of the Red Army.[9]

In 1941 after the Nazi invasion, the NKVD (via Prikaz №35105) banned ethnic Germans from serving in the Soviet military. They sent tens of thousands of these soldiers to the Trudarmii.[10]

In 1942, nearly all the able-bodied German population was conscripted to the NKVD labor columns. About one-third did not survive the camps.[11]"

Haha, in your World Germans are victims, but Russians always the predator.

You have a very warped view of reality.

"You have a very warped view of reality."

^^^^ Showing that irony is not dead :rolleyes-41:

Germans are a menace it's simply reality.
Rather you are. A menace to USMB. HAHAHA!

Germans can't take reality, they are delusional, and without consciousness.... It explains how they went from Hitler to Merkel....
Europe the way it should be....

Hitler definitely killed more than 20 million.

More like he killed over 20 million in Russia alone, and another 20 million outside of Russia.

Peace time civilians.

Hitler's regime killed about 14 million.

Mao about 35 million.

Stalin about 65 million.

War is it's own category.

Hitler's Hunger Plan was genocide upon Russians, and Ukrainians, up to 10's of millions of civilians were killed.

So, what that doesn't matter just because the mad-man did so during a war, he started?

No one (sane) excuses Hitler. The war that he and Stalin started was brutal and a crime against humanity.

Disrupting the supply lines of the enemy is a common tactic, and in fact the one Stalins generals used to defeat the Germans at Stalingrad.
Koba was a maniac and loser , without the USA Koba and his sovok ´d lose war to Hitler...The USA has had 50% of the world GDP in 40th. with other words , Nazis, Commies, Japs had 0 chance against the USA . do you know that WW2 ended up only in 1991?
Consider taking another English Language course. Your English-to-Russian translator is not working very well.

Neither is yours.

I'm just sayin...
We are doing things RIGHT. YES. Fuck those commies!!!
Germany is not a communist nation, they turn out to vote better than we do.
If Germany wasn’t Communist Merkel would not have direct control of German Facebook pages.

Most people don't realize that Merkel grew up in Communist East Germany.

"Most people don't realize that Merkel grew up in Communist East Germany."

99.9% of Europeans know this and we have known from the start, it's just 99.9% of Americans don't know she did then again 99.9% of Americans don't know a great deal about anything that happens in the world outside of America, America's Unofficial 51st State of Israel, Canada and Mexico.

Americans are most ignorant about Germans..... They don't know in 1897 the German Kaiser wanted to invade the U.S.A... That in some regions Germans tried to change the language to German.... That Germans blew up the Statue of Liberty the biggest U.S terrorist attack before 9/11....

"Americans are most ignorant about Germans"

That is because most of their information is coming from and has come from Hollyweird Propaganda films.

"They don't know in 1897 the German Kaiser wanted to invade the U.S.A..."

Yes he did he authorised Eberhard von Mantey to plan this.

"That Germans blew up the Statue of Liberty"

No didn't blow up.

In 1916 we had the Black Tom Island operation and I myself 100% support what they did considering that Black Tom Island had a depot that contained one of the largest explosives powders and weapon storage that would be shipped across The Atlantic and used to kill our troops. As this was a War I fully support their sabotage of the Black Tom Island depot.

BTW the explosion from sabotage that happened at the Black Tom Island was so powerful it registered the equivalent of a 5.5 earthquake.

The Statue of Liberty was NOT the target, the intention was NOT to blow up The Statue of Liberty but that statue is opposite the pier for Black Tom Island and the explosion from sabotage that happened at the Black Tom Island storage depot ripped across and shrapnel etc hit parts of The Statue of Liberty mainly it hit the crown on the head.

I have placed arrows for the pier to Black Tom Island and also placed arrows for the crown of The Statue of Liberty:


Newspaper article from 1916 about the happening, in the end it was not 50 dead but 6 dead:


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