Germany: Hanukkah canceled, relocated in fear of Antisemitism

Well, why is Austria more Nationalist, and Racist than Ireland?
Surely, Austria has more guilt for WW2 than Ireland, no?

East Germany voted in the Nazis more too, it appears.


You should just go back to Stormfront, you post with the exact same name there so you are the Stormfront Sobieski.

Stormfront is fanatically pro-German as a collective, they should be embarrassed of themselves, making up garbage like Poles killed over 30,000 Germans before WW2 in Bromberg Massacre, which never happened.
giving excuses for Germans in WW2 destroying White cities like Warsaw, and Rotterdam.

Bromberger Blutsonntag did happen, though I think approx 400-460 Germans were killed by you Polish peasants.

My opinion on Poland now is changed, Beata Szydło who is very popular with the population because of that Independence Day situation and The Usual Suspects From Outside demanding she do something and she did not, she has been forced to resign and Poland now has Mateusz Morawiecki as Prime Minister a man who cannot be a Patriot like Beata Szydło, she is hardcore on no Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans being in Poland and well I now go 180 in the other way I am praying to Our Lord that the EU Commission make good on the sanctions on Poland threat and pull ALL of the money the EU gives you and that this Mateusz Morawiecki has to give in and Open Polands Borders, I want Poland flooded with Muslims and Africans, Poland needs the Cultural Enrichment.

Filthy Polish peasant that you are, my nation has a hardcore Patriotic Government to be sworn in on Monday and I add there is NOTHING racist about wanting to preserve and protect your Culture and Heritage, so stop babbling about how we are more racist than Ireland....Ireland a nation who for nearly 100 years fought the British for a United Ireland of the Irish, Ireland for the Irish now have a half Bombay Indian Homo as their Prime Minister who is committed to allowing more Muslims and Africans into Ireland so Ireland wants to Culturally Commit Suicide to illustrate how racist they are not.

So, you're praying for sanctions upon Poland for the EU?
Frigging hilarious.

How is it hilarious? When it happens Poland is fucked it's either financially go down the toilet because already its a poor nation or take the Migrant Quota there is no third choice.

We fully support Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and we probably will join the V4, we cannot trust Poland because they are too up Washington DCs buttocks because of their irrational paranoia that Russia is at any moment about to invade them we cannot trust them also because of Mateusz Morawiecki and his um history. We like Beata Szydło, her replacement we do not trust and the Polish population should know this is not a Patriot, you cannot be Loyal to two masters.

Germany's a worse enemy than the U.S.A.
Catholic Ireland, and Catholic France are heavily anti-Racist.

Catholic nations like Poland, Italy, Austria, Czech, Slovakia, Hungary on the other hand are quite racist.

You forgot the Northern Ireland issue.

There used to be irrational hatred towards Catholics from Protestants.

There used to be, sure.

Now, as we speak Ireland is among the least racist in Europe.

Check out some of these maps.






^^^^ You are one of the most racist people at this forum, so pot meet kettle.

I think racism is a good thing.
Thinking Blacks, Muslims, Gypsies, and Hispanics are our equals, is very simple-minded, and non-functioning for our societies.

You need to make that mind up, either you bash nations you insist are racist or you are a racist you cannot do both. If you are a racist then stop bashing nations YOU insist are racist, logic dictates if YOU are a racist then the nations you are bashing you should worship.

I don't bash Racism, I bash Imperialism, and Genocide.

Therefor I don't like Germany at any point in their history.
Catholic Ireland, and Catholic France are heavily anti-Racist.

Catholic nations like Poland, Italy, Austria, Czech, Slovakia, Hungary on the other hand are quite racist.

You forgot the Northern Ireland issue.

There used to be irrational hatred towards Catholics from Protestants.

There used to be, sure.

Now, as we speak Ireland is among the least racist in Europe.

Check out some of these maps.






^^^^ You are one of the most racist people at this forum, so pot meet kettle.

I think racism is a good thing.
Thinking Blacks, Muslims, Gypsies, and Hispanics are our equals, is very simple-minded, and non-functioning for our societies.

What do you mean "our equals"?

Who are our?

There's no such thing as racial equality...
You forgot the Northern Ireland issue.

There used to be irrational hatred towards Catholics from Protestants.

There used to be, sure.

Now, as we speak Ireland is among the least racist in Europe.

Check out some of these maps.






^^^^ You are one of the most racist people at this forum, so pot meet kettle.

I think racism is a good thing.
Thinking Blacks, Muslims, Gypsies, and Hispanics are our equals, is very simple-minded, and non-functioning for our societies.

You need to make that mind up, either you bash nations you insist are racist or you are a racist you cannot do both. If you are a racist then stop bashing nations YOU insist are racist, logic dictates if YOU are a racist then the nations you are bashing you should worship.

I don't bash Racism, I bash Imperialism, and Genocide.

Therefor I don't like Germany at any point in their history.

How do you see them at this point?
Between the invasion of Germany and the "weinsteining" of america ; "the usual suspects" have shot themselves in the foot. OY!!!
You forgot the Northern Ireland issue.

There used to be irrational hatred towards Catholics from Protestants.

There used to be, sure.

Now, as we speak Ireland is among the least racist in Europe.

Check out some of these maps.






^^^^ You are one of the most racist people at this forum, so pot meet kettle.

I think racism is a good thing.
Thinking Blacks, Muslims, Gypsies, and Hispanics are our equals, is very simple-minded, and non-functioning for our societies.

What do you mean "our equals"?

Who are our?

There's no such thing as racial equality...

Someone has to decide these things.
There used to be, sure.

Now, as we speak Ireland is among the least racist in Europe.

Check out some of these maps.






^^^^ You are one of the most racist people at this forum, so pot meet kettle.

I think racism is a good thing.
Thinking Blacks, Muslims, Gypsies, and Hispanics are our equals, is very simple-minded, and non-functioning for our societies.

You need to make that mind up, either you bash nations you insist are racist or you are a racist you cannot do both. If you are a racist then stop bashing nations YOU insist are racist, logic dictates if YOU are a racist then the nations you are bashing you should worship.

I don't bash Racism, I bash Imperialism, and Genocide.

Therefor I don't like Germany at any point in their history.

How do you see them at this point?

Germany today is an anti-Racist bully... Using it's power to threaten those who don't take in Islamic refugees.
Then why not talk about that instead of going off into the realms of nonsense?

You made your argument, I came back at it, then you went off on one.

Most of your point was "you can see this here" rather than actually making your own point with your own presentation.

Denazification happened under the British and American sectors, it did not happen under the Soviet sector. Racism in Germany is more prevalent in Soviet sectors that became the former East Germany.

Whether you committed crimes in WW2 isn't the issue here. The issue here is that West Germany people felt this guilt even though they didn't do anything.

It's part of the national psyche. You don't have to agree with this psyche or attitude, but it's clearly there. There are enough articles about it to fill a large library

Are Today's Germans Morally Responsible for the Holocaust?

Are Today's Germans Morally Responsible for the Holocaust?"

You wouldn't write such an article if Germany didn't feel a certain amount of collective guilt.

Denazification can mean various things. You could say the East carried out Denazification in that they had "re-education camps", but this was to make people "good Communists" or whatever.

The BIG difference between East Germany and West Germany was the "collective guilt".

The NPD existed in Germany from 1964. In 1969 they gained their highest ever West German result of 3.6% and then went downhill from there never to get above 1% again in West Germany.

In 2005 and 2009 they moved up to 1.8% of the vote, the best since 1969.


Membership is most in the East.

Now your argument was about unemployment. Well, the NPD started to do better in 2005. At this time unemployment in Germany hit a high. However unemployment DROPPED in the years after. By 2013 unemployment was much lower, okay it was still a bit higher in the former East Germany, but it was still much lower. So why the support for the NPD?

What about Austria the East Germans who didn't become Communist?

Why are they much more Nationalist than other German speakers too?

The Austrians were basically told that they were taken over by the Germans, so it wasn't their fault. They didn't need to do any soul searching at all, and so they've remained more racist and more nationalistic.

Well, why is Austria more Nationalist, and Racist than Ireland?
Surely, Austria has more guilt for WW2 than Ireland, no?

East Germany voted in the Nazis more too, it appears.


I'm not sure why you're comparing Austria with Ireland, I don't see the connection. Ireland is racist and nationalistic?

Northern Ireland has its problems, but the southern Ireland?

As for the voted pre-WW2, er.... what's that got to do with anything. A lot of people died, a lot of people were misplaced and a lot of people got out of there before the wall went up, so....

Ireland's has a lot of anti-Racists, just like the rest of Western Europe.

I think it's more genetic differences in East vs West in Europe.

Even though Irish aren't guilty of imperialism, they're no more racist than the rest of Western Europe.

Although, Austria on the cusp of Eastern, and Southern Europe is more racist than other Western Europeans, just like other Eastern, and Southern Europeans are.

So, Ireland is the same as everywhere else. Great. And?

Racism isn't necessarily inherent within a people. The Austrians are mostly Germanic, like the Germans, and the West Germans are different to the East Germans, and it's not about genetics. It's about how things have been dealt with in their past.
There used to be, sure.

Now, as we speak Ireland is among the least racist in Europe.

Check out some of these maps.






^^^^ You are one of the most racist people at this forum, so pot meet kettle.

I think racism is a good thing.
Thinking Blacks, Muslims, Gypsies, and Hispanics are our equals, is very simple-minded, and non-functioning for our societies.

What do you mean "our equals"?

Who are our?

There's no such thing as racial equality...

Someone has to decide these things.

What evidence do you have for racial equality?

What about Austria the East Germans who didn't become Communist?

Why are they much more Nationalist than other German speakers too?

The Austrians were basically told that they were taken over by the Germans, so it wasn't their fault. They didn't need to do any soul searching at all, and so they've remained more racist and more nationalistic.

Well, why is Austria more Nationalist, and Racist than Ireland?
Surely, Austria has more guilt for WW2 than Ireland, no?

East Germany voted in the Nazis more too, it appears.


I'm not sure why you're comparing Austria with Ireland, I don't see the connection. Ireland is racist and nationalistic?

Northern Ireland has its problems, but the southern Ireland?

As for the voted pre-WW2, er.... what's that got to do with anything. A lot of people died, a lot of people were misplaced and a lot of people got out of there before the wall went up, so....

Ireland's has a lot of anti-Racists, just like the rest of Western Europe.

I think it's more genetic differences in East vs West in Europe.

Even though Irish aren't guilty of imperialism, they're no more racist than the rest of Western Europe.

Although, Austria on the cusp of Eastern, and Southern Europe is more racist than other Western Europeans, just like other Eastern, and Southern Europeans are.

So, Ireland is the same as everywhere else. Great. And?

Racism isn't necessarily inherent within a people. The Austrians are mostly Germanic, like the Germans, and the West Germans are different to the East Germans, and it's not about genetics. It's about how things have been dealt with in their past.

Austrians don't come out as Germanic's in their DNA,

Genetic PCA plots make them out as Czech-Italian mixes.
You should just go back to Stormfront, you post with the exact same name there so you are the Stormfront Sobieski.

Stormfront is fanatically pro-German as a collective, they should be embarrassed of themselves, making up garbage like Poles killed over 30,000 Germans before WW2 in Bromberg Massacre, which never happened.
giving excuses for Germans in WW2 destroying White cities like Warsaw, and Rotterdam.

Bromberger Blutsonntag did happen, though I think approx 400-460 Germans were killed by you Polish peasants.

My opinion on Poland now is changed, Beata Szydło who is very popular with the population because of that Independence Day situation and The Usual Suspects From Outside demanding she do something and she did not, she has been forced to resign and Poland now has Mateusz Morawiecki as Prime Minister a man who cannot be a Patriot like Beata Szydło, she is hardcore on no Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans being in Poland and well I now go 180 in the other way I am praying to Our Lord that the EU Commission make good on the sanctions on Poland threat and pull ALL of the money the EU gives you and that this Mateusz Morawiecki has to give in and Open Polands Borders, I want Poland flooded with Muslims and Africans, Poland needs the Cultural Enrichment.

Filthy Polish peasant that you are, my nation has a hardcore Patriotic Government to be sworn in on Monday and I add there is NOTHING racist about wanting to preserve and protect your Culture and Heritage, so stop babbling about how we are more racist than Ireland....Ireland a nation who for nearly 100 years fought the British for a United Ireland of the Irish, Ireland for the Irish now have a half Bombay Indian Homo as their Prime Minister who is committed to allowing more Muslims and Africans into Ireland so Ireland wants to Culturally Commit Suicide to illustrate how racist they are not.

So, you're praying for sanctions upon Poland for the EU?
Frigging hilarious.

How is it hilarious? When it happens Poland is fucked it's either financially go down the toilet because already its a poor nation or take the Migrant Quota there is no third choice.

We fully support Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and we probably will join the V4, we cannot trust Poland because they are too up Washington DCs buttocks because of their irrational paranoia that Russia is at any moment about to invade them we cannot trust them also because of Mateusz Morawiecki and his um history. We like Beata Szydło, her replacement we do not trust and the Polish population should know this is not a Patriot, you cannot be Loyal to two masters.

An economy will bounce back someday.

you let in a migrant population, your descendants will be cursing your name for a thousand years.

We have had a rethink, we now consider Poland a danger to our own European Project which our main partner will be Hungary, Polands paranoia about Russia and this new Prime Minister NOT ELECTED but appointed to replace a very popular Prime Minister has had us rethinking our relationship with Poland. The logical solution is to cut Poland adrift and not support them anymore, our new Government behind the scenes will support the EU Commission to put sanctions on Poland for refusing the Migrant Quota, we are important to the EU Commission we are the second wealthiest nation on this Continent and we are a Net Contributor to the EU, Poland is one of our Welfare Nations where we all have to give them money because they are poor, so Poland has no legs and they can be strong armed and we are good at strong arming.
The Austrians were basically told that they were taken over by the Germans, so it wasn't their fault. They didn't need to do any soul searching at all, and so they've remained more racist and more nationalistic.

Well, why is Austria more Nationalist, and Racist than Ireland?
Surely, Austria has more guilt for WW2 than Ireland, no?

East Germany voted in the Nazis more too, it appears.


I'm not sure why you're comparing Austria with Ireland, I don't see the connection. Ireland is racist and nationalistic?

Northern Ireland has its problems, but the southern Ireland?

As for the voted pre-WW2, er.... what's that got to do with anything. A lot of people died, a lot of people were misplaced and a lot of people got out of there before the wall went up, so....

Ireland's has a lot of anti-Racists, just like the rest of Western Europe.

I think it's more genetic differences in East vs West in Europe.

Even though Irish aren't guilty of imperialism, they're no more racist than the rest of Western Europe.

Although, Austria on the cusp of Eastern, and Southern Europe is more racist than other Western Europeans, just like other Eastern, and Southern Europeans are.

So, Ireland is the same as everywhere else. Great. And?

Racism isn't necessarily inherent within a people. The Austrians are mostly Germanic, like the Germans, and the West Germans are different to the East Germans, and it's not about genetics. It's about how things have been dealt with in their past.

Austrians don't come out as Germanic's in their DNA,

Genetic PCA plots make them out as Czech-Italian mixes.

^^^^ What horsecrap you post.
Catholic Ireland, and Catholic France are heavily anti-Racist.

Catholic nations like Poland, Italy, Austria, Czech, Slovakia, Hungary on the other hand are quite racist.

You forgot the Northern Ireland issue.

There used to be irrational hatred towards Catholics from Protestants.

There used to be, sure.

Now, as we speak Ireland is among the least racist in Europe.

Check out some of these maps.






^^^^ You are one of the most racist people at this forum, so pot meet kettle.

I think racism is a good thing.
Thinking Blacks, Muslims, Gypsies, and Hispanics are our equals, is very simple-minded, and non-functioning for our societies.

What do you mean "our equals"?

Who are our?

This is Sobieski's equal:

Well, why is Austria more Nationalist, and Racist than Ireland?
Surely, Austria has more guilt for WW2 than Ireland, no?

East Germany voted in the Nazis more too, it appears.


I'm not sure why you're comparing Austria with Ireland, I don't see the connection. Ireland is racist and nationalistic?

Northern Ireland has its problems, but the southern Ireland?

As for the voted pre-WW2, er.... what's that got to do with anything. A lot of people died, a lot of people were misplaced and a lot of people got out of there before the wall went up, so....

Ireland's has a lot of anti-Racists, just like the rest of Western Europe.

I think it's more genetic differences in East vs West in Europe.

Even though Irish aren't guilty of imperialism, they're no more racist than the rest of Western Europe.

Although, Austria on the cusp of Eastern, and Southern Europe is more racist than other Western Europeans, just like other Eastern, and Southern Europeans are.

So, Ireland is the same as everywhere else. Great. And?

Racism isn't necessarily inherent within a people. The Austrians are mostly Germanic, like the Germans, and the West Germans are different to the East Germans, and it's not about genetics. It's about how things have been dealt with in their past.

Austrians don't come out as Germanic's in their DNA,

Genetic PCA plots make them out as Czech-Italian mixes.

^^^^ What horsecrap you post.

Genetic PCA plot below.

No wonder why Austrians have more in common with Slavs, and Italians in beliefs, rather than other Germanic's.

I'm not sure why you're comparing Austria with Ireland, I don't see the connection. Ireland is racist and nationalistic?

Northern Ireland has its problems, but the southern Ireland?

As for the voted pre-WW2, er.... what's that got to do with anything. A lot of people died, a lot of people were misplaced and a lot of people got out of there before the wall went up, so....

Ireland's has a lot of anti-Racists, just like the rest of Western Europe.

I think it's more genetic differences in East vs West in Europe.

Even though Irish aren't guilty of imperialism, they're no more racist than the rest of Western Europe.

Although, Austria on the cusp of Eastern, and Southern Europe is more racist than other Western Europeans, just like other Eastern, and Southern Europeans are.

So, Ireland is the same as everywhere else. Great. And?

Racism isn't necessarily inherent within a people. The Austrians are mostly Germanic, like the Germans, and the West Germans are different to the East Germans, and it's not about genetics. It's about how things have been dealt with in their past.

Austrians don't come out as Germanic's in their DNA,

Genetic PCA plots make them out as Czech-Italian mixes.

^^^^ What horsecrap you post.

Genetic PCA plot below.

No wonder why Austrians have more in common with Slavs, and Italians in beliefs, rather than other Germanic's.


^^^^ What horsecrap you post Troll Boi. You are one of those nuts are you? Thought so.
You forgot the Northern Ireland issue.

There used to be irrational hatred towards Catholics from Protestants.

There used to be, sure.

Now, as we speak Ireland is among the least racist in Europe.

Check out some of these maps.






^^^^ You are one of the most racist people at this forum, so pot meet kettle.

I think racism is a good thing.
Thinking Blacks, Muslims, Gypsies, and Hispanics are our equals, is very simple-minded, and non-functioning for our societies.

What do you mean "our equals"?

Who are our?

This is Sobieski's equal:

View attachment 166415

The result is that when people of shared beliefs get together, oxytocin is released and it makes them feel good, reinforcing their behavior. It then makes them more likely to stick to those beliefs and shun those who don’t agree, all in the evolutionary pursuit of fostering an in-group of companions who will stick together, protect each other, and love each other.

So MDMA doesn't make you racist. But in an environment of intense shared experience, like a rave, it can deeply intensify a kind of single-minded, delusional fanaticism and make you feel like everything and everyone around you is great—which is closely connected to how racists become more racist during street marches and Christians become more Christian when they have a preacher screaming at them in tongues.

Can MDMA Make You Racist?
Stormfront is fanatically pro-German as a collective, they should be embarrassed of themselves, making up garbage like Poles killed over 30,000 Germans before WW2 in Bromberg Massacre, which never happened.
giving excuses for Germans in WW2 destroying White cities like Warsaw, and Rotterdam.

Bromberger Blutsonntag did happen, though I think approx 400-460 Germans were killed by you Polish peasants.

My opinion on Poland now is changed, Beata Szydło who is very popular with the population because of that Independence Day situation and The Usual Suspects From Outside demanding she do something and she did not, she has been forced to resign and Poland now has Mateusz Morawiecki as Prime Minister a man who cannot be a Patriot like Beata Szydło, she is hardcore on no Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans being in Poland and well I now go 180 in the other way I am praying to Our Lord that the EU Commission make good on the sanctions on Poland threat and pull ALL of the money the EU gives you and that this Mateusz Morawiecki has to give in and Open Polands Borders, I want Poland flooded with Muslims and Africans, Poland needs the Cultural Enrichment.

Filthy Polish peasant that you are, my nation has a hardcore Patriotic Government to be sworn in on Monday and I add there is NOTHING racist about wanting to preserve and protect your Culture and Heritage, so stop babbling about how we are more racist than Ireland....Ireland a nation who for nearly 100 years fought the British for a United Ireland of the Irish, Ireland for the Irish now have a half Bombay Indian Homo as their Prime Minister who is committed to allowing more Muslims and Africans into Ireland so Ireland wants to Culturally Commit Suicide to illustrate how racist they are not.

So, you're praying for sanctions upon Poland for the EU?
Frigging hilarious.

How is it hilarious? When it happens Poland is fucked it's either financially go down the toilet because already its a poor nation or take the Migrant Quota there is no third choice.

We fully support Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and we probably will join the V4, we cannot trust Poland because they are too up Washington DCs buttocks because of their irrational paranoia that Russia is at any moment about to invade them we cannot trust them also because of Mateusz Morawiecki and his um history. We like Beata Szydło, her replacement we do not trust and the Polish population should know this is not a Patriot, you cannot be Loyal to two masters.

An economy will bounce back someday.

you let in a migrant population, your descendants will be cursing your name for a thousand years.

We have had a rethink, we now consider Poland a danger to our own European Project which our main partner will be Hungary, Polands paranoia about Russia and this new Prime Minister NOT ELECTED but appointed to replace a very popular Prime Minister has had us rethinking our relationship with Poland. The logical solution is to cut Poland adrift and not support them anymore, our new Government behind the scenes will support the EU Commission to put sanctions on Poland for refusing the Migrant Quota, we are important to the EU Commission we are the second wealthiest nation on this Continent and we are a Net Contributor to the EU, Poland is one of our Welfare Nations where we all have to give them money because they are poor, so Poland has no legs and they can be strong armed and we are good at strong arming.

I'm sure many Poles don't like the new Prime Minister of Poland, either... Since he's a Jewish banker.
Stormfront is fanatically pro-German as a collective, they should be embarrassed of themselves, making up garbage like Poles killed over 30,000 Germans before WW2 in Bromberg Massacre, which never happened.
giving excuses for Germans in WW2 destroying White cities like Warsaw, and Rotterdam.

Bromberger Blutsonntag did happen, though I think approx 400-460 Germans were killed by you Polish peasants.

My opinion on Poland now is changed, Beata Szydło who is very popular with the population because of that Independence Day situation and The Usual Suspects From Outside demanding she do something and she did not, she has been forced to resign and Poland now has Mateusz Morawiecki as Prime Minister a man who cannot be a Patriot like Beata Szydło, she is hardcore on no Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans being in Poland and well I now go 180 in the other way I am praying to Our Lord that the EU Commission make good on the sanctions on Poland threat and pull ALL of the money the EU gives you and that this Mateusz Morawiecki has to give in and Open Polands Borders, I want Poland flooded with Muslims and Africans, Poland needs the Cultural Enrichment.

Filthy Polish peasant that you are, my nation has a hardcore Patriotic Government to be sworn in on Monday and I add there is NOTHING racist about wanting to preserve and protect your Culture and Heritage, so stop babbling about how we are more racist than Ireland....Ireland a nation who for nearly 100 years fought the British for a United Ireland of the Irish, Ireland for the Irish now have a half Bombay Indian Homo as their Prime Minister who is committed to allowing more Muslims and Africans into Ireland so Ireland wants to Culturally Commit Suicide to illustrate how racist they are not.

So, you're praying for sanctions upon Poland for the EU?
Frigging hilarious.

How is it hilarious? When it happens Poland is fucked it's either financially go down the toilet because already its a poor nation or take the Migrant Quota there is no third choice.

We fully support Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and we probably will join the V4, we cannot trust Poland because they are too up Washington DCs buttocks because of their irrational paranoia that Russia is at any moment about to invade them we cannot trust them also because of Mateusz Morawiecki and his um history. We like Beata Szydło, her replacement we do not trust and the Polish population should know this is not a Patriot, you cannot be Loyal to two masters.

An economy will bounce back someday.

you let in a migrant population, your descendants will be cursing your name for a thousand years.

We have had a rethink, we now consider Poland a danger to our own European Project which our main partner will be Hungary, Polands paranoia about Russia and this new Prime Minister NOT ELECTED but appointed to replace a very popular Prime Minister has had us rethinking our relationship with Poland. The logical solution is to cut Poland adrift and not support them anymore, our new Government behind the scenes will support the EU Commission to put sanctions on Poland for refusing the Migrant Quota, we are important to the EU Commission we are the second wealthiest nation on this Continent and we are a Net Contributor to the EU, Poland is one of our Welfare Nations where we all have to give them money because they are poor, so Poland has no legs and they can be strong armed and we are good at strong arming.

The fear of Russia, is a problem but forcing them to take in muslims is not an answer.
You forgot the Northern Ireland issue.

There used to be irrational hatred towards Catholics from Protestants.

There used to be, sure.

Now, as we speak Ireland is among the least racist in Europe.

Check out some of these maps.






^^^^ You are one of the most racist people at this forum, so pot meet kettle.

I think racism is a good thing.
Thinking Blacks, Muslims, Gypsies, and Hispanics are our equals, is very simple-minded, and non-functioning for our societies.

You need to make that mind up, either you bash nations you insist are racist or you are a racist you cannot do both. If you are a racist then stop bashing nations YOU insist are racist, logic dictates if YOU are a racist then the nations you are bashing you should worship.

I don't bash Racism, I bash Imperialism, and Genocide.

Therefor I don't like Germany at any point in their history.

Yet you were in a thread last week with several of us who are in this thread and you were commenting that ALL of Germany must be wiped off the map ie. Genocide.

Do you want me to get those posts you made and post them in this thread? Or are you going to just repeat your call for Genocide yourself?
There used to be, sure.

Now, as we speak Ireland is among the least racist in Europe.

Check out some of these maps.






^^^^ You are one of the most racist people at this forum, so pot meet kettle.

I think racism is a good thing.
Thinking Blacks, Muslims, Gypsies, and Hispanics are our equals, is very simple-minded, and non-functioning for our societies.

You need to make that mind up, either you bash nations you insist are racist or you are a racist you cannot do both. If you are a racist then stop bashing nations YOU insist are racist, logic dictates if YOU are a racist then the nations you are bashing you should worship.

I don't bash Racism, I bash Imperialism, and Genocide.

Therefor I don't like Germany at any point in their history.

Yet you were in a thread last week with several of us who are in this thread and you were commenting that ALL of Germany must be wiped off the map ie. Genocide.

Do you want me to get those posts you made and post them in this thread? Or are you going to just repeat your call for Genocide yourself?

Many Germans had no problem wiping Poland off the map in the Partitions.

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