Germany: Hanukkah canceled, relocated in fear of Antisemitism

German anti-Semitism goes back centuries before Ford was even born. The practice of referring to Jews as 'Semites" (the origin of the term anti-Semitism) predates Henry Ford and was coined by William Marr from Madgeburg.

The "respectable" term these days is Zionist.

Zionist is a very useful term ... I consider it the ultimate compliment. Anyone who uses Zionist as a pejorative has immediately revealed their total lack of humanity.
Zionism and Nazism are two sides of the same coin. To me you are a nuclear strikes loving, peoples-hating hardcore Nazi.

Two sides of the same coin did you say? :confused-84:

The creature is too stupid to even know what it is prattling about.

As far as Germany is concerned, I would say the time is right now for Jewish people to relocate. There was such a time in the late twenties and early thirties when it was possible, too, but the window of opportunity closed when the Bleipriesters solidified control.

"As far as Germany is concerned, I would say the time is right now for Jewish people to relocate."

The majority of European Jewish Groups were advocating and cheering on Merkel's Open Border to allow the Kebabs in, they did this because of you know something that ended 72 years ago, we had them babbling the usual Emotional Blackmail of "but but but they have a duty because of their History" now the damage has been done you want them to run to safety, no they should stay and get the Cultural Enrichment they so supported the Goyim getting, actually relocate hundreds of Kebabs into every Jewish Community, I don't see why the Jewish Communities shouldn't become Multi-Ethnic and's not just for White European Christians you know that sort of thing :smoke:
The "respectable" term these days is Zionist.

Zionist is a very useful term ... I consider it the ultimate compliment. Anyone who uses Zionist as a pejorative has immediately revealed their total lack of humanity.
Zionism and Nazism are two sides of the same coin. To me you are a nuclear strikes loving, peoples-hating hardcore Nazi.

Two sides of the same coin did you say? :confused-84:

The creature is too stupid to even know what it is prattling about.

As far as Germany is concerned, I would say the time is right now for Jewish people to relocate. There was such a time in the late twenties and early thirties when it was possible, too, but the window of opportunity closed when the Bleipriesters solidified control.

Over the years, more and more of them have moved into Germany. I don't like what I see. Gentiles sucking up to Jews, almost a morbid fascination. Even Jews sucking up to Gentiles. A false paradise.

America or Israel seem to me to be the only options.

"Over the years, more and more of them have moved into Germany."

Yes they did that so they could on the ground assist with the Brainwashing into full Guilt Complex so the Germans who they have always historically hated would have another generation full of self hate to the point they would just agree to full Cultural Suicide.

"Gentiles sucking up to Jews"

That is only because in public if they don't they will get called Nazi.

"Even Jews sucking up to Gentiles."

Who they historically hate, all Jews hate Gentiles some might attempt to like us but essentially you all hate us.
Over the years, more and more of them have moved into Germany. I don't like what I see. Gentiles sucking up to Jews, almost a morbid fascination. Even Jews sucking up to Gentiles. A false paradise.

America or Israel seem to me to be the only options.

I would like to see more move here to America, myself.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "gentiles sucking up to Jews", though. I'm a Gentile, and I don't see myself as sucking up, but merely being a good, decent person who rejects the persecution of a small minority by a large majority. It's a matter of principle and basic humanity, not sycophancy.
Zionist is a very useful term ... I consider it the ultimate compliment. Anyone who uses Zionist as a pejorative has immediately revealed their total lack of humanity.
Zionism and Nazism are two sides of the same coin. To me you are a nuclear strikes loving, peoples-hating hardcore Nazi.

Two sides of the same coin did you say? :confused-84:

The creature is too stupid to even know what it is prattling about.

As far as Germany is concerned, I would say the time is right now for Jewish people to relocate. There was such a time in the late twenties and early thirties when it was possible, too, but the window of opportunity closed when the Bleipriesters solidified control.

Over the years, more and more of them have moved into Germany. I don't like what I see. Gentiles sucking up to Jews, almost a morbid fascination. Even Jews sucking up to Gentiles. A false paradise.

America or Israel seem to me to be the only options.

"Over the years, more and more of them have moved into Germany."

Yes they did that so they could on the ground assist with the Brainwashing into full Guilt Complex so the Germans who they have always historically hated would have another generation full of self hate to the point they would just agree to full Cultural Suicide.

"Gentiles sucking up to Jews"

That is only because in public if they don't they will get called Nazi.

"Even Jews sucking up to Gentiles."

Who they historically hate, all Jews hate Gentiles some might attempt to like us but essentially you all hate us.

I don't hate you, Lucy,

I was even married to one.
Henry Ford antisemitism.

German anti-Semitism goes back centuries before Ford was even born. The practice of referring to Jews as 'Semites" (the origin of the term anti-Semitism) predates Henry Ford and was coined by William Marr from Madgeburg.

The "respectable" term these days is Zionist.

Zionist is a very useful term ... I consider it the ultimate compliment. Anyone who uses Zionist as a pejorative has immediately revealed their total lack of humanity.
Zionism and Nazism are two sides of the same coin. To me you are a nuclear strikes loving, peoples-hating hardcore Nazi.

We all know how you feel about Jews. You haven’t kept it bottled up.

We all know how you feel about Gentiles, you have not kept it bottled up either.
Over the years, more and more of them have moved into Germany. I don't like what I see. Gentiles sucking up to Jews, almost a morbid fascination. Even Jews sucking up to Gentiles. A false paradise.

America or Israel seem to me to be the only options.

I would like to see more move here to America, myself.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "gentiles sucking up to Jews", though. I'm a Gentile, and I don't see myself as sucking up, but merely being a good, decent person who rejects the persecution of a small minority by a large majority. It's a matter of principle and basic humanity, not sycophancy.

It's particular to Germany.

Doesn't apply to the US.
Zionism and Nazism are two sides of the same coin. To me you are a nuclear strikes loving, peoples-hating hardcore Nazi.

Two sides of the same coin did you say? :confused-84:

The creature is too stupid to even know what it is prattling about.

As far as Germany is concerned, I would say the time is right now for Jewish people to relocate. There was such a time in the late twenties and early thirties when it was possible, too, but the window of opportunity closed when the Bleipriesters solidified control.

Over the years, more and more of them have moved into Germany. I don't like what I see. Gentiles sucking up to Jews, almost a morbid fascination. Even Jews sucking up to Gentiles. A false paradise.

America or Israel seem to me to be the only options.

"Over the years, more and more of them have moved into Germany."

Yes they did that so they could on the ground assist with the Brainwashing into full Guilt Complex so the Germans who they have always historically hated would have another generation full of self hate to the point they would just agree to full Cultural Suicide.

"Gentiles sucking up to Jews"

That is only because in public if they don't they will get called Nazi.

"Even Jews sucking up to Gentiles."

Who they historically hate, all Jews hate Gentiles some might attempt to like us but essentially you all hate us.

I don't hate you, Lucy,

I was even married to one.

Well then fncceo will consider you a bad Jew or a self hating Jew or whatever, how dare you like the Gentile. There will be no peace or happy medium between Jew and Gentile while there like fncceo are around to cause divisions they are the Extremists and Fanatics who have hate in their DNA, he basically cannot control his happiness everytime some shit blows up in Germany involving the Kebabs he posts things like this is poetic justice, we know what he means yes we do.
Over the years, more and more of them have moved into Germany. I don't like what I see. Gentiles sucking up to Jews, almost a morbid fascination. Even Jews sucking up to Gentiles. A false paradise.

America or Israel seem to me to be the only options.

I would like to see more move here to America, myself.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "gentiles sucking up to Jews", though. I'm a Gentile, and I don't see myself as sucking up, but merely being a good, decent person who rejects the persecution of a small minority by a large majority. It's a matter of principle and basic humanity, not sycophancy.

"I would like to see more move here to America, myself."

No they should listen to Bibi.
Henry Ford antisemitism.

German anti-Semitism goes back centuries before Ford was even born. The practice of referring to Jews as 'Semites" (the origin of the term anti-Semitism) predates Henry Ford and was coined by William Marr from Madgeburg.

The "respectable" term these days is Zionist.

Zionist is a very useful term ... I consider it the ultimate compliment. Anyone who uses Zionist as a pejorative has immediately revealed their total lack of humanity.

Yep -- it's like the vile sock puppet in the Israel forum who claims it is only "Zionists" who should be legitimate targets for murder.

Great, so it's only 99% of Jews it wants to kill rather than 100% (not to mention any decent human being in the world who isn't Jewish).

I have not read where Blei said he wanted to kill anyone.
Thought we kicked those Nazi's asses back in '45? Don't make us come over there again, dammit.
Keep your hooter out of our business, dammit.

Oh, wait: It isn't Nazis this time, it's Muslims.
Libs love hard line Islamists for some reason.
The reason being is both are anti Western Civilization.

^^^^ That is the only logical explanation why Leftists have the bizarro love in with Islam both are anti Western Civilisation.
The "respectable" term these days is Zionist.

Zionist is a very useful term ... I consider it the ultimate compliment. Anyone who uses Zionist as a pejorative has immediately revealed their total lack of humanity.
Zionism and Nazism are two sides of the same coin. To me you are a nuclear strikes loving, peoples-hating hardcore Nazi.

Two sides of the same coin did you say? :confused-84:

The creature is too stupid to even know what it is prattling about.

As far as Germany is concerned, I would say the time is right now for Jewish people to relocate. There was such a time in the late twenties and early thirties when it was possible, too, but the window of opportunity closed when the Bleipriesters solidified control.

"As far as Germany is concerned, I would say the time is right now for Jewish people to relocate."

The majority of European Jewish Groups were advocating and cheering on Merkel's Open Border to allow the Kebabs in, they did this because of you know something that ended 72 years ago, we had them babbling the usual Emotional Blackmail of "but but but they have a duty because of their History" now the damage has been done you want them to run to safety, no they should stay and get the Cultural Enrichment they so supported the Goyim getting, actually relocate hundreds of Kebabs into every Jewish Community, I don't see why the Jewish Communities shouldn't become Multi-Ethnic and's not just for White European Christians you know that sort of thing :smoke:
Actially it is a good question what is better – to live in the place of ‘Cultural Enrichment’ ruled by a supporters of multiculturalism or to live in the place ruled by nationalistic ‘Christian’ bigots.
Zionist is a very useful term ... I consider it the ultimate compliment. Anyone who uses Zionist as a pejorative has immediately revealed their total lack of humanity.
Zionism and Nazism are two sides of the same coin. To me you are a nuclear strikes loving, peoples-hating hardcore Nazi.

Two sides of the same coin did you say? :confused-84:

The creature is too stupid to even know what it is prattling about.

As far as Germany is concerned, I would say the time is right now for Jewish people to relocate. There was such a time in the late twenties and early thirties when it was possible, too, but the window of opportunity closed when the Bleipriesters solidified control.

"As far as Germany is concerned, I would say the time is right now for Jewish people to relocate."

The majority of European Jewish Groups were advocating and cheering on Merkel's Open Border to allow the Kebabs in, they did this because of you know something that ended 72 years ago, we had them babbling the usual Emotional Blackmail of "but but but they have a duty because of their History" now the damage has been done you want them to run to safety, no they should stay and get the Cultural Enrichment they so supported the Goyim getting, actually relocate hundreds of Kebabs into every Jewish Community, I don't see why the Jewish Communities shouldn't become Multi-Ethnic and's not just for White European Christians you know that sort of thing :smoke:
Actially it is a good question what is better – to live in the place of ‘Cultural Enrichment’ ruled by a supporters of multiculturalism or to live in the place ruled by nationalistic ‘Christian’ bigots.

There are no nations on this Continent ruled by Christian bigots.
Last Christmas the Muslim terrorists murdered 12 Germans with a semi-truck.
The dumb liberal crackpot Democrats are terrorist sympathizers and they call terrorist victims "islamophobic"

"Last Christmas the Muslim terrorists murdered 12 Germans with a semi-truck."

And the fncceo types certainly masturbated at the thought of dead Germans of course.
Keep your hooter out of our business, dammit.

Libs love hard line Islamists for some reason.
The reason being is both are anti Western Civilization.
Some are hardcore do-gooders who have lost touch with reality.
Some are hardcore do-gooders who have lost touch with reality.

They said that in 1938 too.

^^^^ Communists.
Zionist is a very useful term ... I consider it the ultimate compliment. Anyone who uses Zionist as a pejorative has immediately revealed their total lack of humanity.
Zionism and Nazism are two sides of the same coin. To me you are a nuclear strikes loving, peoples-hating hardcore Nazi.

Two sides of the same coin did you say? :confused-84:

The creature is too stupid to even know what it is prattling about.

As far as Germany is concerned, I would say the time is right now for Jewish people to relocate. There was such a time in the late twenties and early thirties when it was possible, too, but the window of opportunity closed when the Bleipriesters solidified control.

Over the years, more and more of them have moved into Germany. I don't like what I see. Gentiles sucking up to Jews, almost a morbid fascination. Even Jews sucking up to Gentiles. A false paradise.

America or Israel seem to me to be the only options.

"Over the years, more and more of them have moved into Germany."

Yes they did that so they could on the ground assist with the Brainwashing into full Guilt Complex so the Germans who they have always historically hated would have another generation full of self hate to the point they would just agree to full Cultural Suicide.

"Gentiles sucking up to Jews"

That is only because in public if they don't they will get called Nazi.

"Even Jews sucking up to Gentiles."

Who they historically hate, all Jews hate Gentiles some might attempt to like us but essentially you all hate us.

That's a tad harsh, Lucy. I know quite a few Jewish people so would just comment; it has always been a mystery to me why so many American Jews vote Democrat. It seems like they are voting AGAINST their own interests. Now I accept that there are always going to be more positive senses of belonging in ones own community whether Jewish, Moslem or Christian etc, and there is an element of distrust between all groups based on different ideas and world views. But "hate"? yeah; at times, but usually when the tension is at its peak. The "full Guilt Complex" has a a simple solution: don't fall for it. In the US there is the White Guilt Complex and they're pushing a similar one here. I simply don't get suckered into it.

That doesn't mean that one doesn't note what went on or goes on; of course you do. One can only do so much to undo the injustices of the past. If I could I would be undoing the injustices of the Ottomans in the Balkans...or to the Armenians, but why should modern day Turks feel guilt about it? They didn't do anything. One must be aware and yes, very aware of the Guilt Peddlers. But the past INFORMS us and it is important to take what we can from it; we have our own present to live.

Angry protests in Berlin next to the Hanukkah celebrations caused panic among Jews in Germany. The Central Council of Jews in Germany warned Jews to not to celebrate outside in the moment. The celebrations in Mülheim at the synagogue site are canceled and relocated to a synagogue in Duisburg.
"It is unbelievable, that I have to witness that a Jewish gathering cannot take place due to security concerns after 1933 - 45.", Mühlheim´s mayor Scholten (SPD) told Bild. But the SPD is also responsible for the situation, they have indiscriminately imported millions from everywhere, preferably lower-class Muslims.

Chanukka-Fest in Mülheim wegen Sicherheitsbedenken abgesagt - WELT

^^^^ Who cares only Bedwetters crippled with Political Correctness, if they want this celebration they can privately have it inside where they live themselves.

It's not the end of the world it's not like THOUSANDS of girls being sexually assaulted in Köln, Hamburg, Dortmund, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart and Bielefeld in New Years Eve 2015/2016.

fncceo and his ilk probably masturbated at the thought of THOUSANDS of German shikse being violated by Kebabs and Sub Saharan African filth because you know of something that ended 72 years ago.



New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Germany - Wikipedia
Last Christmas the Muslim terrorists murdered 12 Germans with a semi-truck.
The dumb liberal crackpot Democrats are terrorist sympathizers and they call terrorist victims "islamophobic"

"Last Christmas the Muslim terrorists murdered 12 Germans with a semi-truck."

And the fncceo types certainly masturbated at the thought of dead Germans of course.

Huh? I doubt that very much. fncceo seems to put forward quite good arguments. The fact that some ISIS dog murdered Germans is disgusting to all of us, including fnnceo.


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