Germany must end "welcome culture" for refugees


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
A prominent ally of Chancellor Angela Merkel stepped up his criticism of her refugee policy on Saturday, demanding an end to the "Willkommenskultur" that has encouraged record numbers of migrants to seek asylum in Germany.

A day after criticising Merkel - as she stood uncomfortably beside him on stage - for refusing to put a cap on the number of refugees entering Germany, Bavarian leader Horst Seehofer called for "a culture of reason, not a culture of welcome."

Merkel berated over refugee policy by key ally, who says Germany must end "welcome culture" for refugees -
At this point I question Merkels sanity.
I question her race.

(X)She certainly appears to be an enemy and traitor to her own race. How can anybody allow over 800,000 Arabs into her country, and think that all will go well. The woman needs help.

Multiculturism is a code word for white genocide.

Merkel IS a Traitor, not only to Germany, but yes to the white race. All Multiculturists are traitor to the white race and the word Racism is a code word for anti-white people.

Notice how ONLY white people are called "racist"? Robert Mugabe, Louis Farrakhan and Black Lives Matter, they can say "kill all white people", yet they never get called racist by the pathetic media and the mentally ill Leftists do they?
Poor Germany.

A proclivity for standing up for oneself rarely ends well.

I'm not sure it's going to be a Fröhliche Weihnachten in Germany this year, not with thousands of angry, young and hostile so-called refugees on the prowl.
At this point I question Merkels sanity.
I question her race.

(X)She certainly appears to be an enemy and traitor to her own race. How can anybody allow over 800,000 Arabs into her country, and think that all will go well. The woman needs help.

Multiculturism is a code word for white genocide.

Merkel IS a Traitor, not only to Germany, but yes to the white race. All Multiculturists are traitor to the white race and the word Racism is a code word for anti-white people.

Notice how ONLY white people are called "racist"? Robert Mugabe, Louis Farrakhan and Black Lives Matter, they can say "kill all white people", yet they never get called racist by the pathetic media and the mentally ill Leftists do they?

(X)Whites are the only racists on earth according to the lame duck zionist lieberal media. We can never do anything right. 80% of new immigrants coming to Canada are coming from non-white countries, and this has been going on for several decades, starting with the lieberals and punk kid Turdeau's old man Pierre, the destroyer of Canada. Talk about wanting to commit racial suicide, eh? Multiculturalism does not unite and it will destroy all the white countries of the world if they do not unite as a people, and start standing up and fighting for our race. Caucasians are approx. 8-9% of world population which makes us a minority already in the world. And we are going down every year thanks to agendas and anti-white programs like multiculturalism,third world immigration,the promotion of homosexuality and inter-racial marriage which the media and TV Hollywood keep trying to push, and make it appear as normal. Of course there are the dummy whites out there who will try to make this post appear to be nothing more than trying to push white racism, which is the contrary. Too want to talk about being white and being proud of your white heritage and race is suppose to be racist then so be it.

Personally, I take it as an honor when someone calls me a racist because I know that I am just pissing off another lieberal who hates the white race. Aw too bad, so sad.
At this point I question Merkels sanity.
I question her race.

(X)She certainly appears to be an enemy and traitor to her own race. How can anybody allow over 800,000 Arabs into her country, and think that all will go well. The woman needs help.

Multiculturism is a code word for white genocide.

Merkel IS a Traitor, not only to Germany, but yes to the white race. All Multiculturists are traitor to the white race and the word Racism is a code word for anti-white people.

Notice how ONLY white people are called "racist"? Robert Mugabe, Louis Farrakhan and Black Lives Matter, they can say "kill all white people", yet they never get called racist by the pathetic media and the mentally ill Leftists do they?

(X)Whites are the only racists on earth according to the lame duck zionist lieberal media. We can never do anything right. 80% of new immigrants coming to Canada are coming from non-white countries, and this has been going on for several decades, starting with the lieberals and punk kid Turdeau's old man Pierre, the destroyer of Canada. Talk about wanting to commit racial suicide, eh? Multiculturalism does not unite and it will destroy all the white countries of the world if they do not unite as a people, and start standing up and fighting for our race. Caucasians are approx. 8-9% of world population which makes us a minority already in the world. And we are going down every year thanks to agendas and anti-white programs like multiculturalism,third world immigration,the promotion of homosexuality and inter-racial marriage which the media and TV Hollywood keep trying to push, and make it appear as normal. Of course there are the dummy whites out there who will try to make this post appear to be nothing more than trying to push white racism, which is the contrary. Too want to talk about being white and being proud of your white heritage and race is suppose to be racist then so be it.

Personally, I take it as an honor when someone calls me a racist because I know that I am just pissing off another lieberal who hates the white race. Aw too bad, so sad.

I'm actually hearing of more of us white people waking up each day. I think the obvious planned and co-ordinated so-called Refugee Crisis happening here in Europe IS waking people up.

The planners ie. the UN, NGO's, Extreme Leftists, Goldman Sachs and George Soros, they just haven't even been subtle about this, therefore it's become blatantly obvious as to what it is....a planned invasion of Muslims and Sub-Saharan African savages into what is still predominantly Christian and White Europe.

Flood Europe with them, ramp up the so-called "White Guilt" and encourage further mixing in the form of getting white girls to lay down with Muslims and Africans and produce a non-white baby, thus further reducing the white race.

Whites with whites they want this in itself to be considered racist, when it's actually completely natural to produce children with your own kind and it's actually perfectly immoral to reject your own kind and lay down with alien kinds.

The fact is we need white families to have at least four children, as the Muslims and the African's they pop out a baby a year and on average have 4-6 children families, it's not good enough for white families to just have one of two children, if it carries on that way we get to white genocide, the eradication of our race within say 100 years.
WATCH: The Anti-Migrant Video Going Viral Across Europe

“We are in danger, every day, every minute. We need someone to protect us. They come into our houses. I want to go to work, but I can’t. Our children want to go to school, but they can’t. They have stolen our lives!”.

The fellow that originally put that up, he predicted it'd be taken down and told people to copy it. Of course it was taken down and thank goodness people copied it.

The Propaganda media, who are themselves traitors, refuse to show the truth, they are beneath contempt.

I'm rather alarmed that we're not seeing anything regarding the so-called refugees on the MSM television now, previously for near two months it was blanket coverage of them. We know the POS are still getting in, I read about a ton of angry males from everywhere from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and African savage nations going batsh-it crazy demanding to be let across the Macedonian fact they held a sign saying:


When you have a violent demand like OPEN OR DIE....and you have you're army there with guns, I'm sorry, you consider this an invasion and a violent one and you get your army to shoot the bastards and that's that.

F-ck the UN, f-ck the NGO's.
At this point I question Merkels sanity.
I question her race.

(X)She certainly appears to be an enemy and traitor to her own race. How can anybody allow over 800,000 Arabs into her country, and think that all will go well. The woman needs help.

Multiculturism is a code word for white genocide.

Merkel IS a Traitor, not only to Germany, but yes to the white race. All Multiculturists are traitor to the white race and the word Racism is a code word for anti-white people.

Notice how ONLY white people are called "racist"? Robert Mugabe, Louis Farrakhan and Black Lives Matter, they can say "kill all white people", yet they never get called racist by the pathetic media and the mentally ill Leftists do they?
I prefer the word sociopath...
At this point I question Merkels sanity.
I question her race.

(X)She certainly appears to be an enemy and traitor to her own race. How can anybody allow over 800,000 Arabs into her country, and think that all will go well. The woman needs help.

Multiculturism is a code word for white genocide.

Merkel IS a Traitor, not only to Germany, but yes to the white race. All Multiculturists are traitor to the white race and the word Racism is a code word for anti-white people.

Notice how ONLY white people are called "racist"? Robert Mugabe, Louis Farrakhan and Black Lives Matter, they can say "kill all white people", yet they never get called racist by the pathetic media and the mentally ill Leftists do they?

(X)Whites are the only racists on earth according to the lame duck zionist lieberal media. We can never do anything right. 80% of new immigrants coming to Canada are coming from non-white countries, and this has been going on for several decades, starting with the lieberals and punk kid Turdeau's old man Pierre, the destroyer of Canada. Talk about wanting to commit racial suicide, eh? Multiculturalism does not unite and it will destroy all the white countries of the world if they do not unite as a people, and start standing up and fighting for our race. Caucasians are approx. 8-9% of world population which makes us a minority already in the world. And we are going down every year thanks to agendas and anti-white programs like multiculturalism,third world immigration,the promotion of homosexuality and inter-racial marriage which the media and TV Hollywood keep trying to push, and make it appear as normal. Of course there are the dummy whites out there who will try to make this post appear to be nothing more than trying to push white racism, which is the contrary. Too want to talk about being white and being proud of your white heritage and race is suppose to be racist then so be it.

Personally, I take it as an honor when someone calls me a racist because I know that I am just pissing off another lieberal who hates the white race. Aw too bad, so sad.
A single race does not represent one single culture...
At this point I question Merkels sanity.
I question her race.

(X)She certainly appears to be an enemy and traitor to her own race. How can anybody allow over 800,000 Arabs into her country, and think that all will go well. The woman needs help.

Multiculturism is a code word for white genocide.

Merkel IS a Traitor, not only to Germany, but yes to the white race. All Multiculturists are traitor to the white race and the word Racism is a code word for anti-white people.

Notice how ONLY white people are called "racist"? Robert Mugabe, Louis Farrakhan and Black Lives Matter, they can say "kill all white people", yet they never get called racist by the pathetic media and the mentally ill Leftists do they?
I prefer the word sociopath...

Who for Merkel? Well I agree that Merkel obviously displays sociopathic tendencies, but she is a full-on traitor.
At this point I question Merkels sanity.
I question her race.

(X)She certainly appears to be an enemy and traitor to her own race. How can anybody allow over 800,000 Arabs into her country, and think that all will go well. The woman needs help.

Multiculturism is a code word for white genocide.

Merkel IS a Traitor, not only to Germany, but yes to the white race. All Multiculturists are traitor to the white race and the word Racism is a code word for anti-white people.

Notice how ONLY white people are called "racist"? Robert Mugabe, Louis Farrakhan and Black Lives Matter, they can say "kill all white people", yet they never get called racist by the pathetic media and the mentally ill Leftists do they?
I prefer the word sociopath...

Who for Merkel? Well I agree that Merkel obviously displays sociopathic tendencies, but she is a full-on traitor.
People that have no conscience about killing or harming other humans are sociopaths..

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