Germany Watch: German Racism and Hate Highlighted at World Cup

Nutz, you are an idiot. Fuck you! Fuck the US! Fuck your Hypocrisy! You are the scum of the world!! Rules and Guidelines USMB?? You living in a land without rules and guidelines? WE! ARE! GERMANY! and you are shit!

A little over the top, don't you think ?
It amazes me how you people will defend Nazism!

Funny, I don't see anyone defending Nazism, they are defending the German people, where the vast majority seem to be fine.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
I served 27 years in the Army and my family and I lived in Germany (north, central, and south) for 12 years. The only hatred we encountered was from ignorant Americans who would not take the time to learn even a few words of German or get out and participate in activities..
Sure there was and still is hatred expressed by the skin-heads (Nazi sympathizers) but they are few in number and are being controlled/watched much like the KKK and others here in the US.

It is only through ignorance, laziness, and closed-mindedness that the posts claim hatred and racism by the Germans.

Sadly, it is ignorance that breeds the racism we are seeing in this thread.
I served 27 years in the Army and my family and I lived in Germany (north, central, and south) for 12 years. The only hatred we encountered was from ignorant Americans who would not take the time to learn even a few words of German or get out and participate in activities..
Sure there was and still is hatred expressed by the skin-heads (Nazi sympathizers) but they are few in number and are being controlled/watched much like the KKK and others here in the US.

It is only through ignorance, laziness, and closed-mindedness that the posts claim hatred and racism by the Germans.

Sadly, it is ignorance that breeds the racism we are seeing in this thread.

Read Sunni on the Jewish people. And the anti-Semitism is less in Germany than other European nations, but it still exists.
Nutz, you are an idiot. Fuck you! Fuck the US! Fuck your Hypocrisy! You are the scum of the world!! Rules and Guidelines USMB?? You living in a land without rules and guidelines? WE! ARE! GERMANY! and you are shit!

Thanks for feeding the very thing Nutz is claiming.
I served 27 years in the Army and my family and I lived in Germany (north, central, and south) for 12 years. The only hatred we encountered was from ignorant Americans who would not take the time to learn even a few words of German or get out and participate in activities..
Sure there was and still is hatred expressed by the skin-heads (Nazi sympathizers) but they are few in number and are being controlled/watched much like the KKK and others here in the US.

It is only through ignorance, laziness, and closed-mindedness that the posts claim hatred and racism by the Germans.

Sadly, it is ignorance that breeds the racism we are seeing in this thread.

Read Sunni on the Jewish people. And the anti-Semitism is less in Germany than other European nations, but it still exists.

Anti-Semitism is in every country. Nutz paints the culture of Germany as a racist people, I don't believe it as any worse than any other country. Sunni is a racist, that is a given. And it Nutz, Sunni, and other racists are basing their racism on their ignorance as dadsgm explains. My son lives in England and he does business all over the world, Germany, in his opinion is no more or less,than any other country he has visited.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
No one would care if Germany hadn't won the World Cup. They refused to throw the game to the assumed to be brown Argentinians and now are racist.
No one would care if Germany hadn't won the World Cup. They refused to throw the game to the assumed to be brown Argentinians and now are racist.

:lol: You really do have issues with dark people. How pathetic.
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No one would care if Germany hadn't won the World Cup. They refused to throw the game to the assumed to be brown Argentinians and now are racist.

:lol: You really do have issues with dark people. How pathetic.

If there really are swastikas flying on US beaches, and with anti-Semitism growing in Europe, the focus on Germany is missplaced.
No one would care if Germany hadn't won the World Cup. They refused to throw the game to the assumed to be brown Argentinians and now are racist.

:lol: You really do have issues with dark people. How pathetic.

If there really are swastikas flying on US beaches, and with anti-Semitism growing in Europe, the focus on Germany is missplaced.
What the Hindu's have captured American beaches:eek:
World Cup: Germany?s Campaign Haunted by Racism, Nazism - TIME

This is a continuation of my Public Service Announcements, educating the world about German hate and bloodlust. Many people believe that WWII somehow magically ended German hate...but as it is obvious, their hate and bloodlust has never been extinguished...only hidden by the German people. We should never trust Germans...they have committed some of the greatest atrocities known to humankind. For the sake of humanity, pay attention and be very cautious when it comes to the German people...whether it is a Teaper racist who is proud of his German heritage or a native German...BE CAREFUL - especially if you are Jewish or a minority.

Don't know how serious this has become in Germany, but again, my father was one American not thrilled when the Berlin wall fell, he feared a united Germany.

He is a very intelligent man. Germany is becoming increasingly arrogant and emboldened with their hate and racism. They are also becoming overly nationalistic as they have hijacked the EU in their pursuit for power.

You are not.

You are a professional hate monger, who picks her targets for debasement and hate, according to the current winds of your misguided rants envying and loathing everyone who is better than you.

It was Canada a while back.

Now it's Germany.

Who will it be tomorrow, you stupid punk?
Don't know how serious this has become in Germany, but again, my father was one American not thrilled when the Berlin wall fell, he feared a united Germany.

He is a very intelligent man. Germany is becoming increasingly arrogant and emboldened with their hate and racism. They are also becoming overly nationalistic as they have hijacked the EU in their pursuit for power.

You are not.

You are a professional hate monger, who picks her targets for debasement and hate, according to the current winds of your misguided rants envying and loathing everyone who is better than you.

It was Canada a while back.

Now it's Germany.

Who will it be tomorrow, you stupid punk?

Are you addressing me or Nutz?
Don't know how serious this has become in Germany, but again, my father was one American not thrilled when the Berlin wall fell, he feared a united Germany.

He is a very intelligent man. Germany is becoming increasingly arrogant and emboldened with their hate and racism. They are also becoming overly nationalistic as they have hijacked the EU in their pursuit for power.

You are not.

You are a professional hate monger, who picks her targets for debasement and hate, according to the current winds of your misguided rants envying and loathing everyone who is better than you.

It was Canada a while back.

Now it's Germany.

Who will it be tomorrow, you stupid punk?

You can almost taste the bitterness of a canadian.

But, I find it to be ironic when the most vocal of racists on this forum react to criticism of Germany and canada with such vitriol. I bet if I replaced German with Black, Jewish or Mexican, these asswipes of German heritage and canadian intelligence would be agreeing with me.

It must be the evil mutant German gene.
Don't know how serious this has become in Germany, but again, my father was one American not thrilled when the Berlin wall fell, he feared a united Germany.

He is a very intelligent man. Germany is becoming increasingly arrogant and emboldened with their hate and racism. They are also becoming overly nationalistic as they have hijacked the EU in their pursuit for power.

You are not.

You are a professional hate monger, who picks her targets for debasement and hate, according to the current winds of your misguided rants envying and loathing everyone who is better than you.

It was Canada a while back.

Now it's Germany.

Who will it be tomorrow, you stupid punk?

My money's on Mom and Apple Pie.
Sharia law authorizes all sorts of atrocities including the stoning to death of women buried alive with just their heads appearing above ground but bigoted racists aren't concerned with Sharia law. Instead they have the gall to play the race card against the good people of Germany because they think they can make political points off a monster who died seventy years ago. Fake outrage? Global conspiracy?

You should start a thread on Sharia law and tell me something I dont already know. This thread is very enlightening because I had no idea of the racism. I just spoke to my cousin that was stationed over there and he told me there are some parts of Germany that you cant even go to as a Black person or you risk being killed..

also known as "east germany", or Zone.
this very informative graph marks the no go areas, and the go areas as recommended by the very reliable titanic newspaper for the world cup 2006 in germany.


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