Germany Watch: German Racism and Hate Highlighted at World Cup

Thank you for the link...but I would argue there is certainly a difference between those who claim religion (faith) and those who actually practice it.

Germany's 'Cold Religion' | Christianity Today

How is church life in Germany different than it is in the United States?

My church has missions to is pretty much a Godless nation.

Black soccer player for Germany...
Before being named to the national team, Mr. Asamoah said, he would encounter doormen at German nightclubs who simply told him, ''You're not coming in.''

But there is still resistance, particularly from conservatives, to diluting the homogeneous image of a German Volk.

''The team is a treasure of the nation, and it's also a symbol of how German people think about their country,'' said Till Briegleb, a culture columnist for Die Woche, a national weekly, who has written about Mr. Asamoah. ''I think this will be a symbol for other, maybe Turkish, maybe black players who will say, 'This is possible.' ''

Maybe Asamoah will change hearts and minds.

They still have a Black player on the roster.

Thank you for the link...but I would argue there is certainly a difference between those who claim religion (faith) and those who actually practice it.

Germany's 'Cold Religion' | Christianity Today

How is church life in Germany different than it is in the United States?

My church has missions to is pretty much a Godless nation.

But there is still resistance, particularly from conservatives, to diluting the homogeneous image of a German Volk.

''The team is a treasure of the nation, and it's also a symbol of how German people think about their country,'' said Till Briegleb, a culture columnist for Die Woche, a national weekly, who has written about Mr. Asamoah. ''I think this will be a symbol for other, maybe Turkish, maybe black players who will say, 'This is possible.' ''

Maybe Asamoah will change hearts and minds.

They still have a Black player on the roster.


That is who I referenced. I got a 'news alert' three players would not sing the national anthem, Asamoah was not among them. The first two verses of DUA are no longer sung in any case.
I served 27 years in the Army and my family and I lived in Germany (north, central, and south) for 12 years. The only hatred we encountered was from ignorant Americans who would not take the time to learn even a few words of German or get out and participate in activities..
Sure there was and still is hatred expressed by the skin-heads (Nazi sympathizers) but they are few in number and are being controlled/watched much like the KKK and others here in the US.

It is only through ignorance, laziness, and closed-mindedness that the posts claim hatred and racism by the Germans.
Nutz, you are an idiot. Fuck you! Fuck the US! Fuck your Hypocrisy! You are the scum of the world!! Rules and Guidelines USMB?? You living in a land without rules and guidelines? WE! ARE! GERMANY! and you are shit!
I served 27 years in the Army and my family and I lived in Germany (north, central, and south) for 12 years. The only hatred we encountered was from ignorant Americans who would not take the time to learn even a few words of German or get out and participate in activities..
Sure there was and still is hatred expressed by the skin-heads (Nazi sympathizers) but they are few in number and are being controlled/watched much like the KKK and others here in the US.

It is only through ignorance, laziness, and closed-mindedness that the posts claim hatred and racism by the Germans.

From what I know of two local americans stationed in Germany, who lived on after retirement, neo Nazis are more tightly controlled Germany than the KKK and Aryan groups are in the US. I will be posting a question about 20th century Germany, but will have to put it in the History section. It concerns WWI reparations and the Weimar Republic.
Next World Cup is in Russia. Booking my ticket already.

But aren't you going to boycott considering the Russian treatment of Gay's ?

I only buy Russian products now thanks to the gays drawing up their boycott list.

The only issue is that all I drink these days is vodka and water.

Good thing you have a high tolerance, one barely tell you are under the influence.:lol:
there are some parts of Germany that you cant even go to as a Black person or you risk being killed..

First off, this is probably bullshit.

Secondly, it's more dangerous being black in Chicago than black in Germany.
Nutz, you are an idiot. Fuck you! Fuck the US! Fuck your Hypocrisy! You are the scum of the world!! Rules and Guidelines USMB?? You living in a land without rules and guidelines? WE! ARE! GERMANY! and you are shit!

German...'nuf said.

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