Germany’s coronavirus anomaly: high infection rates but few deaths

It’s looking more and more like 80%+ show no or mild symptoms. It’s not much more deadly than normal flu. Plus now there are already several treatments that look like work well for those most severely effected.
Anyone who supports single-payer socialized health care, you can't look to Germany as a model, since nearly everyone has private insurance, and there are dozens of for-profit private capitalist hospitals.

Germany’s healthcare system has a lot in common with Obamacare. My preference would be to expand the ACA to cover everyone instead of those without employer based coverage.

Although the ACA was labeled as socialist too, so who knows.

The ACA went from "it's going to save us money" to "it's going to cost over $900 Billion", to now it's "It's going to cost over $1.7 Trillion", and those are all now old estimates of the total cost. Given the cost has been going up, not down... one would assume the true long term cost will be much higher.

Now you are suggesting that we need to expand the Un-Affordable Care Act, to cover even more people?

And how do you propose we pay for this? We're already at $22 Trillion in debt, and we have unfunded liabilities of over $122 Trillion.

Find Out How Much Obamacare Cost and Why It Doesn't Add to the Debt

Right now.... Right *NOW* as things stand, the country will go bankrupt and cease to exist, unless we dramatically cut spending.

And don't tell me, we just need to increase taxes, because Greece and many other nations have much higher taxes, and they don't have the money to fund our system either.

That's why our system has the best health care, and most of theirs sucks.

Again, Germany has much higher taxes than we do, by a wide margin, and all of their people are buying private health insurance and going to private hospitals and doctors AFTER paying that higher tax.

Now if you are ok living much poorer.... then Germany is a great model.

That's $20 for chicken nuggets and 3 drinks at McDonald's in Germany. How can it cost so much? Taxes is a large part. You pay 19% tax on everything you buy. That's after you pay 24% on what you earn under about $50K, and 42% over $50K. Plus paying 18% for social security, and 16% for health insurance.....

and after all that, and paying 19% on all your purchases....

Then you buy private health care insurance, and end up with co-pays, premiums, and use-fees anyway.

But hey... you are right! The care is pretty good. Of course even with your middle class job, you end up living what would be considered poor here... but at least you got care.

No thanks.
The obvious answer is that the virus is allergic to Aryan blood!

Without doubts Germany has the best health health system in the world.

The coronavirus crisis has hit Germany with full force. Infections are increasing rapidly, schools, factories and bars have closed across the country, and government measures to slow the outbreak are becoming more draconian by the day. In one crucial way, however, the country is proving remarkably resilient: relative to known infections, the number of deaths has so far been minuscule. According to data from Johns Hopkins University, there were 13,979 coronavirus infections in Germany on Thursday afternoon, more than in any other country except China, Italy, Iran and Spain.

At the same time, Germany had only registered 42 deaths. Neighbouring France, by contrast, reported 9,058 infections and 243 deaths. Spain had 17,395 infections and 803 deaths. The US, the UK, Italy and even South Korea all show case fatality rates significantly higher than Germany.

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No......what they have are people who aren't vulnerable to the they aren't dying from the virus.

The factors are age, underlying conditions, and whether or not you are a smoker........also, in Italy, they have a lot of people living in crappy apartment buildings....
Without doubts Germany has the best health health system in the world.

The coronavirus crisis has hit Germany with full force. Infections are increasing rapidly, schools, factories and bars have closed across the country, and government measures to slow the outbreak are becoming more draconian by the day. In one crucial way, however, the country is proving remarkably resilient: relative to known infections, the number of deaths has so far been minuscule. According to data from Johns Hopkins University, there were 13,979 coronavirus infections in Germany on Thursday afternoon, more than in any other country except China, Italy, Iran and Spain.

At the same time, Germany had only registered 42 deaths. Neighbouring France, by contrast, reported 9,058 infections and 243 deaths. Spain had 17,395 infections and 803 deaths. The US, the UK, Italy and even South Korea all show case fatality rates significantly higher than Germany.

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The majority of their population is under 60...hence, they have fewer people vulnerable to the virus.....
They've probably done a lot more testing. Makes the # of cases look higher?

You are correct OL, of course I can only say that they are probably doing what we have been doing but we have been doing it longer, they were very slow to act, we acted almost immediately. We have been doing mass testing and this is how we find new cases, it is important to do such testing because the way we fight COVID-19 is by testing, then isolating, then containing. We have New Cases, this NOT because more get infected ie. spreading the COVID-19, the reason is because we are doing mass testing, it is with this mass testing that we are finding WHO has COVID-19 and when we get them we isolate and contain them this to prevent spreading. This is why it is CRUCIAL that nations to be doing mass testing as without you do NOT know who has it and if you do NOT know who has it you can not isolate and contain it. We have been working on this 24/7 for many weeks and it is our duty to protect the peoples, it is in our DNA to be structured and ordered, we respond in an automatic way to a crisis. I work in our Ministry of Interior and we with our Ministry of Health form our COVID-19 Task Force.

We are also using the Anti-Terrorism Technology that we have used to protect the nation against Terrorist Threats. We are using these things to help deal with COVID-19, we are using Real-Time Tracking of infected peoples phones to determine any quarantine breaks and also we are back tracking through meta-data to find out where any peoples breaks had been and ALL the peoples they had contacted. If ANYONE is discovered to have break quarantine they will be automatically arrested. We have so far had minimal breaks which is good peoples are taking this seriously.

For some time now this nation has been on lockdown, the first thing we did was to immediately close our borders, we then banned flights from China, South Korea, Iran, Italy this now extended to UK, Spain, Holland, Switzerland and others. NOBODY is allowed to go out EXCEPT for food or medicine, the peoples are ordered to NOT go out in more than two peoples and NOWHERE must have a gathering of more than five peoples if this order is violated then the police will intervene. The other day we secure our food distribution by activating 920 Bundesheer to coordinate with the main Lidl, Spar and Hofer food stores.

10 days ago we decided to do a test. We have had 6 volunteers with COVID-19, we gave them Chloroquine (Resochin) which is a very old Anti-Malaria vaccine that also has Anti-Viral effects and that was developed by Bayer in the 1930s and is still OWNED by Bayer and all 6 of these volunteers are now 100% free of COVID-19. It is VERY cheap to produce also.

As of right now at 12.31PM our COVID-19 situation is:

Total Cases 2.695 New Cases 46 Total Deaths 7 New Deaths 1 Total Recovered 9 (this include the 6 we gave Chloroquine (Resochin) Active Cases 2.679 Serious/Critical 14 I also add that from the 7 deaths that 4 of them have been Turkish the other three were peoples who had existing health conditions two had Type 2 Diabetes and one an existing lung condition.
Without doubts Germany has the best health health system in the world.

The coronavirus crisis has hit Germany with full force. Infections are increasing rapidly, schools, factories and bars have closed across the country, and government measures to slow the outbreak are becoming more draconian by the day. In one crucial way, however, the country is proving remarkably resilient: relative to known infections, the number of deaths has so far been minuscule. According to data from Johns Hopkins University, there were 13,979 coronavirus infections in Germany on Thursday afternoon, more than in any other country except China, Italy, Iran and Spain.

At the same time, Germany had only registered 42 deaths. Neighbouring France, by contrast, reported 9,058 infections and 243 deaths. Spain had 17,395 infections and 803 deaths. The US, the UK, Italy and even South Korea all show case fatality rates significantly higher than Germany.

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What Americans should worry about and be concerned about is the below because it is frightening. Because America rely so much on China to get their medical equipment and other medical items from, being at the mercy of China for such important things as medical equipment and other medical items is NOT a good idea:





Imports of medical supplies plummet as demand in US soars
They've probably done a lot more testing. Makes the # of cases look higher?

They've put health care above war and partisan politics maybe?

They are like a millenial...they live in the basement of the United off the protection provided by the U.S.....the medical innovation provided by the U.S......and then asshats like you say they are better than the U.S....

Without the U.S. Germans would be speaking Russian and putin would be their President for life....
They've probably done a lot more testing. Makes the # of cases look higher?

They've put health care above war and partisan politics maybe?

They are like a millenial...they live in the basement of the United off the protection provided by the U.S.....the medical innovation provided by the U.S......and then asshats like you say they are better than the U.S....

Without the U.S. Germans would be speaking Russian and putin would be their President for life....

They don't need our protection. No one is threatening them. Just because we have imaginary monsters around every corner that doesn't make it so for every other country.

They concentrated on keeping their industry strong and health care. We chase monsters we see blocking the road to our greed.
They've probably done a lot more testing. Makes the # of cases look higher?

They've put health care above war and partisan politics maybe?

They are like a millenial...they live in the basement of the United off the protection provided by the U.S.....the medical innovation provided by the U.S......and then asshats like you say they are better than the U.S....
AmericanWithout the U.S. Germans would be speaking Russian and putin would be their President for life....

No and no. You do realise that NOBODY WANTS American soldiers on this Continent, they are unwanted squatters, you should take them back to America and have them on your border with Mexico. America has provided NO medical innovations to this Continent, we have ALWAYS had our own scientists that always have been superior and unlike America we do NOT rely on China, you are OWNED by China and this is something you should concern yourself with, that you are OWNED by China.
They've probably done a lot more testing. Makes the # of cases look higher?

They've put health care above war and partisan politics maybe?

They are like a millenial...they live in the basement of the United off the protection provided by the U.S.....the medical innovation provided by the U.S......and then asshats like you say they are better than the U.S....

Without the U.S. Germans would be speaking Russian and putin would be their President for life....

They don't need our protection. No one is threatening them. Just because we have imaginary monsters around every corner that doesn't make it so for every other country.

They concentrated on keeping their industry strong and health care. We chase monsters we see blocking the road to our greed.

I agree with 2aGuy on many things, but I AM European and like MANY Europeans we have tired long ago of all this horsecrap from Americans about how our Continent has ONLY survived because of Americans, it's all horsecrap. We protect OURSELVES, we provide our OWN medical innovations, we are SELF SUFFICIENT, we do NOT NEED American anything.

America like The Mafia they FORCE their "protection" on Sovereign nations using a variety of things including blackmail, threats to destroy that nations Economy and the big excuse of NATO, their military is NOT WANTED, their military personnel are NOT LIKED by ANY nation they are Occupying. They need to get their military OUT of Sovereign nations and stop interfering in everyone's affairs.

We are NOT going to be invaded by Russia, this is ALL a phantom excuse to KEEP the Occupation of Europa. Thank God WE did NOT join NATO it is because we did NOT join NATO that we do NOT have the American Military squatting in our nation, we ARE a Sovereign nation the nations that have forced American bases in them can not be considered 100% Sovereign.

We are working on having a European Army with ALL our combined nations, we hope to have this up and running by 2021. This will not ONLY be an alternative to NATO but it will also mean that NO American military have ANY LOGICAL NEED to Occupy this Continent anymore.

Americans SHOULD LIKE this as it will mean their soldiers can go home and be put on the border with Mexico or whatever.
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They've probably done a lot more testing. Makes the # of cases look higher?

They've put health care above war and partisan politics maybe?

They are like a millenial...they live in the basement of the United off the protection provided by the U.S.....the medical innovation provided by the U.S......and then asshats like you say they are better than the U.S....

Without the U.S. Germans would be speaking Russian and putin would be their President for life....

They don't need our protection. No one is threatening them. Just because we have imaginary monsters around every corner that doesn't make it so for every other country.

They concentrated on keeping their industry strong and health care. We chase monsters we see blocking the road to our greed.

America like The Mafia they FORCE their "protection" on Sovereign nations using a variety of things including blackmail, threats to destroy that nations Economy and the big excuse of NATO, their military is NOT WANTED, their military personnel are NOT LIKED by ANY nation they are Occupying. They need to get their military OUT of Sovereign nations and stop interfering in everyone's affairs.

We are NOT going to be invaded by Russia, this is ALL a phantom excuse to KEEP the Occupation of Europa. Thank God WE did NOT join NATO it is because we did NOT join NATO that we do NOT have the American Military squatting in our nation, we ARE a Sovereign nation the nations that have forced American bases in them can not be considered 100% Sovereign.

We are working on having a European Army with ALL our combined nations, we hope to have this up and running by 2021. This will not ONLY be an alternative to NATO but it will also mean that NO American military have ANY LOGICAL NEED to Occupy this Continent anymore.

Americans SHOULD LIKE this as it will mean their soldiers can go home and be put on the border with Mexico or whatever.

No argument from me. I wish we would do the same. To think what a different world this would be if we hadn't created imaginary monsters to waste trillions of dollars chasing but had instead concentrated on the needs at home.
They've probably done a lot more testing. Makes the # of cases look higher?

They've put health care above war and partisan politics maybe?

They are like a millenial...they live in the basement of the United off the protection provided by the U.S.....the medical innovation provided by the U.S......and then asshats like you say they are better than the U.S....

Without the U.S. Germans would be speaking Russian and putin would be their President for life....

They don't need our protection. No one is threatening them. Just because we have imaginary monsters around every corner that doesn't make it so for every other country.

They concentrated on keeping their industry strong and health care. We chase monsters we see blocking the road to our greed.

Germany is strategically situated for American and British military bases. It was a stopover point for the Iraq War. The biggest American hospital outside the US is in Landstuhl. And has a good reputation for treating burns. Which many American soldiers had suffered from during that war.
They've probably done a lot more testing. Makes the # of cases look higher?

They've put health care above war and partisan politics maybe?

They are like a millenial...they live in the basement of the United off the protection provided by the U.S.....the medical innovation provided by the U.S......and then asshats like you say they are better than the U.S....

Without the U.S. Germans would be speaking Russian and putin would be their President for life....

IF America is so intent with PROTECTING this Continent then why are NO American troops on our External Border helping us STOP Turkey attempting to weaponsise Muh Migrants to violate our External Border? We have troops there assisting the Greek Army. WTF are American troops doing? ZERO that's what. To use the American phrase American troops doing jackshit.
They've probably done a lot more testing. Makes the # of cases look higher?

They've put health care above war and partisan politics maybe?

They are like a millenial...they live in the basement of the United off the protection provided by the U.S.....the medical innovation provided by the U.S......and then asshats like you say they are better than the U.S....

Without the U.S. Germans would be speaking Russian and putin would be their President for life....

They don't need our protection. No one is threatening them. Just because we have imaginary monsters around every corner that doesn't make it so for every other country.

They concentrated on keeping their industry strong and health care. We chase monsters we see blocking the road to our greed.

Germany is strategically situated for American and British military bases. It was a stopover point for the Iraq War. The biggest American hospital outside the US is in Landstuhl. And has a good reputation for treating burns. Which many American soldiers had suffered from during that war.

Iraq war......imaginary monsters......17 years of wasted wealth that could have been put to far better use.
They've probably done a lot more testing. Makes the # of cases look higher?

They've put health care above war and partisan politics maybe?

They are like a millenial...they live in the basement of the United off the protection provided by the U.S.....the medical innovation provided by the U.S......and then asshats like you say they are better than the U.S....

Without the U.S. Germans would be speaking Russian and putin would be their President for life....

They don't need our protection. No one is threatening them. Just because we have imaginary monsters around every corner that doesn't make it so for every other country.

They concentrated on keeping their industry strong and health care. We chase monsters we see blocking the road to our greed.

Germany is strategically situated for American and British military bases. It was a stopover point for the Iraq War. The biggest American hospital outside the US is in Landstuhl. And has a good reputation for treating burns. Which many American soldiers had suffered from during that war.

And that explains why they have 30-40.000 American troops squatting in Germany? Those American troops are NOT in Iraq or Afghanistan. They could move that American hospital to Poland, but they have an obsession with squatting in Germany, they are AFRAID of Germans that's why, they are AFRAID of Germans. Considering the British are the American lapdog, they could put that hospital in their 51st State of Britain. The British think an American Trade Deal is going to be great, they are so going to get raped by big American corporations they will NOT know what has hit them.
Without doubts Germany has the best health health system in the world.

The coronavirus crisis has hit Germany with full force. Infections are increasing rapidly, schools, factories and bars have closed across the country, and government measures to slow the outbreak are becoming more draconian by the day. In one crucial way, however, the country is proving remarkably resilient: relative to known infections, the number of deaths has so far been minuscule. According to data from Johns Hopkins University, there were 13,979 coronavirus infections in Germany on Thursday afternoon, more than in any other country except China, Italy, Iran and Spain.

At the same time, Germany had only registered 42 deaths. Neighbouring France, by contrast, reported 9,058 infections and 243 deaths. Spain had 17,395 infections and 803 deaths. The US, the UK, Italy and even South Korea all show case fatality rates significantly higher than Germany.

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Who knows! Maybe their national health service is one of the best in our planet or maybe Germans were just lucky for now. :dunno:
Of course I hope the first theory (an excellent health system) is the right one :)

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