Germany’s coronavirus anomaly: high infection rates but few deaths

Without doubts Germany has the best health health system in the world.

The coronavirus crisis has hit Germany with full force. Infections are increasing rapidly, schools, factories and bars have closed across the country, and government measures to slow the outbreak are becoming more draconian by the day. In one crucial way, however, the country is proving remarkably resilient: relative to known infections, the number of deaths has so far been minuscule. According to data from Johns Hopkins University, there were 13,979 coronavirus infections in Germany on Thursday afternoon, more than in any other country except China, Italy, Iran and Spain.

At the same time, Germany had only registered 42 deaths. Neighbouring France, by contrast, reported 9,058 infections and 243 deaths. Spain had 17,395 infections and 803 deaths. The US, the UK, Italy and even South Korea all show case fatality rates significantly higher than Germany.

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And Germany has one of the highest level of private insurance on top of their overly expensive government run health care system.

Anyone who supports single-payer socialized health care, you can't look to Germany as a model, since nearly everyone has private insurance, and there are dozens of for-profit private capitalist hospitals.

In fact, I would wager that is exactly why the death rate is lower in Germany.
If nearly everyone has private insurance how is it they are considered a socialized health country??

What Germany has is what you folks called Democrats evil for wanting to implement -- the public option.....Germans have the option to have "government subsidized" insurance or "private" insurance....but all Germans are still going to the same hospitals.....Socialized medicine is when the hospitals, doctors, nurses are all state employees -- and no one is calling for one.....
They are like a millenial...they live in the basement of the United off the protection provided by the U.S.....the medical innovation provided by the U.S......and then asshats like you say they are better than the U.S....

Without the U.S. Germans would be speaking Russian and putin would be their President for life....

They don't need our protection. No one is threatening them. Just because we have imaginary monsters around every corner that doesn't make it so for every other country.

They concentrated on keeping their industry strong and health care. We chase monsters we see blocking the road to our greed.

Germany is strategically situated for American and British military bases. It was a stopover point for the Iraq War. The biggest American hospital outside the US is in Landstuhl. And has a good reputation for treating burns. Which many American soldiers had suffered from during that war.

Iraq war......imaginary monsters......17 years of wasted wealth that could have been put to far better use.

There are foreign military bases all over the world. The Americans have Souda Bay, and there are two British sovereign installations in Cyprus.

The Mediterranean has always been a contentious area, going back to ancient times. And still is.

The Germans have one in Reston VA. Just outside DC.

Yes the British could be assisting the Greek army to protect our External Border but they are not what do the British troops in Cyprus do?. We were in Cyprus near 3 weeks ago because the Cypriot Ministry of Interior invited us to go for 24 hours this because we had asked them in the event Erdogan decide to weaponise Muh Migrants and send them to Cyprus then Cyprus are NOT going to be able to cope. We will assist Cyprus like we now assist Greece on the ground with Security Personnel to fight the attempts at violating our External Border.

I'm in Cyprus quite often. Israel carries out surveillance flights frequently. I've seen their planes flying overhead. The Cypriots feel quite protected. Though they would like to kick the Turks out tomorrow. They don't have the army for it. Compared to the Turkish, their military is nothing.

British troops are maintaining their own presence there. Self preservation. Isn't that what all nations do?
They don't need our protection. No one is threatening them. Just because we have imaginary monsters around every corner that doesn't make it so for every other country.

They concentrated on keeping their industry strong and health care. We chase monsters we see blocking the road to our greed.

Germany is strategically situated for American and British military bases. It was a stopover point for the Iraq War. The biggest American hospital outside the US is in Landstuhl. And has a good reputation for treating burns. Which many American soldiers had suffered from during that war.

Iraq war......imaginary monsters......17 years of wasted wealth that could have been put to far better use.

There are foreign military bases all over the world. The Americans have Souda Bay, and there are two British sovereign installations in Cyprus.

The Mediterranean has always been a contentious area, going back to ancient times. And still is.

The Germans have one in Reston VA. Just outside DC.

Yes the British could be assisting the Greek army to protect our External Border but they are not what do the British troops in Cyprus do?. We were in Cyprus near 3 weeks ago because the Cypriot Ministry of Interior invited us to go for 24 hours this because we had asked them in the event Erdogan decide to weaponise Muh Migrants and send them to Cyprus then Cyprus are NOT going to be able to cope. We will assist Cyprus like we now assist Greece on the ground with Security Personnel to fight the attempts at violating our External Border.

I'm in Cyprus quite often. Israel carries out surveillance flights frequently. I've seen their planes flying overhead. The Cypriots feel quite protected. Though they would like to kick the Turks out tomorrow. They don't have the army for it. Compared to the Turkish, their military is nothing.

British troops are maintaining their own presence there. Self preservation. Isn't that what all nations do?

As you seem to be everywhere, perhaps you could ask Israel to GTFO the NGO IsraAid off the Greek Islands where they have been actively assisting since 2015/2016 to help the Muslims aka Muh Migrants invade this Continent. They were NOT invited by Greece and they are VERY open about what they do, we suggest they take ALL Muslims aka Muh Migrants to have this better life NOT on THIS Continent but in Israel instead OR drop them onto Israel's great friends Saudi Arabia instead of them interfering without permission in their obsession with attempting to destroy the historically Christian European Continent:


Greece | IsraAID

The British maintain their own presence in Cyprus for what? The only need for them to have those bases now in Cyprus is for when Washington DC phone London to DEMAND that British troops take part in another Middle East war that serves ZERO purpose for America or Britain.

The Cypriots do not have a large police or security force, in the event Erdogan decide to do what he attempt at the border with Greece and this to attempt to violate Cyprus with weaponised Muh Migrants then we, Hungary, Croatia, Poland will also assist Cyprus like we now do assist Greece.
Germany is strategically situated for American and British military bases. It was a stopover point for the Iraq War. The biggest American hospital outside the US is in Landstuhl. And has a good reputation for treating burns. Which many American soldiers had suffered from during that war.

Iraq war......imaginary monsters......17 years of wasted wealth that could have been put to far better use.

There are foreign military bases all over the world. The Americans have Souda Bay, and there are two British sovereign installations in Cyprus.

The Mediterranean has always been a contentious area, going back to ancient times. And still is.

The Germans have one in Reston VA. Just outside DC.

Yes the British could be assisting the Greek army to protect our External Border but they are not what do the British troops in Cyprus do?. We were in Cyprus near 3 weeks ago because the Cypriot Ministry of Interior invited us to go for 24 hours this because we had asked them in the event Erdogan decide to weaponise Muh Migrants and send them to Cyprus then Cyprus are NOT going to be able to cope. We will assist Cyprus like we now assist Greece on the ground with Security Personnel to fight the attempts at violating our External Border.

I'm in Cyprus quite often. Israel carries out surveillance flights frequently. I've seen their planes flying overhead. The Cypriots feel quite protected. Though they would like to kick the Turks out tomorrow. They don't have the army for it. Compared to the Turkish, their military is nothing.

British troops are maintaining their own presence there. Self preservation. Isn't that what all nations do?

As you seem to be everywhere, perhaps you could ask Israel to GTFO the NGO IsraAid off the Greek Islands where they have been actively assisting since 2015/2016 to help the Muslims aka Muh Migrants invade this Continent. They were NOT invited by Greece and they are VERY open about what they do, we suggest they take ALL Muslims aka Muh Migrants to have this better life NOT on THIS Continent but in Israel instead OR drop them onto Israel's great friends Saudi Arabia instead of them interfering without permission in their obsession with attempting to destroy the historically Christian European Continent:

View attachment 313832

Greece | IsraAID

The British maintain their own presence in Cyprus for what? The only need for them to have those bases now in Cyprus is for when Washington DC phone London to DEMAND that British troops take part in another Middle East war that serves ZERO purpose for America or Britain.

The Cypriots do not have a large police or security force, in the event Erdogan decide to do what he attempt at the border with Greece and this to attempt to violate Cyprus with weaponised Muh Migrants then we, Hungary, Croatia, Poland will also assist Cyprus like we now do assist Greece.

I should take up your first complaint with Angela Merkel. After all, she let in the first wave of Muslims into Europe proper. Without consulting the other 27 members of the European Union.

As for Erdogen, he is playing an arrogant and dangerous game. Already violating the zones of the gas and oil deposits located around Cyprus.
Without doubts Germany has the best health health system in the world.

The coronavirus crisis has hit Germany with full force. Infections are increasing rapidly, schools, factories and bars have closed across the country, and government measures to slow the outbreak are becoming more draconian by the day. In one crucial way, however, the country is proving remarkably resilient: relative to known infections, the number of deaths has so far been minuscule. According to data from Johns Hopkins University, there were 13,979 coronavirus infections in Germany on Thursday afternoon, more than in any other country except China, Italy, Iran and Spain.

At the same time, Germany had only registered 42 deaths. Neighbouring France, by contrast, reported 9,058 infections and 243 deaths. Spain had 17,395 infections and 803 deaths. The US, the UK, Italy and even South Korea all show case fatality rates significantly higher than Germany.

Subscribe to read | Financial Times

Below to illustrate fundamental problem with Germans. In Italy the Italians were singing their national anthem. Germans so psychologically abused now by American-Funded Propaganda on behalf of The Usual Rootless Suspects FRIGHTENED to sing national anthem because of but but but Hitler but but but Patriotism = Nazism etc and instead sing a fucking Italian COMMUNIST resistence song from the Second War "Bella ciao" Sing the FULL national anthem you Cucks ALL of it NOT just the third stanza sing ALL of it, but no all Cucks at least the Italians are PATRIOTS and sing their national anthem.

Starts at 37 seconds, and the national flag that they are PROUD of. Total respect for Italy and the Patriotic Italians:

The Italian Partisans were Communists who the above Patriotic Italians would REJECT TODAY, but the Cuck Germans just suck that Commie dick go ahead and see where it eventually lead this to the sewer with the vermin they are TERRIFIED of offending so come on and DIE you Cucks DIE at the rate of old Italians hopefully enough of the German Cucks can DIE so that Germany can be saved. Also unlike the Italians WHERE is the national flag? So AFRAID of showing Patriotism and Nationalism unlike the brave Italians, yes during the Second War the Italians Cucked out and turn cowards but now they are showing that they are brave Patriots unlike the below Cuck Germans, the Ancestors are turning in their graves at the below display of Cuckery:


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Iraq war......imaginary monsters......17 years of wasted wealth that could have been put to far better use.

There are foreign military bases all over the world. The Americans have Souda Bay, and there are two British sovereign installations in Cyprus.

The Mediterranean has always been a contentious area, going back to ancient times. And still is.

The Germans have one in Reston VA. Just outside DC.

Yes the British could be assisting the Greek army to protect our External Border but they are not what do the British troops in Cyprus do?. We were in Cyprus near 3 weeks ago because the Cypriot Ministry of Interior invited us to go for 24 hours this because we had asked them in the event Erdogan decide to weaponise Muh Migrants and send them to Cyprus then Cyprus are NOT going to be able to cope. We will assist Cyprus like we now assist Greece on the ground with Security Personnel to fight the attempts at violating our External Border.

I'm in Cyprus quite often. Israel carries out surveillance flights frequently. I've seen their planes flying overhead. The Cypriots feel quite protected. Though they would like to kick the Turks out tomorrow. They don't have the army for it. Compared to the Turkish, their military is nothing.

British troops are maintaining their own presence there. Self preservation. Isn't that what all nations do?

As you seem to be everywhere, perhaps you could ask Israel to GTFO the NGO IsraAid off the Greek Islands where they have been actively assisting since 2015/2016 to help the Muslims aka Muh Migrants invade this Continent. They were NOT invited by Greece and they are VERY open about what they do, we suggest they take ALL Muslims aka Muh Migrants to have this better life NOT on THIS Continent but in Israel instead OR drop them onto Israel's great friends Saudi Arabia instead of them interfering without permission in their obsession with attempting to destroy the historically Christian European Continent:

View attachment 313832

Greece | IsraAID

The British maintain their own presence in Cyprus for what? The only need for them to have those bases now in Cyprus is for when Washington DC phone London to DEMAND that British troops take part in another Middle East war that serves ZERO purpose for America or Britain.

The Cypriots do not have a large police or security force, in the event Erdogan decide to do what he attempt at the border with Greece and this to attempt to violate Cyprus with weaponised Muh Migrants then we, Hungary, Croatia, Poland will also assist Cyprus like we now do assist Greece.

I should take up your first complaint with Angela Merkel. After all, she let in the first wave of Muslims into Europe proper. Without consulting the other 27 members of the European Union.

As for Erdogen, he is playing an arrogant and dangerous game. Already violating the zones of the gas and oil deposits located around Cyprus.

Merkel was pressured into open that border it was not something SHE decided she was blackmailed into doing that. Merkel has during the majority of her time been obsessed with protecting Germany and the year before she gave a speech trashing Multiculturalism and then all of a sudden it was open border, this was NOT her decision.

Turkey should NOT be in NATO they are a hostile nation. Also as Turkey are attacking another NATO nation Greece with attempts at weaponising Muh Migrants WHY are not the other members of NATO telling Turkey to GTFO of NATO? This not explained. NATO is evil, The Donald was correct when he said to get rid of NATO but of course like Merkel he then all of a sudden had mind change because as with her he was pressured by an outside entity.

Yes and the oil and gas deposits belong to Cyprus they are in Cypriot waters.
.....along with my previous post on the great German culture, we see how terrible Italy did in '''certain culture failures in the US, Italy's culture is not conducive for greatness ....
There are foreign military bases all over the world. The Americans have Souda Bay, and there are two British sovereign installations in Cyprus.

The Mediterranean has always been a contentious area, going back to ancient times. And still is.

The Germans have one in Reston VA. Just outside DC.

Yes the British could be assisting the Greek army to protect our External Border but they are not what do the British troops in Cyprus do?. We were in Cyprus near 3 weeks ago because the Cypriot Ministry of Interior invited us to go for 24 hours this because we had asked them in the event Erdogan decide to weaponise Muh Migrants and send them to Cyprus then Cyprus are NOT going to be able to cope. We will assist Cyprus like we now assist Greece on the ground with Security Personnel to fight the attempts at violating our External Border.

I'm in Cyprus quite often. Israel carries out surveillance flights frequently. I've seen their planes flying overhead. The Cypriots feel quite protected. Though they would like to kick the Turks out tomorrow. They don't have the army for it. Compared to the Turkish, their military is nothing.

British troops are maintaining their own presence there. Self preservation. Isn't that what all nations do?

As you seem to be everywhere, perhaps you could ask Israel to GTFO the NGO IsraAid off the Greek Islands where they have been actively assisting since 2015/2016 to help the Muslims aka Muh Migrants invade this Continent. They were NOT invited by Greece and they are VERY open about what they do, we suggest they take ALL Muslims aka Muh Migrants to have this better life NOT on THIS Continent but in Israel instead OR drop them onto Israel's great friends Saudi Arabia instead of them interfering without permission in their obsession with attempting to destroy the historically Christian European Continent:

View attachment 313832

Greece | IsraAID

The British maintain their own presence in Cyprus for what? The only need for them to have those bases now in Cyprus is for when Washington DC phone London to DEMAND that British troops take part in another Middle East war that serves ZERO purpose for America or Britain.

The Cypriots do not have a large police or security force, in the event Erdogan decide to do what he attempt at the border with Greece and this to attempt to violate Cyprus with weaponised Muh Migrants then we, Hungary, Croatia, Poland will also assist Cyprus like we now do assist Greece.

I should take up your first complaint with Angela Merkel. After all, she let in the first wave of Muslims into Europe proper. Without consulting the other 27 members of the European Union.

As for Erdogen, he is playing an arrogant and dangerous game. Already violating the zones of the gas and oil deposits located around Cyprus.

Merkel was pressured into open that border it was not something SHE decided she was blackmailed into doing that. Merkel has during the majority of her time been obsessed with protecting Germany and the year before she gave a speech trashing Multiculturalism and then all of a sudden it was open border, this was NOT her decision.

Turkey should NOT be in NATO they are a hostile nation. Also as Turkey are attacking another NATO nation Greece with attempts at weaponising Muh Migrants WHY are not the other members of NATO telling Turkey to GTFO of NATO? This not explained. NATO is evil, The Donald was correct when he said to get rid of NATO but of course like Merkel he then all of a sudden had mind change because as with her he was pressured by an outside entity.

Yes and the oil and gas deposits belong to Cyprus they are in Cypriot waters.

Because NATO does nothing. It's nothing more than a gravy train. Same with the UN.

I've often wondered, when I've crossed over the checkpoint at Nicosia, whether those armed UN soldiers patrolling the area, would actually do anything, if it came to it. After all, they did nothing to stop the slaughter at Ruanda.
.....along with my previous post on the great German culture, we see how terrible Italy did in '''certain culture failures in the US, Italy's culture is not conducive for greatness ....

We share that culture but we are PROUD and Patriotic as are the Italians.

Thanks to shall we call it External Pressure mainly from New York City the majority of German now brainwashed to HATE their own Heritage and Culture because this it is Muh Nazi to be PROUD of Heritage and Culture. This begin approx 20 years ago before that they were proud of that Heritage and Culture. Now CENTURIES of beautiful Heritage and Culture is ignored because The Usual Suspects DEMAND 24/7 all about Muh Nazis, you MUST open the borders to ATONE for a 12 year period in CENTURIES of the history you must commit cultural suicide and THEN even THAT is not going to be enough for that vermin.

The Italians are PROUD to be Italian PROUD to sing their national anthem to UNITE a nation in crisis and PROUD to display their national flag. Lega and Brothers of Italy with Forza Italia now combined the Right-Wing Bloc in ALL Italian polls for months = 50% I have lost respect for Matteo Salvini because he miscalculated he thought by out of coalition with 5 Star that immediate elections and this did not occur IF Salvini was not that stupid he would STILL be running Italy. What I am saying here is that Italy is Patriotic and Germany is Cuck Nation who is NOT allowed to be Patriotic.
Yes the British could be assisting the Greek army to protect our External Border but they are not what do the British troops in Cyprus do?. We were in Cyprus near 3 weeks ago because the Cypriot Ministry of Interior invited us to go for 24 hours this because we had asked them in the event Erdogan decide to weaponise Muh Migrants and send them to Cyprus then Cyprus are NOT going to be able to cope. We will assist Cyprus like we now assist Greece on the ground with Security Personnel to fight the attempts at violating our External Border.

I'm in Cyprus quite often. Israel carries out surveillance flights frequently. I've seen their planes flying overhead. The Cypriots feel quite protected. Though they would like to kick the Turks out tomorrow. They don't have the army for it. Compared to the Turkish, their military is nothing.

British troops are maintaining their own presence there. Self preservation. Isn't that what all nations do?

As you seem to be everywhere, perhaps you could ask Israel to GTFO the NGO IsraAid off the Greek Islands where they have been actively assisting since 2015/2016 to help the Muslims aka Muh Migrants invade this Continent. They were NOT invited by Greece and they are VERY open about what they do, we suggest they take ALL Muslims aka Muh Migrants to have this better life NOT on THIS Continent but in Israel instead OR drop them onto Israel's great friends Saudi Arabia instead of them interfering without permission in their obsession with attempting to destroy the historically Christian European Continent:

View attachment 313832

Greece | IsraAID

The British maintain their own presence in Cyprus for what? The only need for them to have those bases now in Cyprus is for when Washington DC phone London to DEMAND that British troops take part in another Middle East war that serves ZERO purpose for America or Britain.

The Cypriots do not have a large police or security force, in the event Erdogan decide to do what he attempt at the border with Greece and this to attempt to violate Cyprus with weaponised Muh Migrants then we, Hungary, Croatia, Poland will also assist Cyprus like we now do assist Greece.

I should take up your first complaint with Angela Merkel. After all, she let in the first wave of Muslims into Europe proper. Without consulting the other 27 members of the European Union.

As for Erdogen, he is playing an arrogant and dangerous game. Already violating the zones of the gas and oil deposits located around Cyprus.

Merkel was pressured into open that border it was not something SHE decided she was blackmailed into doing that. Merkel has during the majority of her time been obsessed with protecting Germany and the year before she gave a speech trashing Multiculturalism and then all of a sudden it was open border, this was NOT her decision.

Turkey should NOT be in NATO they are a hostile nation. Also as Turkey are attacking another NATO nation Greece with attempts at weaponising Muh Migrants WHY are not the other members of NATO telling Turkey to GTFO of NATO? This not explained. NATO is evil, The Donald was correct when he said to get rid of NATO but of course like Merkel he then all of a sudden had mind change because as with her he was pressured by an outside entity.

Yes and the oil and gas deposits belong to Cyprus they are in Cypriot waters.

Because NATO does nothing. It's nothing more than a gravy train. Same with the UN.

I've often wondered, when I've crossed over the checkpoint at Nicosia, whether those armed UN soldiers patrolling the area, would actually do anything, if it came to it. After all, they did nothing to stop the slaughter at Ruanda.

Yes and yes I agree about NATO and the UN.

The UN Blue Helmets do zero, there was a situation in Cyprus hours before we got there and we were told the UN Blue Helmets stand there and did zero and the Security Police got involved, it is in my below post that I screen shoot:

First I explain that we return from being in Cyprus:


Then I explain the situation the background of:



Then I post article and link to explain the situation that occur hours before we get to Cyprus:




The link to the above post full:

Muslims now FORCEABLY INVADING Greece!

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