Get A Load Of These Insane Christian Nationalists Who Believed Rights Come From God And Not The Government


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Get A Load Of These Insane Christian Nationalists Who Believed Rights Come From God And Not The Government
POLITICS·Feb 23, 2024 ·
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You're not gonna believe this. Check out this list of radical Christian nationalists who believe inalienable human rights are endowed on them by some sort of higher power, a Creator, or something like that, and not by the federal government.

1. This idiot named John Locke


This loser thought liberty came from the Law of Nature and wasn't subject to the "legislative authority of man." Whatever that means. Rights come from the government. Everyone knows that.

2. Total loser Thomas Jefferson


Just look at the unhinged insanity in the eyes of this deranged radical.

3. This stupid thing called The Declaration of Independence.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..." UHG. Who wrote this crap?

4. Some dummy named Thomas Paine


Paine claimed that every child born into the world must be considered as deriving its existence from God. Uh, yeah. Ok, weirdo.

5. Moron and inventor of lightning Benjamin Franklin


This creep said that liberty is derived from the laws of God. Put this one on an FBI Watchlist…he's about to storm the Capitol.

These guys are all dummies. Do human rights come from God? Never. Rights come from the government and are disseminated to the population through the mainstream media. We need to stamp out this ridiculous scourge of Christian nationalism wherever we see it... before we lose our democracy.
Get A Load Of These Insane Christian Nationalists Who Believed Rights Come From God And Not The Government
POLITICS·Feb 23, 2024 ·
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You're not gonna believe this. Check out this list of radical Christian nationalists who believe inalienable human rights are endowed on them by some sort of higher power, a Creator, or something like that, and not by the federal government.

1. This idiot named John Locke


This loser thought liberty came from the Law of Nature and wasn't subject to the "legislative authority of man." Whatever that means. Rights come from the government. Everyone knows that.

2. Total loser Thomas Jefferson


Just look at the unhinged insanity in the eyes of this deranged radical.

3. This stupid thing called The Declaration of Independence.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..." UHG. Who wrote this crap?

4. Some dummy named Thomas Paine


Paine claimed that every child born into the world must be considered as deriving its existence from God. Uh, yeah. Ok, weirdo.

5. Moron and inventor of lightning Benjamin Franklin


This creep said that liberty is derived from the laws of God. Put this one on an FBI Watchlist…he's about to storm the Capitol.

These guys are all dummies. Do human rights come from God? Never. Rights come from the government and are disseminated to the population through the mainstream media. We need to stamp out this ridiculous scourge of Christian nationalism wherever we see it... before we lose our democracy.
technically they said the our creator,,
but I get your point,,

Get A Load Of These Insane Christian Nationalists Who Believed Rights Come From God And Not The Government​

The next time someone infringes on your free speech, right to a fair trial or equal protection of our laws…….You can pray to God about it
Get A Load Of These Insane Christian Nationalists Who Believed Rights Come From God And Not The Government
POLITICS·Feb 23, 2024 ·
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You're not gonna believe this. Check out this list of radical Christian nationalists who believe inalienable human rights are endowed on them by some sort of higher power, a Creator, or something like that, and not by the federal government.

1. This idiot named John Locke


This loser thought liberty came from the Law of Nature and wasn't subject to the "legislative authority of man." Whatever that means. Rights come from the government. Everyone knows that.

2. Total loser Thomas Jefferson


Just look at the unhinged insanity in the eyes of this deranged radical.

3. This stupid thing called The Declaration of Independence.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..." UHG. Who wrote this crap?

4. Some dummy named Thomas Paine


Paine claimed that every child born into the world must be considered as deriving its existence from God. Uh, yeah. Ok, weirdo.

5. Moron and inventor of lightning Benjamin Franklin


This creep said that liberty is derived from the laws of God. Put this one on an FBI Watchlist…he's about to storm the Capitol.

These guys are all dummies. Do human rights come from God? Never. Rights come from the government and are disseminated to the population through the mainstream media. We need to stamp out this ridiculous scourge of Christian nationalism wherever we see it... before we lose our democracy.

Yeah, that damn Jefferson

Be it enacted by the General Assembly, that no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.
some people should be glad for the things those guys did for them,, the biggest is they protect the stupid from the rest of us,,

The one i'm glad about is they made sure this isn't a Christian nation, or put the words god or christian anywhere in the Constitution.

This is a secular nation based upon secular human rights. We even protect the stupid to practice religion.
Both Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were Deist and both were accused of being atheists during their lives.

Thomas Paine so ridiculed Christianity that only a few people showed up for his funeral.

These three would have been aghast at Christian Nationalism because it stands for everything they were against.
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Get A Load Of These Insane Christian Nationalists Who Believed Rights Come From God And Not The Government
POLITICS·Feb 23, 2024 ·
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You're not gonna believe this. Check out this list of radical Christian nationalists who believe inalienable human rights are endowed on them by some sort of higher power, a Creator, or something like that, and not by the federal government.

1. This idiot named John Locke


This loser thought liberty came from the Law of Nature and wasn't subject to the "legislative authority of man." Whatever that means. Rights come from the government. Everyone knows that.

2. Total loser Thomas Jefferson


Just look at the unhinged insanity in the eyes of this deranged radical.

3. This stupid thing called The Declaration of Independence.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..." UHG. Who wrote this crap?

4. Some dummy named Thomas Paine


Paine claimed that every child born into the world must be considered as deriving its existence from God. Uh, yeah. Ok, weirdo.

5. Moron and inventor of lightning Benjamin Franklin


This creep said that liberty is derived from the laws of God. Put this one on an FBI Watchlist…he's about to storm the Capitol.

These guys are all dummies. Do human rights come from God? Never. Rights come from the government and are disseminated to the population through the mainstream media. We need to stamp out this ridiculous scourge of Christian nationalism wherever we see it... before we lose our democracy.
I get your point, but many of our Founding Fathers weren‘t Christians, but rather deists. Jefferson did not believe that Jesus was resurrected, for example.
Yeah, that damn Jefferson

Be it enacted by the General Assembly, that no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.
The irony is thick here. The OP apparently has little knowledge of the men he posted. Yes, they professed themselves to be 'Christian'..but most of that was for pubic consumption
For example, Paine, Jefferson and Franklin were Deists

But the widespread existence in 18th-century America of a school of religious thought called Deism complicates the actual beliefs of the Founders. Drawing from the scientific and philosophical work of such figures as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Isaac Newton, and John Locke, Deists argued that human experience and rationality—rather than religious dogma and mystery—determine the validity of human beliefs. In his widely read The Age of Reason, Thomas Paine, the principal American exponent of Deism, called Christianity “a fable.” Paine, the protégé of Benjamin Franklin, denied “that the Almighty ever did communicate anything to man, by…speech,…language, or…vision.” Postulating a distant deity whom he called “Nature’s God” (a term also used in the Declaration of Independence), Paine declared in a “profession of faith”:

I believe in one God, and no more; and I hope for happiness beyond this life. I believe in the equality of man; and I believe that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and in endeavoring to make our fellow-creatures happy.
Thus, Deism inevitably subverted orthodox Christianity. Persons influenced by the movement had little reason to read the Bible, to pray, to attend church, or to participate in such rites as baptism, Holy Communion, and the laying on of hands (confirmation) by bishops. With the notable exceptions of Abigail Adams and Dolley Madison, Deism seems to have had little effect on women. For example, Martha Washington, the daughters of Thomas Jefferson, and Elizabeth Kortright Monroe and her daughters seem to have held orthodox Christian beliefs.
The irony is thick here. The OP apparently has little knowledge of the men he posted. Yes, they professed themselves to be 'Christian'..but most of that was for pubic consumption
For example, Paine, Jefferson and Franklin were Deists

But the widespread existence in 18th-century America of a school of religious thought called Deism complicates the actual beliefs of the Founders. Drawing from the scientific and philosophical work of such figures as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Isaac Newton, and John Locke, Deists argued that human experience and rationality—rather than religious dogma and mystery—determine the validity of human beliefs. In his widely read The Age of Reason, Thomas Paine, the principal American exponent of Deism, called Christianity “a fable.” Paine, the protégé of Benjamin Franklin, denied “that the Almighty ever did communicate anything to man, by…speech,…language, or…vision.” Postulating a distant deity whom he called “Nature’s God” (a term also used in the Declaration of Independence), Paine declared in a “profession of faith”:

Thus, Deism inevitably subverted orthodox Christianity. Persons influenced by the movement had little reason to read the Bible, to pray, to attend church, or to participate in such rites as baptism, Holy Communion, and the laying on of hands (confirmation) by bishops. With the notable exceptions of Abigail Adams and Dolley Madison, Deism seems to have had little effect on women. For example, Martha Washington, the daughters of Thomas Jefferson, and Elizabeth Kortright Monroe and her daughters seem to have held orthodox Christian beliefs.
You are correct. Part of the right-wing war on history is to re-write history so that it conforms with their beliefs. That the OP fell for it, just shows how successful these efforts are.
Both Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were Deist and both were accused of being atheists during their lives.

Thomas Paine so ridiculed Christianity that only a few people showed up for his funeral.

These three would have been aghast at Christian Nationalism because it stands for everything they were against.
and yet both signed their names to it,,

Get A Load Of These Insane Christian Nationalists Who Believed Rights Come From God And Not The Government​

The next time someone infringes on your free speech, right to a fair trial or equal protection of our laws…….You can pray to God about it
Or impeach Potato.
Well its obvious that God is just to busy keeping track of everyone. So some thing people do will slip thru the cracks

So he appears before a select few to help spread the word

The problem is language. The locals just look at each other and wonder what is he or she saying

Cannibals will just start the fire
They signed their names to a document that clearly forbade a National Religion and mandated that all religions be afforded equal rights and access--and NO authority in the secular world.

They spoke of a God..but never a Christian one~
That is true. Many of the founding fathers were deist who believed in a singular deity. They kept Christianity out of many of their documents. At that time, Europe was just coming off of the reformation, counter-reformation and other religious strive and they sought to keep that strive away from our shores.
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