Get COVID in Nevada? Dem Gov Says: No Life-Saving Drugs For You

"Trump helped create a recent flurry of demand for the drugs when he announced last week that chloroquine “could be a game-changer” and that the FDA had approved it as treatment for coronavirus sufferers, which it has not. Trump also said hydroxychloroquine could be used in prevention.

But the country’s leading infectious-disease doctor, Anthony Fauci, said there is no substantive proof, at least yet, that either drug works in the battle against the deadly pandemic, only anecdotal information.

Sisolak’s order came a day after a Phoenix-area man died and his wife was in critical condition after taking an additive used to clean fish tanks called chloroquine phosphate, similar to the drug used to treat malaria."

Sounds like he wants to wait for medical experts to first confirm that it works. I don't see an issue with this.

Except New York is already aggressively pursing the use of these drugs.

I can't totally fault the governor for wanting to keep it available to those where it is known to help.

But if the stems from the morons in Arizona, he's just as big an idiot.
This is very true. They are sad the virus is not performing up to standard. It's not hospitalizing as promised; it's not killing as promised. That's sad to them on its face. Worse, that means we can get back to work sooner, meaning the economy can heal quicker.

Gosh. A nice, really viral case of Bubonic Plague would have been so much better, where 50% of people die with actual boils coming up on folks' skin. You know, REAL misery and panic.

These fools never think they will suffer. They just want to see others suffer.

Again, you were probably one of those "Christians" who thought AIDS was God's punishment of homos.

The Virus is doing plenty of damage, we are catching up with China and Italy in the number of cases, and it's only a matter of time before we exceed them in the number of deaths. Long before that the economy will be wrecked, though. The only question is, do we listen to the guy who thinks Windmills cause cancer and ignore the medical professionals who have kept this from being worse by isolating people?

You always boil things down the choices you think are correct.

Besides being wrong about 90% of the time, you are also ignorant.

Medical professionals are now treating this in different ways and the spectrum is broad.

Your answer is to hole up in your house until your masters tell you it is ok to come out and start kissing their asses again.

There are plenty of other viable alternatives.
So I've heard enough from all you screeching Leftists telling us WE JUST WANT GRANDMA TO DIE if we want the economy to get going. Here's YOUR MAN taking life-saving drugs out of the hands of people who are going to be on ventilators and in medically-induced comas.

Malaria drugs don't work and they've killed a few patients... but don't let that stop you.

Why is New York using them ?
"Trump helped create a recent flurry of demand for the drugs when he announced last week that chloroquine “could be a game-changer” and that the FDA had approved it as treatment for coronavirus sufferers, which it has not. Trump also said hydroxychloroquine could be used in prevention.

But the country’s leading infectious-disease doctor, Anthony Fauci, said there is no substantive proof, at least yet, that either drug works in the battle against the deadly pandemic, only anecdotal information.

Sisolak’s order came a day after a Phoenix-area man died and his wife was in critical condition after taking an additive used to clean fish tanks called chloroquine phosphate, similar to the drug used to treat malaria."

Sounds like he wants to wait for medical experts to first confirm that it works. I don't see an issue with this.

He just single-handedly took away the Leftist talking point, "If it saves one life"


No idea what you're talking about.

He doesn't know if it saves lives or not until medical experts can confirm it instead of going by anecdotal information.

Keep blowing smoke, you know this is terrible. And so do we.

Right. Because it makes no sense to verify that medications work before we make them available to the public.

That monster...

They are never available to the public.

They are available for doctors to prescribe.

Big fucking difference.
So I've heard enough from all you screeching Leftists telling us WE JUST WANT GRANDMA TO DIE if we want the economy to get going. Here's YOUR MAN taking life-saving drugs out of the hands of people who are going to be on ventilators and in medically-induced comas.

What he is clearly saying is there is no life saving drugs available. The treatments are whatever physicians dream up. There is no treatment in place currently much less a life saving drug.
Obviously the stuff cures and prevents it perfectly safe, and it "works"... plus it has been 100% effective against the Chinese Kung Flu so far. What kind of sick fuck would deny someone the option to obtain the stuff rather than die in the waiting room of a hospital?

That is untrue. You are a lying little weasel just like Trump.
You always boil things down the choices you think are correct.

Besides being wrong about 90% of the time, you are also ignorant.

Medical professionals are now treating this in different ways and the spectrum is broad.

Your answer is to hole up in your house until your masters tell you it is ok to come out and start kissing their asses again.

There are plenty of other viable alternatives.

Medical professionals know that the best thing to do is to isolate. Besides the fact that we really have no workable treatments, if the already high number of cases spikes higher (we are already ahead of Italy in the number of confirmed cases) if it continues to spread, we won't have enough hospital beds, ventilators, etc. to accomedate everyone.

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