Get COVID in Nevada? Dem Gov Says: No Life-Saving Drugs For You

Sounds like he wants to wait for medical experts to first confirm that it works. I don't see an issue with this.

Medical experts like the doctors treating their patients?

It's no real secret but most Leftists really want the pain and suffering to continue. They love the pandemic; they want an economic collapse. In their very limited imaginative functioning, the pain always belongs to others, never to themselves. They never really mind the pain and suffering of others, either. It's just desserts for not thinking the Right Things.
"Trump helped create a recent flurry of demand for the drugs when he announced last week that chloroquine “could be a game-changer” and that the FDA had approved it as treatment for coronavirus sufferers, which it has not. Trump also said hydroxychloroquine could be used in prevention.

But the country’s leading infectious-disease doctor, Anthony Fauci, said there is no substantive proof, at least yet, that either drug works in the battle against the deadly pandemic, only anecdotal information.

Sisolak’s order came a day after a Phoenix-area man died and his wife was in critical condition after taking an additive used to clean fish tanks called chloroquine phosphate, similar to the drug used to treat malaria."

Sounds like he wants to wait for medical experts to first confirm that it works. I don't see an issue with this.

He just single-handedly took away the Leftist talking point, "If it saves one life"


No idea what you're talking about.

He doesn't know if it saves lives or not until medical experts can confirm it instead of going by anecdotal information.
It's not merely anecdotal evidence, the mechanism of action is also known.
"Trump helped create a recent flurry of demand for the drugs when he announced last week that chloroquine “could be a game-changer” and that the FDA had approved it as treatment for coronavirus sufferers, which it has not. Trump also said hydroxychloroquine could be used in prevention.

But the country’s leading infectious-disease doctor, Anthony Fauci, said there is no substantive proof, at least yet, that either drug works in the battle against the deadly pandemic, only anecdotal information.

Sisolak’s order came a day after a Phoenix-area man died and his wife was in critical condition after taking an additive used to clean fish tanks called chloroquine phosphate, similar to the drug used to treat malaria."

Sounds like he wants to wait for medical experts to first confirm that it works. I don't see an issue with this.

He just single-handedly took away the Leftist talking point, "If it saves one life"


No idea what you're talking about.

He doesn't know if it saves lives or not until medical experts can confirm it instead of going by anecdotal information.

Keep blowing smoke, you know this is terrible. And so do we.

Right. Because it makes no sense to verify that medications work before we make them available to the public.

That monster...
The medications are already available to the public. They are not experimental. That's why doctors are able to prescribe them.
So I've heard enough from all you screeching Leftists telling us WE JUST WANT GRANDMA TO DIE if we want the economy to get going. Here's YOUR MAN taking life-saving drugs out of the hands of people who are going to be on ventilators and in medically-induced comas.

So Cuomo gets 10,000 doses yesterday and is started a testing program while this idiot bans its use.

Libtardo stupidity is more dangerous than Kung Flu.

Perfect example of why you never trust your life or your money with a Democrat.
"Trump helped create a recent flurry of demand for the drugs when he announced last week that chloroquine “could be a game-changer” and that the FDA had approved it as treatment for coronavirus sufferers, which it has not. Trump also said hydroxychloroquine could be used in prevention.

But the country’s leading infectious-disease doctor, Anthony Fauci, said there is no substantive proof, at least yet, that either drug works in the battle against the deadly pandemic, only anecdotal information.

Sisolak’s order came a day after a Phoenix-area man died and his wife was in critical condition after taking an additive used to clean fish tanks called chloroquine phosphate, similar to the drug used to treat malaria."

Sounds like he wants to wait for medical experts to first confirm that it works. I don't see an issue with this.

He just single-handedly took away the Leftist talking point, "If it saves one life"


No idea what you're talking about.

He doesn't know if it saves lives or not until medical experts can confirm it instead of going by anecdotal information.
It's not merely anecdotal evidence, the mechanism of action is also known.

A cause/effect relationship with known side-effects hasn't been tested yet.
"Trump helped create a recent flurry of demand for the drugs when he announced last week that chloroquine “could be a game-changer” and that the FDA had approved it as treatment for coronavirus sufferers, which it has not. Trump also said hydroxychloroquine could be used in prevention.

But the country’s leading infectious-disease doctor, Anthony Fauci, said there is no substantive proof, at least yet, that either drug works in the battle against the deadly pandemic, only anecdotal information.

Sisolak’s order came a day after a Phoenix-area man died and his wife was in critical condition after taking an additive used to clean fish tanks called chloroquine phosphate, similar to the drug used to treat malaria."

Sounds like he wants to wait for medical experts to first confirm that it works. I don't see an issue with this.

He just single-handedly took away the Leftist talking point, "If it saves one life"


No idea what you're talking about.

He doesn't know if it saves lives or not until medical experts can confirm it instead of going by anecdotal information.

Keep blowing smoke, you know this is terrible. And so do we.

Right. Because it makes no sense to verify that medications work before we make them available to the public.

That monster...
The medications are already available to the public. They are not experimental. That's why doctors are able to prescribe them.

Not for COVID-19.
It's no real secret but most Leftists really want the pain and suffering to continue. They love the pandemic; they want an economic collapse. In their very limited imaginative functioning, the pain always belongs to others, never to themselves. They never really mind the pain and suffering of others, either. It's just desserts for not thinking the Right Things.

If you actually believe that then you've listened to way too much talk radio.
So I've heard enough from all you screeching Leftists telling us WE JUST WANT GRANDMA TO DIE if we want the economy to get going. Here's YOUR MAN taking life-saving drugs out of the hands of people who are going to be on ventilators and in medically-induced comas.

He'll be thrown out of office soon enough.
Sounds like he wants to wait for medical experts to first confirm that it works. I don't see an issue with this.

Medical experts like the doctors treating their patients?

There's a difference between someone treating a patient and someone conducting clinical trials.

Are you claiming a doctor is not a medical expert?

Am I claiming that a doctor is not a medical expert??? Obviously not. I'm claiming that a doctor isn't the kind of medical expert I was referring to.

Neither are gynecologists, plastic surgeons, or chiropractors.

The medical experts I'm referring to are the ones who conduct clinical trials to determine if a medication works.
Sounds like he wants to wait for medical experts to first confirm that it works. I don't see an issue with this.

Medical experts like the doctors treating their patients?

There's a difference between someone treating a patient and someone conducting clinical trials.

Are you claiming a doctor is not a medical expert?

Obviously not. I'm claiming that a doctor isn't the kind of medical expert I was referring to.

Neither are gynecologists, plastic surgeons, or chiropractors.

Are gynecologists, plastic surgeons, or chiropractors treating COVID-19 patients?

What medical credentials do you have to determine that a doctor treating a COVID-19 patient isn't qualified or capable to decide whether or not his patient, particularly one whose outcome is looking grim, should be able to try the drug? Better yet, what qualifies the governor to make that decision on behalf of every doctor in the state?
Sounds like he wants to wait for medical experts to first confirm that it works. I don't see an issue with this.

Medical experts like the doctors treating their patients?

There's a difference between someone treating a patient and someone conducting clinical trials.

Are you claiming a doctor is not a medical expert?

Obviously not. I'm claiming that a doctor isn't the kind of medical expert I was referring to.

Neither are gynecologists, plastic surgeons, or chiropractors.

Are gynecologists, plastic surgeons, or chiropractors treating COVID-19 patients?

What medical credentials do you have to determine that a doctor treating a COVID-19 patient isn't qualified or capable to decide whether or not his patient, particularly one whose outcome is looking grim, should be able to try the drug? Better yet, what qualifies the governor to make that decision on behalf of every doctor in the state?

Clinical trials are needed. Numerous patients are needed, determining the cause/effect relationship and side-effects associated with that drug. A doctor with one or a handfull of patients isn't going to accomplish that.

The governor didn't make that decision on behalf of every doctor in the state.

I agree with Cuomo, if a patient is on a ventilator and is dying, why not use the anti-malaria drug? What is the risk? Is it not better to try something, instead of giving up?

Risk vs. reward.

I’m not sure if the anti-malaria drugs work or not however, I see nothing wrong with trying it out and let’s see what happens.
Anti-malaria drugs have already been vetted for toxicity -- which is why they are called anti-malaria drugs......patients should be able to receive won't hurt...

Those other folks taking the fish tank cleaner were just dumb....

Damn, Biff, I have to agree with you. I’m wondering where I went wrong? :D
Let's hope they don't resort to other chloroquine products like this man did.

An Arizona man has died and his wife is in critical condition after they ingested chloroquine phosphate - an aquarium cleaning product similar to drugs that have been named by President Trump as potential treatments for coronavirus infection.

The couple, in their 60s, experienced immediate distress after swallowing the drug, an additive used at aquariums to clean fish tanks, according to Banner Health Hospital in Phoenix.

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