Get happy in the world's happiest countries

1. Denmark
2. Norway
3. Switzerland
4. Netherlands
5. Sweden
6. Canada
7. Finland
8. Austria
9. Iceland
10. Australia
Get happy in the world's happiest countries -

Does it make you wonder what one of the common factors would be to make these the happiest countries to live in?
Expect for the right wing extremest to come out with their usual response, of leave if you don't like it here.
With a little investigation, one might find the reasons why these countries are rated like they are.
That list must be biased in some way. For instance why is Canada on the list but not the U.S.? We essentially have the same quality of life, share a similar culture, language, and lifestyle. Actually, with the warmer climate, I would think the U.S. should be on the list instead of Canada. .:eusa_eh:
And since I have a little extra time, let me SHOW USMB just how stupid you really are,CC.

Chapter 7 presents the OECD’s Guidelines on
Measuring Subjective Well-being and general
approach, and; on Measuring Subjective Well-being.pdf
In particular, the chapter presents a single primary
measure intended to be collected consistently across countries, as well as a small group of
core measures that it is desirable for data producers to collect where possible. Beyond this
core suite of measures, the chapter provides more general advice to support data producers
interested in identifying and measuring aspects of subjective well-being that will meet
their particular research or policy needs, as well as a range of question modules relating to
different aspects of subjective well-being.

i realize that you have to be literate and have critical thinking skills beyond that of a child with learning disabilities, but this is the best I can do to try to explain it for someone at your intellectual level. I really can not spell it out any clearer than this. If you feel the need to make more of a dumb fuck out of yourself, by all means. It's quality entertainment for me.
Last edited:
1. Denmark
2. Norway
3. Switzerland
4. Netherlands
5. Sweden
6. Canada
7. Finland
8. Austria
9. Iceland
10. Australia
Get happy in the world's happiest countries -

Does it make you wonder what one of the common factors would be to make these the happiest countries to live in?
Expect for the right wing extremest to come out with their usual response, of leave if you don't like it here.
With a little investigation, one might find the reasons why these countries are rated like they are.

Nine out of ten are waaaay too cold for me to be happy
Seems as if some countries are very happy. Happiness makes for a better world and longer life.
If you missed the train to happiness. True happiness.
Your demise not others.

Ah, yep. Happiness is subjective, fella. One man's happiness is another man's agony. They are using plot point questions to create the data set. it's about as meaningful as using the CPI as an inflation indicator. Useless.

Liberals are happy when they spend other people's money, they are very unhappy when they have to spend their own. I wonder if the ranking covered that, it seems to be dominated by countries with people who want to spend other people's money...
Hot weather is unhealthy.
My preference. The change of seasons.

1. Denmark
2. Norway
3. Switzerland
4. Netherlands
5. Sweden
6. Canada
7. Finland
8. Austria
9. Iceland
10. Australia
Get happy in the world's happiest countries -

Does it make you wonder what one of the common factors would be to make these the happiest countries to live in?
Expect for the right wing extremest to come out with their usual response, of leave if you don't like it here.
With a little investigation, one might find the reasons why these countries are rated like they are.

Nine out of ten are waaaay too cold for me to be happy
Happy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!....:dance::dance::dance:

[ame=]Pharrell Williams - Happy (Official Music Video) - YouTube[/ame]
Hot weather is unhealthy.
My preference. The change of seasons.

1. Denmark
2. Norway
3. Switzerland
4. Netherlands
5. Sweden
6. Canada
7. Finland
8. Austria
9. Iceland
10. Australia
Get happy in the world's happiest countries -

Does it make you wonder what one of the common factors would be to make these the happiest countries to live in?
Expect for the right wing extremest to come out with their usual response, of leave if you don't like it here.
With a little investigation, one might find the reasons why these countries are rated like they are.

Nine out of ten are waaaay too cold for me to be happy
Come on man, these surveys arent science and are bullshit. Things they have in common. Cold weather, few black people, socialist pllicies(im guessing thats your target), liberal immigration, whats the correlation you want us to buy why these places are so happy
Hot weather is unhealthy.
My preference. The change of seasons.

1. Denmark
2. Norway
3. Switzerland
4. Netherlands
5. Sweden
6. Canada
7. Finland
8. Austria
9. Iceland
10. Australia
Get happy in the world's happiest countries -

Does it make you wonder what one of the common factors would be to make these the happiest countries to live in?
Expect for the right wing extremest to come out with their usual response, of leave if you don't like it here.
With a little investigation, one might find the reasons why these countries are rated like they are.

Nine out of ten are waaaay too cold for me to be happy

Hot weather is unhealthy.

really?....let me ask you this.....what has more life in it....the Antarctic or Death Vally?....
Seems as if some countries are very happy. Happiness makes for a better world and longer life.
If you missed the train to happiness. True happiness.
Your demise not others.

No one is arguing against happiness, the question is how you define it. Feeding my family with other people's money does not make me happy. Having my opportunities limited because government micromanages the economy does not make me happy. Liberty, the ability to make of myself what I chose is what makes me happy.
Ah, yep. Happiness is subjective, fella. One man's happiness is another man's agony. They are using plot point questions to create the data set. it's about as meaningful as using the CPI as an inflation indicator. Useless.

Liberals are happy when they spend other people's money, they are very unhappy when they have to spend their own. I wonder if the ranking covered that, it seems to be dominated by countries with people who want to spend other people's money...

There are some ignorant rw's who want to believe that even though the evidence shows it is red states who take the most welfare while blue states do the work to pay for it. Its also rw's who are against having to pay for their own health care insurance (ACA) when they can get care for free via Reagan's Socialist EMTALA.
Ah, yep. Happiness is subjective, fella. One man's happiness is another man's agony. They are using plot point questions to create the data set. it's about as meaningful as using the CPI as an inflation indicator. Useless.

Liberals are happy when they spend other people's money, they are very unhappy when they have to spend their own. I wonder if the ranking covered that, it seems to be dominated by countries with people who want to spend other people's money...

There are some ignorant rw's who want to believe that even though the evidence shows it is red states who take the most welfare while blue states do the work to pay for it. Its also rw's who are against having to pay for their own health care insurance (ACA) when they can get care for free via Reagan's Socialist EMTALA.

And you have contradictory vague and inconclusive charts to prove it. Yeah, Alphalpha, the Blue States just pump money into the red ones. In my home State of Michigan, Detroit sucks the rest of the State dry. Red States pay taxes too. And even if what you said were not farcical, it doesn't contradict what I said. I said what you people are. Republicans suck too, which is why ... I'm not one ...

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