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Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Another win. And unanimous.

The Supreme Court unanimously upheld a federal statute that forbids encouraging illegal aliens to remain in the U.S. unlawfully in a decision Thursday.

The Supreme Court justices voided an earlier decision by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which had ruled that a federal anti-harboring statute was unconstitutional on the grounds that it violated the First Amendment by restricting free speech. The ruling by the nation’s highest court Thursday upholds the law.

Encouraging Illegal Aliens To Remain In The US Is A Crime, Supreme Court Rules
Another win. And unanimous.

The Supreme Court unanimously upheld a federal statute that forbids encouraging illegal aliens to remain in the U.S. unlawfully in a decision Thursday.

The Supreme Court justices voided an earlier decision by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which had ruled that a federal anti-harboring statute was unconstitutional on the grounds that it violated the First Amendment by restricting free speech. The ruling by the nation’s highest court Thursday upholds the law.

Encouraging Illegal Aliens To Remain In The US Is A Crime, Supreme Court Rules
OK. What about the last 30 years that liberal Democrats have given sanctuary to illegal aliens? Do we put those politicians on trial, do we fine or jail them? Put them against the wall and shoot them as traitors? What about those poor poor illegals that where given sanctuary and have been here over a generation? My home town, a thousand miles from the southern border, has become drenched in liberal Californian expatriates and their little yellow myopic minions pushing this agenda on us. Jesus, we're over a thousand miles from the border! It boggles my mind, even now. They have taken jobs from our lower class citizens. We throw poor Americans under the bus as expendable, let them live on the streets. Yet WE (liberal Democrats and their overlords, businesses that exploit cheap labor) feel so "sorry" for the plight of poor poor Hispanic illegals...and shield them from fair ethical federal immigration laws. And they did so without our knowledge, permission or request. What do we do with THIS? It borders on TREASON, that is a capital offense.
Another win. And unanimous.

The Supreme Court unanimously upheld a federal statute that forbids encouraging illegal aliens to remain in the U.S. unlawfully in a decision Thursday.

The Supreme Court justices voided an earlier decision by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which had ruled that a federal anti-harboring statute was unconstitutional on the grounds that it violated the First Amendment by restricting free speech. The ruling by the nation’s highest court Thursday upholds the law.

Encouraging Illegal Aliens To Remain In The US Is A Crime, Supreme Court Rules
wouldnt having sanctuary cities be encouraging illegals to stay ?
Another win. And unanimous.

The Supreme Court unanimously upheld a federal statute that forbids encouraging illegal aliens to remain in the U.S. unlawfully in a decision Thursday.

The Supreme Court justices voided an earlier decision by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which had ruled that a federal anti-harboring statute was unconstitutional on the grounds that it violated the First Amendment by restricting free speech. The ruling by the nation’s highest court Thursday upholds the law.

Encouraging Illegal Aliens To Remain In The US Is A Crime, Supreme Court Rules
wouldnt having sanctuary cities be encouraging illegals to stay ?

Yes. I'm wondering why those officials are not even now sequestered in a military camp, awaiting trial.

Aren't you?
Seems to me such a ruling may expose the government officials of sanctuary cities and states to federal charges.

Let's hope so.
The Supreme Court did not look at the law. It rejected the 9th's ruling because of how the arguments were presented. From your article:

The Ninth Circuit’s reversal however, was not based on arguments presented by her defense, but by third party arguments submitted to the panel of judges....
“Unfortunately, the Court did not have to reach the issue of whether this important statute is constitutional, but it did keep the law in place.

Don't get your hopes up, guys.

Now, to me the law seems perfectly alright, don't get me wrong.
Seems to me such a ruling may expose the government officials of sanctuary cities and states to federal charges.

Let's hope so.
The Supreme Court did not look at the law. It rejected the 9th's ruling because of how the arguments were presented. From your article:

The Ninth Circuit’s reversal however, was not based on arguments presented by her defense, but by third party arguments submitted to the panel of judges....
“Unfortunately, the Court did not have to reach the issue of whether this important statute is constitutional, but it did keep the law in place.

Don't get your hopes up, guys.

Now, to me the law seems perfectly alright, don't get me wrong.

Patience. And yes, even as is, interfering with federal law exposes one to federal charges.
My lawn’s not gonna mow itself!
Then get off of your lazy dead ass and mow it yourself.
Or do what I do and have your wife mow it. I didn't want the damn lawn in the first place but she insisted on putting it in. I told her that if I pay for putting it in it's her responsibly to maintain the damn thing. I live in the middle of the damn woods, an we don need no stenkin lawn.
Lawns are one of the stupidest things we do. The damn limeys foisted this shit on to us. They invented the damn things.

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