Get Rid of Spanish in America

Shit, here in the filthy shithole of Mexifornia there are many places where English is the secondary language...I’ve been in banks with 50 people or more inside where I was the only white person there, including employees...where everyone is speaking kinda stop and suck it all in, at first you feel like you’re in an episode of the Twilight Zone then you quickly realize you’ve become a foreigner in your own country.
You are not alone. In Florida, huge numbers of Puerto Ricans have moved here, after being displaced by Hurricane Maria. I was in a Dollar Tree recently, with about 50 people in the store. It wasn't until I got to the cashier and she said "4.28", that I heard English spoken.
Without closing the Jewish Restaurant. I mean Mexican. Aren't you just treating a symptom rather than the disease?
Don't know what you're talking about. Maybe if you stuck to THE TOPIC, I would.

That is the topic. You want to ban Spanish in business. What business is more Spanish in this country than Mexican restaurants? Think about it. You have them all in one place. Isn't that where you kill them all and let God sort it out?
Growing up in a very ethinc family it is wonderful to know 2 different languages.
Its to bad Sei così pigro But that is how most people that are prejudice are about others with true ethnic backgrounds.
And the people you choose to marginalize built this country while individuals like you were seduto sul tuo culo.

The USA is an English-speaking country. It has been that for over 200 years. In order for America to preserve its identity as a NATION, it must have a (ie. ONE) distinctive language and culture.

Currently, there are a few Spanish TV stations, and the AM radio dial is flooded with them. Spanish is also ubiquitous in telephone recordings, voting ballots, and even on billboards. It's time for the US government to put a stop to this madness.

There have been non-English speaking immigrants here in America, for as long as the USA has existed. They have always adapted and quickly learned English. My mother's family arrived here from Denmark, in 1929. There were no radio shows in Danish for them. My paternal grandparents came here from Central America in the 1880's. They had no Spanish signs, or anything like that. They all learned English, quickly.

The only reason there is so much Spanish in America now, is because this helps Democrats to import more immigrants to vote Democrat. Now we have people who have been here for 20 years, and can't speak a word of English. Get rid of all the Spanish. Get it out, and keep it out.

Let’s make America great again, by making America a true NATION again (instead of the mish-mash it has become).

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)
Yes, I'm with you then. I agree. I thought that's what you meant, Billy. Just wanted you to specify that.

That isn't what Protectionist is advocating, he's proposing government ban private businesses from operating in Spanish, which is not what you are doing
That is correct. Why is this difficult to comprehend ? The clear explanation is right in the TITLE of the OP. Sheeesh!
Growing up in a very ethinc family it is wonderful to know 2 different languages.
Its to bad Sei così pigro But that is how most people that are prejudice are about others with true ethnic backgrounds.
And the people you choose to marginalize built this country while individuals like you were seduto sul tuo culo.

The USA is an English-speaking country. It has been that for over 200 years. In order for America to preserve its identity as a NATION, it must have a (ie. ONE) distinctive language and culture.

Currently, there are a few Spanish TV stations, and the AM radio dial is flooded with them. Spanish is also ubiquitous in telephone recordings, voting ballots, and even on billboards. It's time for the US government to put a stop to this madness.

There have been non-English speaking immigrants here in America, for as long as the USA has existed. They have always adapted and quickly learned English. My mother's family arrived here from Denmark, in 1929. There were no radio shows in Danish for them. My paternal grandparents came here from Central America in the 1880's. They had no Spanish signs, or anything like that. They all learned English, quickly.

The only reason there is so much Spanish in America now, is because this helps Democrats to import more immigrants to vote Democrat. Now we have people who have been here for 20 years, and can't speak a word of English. Get rid of all the Spanish. Get it out, and keep it out.

Let’s make America great again, by making America a true NATION again (instead of the mish-mash it has become).

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

Wrong country bud...when you speak that jibber-jabber shit no one that matters listens.
Just your fellow human cockroaches hear you.
Happy to say I don't have a Taco Bell to not go to in my town. But at the actual Mexican restaurant I usually go to I usually order a Pollo Chilango.

Hey, if I deliberately mispronounce it can I get off with a misdemeanor?
Stop being disingenuous. For the 10th time, >> The thread is about Spanish being eliminated from PUBLIC usage (as in advertising, media of TV, radio, newspapers, telephones, voting ballots etc.

If you keep on LYING, and twisting the topic into off topic BS, I will report. Fair warning.

Stop the :bsflag:
I don't think Protectionist really knows what he's proposing. LOL
No, you don't think that. Too much :bsflag: polluting this thread.

It would be better if some posters would actually try to present a cogent argument. You support multiculturalism vs nationalism. Tell us why.
Happy to say I don't have a Taco Bell to not go to in my town. But at the actual Mexican restaurant I usually go to I usually order a Pollo Chilango.

Hey, if I deliberately mispronounce it can I get off with a misdemeanor?
Stop being disingenuous. For the 10th time, >> The thread is about Spanish being eliminated from PUBLIC usage (as in advertising, media of TV, radio, newspapers, telephones, voting ballots etc.

If you keep on LYING, and twisting the topic into off topic BS, I will report. Fair warning.

Stop the :bsflag:

And will this report be absolutely free of Spanish words like "no"? Pffft. Poster please. You have a horseshit thread and it's getting exactly what it deserves, buckaroo.

It naturally follows from your fascistic desire to control how people talk to each other, that you also want to control how people post. Fortunately that doesn't fly here.
We'd also have to change the name of Colorado. And several other states. Not to even mention Los Angeles, San Antonio and a slew of other place names. Children's birthday parties could not feature a piñata. And you'd be going into a bar to order a "Little Margaret".
No you won't, Mr Distortion. The OP stated clear what is being proposed. It's not what you creatively come up with. Try being HONEST for a change.

Although, you know changing the names of San Francisco and Los Angeles wouldn't be a bad idea. Hey, maybe there's hope for you yet, Pogo.

Well, he said television, phone recordings and advertisement in Spanish should be illegal, that's pretty specifically government tyranny
FALSE! In your strange world, all regulation of business is tyranny. I corrected you twice, and still you persist. You have a problem.
Dictating what words people can say is, gringo.
So then BY YOUR DEFINITION, the USA is a fascist country, because we have MANY laws that dictate what words people can & cannot say, in certain circumstances (Examples >> slander, libel, sedition, threats, perjury, false advertising, copyright infringement, plagiarism, fighting words, inciting a riot)
Happy to say I don't have a Taco Bell to not go to in my town. But at the actual Mexican restaurant I usually go to I usually order a Pollo Chilango.

Hey, if I deliberately mispronounce it can I get off with a misdemeanor?
Stop being disingenuous. For the 10th time, >> The thread is about Spanish being eliminated from PUBLIC usage (as in advertising, media of TV, radio, newspapers, telephones, voting ballots etc.

if you keep on LYING, and twisting the topic into off topic BS, I will report. Fair warning

Relajarse greengo
Great points. Spanish is all around us, the forces of evil are closing in!

I'm still upset though that Mexican is one of my favorite types of food and I don't know how to order what I want anymore. How do I ask for fish tacos? How do I ask for two enchiladas, one spinach and one cheese? What are the English words for those? I just don't know.

I'm going to have a quesadilla for lunch while I still know how to ask for it
Try a steak and a beer.
Good point. The fact that someone who made that food might have spoken Spanish while doing it, should make it illegal.
Who's writing this OP ? You or me ? Looks like in your world, :biggrin: YOU ARE.
Just because you are too ignorant to speak another language or communicate with a human is no reason to destroy the world...
Just because you are too incompetent to play 4 musical instruments, is no reason to say things that have nothing to do with the OP proposal.
I have to say, I don't see how it's obvious that someone who wants to make Spanish illegal in private business dealings wouldn't want to also ban Mexican food.

But at least you have my mind at ease on that. Now on to my question of how I order Mexican food since I don't know English words for Mexican food. So?
If you don't see how that's obvious, try thinking harder. Note: Neither in the OP or in my posts have I said anything about banning Mexican food. If you're not capable of tackling the thread subject matter, without changing it, maybe another thread would be better for you.
.I am impressed though that you managed to make yourself look more nuts than Prohibition. That was a high bar to clear
To you national identity is "nuts" Not hard to ascertain who the actual nut is around here.
But you are wrong, butt face. Others that are not a lazy ass like you understand, and I understand them.
So your ignorance and your prejudice makes you a hollow fool.

Growing up in a very ethinc family it is wonderful to know 2 different languages.
Its to bad Sei così pigro But that is how most people that are prejudice are about others with true ethnic backgrounds.
And the people you choose to marginalize built this country while individuals like you were seduto sul tuo culo.

The USA is an English-speaking country. It has been that for over 200 years. In order for America to preserve its identity as a NATION, it must have a (ie. ONE) distinctive language and culture.

Currently, there are a few Spanish TV stations, and the AM radio dial is flooded with them. Spanish is also ubiquitous in telephone recordings, voting ballots, and even on billboards. It's time for the US government to put a stop to this madness.

There have been non-English speaking immigrants here in America, for as long as the USA has existed. They have always adapted and quickly learned English. My mother's family arrived here from Denmark, in 1929. There were no radio shows in Danish for them. My paternal grandparents came here from Central America in the 1880's. They had no Spanish signs, or anything like that. They all learned English, quickly.

The only reason there is so much Spanish in America now, is because this helps Democrats to import more immigrants to vote Democrat. Now we have people who have been here for 20 years, and can't speak a word of English. Get rid of all the Spanish. Get it out, and keep it out.

Let’s make America great again, by making America a true NATION again (instead of the mish-mash it has become).

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

Wrong country bud...when you speak that jibber-jabber shit no one that matters listens.
Just your fellow human cockroaches hear you.
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