Get Rid of Spanish in America

Growing up in a very ethinc family it is wonderful to know 2 different languages.
Its to bad Sei così pigro But that is how most people that are prejudice are about others with true ethnic backgrounds.
And the people you choose to marginalize built this country while individuals like you were seduto sul tuo culo.
I'm not trying to marginalize people. I'm trying to marginalize American culture and language to keep it AMERICAN, and not allow foreigners to come here and denationalize it to their language and culture.

As for the "individuals like you" comment, it's surprising that after 7 years in this forum you don't know that I happen to be Hispanic, grew up in a very ethnic family, and know 2 different languages.>> speak Spanish fluently, and have desde mil novacientos cinquenta y nueve, as I've posted many times over the past 5 years, that I've been here.

When you want to make free speech between citizens illegal, you're a tyrant
And will this report be absolutely free of Spanish words like "no"? Pffft. Poster please. You have a horseshit thread and it's getting exactly what it deserves, buckaroo.

It naturally follows from your fascistic desire to control how people talk to each other, that you also want to control how people post. Fortunately that doesn't fly here.
FALSE! It does fly here. This forum has rules, which you have been violating all through this fast moving thread.

As for the thread, it is simply an affirmation of nationalism, which bugs you because you are a multiculturalist, and not good at tolerating other points of view.
Growing up in a very ethinc family it is wonderful to know 2 different languages.
Its to bad Sei così pigro But that is how most people that are prejudice are about others with true ethnic backgrounds.
And the people you choose to marginalize built this country while individuals like you were seduto sul tuo culo.
I'm not trying to marginalize people. I'm trying to marginalize American culture and language to keep it AMERICAN, and not allow foreigners to come here and denationalize it to their language and culture.

As for the "individuals like you" comment, it's surprising that after 7 years in this forum you don't know that I happen to be Hispanic, grew up in a very ethnic family, and know 2 different languages.>> speak Spanish fluently, and have desde mil novacientos cinquenta y nueve, as I've posted many times over the past 5 years, that I've been here.

I happen to be Hispanic”
End of just ran everyone out by issuing yourself mass credibility.
The USA is an English-speaking country. It has been that for over 200 years. In order for America to preserve its identity as a NATION, it must have a (ie. ONE) distinctive language and culture.

Currently, there are a few Spanish TV stations, and the AM radio dial is flooded with them. Spanish is also ubiquitous in telephone recordings, voting ballots, and even on billboards. It's time for the US government to put a stop to this madness.

There have been non-English speaking immigrants here in America, for as long as the USA has existed. They have always adapted and quickly learned English. My mother's family arrived here from Denmark, in 1929. There were no radio shows in Danish for them. My paternal grandparents came here from Central America in the 1880's. They had no Spanish signs, or anything like that. They all learned English, quickly.

The only reason there is so much Spanish in America now, is because this helps Democrats to import more immigrants to vote Democrat. Now we have people who have been here for 20 years, and can't speak a word of English. Get rid of all the Spanish. Get it out, and keep it out.

Let’s make America great again, by making America a true NATION again (instead of the mish-mash it has become).

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

LOL America has always had large immigrant populations enjoying their own languages- with separate newspapers in their own languages.

Which is why we have had German language newspapers and Yiddish newspapers and Chinese newspapers.

You are just ignorant.

My kids are half Korean, I love that

Which half, north or south? :p

Both of them were from the north, but they never met there. They met in the south where they fled when the war started. My wife was born in Seoul, fourth of five girls. God bless my father in law's soul ... But she came here when she was young so she's really mostly American. She speaks English way better than Korean. Graduated from Smith College
LOL America has always had large immigrant populations enjoying their own languages- with separate newspapers in their own languages.

Which is why we have had German language newspapers and Yiddish newspapers and Chinese newspapers.

You are just ignorant.
You are ignorant of the OP. It contains the same thing you just said. Please don't waste thread space making a fool out of yourself. We're busy.
So the first amendment in your mind was just a suggestion?
I know exactly what it is (and its limits). You don't.

You just said it has no limits, speech can be regulated, that's what you've been arguing. Do you read your own posts?

If you're like this to people like me who agree our government should conduct all business in English, you'll never get past your basement nerd friends anyway
It’s sad...I remember when immigrants whom couldn’t speak English were embarrassed to converse in public. They knew that was a dead give away of their illegal status as it is a requirement for naturalization that one speaks and understands English. Here in Mexifornia they now shout that shit illegal status here now means special love and care.
California is a foreign nation. Secede Baby! Secede!
Yes, but even if they speak English, the food has Mexican names, so we can't say them
You can point at the menu.
Growing up in a very ethinc family it is wonderful to know 2 different languages.
Its to bad Sei così pigro But that is how most people that are prejudice are about others with true ethnic backgrounds.
And the people you choose to marginalize built this country while individuals like you were seduto sul tuo culo.
I'm not trying to marginalize people. I'm trying to marginalize American culture and language to keep it AMERICAN, and not allow foreigners to come here and denationalize it to their language and culture.

As for the "individuals like you" comment, it's surprising that after 7 years in this forum you don't know that I happen to be Hispanic, grew up in a very ethnic family, and know 2 different languages.>> speak Spanish fluently, and have desde mil novacientos cinquenta y nueve, as I've posted many times over the past 5 years, that I've been here.

I happen to be Hispanic”
End of just ran everyone out by issuing yourself mass credibility.

Hey look it's the internets. I happen to be an astrophysicist and part-time brain surgeon. Also I invented language and Robert's Rules of Order. You can call me "Bob".
Where does the Constitution give you that power?

Can government require you to lend your car to your neighbors when they want to borrow it?
Not hard to find where. In the part that talks about the president and the Congress.

As for the neighbors question, sorry I only answer intelligent.relevant ones.
Ah, another clarifiation. SO you can use Spanish words, just not Spanish sentences.

Hmmm ...

Amazing how the guy in your Avatar defeated the Nazis and you want to bring them back
That's what YOU want to do - by imposing YOUR style of life on all of us.
When you want to make free speech between citizens illegal, you're a tyrant
Don't read very well. do you ? For the 5th time, there are many examples of speech that are illegal in America,

Slow learner ? :rolleyes:

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